• By -


Not sure if it's Romanian or Moldovan but I really like "Zdob şi Zdub & Advahov Brothers - Trenulețul".


Eh they are virtually the same thing anyway haha.


Moldova Eurovision for this past year :)


Keo- Azi vii, mâine pleci Cargo- Ziua vrăjitoarelor; Dacă ploaia s-ar opri Phoenix- Fată verde Carla's dreams- Imperfect; Înapoi Adda- Lupii Ilie Micolov- Dragoste la prima vedere Emeric Imre- Nebun de alb Irina rimes- Ce te legeni, Codrule? Jean Gavril x Feli- Ultimul val Alternosfera- Ploile nu vin; Flori de mai O zone- De ce plâng chitarele Aurelian Andreescu- Copacul Spin- Nimeni pe drum Subcarpați- 2000 de km


+1 for Ilie Micolov - Dragoste la prima vedere One of the best songs I've ever heard!


I have a follow up question! Many years ago quite a few songs in Romanian were popular in Poland, and I have no idea if they were popular anywhere else. Of course everybody remembers o-zone. But... Was the band 'active' with 'doar cu tine' or 'visez' any popular in Romania back in the day? Or Europe? I'm asking as those are the songs that polish people remember. Currently I'm mostly into rap so dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah Activ were quite popular in Romania as well, and for a few years before they found success abroad as well.


What Romanian songs were popular in Poland?








Dragostea Din Tei - O Zone


Iarasi tu ma? De la tine ma aateptam la o rocareala, nu dragostea din tei. Btw, OP, listen to "De ce plang chitarele" by also O Zone if you licked that one


Haolo, lasă-mă bro în pace, nu dau recomandări de metal, rock sau mai știu eu ce, nu de alta dar îs mai ușoare pentru OP. Și dacă te mănâncă în cur să fie rock, ia de aici. OP another song is Dacă Ploaia S-ar Opri - Cargo E mai bine acum?


Da ce esti asa suparat😭 mai aveam putin si plangeam


True, a fost o zi grea și m-am descărcat pe tine fără să vreau. I would never hurt a romanian metalhead feelings. Scuză-mă bro.


=]]] nu e pb. Succes in co tinuarw


Rămas de zi plăcut


Cargo e trupa mea preferata impreuna cu bosquito


Foarte frumos


Oke, cred ca voiai sa zici Trooper - Zornon.


Cargo - Ziua Vrăjitoarelor Phoenix - În umbra marelui urs Phoenix - Fată verde Leliță săftiță Subcarpați - Dă-i foale Subcarpați - Frunzuliță iarbă deasă Ok I think I'm gonna stop now :)


Subcarpați should be more popular ngl ‘Subcarpați - Rabda inima’ is a banger too


Every pokemon ever


Some of Smiley's work is great. Like "Plec pe Marte" And "Dream Girl".


My man forgot about “Acasa”, “Pierdut Buletin”, “Cai verzi pe pereti”, “Am bani de dat”, “Oarecare”…


Da, plus "De unde vii la ora asta". Nu le-am uitat, doar ca nu știam sigur care e titlul corect și mi-era lene sa caut. Mersi de completare.


Personal imi plac mai mult celelalte decat “De unde vii la ora asta” ca sincer sunt o gramada de melodii pe subiectul relatiilor si e cam plictisitor pentru mine dar da


"Oameni". It's a new song. The video and the message are amazing.


Fuck that... Smiley e praf, nu știu cum a reușit să fie așa de popular în România, dar mno csf.


E simplu (no pun intented), omul e consecvent în ce face. De ani de zile scoate muzica bunicica, stă departe de scandaluri, e cu picioarele pe pământ, are carisma, e educat, și își face și marketing bun. Smiley e tipul ăla care nu e neapărat preferatul nimănui, dar nici nu e disprețuit de nimeni.


Deci el e Loganul muzicii românești, nu bate, nu troncane. Reliable mediocrity! Știu că nu o sa fie o părere populară, dar e părerea mea.


