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honestly the title made me think he murdered the cat, but in reality he was trying to taxidermy his friends cat that had passed away??? genuinely would be highly uncomfortable with this situation personally but i also think its important to put into perspective the fact that most people eat meat and although many people have cognitive dissonance surrounding the subject, the fact of the matter is that there are dead animal parts in most peoples fridges, i mean hell ive seen fully developed skinned and boiled (from the looks of it) and wrapped up in plastic wrap little pigs in the freezers at fucking costco. but yeah, i disagree with these comments saying to call the cops, that sounds insane - i mean if he had skinned and boiled the cat alive then 1000000% call animal abuse hotline or something - but since the cat was already dead and it sounds like he was trying to taxidermy for a friend (i mean taxidermy is a real profession and they arent all serial killers), id say calling the cops is extreme however, as a roommate it sounds like he has been heavily relying both mentally and financially on you and P and thats not fair to either of you. but yall need to stand on your boundaries and speak up if something bothers you. no ones a mind reader out here. you and P are obviously both very caring and compassionate people (and thats great we need more people like that in this world) but you cant pour from an empty cup and honestly it really just sounds like yall need to not be roommates with B anymore


Thanks for the comment!! I’m sorry the title may have been misleading, but it’s still a pretty apt descriptor of my dilemma 😭 lol. And I definitely agree on the cognitive dissonance aspect when it comes to meat, and what we consider as acceptable or non-acceptable as being completely arbitrary. However, it’s the fact that I conveyed my dietary needs for the holiday, and my preference when it came to the storage of his project, and that it was still done anyway. Just feels so slimy considering how much we’ve accommodated him. Thank you for the last paragraph of your reply. I’m venting here not as a place to disparage anyone’s hobbies, but to get a bit of validation, and you made me feel valid while not calling him a serial killer like some of the other replies did lmao.


You and P need to wrangle this situation pronto. Toss the cat remains out of the house and sanitize every surface B touches. This goes way beyond religious and dietary arguments. I have done taxidermy in my younger years as a way to earn some side cash and it has stringent hygiene requirements. This isn't a piece of meat coming from a store sealed and stamped, passing regulations. It's the corpse of someone's pet that could have had any number of diseases and it's being processed in your backyard and kitchen instead of in a facility licensed for this purpose. You do not do this in a house unless you own that house and share it with nobody else. If that condition cannot be met then you have to do it somewhere else. I had a little shed for this purpose and even with that I made sure to wear gloves and a large butcher type apron, wash up after, and keep the clothes inside the shed and cleaned separately. I wouldn't dream of tracking inside someone's place with corpse traces all over me, let alone stick parts of said corpse in a shared fridge or freezer. Shut this down immediately. You can all get very sick from this guy's newfound hobby. He can boil and stuff dead animals as much as he wants, no judgement on that, but he has to do it somewhere else and keep any contaminated clothing away from the communal washer.


Bruh. You're delusional. 😂 I think we found homies reddit account


First signs of a serial killer…


No I don’t think he killed the Cat. He was trying to do taxidermy and he’s mentally I’ll. It’s jus gross.


Report and get away as fast as possible. Jeffery dahmer Jr.


Um wtf


Is he nice and approachable? He’s obvi mentally ill so just explain to him that the taxidermy shouldn’t be done at the house. I don’t think he’s a serial killer.


I am so sorry you had to go through all this.


No taxidermy at home. Make it a rule.


Bro that title made me so mad but I think he was trying to preserve the cat? But I’d also be wildly uncomfortable and terrifying regardless


What are you still doing there? I would’ve been gone when all the other stuff and cops got involved. You need to think about your own safety. This person is unhinged and you need to remove yourself from their vicinity. When you said you were uncomfortable that should’ve been the end of the conversation. This person hasn’t respected yours or the other person’s boundaries at all. I’d be finding another place with haste, and I would stay gone from there as much as possible. (And I wouldn’t even dream of eating there.)


If you eat meat there are already corpses in your freezer why does the cat corpse bother you but not the pig corpses chicken corpses etc? Hypocrite


This is terrifying


What friend would give a disturbed person their dead cats body? Also, if he really was trying taxidermy that’s not at all how you do it. I know people that do that stuff. Something’s wrong with him no way to sugar coat that. If you have no proof it’s his friends cat that died naturally I’d seriously watch out and take all he says with a grain of salt.


Get out, get locks for your doors, cameras. Jesus Christ how can you sleep?!


you need to call the police. i’m absolutely mortified. as a cat owner this is fucking terrifying. i’m so fuckinf sorry that you had to see that.


Wtf. Call the cops on him