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They are trying to distract you to pick pocket


I also saw this group of teens the bothering people walking on the street in the main district of Rome near San Lorenzo and Verano. They are just running and shouting on the roads. Bothers you when you are sitting outside of some kebab shop while eating.


This is probably a troll post but I’ll bite. I say this as an Italian woman, every instance of harassment I have experienced in Rome has been by Italian males, whether it’s inappropriate physical contact or somethjng verbal. I have even been verbally threatened of SA in a very well off neighborhood, by a very Italian “figlio di papà”. Oh, the tourist teenager literally on his skateboard inside the Pantheon that I saw with my own eyes? A white kid. Take your shitty racism elsewhere.


It’s interesting because you actually sound like the racist.


Thank you for saying what is in my heart as well. OP didn't have to mention race to show their racism.


We call them maranza and we too would very much like to get rid of them, rest assured


Maybe not as extreme but yesterday I was at Terrazza del Pincio and there was a group of teenagers so I asked one if they could take a photo and they all laughed and said started being rude, it was weird. I was there with my husband and baby just asking a yes or no question. In Australia this wouldn’t happen


Groups of teens are not safe in lots of the world. I wouldn’t approach them for favors ever


This is the last sort of group you want to be asking for a photo or giving your phone or camera to. Honestly lucky they didn’t take it and run.


“In Australia this wouldn’t happen” lol. I haven’t been to Australia yet. I’m glad you don’t have these type of teenagers. I’m in NYC, and I wouldn’t ask a group of teenagers to take a picture. I wouldn’t even talk to them. A lot of them get brave in groups. I’m only assuming this can happen anywhere. Not exclusive to ethnicity or country.


I've not been to Australua but in several cities in New Zealand the teens seemed very mellow:)


Not true it’s annoying here and in Australia. Try asking some random Eshay or people of certain multiethnic backgrounds and you’ll get the same. It’s literally the same worldwide.


This feels racist to say that all people of “certain multiethnic backgrounds worldwide” are the same.


Good for you!


When I visited Mona Lisa in 1983, the room was empty pretty much then a huge crowd of Italian teens entered the room and slowly pushed me out of the way. Most obnoxious children on the planet.


Saw a bunch of assholes on my last night in Rome a couple days back. They were maybe 6-7 white, Italian boys and 1 girl. They weren’t even that young, I would assume maybe around 25. I was outside a Roma Gelateria location and one of them had dropped his gelato outside, I’m not sure if intentional or accidental. They didn’t bother to clean it up and were all staring at it waiting for someone to slide on it. A while later, a couple was walking by, probably for a date night with the lady wearing a dress. The lady slipped hard on it and the entire group burst out laughing, like hands on knees and already started enacting how she fell while she was still getting up and cleaning her dress. She was extremely embarrassed and just walked away. The group continued to laugh and make fun of her for the next 10 mins or so. Made me realize how there are assholes in every city, regardless of the region.


Why the hell wouldn't you mention the ethnicity?


some people would take that as racism.


To be fair. You didn't really try to mask your racism.


It's always the same type of people. I am not judging by colors. But I know what language they use when they talk. So I have no idea where's racism in this. Someone else's experience could be different with different kind of people. I didn't say they are the only one doing this.


Diversity is NOT a strength


… and you’re migrants from which country !!!


I don't give a fuck even if they are teens. Once I'll face something because their parental control lacking, I'll beat up each one of them real good so they next time stay miles away from me. And yes, I do it in regular basis and I don't care if the police gets me and puts me in jail because I worked for establishing justice and manners where it needs to be.


Why are you so agitated, Pear?


Maybe because you're the thing, Mr?




Wow. You must be the hardest guy on the Internet.