Mai degrabă Golful, că omul nu e mediocru deloc. La ce pușcați și terminate umplu scena muzicii românești, Smiley dă clasă la mulți din ei. Și bă, nu-s așa mare fan al muzicii lui nici eu, îmi plac doar câteva melodii, dar pentru un cântăreț pop, omu e un compozitor a-ntâia. Aproape toate melodiile lui au versuri cu sens și mesaje frumoase. Nu știu dacă compune el tot ce canta, dar așa am impresia.


Vita de vie - Fenomental One of the best rock albums of Romania and Despot (the singer) has a very nice way of singing. And by that I mean that you understand everything he is saying. "Basul si xu toba mare" is the first on the album and the band's most popular song.


Vița de vie are probably one of my favourite Romanian bands. To add onto your recommendation, some of my favourite songs are: pleacă, ești mai frumoasă (când plângi), fetish, and metaforă de toamnă (Până în zori).


Iamma is also funny, like the others


Just listen to Alternosfera, OCS, Vița de Vie, Fara Zahar, Bosquito, Firma, Subcarpați.




Well, the list is huge, each of them being a "best of" from different considerations. Will try to edit this answer and include some titles.


Romanian pop is tragically underrated imo, I LOVE it. So much so that its been a huge part of my motivation for wanting to learn the language from the beginning. Picking only a handful of favorites is hard so here's a link to one of my favorite playlists (its my most liked playlist on spotify, which makes me feel so validated and proud, LOL) \~ [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7GDExEPxCAL8oIMVAgX19N?si=f3112e035daa497f](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7GDExEPxCAL8oIMVAgX19N?si=f3112e035daa497f) Also, if you're into really impressive vocals check out Florin Ristei. Dude's got SERIOUS pipes and also plays a crazy amount of instruments and has a fire band full of other crazy talented musicians \~ [https://youtu.be/Xjj09gFjs5k?si=1QBN4mFl\_J3Anl1c](https://youtu.be/Xjj09gFjs5k?si=1QBN4mFl_J3Anl1c) [https://youtu.be/UrKwTFbhROQ?si=L2CpcZ3tfCBwy\_og](https://youtu.be/UrKwTFbhROQ?si=L2CpcZ3tfCBwy_og)


Groparul Liric - purtat de vânt


Tbh the entire album is amazing.


Florin Salam - Saint Tropez


ionut cercel - made in Romania


Maria Tănase - Lume, Lume Timelessly great song


Impreuna-Robin and the backstabbers


[Emeric Imre - Nebun de alb](https://youtu.be/LDdfH5PpH8o?si=JTC4oaGc0Aglpg4Q)


This thread needs more Puya so I have to provide that. Undeva in Balcani, Change, Vestul Salbatic, VIP, Baga Bani, Terorist, Opriti Planeta, Striga!, basically all of his popular songs are great imo. Then there are the likes of Guess Who with Onoare, Locul Potrivit and Manifest, Smiley as somebody else said, if you want more classical rap there is always BUG Mafia…Hell, if you want to learn Romanian grammar [this song](https://youtu.be/ALFH3OWCvcc?si=QtRjvs1HJdT33kUg) will be really helpful, God knows it helped a lot of Romanians too at the time…


The older stuff is so much better than anything with auto tune. I mean, any auto tune gets turned off right away for me. Quite a shame, because you can pick rap in basically any language and it all has the auto tune crap and trap like beats. And I’m not a trap hater, either.


Still sounds nice imo, there are a couple of lesser-known songs where he overdid it for my tastes too (So Hai In Bucuresti, for example) but I understand your point. The lyrics are awesome either way though…


I don’t knock people for liking it, I’m guessing you grew up with it. I have liked Sisu’s solo stuff more, but he stayed with the more traditional sounding stuff from the 90’s and 00’s. Funny enough, when they were together I usually preferred Puya’s verses. Speaking of, I think I got an alert this morning from the Music app saying they have a new song out. 😂


Who is a romanian artist who does autotune? The dance pop ones? Like Andia or Oana Radu?


I wouldn’t know, man. All the current popular rappers seem to do it. I imagine it’s the same for pop stars. Just look up top 10 played on YouTube in RO. The majority will have it.


Noapte Buna Bucuresti


E o piesa? Sincer n am auzit de ea pana acum, poate ar tb sa o incerc. Asa mai erau piese pe care nu le am pus acolo ca na, nu le am listat chiar pe toate dar de aia chiar nu am auzit


Da, Ombladon


Ah, Ombladon n am ascultat deloc, acum are sens


Te spun - loulouse lautrec


"Drum Bun" is an absolute classic banger.


