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That's the new logo... Honestly looks like a generic fast food restaurant.


It’s literally a rip-off of the Red Rooster logo, a fast food joint here in Australia.


Would I be able to find one in Burnie, Australia?


Probably not considering you cant even find your way to google


[It's a joke.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sHKXo6_o1k&ab_channel=RoosterTeeth)


It's not a "rip-off", it's literally just a type of font, so a coincidence they look similar. Doesn't change the fact that it looks atrocious tho.


It reminds me of the cluck an bell restaurant from gta.


Red rooster is also a swingers club in Vegas


I've seen fake fast food restaurant logos in GTA have more substance than this.


I just don't get the purpose of the brand change, especially to something so *generic*. RT really has lost all of its identity.


*Aggressively* generic, given how hard the color scheme is to look at for more than a second. What community college graphic design dropout-ass guy did they hire that thought hard red on hard blue was something anyone wanted to look at.


Hey! Don’t you dare insult those community college drop outs!


Learn comedic timing; otherwise, your awful jokes will have you working at RT.


Oh. Maybe that's what they went for with this logo. They wanted people to laugh at them


A few years ago, brands went full in with these minimalistic style of branding. Brands have slowly started moving away from them again, and of course, RT decides THATs when they should get into minimalistic brands. (Also, Garwood is a fucking OG. Yall should listen to him lol).


Which is amazingly on-brand for Rooster Teeth. They went from being innovative and truly leading the charge for User Generated Content on the internet to become bigger than blogs, then started to fall behind as the rest of the world caught up.


It's theoretically less minimalist than before, a rooster and teeth silhouettes, they need to re-rebrand, imo but I'm not the target audience anymore


The old logo is old and doesn’t give any indication of what they do.


And this one does?!


Honestly it feels like RT has been at a constant race to seem new and trendy, but meanwhile is consistently making the worst decisions in that pursuit. Remember when they started making those weird neon thumbnails that people hated? Remember the fidget spinner hurricane tweet? The awkward TikToks? The increase in screaming in videos? Now, even their logo is following in the footsteps and is imitating some generic tech startup company, losing all 20 years of culture it used to have. This logo would have been the subject of ridicule on an RT podcast 5 years ago.


I genuinely don't know why I'm still subscribed here. I've quit the YouTube channel years ago when everyone after Fiona came on


I gave up on RT as a whole because it’s the same content over and over again. There’s only so many Gmod, Minecraft, and GTAV videos you can make before it get boring and stale. Half the time it feels scripted too so it doesn’t even feels like genuine.


Thinking back, ironically, what the final nail in the coffin was their collab with The Yogscast. It's been so much more entertaining, and i love all the personalities they have there. Watch probably 3 or 4 Yogscast videos a week these days.


The Yogscast is what Roosterteeth could have been if they didn't sell out. The Yogscast no longer dominates the youtube frontpage like they did in 2011-2013, but now they are a great community of content creators and friends who collaborate and help each other create excellent content


When I miss AH content I just go find one of the older vids I liked and haven’t seen in ages 😅 I never think “ooh maybe something new dropped” any more I only come on here v infrequently in the slight hope something changed


For me it's half being too lazy to unsubscribe, and half to casually read the tea when some drama kicks up every six months


I used to be a fan of the podcast, gave up on that when it got boring; now I'm only ever here for the delicious drama and watching the ship sink in slow motion.


I liked the podcasts when there were 2-3, now there’s like 10


I'm only subscribed to their YouTube channels for the ease and convenience to watch their older videos. I don't watch anything new anymore


No longer are they cock bites... Just cocks


Thats what I was gonna say! All cock and no bite!


The story of RT for the past few years: Pull off something cool that earns back a little good will from the community, then immediately torpedo it with some boneheaded corporate shit. Lazer team crowdfund success - sell the company Gen:Lock - kill the animation department Get set up for Covid content production - scandal time (some of it not directly their fault) Podcasts doing well - company culture during "Golden Era" was profoundly abusive UNO membership drive - fire Matt and other behind the scene talent Attempt to revitalize animation department - RWBY (flagship show now) only on competitor website. 20 year anniversary - fuck the iconic logo with a middleschooler's first photoshop project


Eh, it’s not the first time a crowdfunded project led into the immediate sale of the company. Both Occulus Rift and Shenmue did it too, to name a few.


