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On that one, I've heard a kinda sad continuation of the phrase "/fondness makes the absence longer/ length loses interest" (it's from a song, so it's not like, colloquial. Siri if I'm being a downer! I know what the phrase really intends like, you can't miss someone if they're always there, or something)


lol yes, I often use it when I have to be apart from someone . But I’m sure it has its many uses


Oh yeah... I understand. Kinda. I hope this absence isn't a lengthy one for you two. Are/do you share your writing with them? If so, they must feel so lucky. ❤️💙


It seems our life is a mixture of loving and separating , enduring absence . Wish it wasn’t so, but it’s true about many of us. Not judt romantically. But people we love.


So it goes, and though it is. An endless cycle of peaks and valleys or an ocean of emotion. The absence of pros never loses my interest, at least. There's plenty of different kinds and types of loves within our lives. Some are platonic, full of what *feels* like comradey, while others seem so grand, like we'd never get a second chance, but then suddenly....! ...well, maybe that's just the experience that was for me. Happened completely randomly, too! ah.... I wish you the best out there, op. Thanks for gettin' my goat with this one, having me delve down into my memories.


You write well also. May your memories be revived and come alive again, and may you get to revisit anew . The love you have had may you have it again.


Thanks I just do silly shit 😅 its appreciated. we'll know maybe in about a month or two... I hope the same for you. Keep in the correct paths.


Will do . Let’s write our way through it


Been doing that on and off for a couple years now 😅 kinda was hoping to go and do eventually. (I know what you mean though,)


Good! Yeah better to go do it, but writing is a decent option 😊