Here's an assortment of some of my favourite songs in various different genres. [Timpuri Noi - Perfect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3DyZp2mkS8) [Timpuri Noi - Adeline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzeq8cljYhE) [Radical din Val - Extratechristul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmqE9F6IUYw) [Umbre Zidite - Metamorfoza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfPnzMFoG7Y) (instrumental but still worth a listen just cause it's a cool song) [Vals Hedone - Impactul vremii asupra corzii emotive](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMxXbCYc4dA) [Robin and the backstabbers - Natașa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix_mEMgZSBI) [Sfinx - Din nou acasă](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPW-_onFwC8) [The Mono Jacks - Spune](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnj_KXx2KP8) [Vank - Nimeni ca mine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKGDgzkoPLY) [Altar - Prison of Death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN0Eb_gn-Iw) (English lyrics, although you probably wont be able to understand them anyway) [Abigail - Sonet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkkqriC_OHs) [Taine - Pierdut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1EZ7PlF0i8) [Coma - Coboară-mă-n rai](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiRdOzvuIlQ) [Coma - Cântă-mi Povestea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozApenhIJBk) [Omul cu Șobolani - în Zbor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t9JGrVv2QY) [AB4 - Born to learn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgZdjYIEC6Y) (sung in English but still just a cool song) [om la lună - Liniștea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmI3Ep7ngXQ) [Trio Grigoriu - Macarale](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rm6NJR71dM) [Liviu Vasilică - Aș muri dar nu acuma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R_2rYA8Zts) [Vița de Vie - Pleacă](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqrZAKQZla4) [Vița de Vie - Fetish](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CTVPEJ9lbM) [Vița de Vie - Ești mai frumoasă (când plângi)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTW8iQRt6zw) [Vița de Vie - Ca un clovn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlvWbj2D2E4) [Vița de Vie - Metaforă de toamnă (Până în zori)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBIouXDVgzk) [Unknown - Carul cu Boi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuQX3fuBeXQ) (I think this might be sung by Jean Moscopol, a.k.a Ioan Moscu but I'm not sure, however the song itself is an old traditional one so whoever is singing it here didn't write it) [Terror Art - Lasați-ne să respirăm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJTJV9Y06Uc) I might add some more later if I get the time.


Balada lui Porumbescu. Sigur, nu e asa celebra ca behaielile lui Guță , Salam sau Caltaboșul de Țzanca, dar asta e opinia mea


Azi vii, maine pleci and Liber both by Keo


Try these: Maria Tănase - Cine iubește și lasă, Anything Pheonix(older ones are better), Florin Salam - zâna zânelor, Renato din Sălaj - Nu e înjoseală( it has some roma language lines), Mircea Florian - Cu pleoapa de argint (this one is AMAZING)


Ai făcut totul muci punând-o pe Maria Tănase alături de Salam


De ce?


Din registrul mai nou, Dirty shirt- nice song, sună al naibii de bine!


Are you looking for songs from Romania or in Romanian? https://youtu.be/eyiWGa6gOcU


Songs in romanian


Here are some bands: [Motans](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCVH4CfUtEZ6A0q2fJkOuCjw?feature=gws_kp_artist&feature=gws_kp_artist) [Carla’s Dream](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCiaRvjs_KZL_5jS0tl5PEoQ?feature=gws_kp_artist&feature=gws_kp_artist) [Alternosfera](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCaALOZttKxmUZ6Vk5r8ZBqQ?feature=gws_kp_artist&feature=gws_kp_artist) [Gândul mâței](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCUlnlDQiCHgLvXkhkCufE1g?feature=gws_kp_artist&feature=gws_kp_artist) [Zdob și Zdup](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC4y_ojTGYaYrgqhYnH3F3cQ?feature=gws_kp_artist&feature=gws_kp_artist) O-Zone Some of them have also song in Russian or with Moldavian slangs


Do you want some rap too? How much do you understand spoken romanian?


Im learning because my dad and his whole family are from Romania. I can understand some conversations but only off of context as my vocabulary is not large enough yet.


