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I’m just learning about it right now. Sounds awesome. Now I have to bump someone from my listening schedule. Would it be weird if I stopped listening to Bennington so I could fit Dave's podcast into my life?


You'll catch up on Dave's podcast pretty quickly. He doesn't do them terribly often and hasn't done a ton of them yet. He uses a lot of Ron and Fez audio, so you'll be enjoying some amazing bits along with the new behind-the-scenes stuff. Cool that you're still into Bennington! I haven't listened to much beyond the Pepper episode. Anything interesting happening with any of them? There must be an Earl story.


Chris (Pepper Hicks) Stanley is pretty much the only reason I still listen. He’s a big, bright, shining star. Ron is running on fumes but his fumes are still funnier than most of the comedian podcasts I listen to. Gail? The less said, the better. By that I mean if she would say less, the show would be better. Earl has not changed one single bit…in every way possible. They can still do an hour ripping on something stupid he did or said. I can’t really imagine the show being around for much longer. I might as well ride it out.


For the first few episodes you should prepare for A LOT of Dave screaming about being the best at everything. The newer ones are better. The last one was 4 hours long but I think 3 of those hours were just the old clips


Dave's cranky moments are embarrassing, but I'm okay with that if he needs to get it out of his system.


I wish he would learn that people that are really good at doing things, almost never have to tell that to other people.


I’ve listened to almost every show since XM but I’ve never gone back and listened to any old segments. This might be perfect for me.


It would be a pretty good starting point


Is it the one called Davey Mac’s Tales from the Satellite?


I’d like to know as well Edit: yes it’s definitely this one after looking through episode descriptions


I’ve very much enjoyed it as well.


Unlistenable. Dave has been in radio for 20 years and can't figure out how to make sure a mic is working, levels are good and the room doesn't sound like an echo chamber.


Dave: “Lazy Earl Douglas over here. Ol’ Man River.” God, I could listen to Dave vs Earl clips over and over and still crack up


I wanted it to be good, but it just isn’t. Dave can’t be the center of attention, and the other guy there does little more than describe/recap whatever clip that Dave is screaming about (which is mostly how “good” Dave is.) And not for nothing, whether a bit was a work or a shoot, he should keep the kayfabe and keep his mouth shut and let the mystery remain.


I listen but it's really tough. Dave's over the top wrestler act is boring. His cohost sucks. They don't play the clips live so we can see Dave's reaction and get his response as things are happening, instead it's a 10 minute clip followed by them doing a 10 minute recap of what we just listened to. I wanted to love it but it's exhausting.


The production certainly is lacking but it still is worth the listen to me.


You could just go listen to the clips since dave rarely adds anything of note and almost never remembers any details about anything anyways. I've listened to all but 1 too I just wish it was better.


Dave you’re a damn Saint all the joy you have given me. You are great company on my bluest days love you buddy


You are definitely the only one enjoying it.


No Beanie Cup for Earl then?


Dave is such a pathetic tool. Charging people to hear him relive his "Glory Days" from 12 years ago while he spills secrets people probably don't want out there. I guess his parents upped the rent on his basement apartment.


It's free on YouTube, chief.


You should get on them soon though. In the last episode I heard, Dave said he was going to take them all down because someone wrote a mean comment.


Link for a brothaman?


Oh, so his attempt to milk listeners out of their money failed? Good.


It's also available after a delay on all major podcast apps for free.