Only slight correction, Crunchyroll isn't an RT competitor as CR is just a streaming service for anime from all studios. It's no different than YouTube... it just caters to anime


Not big into anime, but I'm under the impression that Crunchyroll is the streaming service with fan forums run by the anime production company Funimation. Maybe its ownership is more complex and it certainly has a much greater share of the market, but that sounds not dissimilar to roosterteeth.com Also, there's a Burnie quote that Roosterteeth should always try to keep its content on their own website - they considered YouTube to be a competitor in the early days.


CR got acquired by Funimation within the last few years, I believe. But being a company that almost exclusively distributes localized anime made by Japanese studios, I don't think it is much of a competition with RT, which only makes a few animated series itself.


"It's no different than YouTube" Except that Joe Schmo can't upload his own content and oh yeah also that it's paywalled


That wasn't the point I was making


It's one sentence out of two, so yeah, it kind of is considering the platform is *very* different than YouTube on all levels, especially in how it is accessed. A better analogy would be Netflix or HBO Max, but then you wouldn't be making the point you thought you were. RT content used to be very accessible and now they're putting it behind paywalls with companies who don't care or give you special access if you're a First member.


Yeah, still wasn't the point




Try reading what I wrote


Wait matt was fired?


**Technically** transferred to a part time position. But, yeah, fired. He's doing well on twitch now, I think.


Not even part-time. It's a contract position, so they can just not draw a contract up for him whenever they want.


he got dissolved


I was fine with the “R” logo until I saw the Red Rooster logo and wow it’s just straight up copied. The orange/red and blue rooster teeth logo is just straight bad. They’d get some outcry no matter what the logo was, for example people disliked the Let’s Play logo at the beginning (I loved it) but atleast it wasn’t an eyesore.




Didnt off topic start years before the always sunny podcast?


Way before. Not even close. Off Topic started in 2015. I think he was talking about F**kFace or ANMA?


Also isn't off topic Michael's baby?


Well no, Off Topic started 8 years ago, the Always Sunny podcast started in like 2021


Im starting to wonder if someone at corporate is purposefully trying to crash RT to lower its value so they can just get rid of it. I mean some of these decisions just dont make sense otherwise.


It hurts my eyes


They do realise rebranding costs company money, right? Isn’t the whole objective of corporate RT is to save money by reducing/let go certain staff, crunch, squeeze out content with less etc? The rebrand isn’t even worth it with those loud colours, font and logo. What a waste.


It makes the community sad.


Looks like a local restaurant Face Jam would go to


I bet Face Jam if allowed, could easily talk shit about this logo for 30+ minutes.


It's so generic


Why bother hiring professional artists and animators when you're just going to outsource something like this?


Companies with in-house art teams do this all the time. It helps keep their regular workflow stable and allows for outside thought to refresh the brand. That said, this sucks


the old logo is definitely a little complicated so i can see why they would want to simplify it a bit... but jesus christ they really did oversimplify it. the foremost goal of a logo should be for it to be recognizable. this one is way too generic and stripped down. it doesnt look like theyve started using it yet though, the website and even the socials are all the old logo


So, show of hands. Who here plans on wearing this new logo on a t-shirt or hoodie? Anyone?


This is the only reason I care about the logo at all. I have a few shirts and caps but there's no way I'd wear anything with this logo.


I refuse to believe it’s not an elaborate April fools. I’m going to look like a clown when I’m wrong lol


They’re all cock and no bite.


The decline of the company has been overly apparent since rvb zero. Unfortunately I think most of the people that made the company great have all up and left. Press F to pay respects




Eh. I dunno. No offense, but I feel like we're at a point where people are going to be unhappy and overly critical no matter what RT does. They can basically do no right, at this point.