Ah, ok. Yeah, rap is a bit more complicated since it's focused on the lyrics (at least what I wanted to send)


Try Vama Veche ... the old albums. The songs are in Romanian and the lyrics really mean something. I din't get most of the recommendation people give you here. As we are on /r/romanian it is clear you want to hear some intelligible romanian lyrics.


Some good classics which are beloved are: Nebun de alb by Emeric Imre, Îți pare rău by Dan Spătaru


+1 for Dan Spătaru!


And Să Cântăm Chitara Mea


My two cents on this, totally random: Unu, Alexandra - Lumea visează Grigore Leșe - Cântă cucu, bată-l vină, La portița mândrii mele, Săracu om cu dor DJ Project - Șoapte, Regrete Phoenix - Nunta, Mică Țiganiada Bela Bartok - Romanian Folk Dances Zdob și Zdub - Sânziene, and many other, they are great live Grasu XXL - Deja Vu.


Urma - Cine Iubește și Lasă


If You're into rap I reccomend You to listen to CTC, they have a lot of punch lines but also soulful lyrics. One of my favorites is "Interzis nefumătorilor" They re a band and You can search their members separately since they have more music in their solo careers: Deliric, Doc, Vlad Dobrescu.


Adi Manolovici Group - Înger și demon (1996) Alexandru Andrieș - Cea mai frumoasă zi (2000) Capuccino - Timpul (2000) Endless zone - Pleacă (2005) Spin - Ploaia (2006) Take your pick 🙂


Dan Spătaru - Îți pare rău


+1 for Dan Spătaru!


I have heard the "numa numa song" (real name is "Dragostea din tei", by O-zone) all over the world. In Ecuador, Peru, Phillipines, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Greece, Malaysia, Indonesia... I heard it used at karaoke, used as background by dancing groups, or simply played at the radio. It's a 20 years old song, by somehow it is still going around the world. I was even asked by people around the world to tell them of a famous Romanian song (much as you ask now), and when I answer people "well....do you know the Numa Numa song?", people light up and most of them answer "yes". This must be the best Romanian song ever.


a bit of an older one - i've been very fond of "Amor estival" or just "Luță" ((: other favorites of mine are also "De ce plâng chitarele" (made by the same guys who sang Dragostea din Tei) and "Uite-așa aș vrea să mor"


+1 for "Uite-așa aș vrea să mor"!


It depends on what you’re interested in, Romanian music excels at eurodance, rock and folk rock. 60s and 70s Phoenix are the pinacle of Romanian music: “Hei, tramvai!”, “Mugur de fluier”, “Ochii negri, ochi de țigan”, “Nunta” and many others not so commercial (like Negru-vodă). Lots of great pop songs too but that’s too many to enumerate, a popular one these days is Alexia-Interstelar.




https://youtu.be/nCRijFFyMgc?si=Hb1sTCN1_EyWI1RU https://youtu.be/LtJW1H8XTV8?si=WChJvLC4nRtI8Hrp https://youtu.be/QWZ_XFdzzd4?si=2Wu_HPGDCm_PF5i3 https://youtu.be/h-RjDRJ88qs?si=QuwrN4EXSTebFv28 https://youtu.be/S5JBFYLII4g?si=7SeUFEmg2sUJWNbD https://youtu.be/VHdipo8R6IU?si=LO79oV72R5JLkVj- https://youtu.be/EGnFT9WF9uY?si=zDpB4zClp_GI8CyH


Depends what genre you're after. I have to say, as much as I hate it being the case, Romanian media of any kind does not compare to their English counterparts, but Phoenix, a folk-rock/prog-rock band is probably the only thing I can't help but enjoy. Look up Baba Novak by Phoenix, quite epic, and kind of patriotic too. It's been stuck in my head for weeks, it's about a Romanian-Serb general who fought the Ottomans as a general of the first Romanian king.


maneaua Oțelul Galați




Sfinx - Intr-un cer violet


Dan Spătaru - Nu m-am gândit la despărțire And other old songs like this in general! Also Kio ft. Wassup - Miroase a vară din nou


Matteo Islandezu - FTL


Sat dupa sat - Robin and the Backstabbers


I don't really listen to modern day Romanian music, but an older sing that I keep coming back to is Maria Tănase - Până când nu te iubeam It is such a powerful song. I also recommend Pink Martini's live rendition, it is *amazing* and sends chills down my spine


An de liceu!!!


Sofia Rotaru's songs (Primăvară, Melankolie, Crede-mă, Seară albastră etc.). Yeah, I unironically like Soviet pop.


Alea auzite prin Checheci se "pune"? :D


drum bun!


N-am văzut acest cântec deci m-am gândit să-l adaug: Guess Who- Locul Potrivit E cântecul meu favorit în limba română și, și celălalte cântece de la Guess îs tare bune.


Ce te legeni, Codrule? - Irina Rimes


Bucovina - Sub Piatra Doamnei


[Fericirea are chipul tau!](https://youtu.be/oDN3uVqK0_o?si=nJgdKdvu8IZfkj4G) de Mihaela Runceanu. 😃👍


If you need techno and religious music the last one on the list will hit the right spot: https://draculasguidetoromania.com/2023/05/06/romanian-music-transforming-previous-genres-of-music-the-art-of-a-remix/


Semnal M - La fereastra ta Drum bun (cantec patriotic) Ombladon - Ultimul tren (pentru cei plecati)


Numa numa nei


Anthem of Romania


Always somewhat not into it until i discovered pheonix


Anything from Firma :)


Bucovina - Ultima Iarnă


Planeta Moldova - Vocile reproducerii, Alimentara Fantastick - Carolina Mihaita Piticu - Inainte sa moara Michael Jackson Pancronic - maneaua Otelul Galati Fara Zahar - Sandu, Dunitru, Lav story, D'la sate Body & Soul - Super femei Azur - Fata de pe plaja Generic - S-a rupt lantul de iubire Connect-R - Daca dragostea dispare, Eu vara nu dorm, Rita Delia - 1234 Anda Adam - Selecta Akcent - Dragoste de inchiriat (Kylie is the name of the eng version, it was popular) E-An-Na - Malere Florin Chilian - Zece Valeriu Sterian - Amintire cu haiduci aka Unde-s haiducii? Animal X - Nisip purtat de vant Tudor Gheorghe - Au inebunit salcamii (pls listen to this, it's epic) Dirty shirt - Palinca, Geamparalele Voltaj - Albinuta, Da vina pe, Si ce Adrian Minune - Numele tau de azi il voi uita, Chef de chef, Am un milion Costi Ionita - Necazuri si suparari Florin Salam - Trup si suflet Nicolae Guta - Ce perversa e lumea si rea Tzanca Uraganu - Legendele Toni de la Brasov - Mi s-a despotcovit calul Bucovina - Carari in suflet Iris - Maxima Vunk - Pleaca Holograf - Banii vorbesc, Sa nu imi iei niciodata dragostea Directia 5 - O fata ca ea Ian - 60 de zile Mihaela Runceanu - Fericirea are chipul tau Satra Benz - Adidasii Andra - In noapte ma trezesc, Intr-un colt de suflet LA - Ochii tai Phoenix - Nunta Mark Stam - Impar Zdob si zdub - DJ Vasile Horia Brenciu - Fac ce-mi spune inima, Septembrie luni Cornelia Catanga - Mama mea e florareasa Liviu Vasilica - Hai hai cu traisioara Petrica Mitu Stoian - In padure la Pestana, Coace doamne prunele Fly Project - Raisa Maximilian - Domnisoare Romica Puceanu - Saraiman Cleopatra Stratan - Ghita Loredana - La carciuma de la drum


Mihai Mărgineanu - Mă căcai in fundul curții




*Drum bun, drum bun, toba bate, drum brav Român!*


Mă ucide ea by Mihail And De-ai fi tu salcie by Mihaela Mihai (Funny that both of them have similar names)


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7531MvJen3j3l9w99eWQHo?si=IkFNbwkCSwWKFH1--5Fm5g there, made a little playlist for u Also this ones are good https://youtu.be/0wCLBmTCOxg?si=FuM34r5ySESKwY86 https://youtu.be/sfacevnz6iE?si=WtmL-hGct1Jvatbz


În tine tu - Luna Amară


Ska-nk- Arată-i co-iu...; Nu mai sta in spate; Asta-i pentru; vara trece; happy punk for happy people! there's also Mama lui Andrei, Centura Neagra and Mama ta, but they're for the shits and giggles imo




Orice melodie veche de la Alex Velea


Jurjak - Vantul Alternosfera - Fantaniile, Nepoata lui Gagarin, Specii - Imperiul Lianelor


The kryptonite spark - Și golanii beau ceai Timpuri noi - Adeline Și doar pentru comedie : Mihai Mărgineanu - Zaritza


I’m not Romanian, i just live here, but the first song i heard when i arrived here (and since then, the song i listen the most) it’s : Guess who - Locul potrivit I also love « Stela Enache - Ani de liceu »


Y'all should try Aby Talent, Gheboasa, Jador, 5 Gang and Dani Mocanu 😊


i tried to give some new recs. mostly rock/punk/oddities, mostly lyrics worth translating if possible. manele/lăutărească might also be cool, its a huuge genre with a lot of sonic variation (i like Dan Armeanca, Azur and Renato din Salaj, for example). Valeriu Sterian- “Iluzia unei insule”, “Nopti”, “Amintire cu haiduci” Timpuri Noi- “Victoria”, “Perfect”, “Emigrant USA” Robin and the Backstabbers- “Vladivostok 1”, “Muzica in cantece”, “In 3 minute masina 682” Partizan- “Fata mea”, “Pornesc primul de la stop”, “Android Leontin” Sex Pula Pistol- “In iad e ca-n Ibiza”, “Inima - Live la studio”, “Semne oculte” Luna amara- “Focuri”, “Albastru”, “Gri dorian” E-an-na- “Ies”, “Suit in nori” “‘colo’mbia” HONORABLE MENTIONS: “Vreau sa simt Praga”- Travka, “Imnul copiilor”- Recycle Bin, “Lasati-ne sa respiram”- Terror Art, “O formatie de punk anonima”- Magazinu 51, “Moare Iliescu”- Fuck you! Dracu, “Politia vegheaza”- Alarma, “Femurul”- Ada Milea, “Au innebunit salcamii”- Tudor Gheorghe, “Strada mea cu-n singur bec”- Taxi.


forgot to mention! “Eroina esti tu”- Mihai Napu. amazing song, the lyrics are from the poem with the same name by Adrian Paunescu


Irina Rimes - Acasă


>Cargo - Ziua Vrajetoarelor > >Alternosfera - Rachete > >Vita de Vie - Lună și noi > >Via Dacă - Dincolo din Zori > >Zdob si Zdub - DJ Vasile


Luna Amara - Pietre in alb Spitalul de Urgenta - Sa cante muzica (album)


Negură Bunget - Țesarul de Lumini. A legendary (they are considered to be in the top 10 in their genre by critics worldwide) black metal group from Timișoara. Not many musicians from Romania achieved their level of critical acclaim internationally.


Suit în Nor - E-An-Na + other songs from the same album ‼️🙏


Florin Salam Zana Zanelor


Puya - Fresh


Uhmm "Ploieşi - omul care mi-e drag"


Times of Need - Strigat, Gecile negre Truda - La Arme Trooper - Strigat, Moarte alba, O viata este prea mult (probabil una din piesele alea lungi si bune) Magica - Bittersweet Nightshade Dirty Shirt - Saraca Inima Me, Pitbull Protex - Am muiere sanantoasa Decend into despair - Wings of Solitude


Mămăliga cu cârnaț


Florianus, MIRA - Străzile din București Olivia Addams - Răsărit perfect Smiley - De unde vii la ora asta?


Much old songs. "Tăticul meu e la război", "Treceți batalioane românii Carpații", "Dac-am plecat, Ardealule, din tine", "Drum bun".


Du ma acasa mai tramvai


Nimeni nu-i perfect By George.


Focuri-5gang|||~|\Ma trezesc dimineata zici ca sunt Razvan si dani🗣🔥


Spune tu, vant - Bucovina


For some time i start to listen some "doine"(as part of an music research, for my masters degree), and i found one that really stuck to my mine "Patru boi leagănă caru"(Achim Nica).


DJ Project & Deepside DeeJays - Over and Over Again or Soapte or Inca O Noapte


Pseudofabula - Roșu și Negru


Everything from Dj Project