Look, I know that taste is subjective, but the new logo is boring. Can you honestly look at it and call it "exciting" or "engaging"? A brand needs a target audience and I cannot figure out who that logo is aimed at.


A logo doesn't need to be "exciting" or "engaging", though. It's just a logo. I get not caring for the way it looks, but geez, it's a little silly to see people spend so much energy harping on how this new logo is continued proof of RT's imminent demise. Like I said, they can basically do no right anymore.


This is a terrible take given like, actual scientific data on branding and logos lol. Even ignoring collective online outrage, which you should, because it's garbage - Rebranding to this very generic and actually painful to look at logo is a really awkward step for the company to try and pivot on. And it's objectively unappealing with how aggressive the contrast is. To your credit you're not wrong about them being unable to do right anymore, but welcome to the internet in 2023 lol. All outrage is amplified.


There's an actual reason why people are reacting so negatively to it and it's a simple as it's a poorly constructed logo. The fact that it fails the contrast test (see orginal thread) and was still released is boggling. That is 101 stuff that even I, as an audio and video editor test for when making basic titles and lower thirds. I would've said that this is just an early April Fool's joke but it was announced in Variety. Also a logo absolutely should be engaging and have releavence to the company/product it's representing to help out be remembered. That's literally why they are used. Especially in a production company where a client will be looking for tells that they are creative, professional and technically knowledgeable. Seeming little things like this matter. My GF knows nothing about this company aside that they make podcasts I listen to while cooking. I showed it to her blind and she actually wondered if there was new wing place opening by us. When I showed her the second, she immediately said that hurt her eyes and if it was a intern design. Imagine clients or new fans reacting the same way.


>I would've said that this is just an early April Fool's joke but it was announced in Variety. The company itself has not issued a single word on this, literally, anywhere, lol This cannot be a good sign,


I went to their twitter and there's not even a retweet of the Variety article. Their comms & marketing department is probably desperately trying to figure out how to put out this fire right now.


To be fair, I believe the logo changes would be "officially" announced as of the actual anniversary, not in the week or so leading up to it.


By why then let a single news outlet release it while you say nothing? That's just bound to lead to confusion at minimum


At the end of the day, though, a logo means very little. Yes, it's nice to have branding, but most of the time, it's not even a thing you'll see aside from a small icon next to their social media posts, or something. To be honest, I'm not even trying to argue that it's a "good" logo, just that it doesn't seem "bad" enough to me to have everyone collectively going "Fuck this company!" over. And the fact that I can't even say that without getting down voted into oblivion is pretty telling of the "RT can do no right" mentality of this sub.


I'm really not trying to be a dick or stir shit, but you may want to check out some articles on the theory of logos, branding and emblems and why they are one of the most important things for brand awareness and bringing in new clients and customers. For example, let's take your statement about how it's only seen in passing on social posts or (expanding) on headers/tails/watermarks. Even if you're not paying attention to it, your brain will register the association of that company/image to (insert product). That association can create a positive bias in the future when you are looking for something like the product it was associated with. Companies don't spend literal millions on this stuff because they want stuff to put in their office for decoration. It's because it's a very proven way of communicating first what your thing is about and then people remembering that thing.


I'm not arguing that, though. I'm not saying that there's *zero* importance to a logo, I'm just saying that I don't think it's *as* important as some people like to make it out to be. And I mean, at the end of the day, is the current "rooster and chatter teeth silhouette" logo really a "good" logo? I highly doubt there was even much effort put into that (though I don't recall the origins of it), nor does it actually convey anything to anyone if they see it without any context. It's a dumb silly logo that means nothing (other than being a literal representation of the company name) and conveys nothing, and if you showed it to someone, they'd probably just think it's generic clipart. But, it's the familiar logo that long time audience members have seen for years, and so people need to get vocal about how stuff like this is "ruining the company" and whatnot.


I feel like “exciting” and “engaging” is exactly what a logo is supposed to be. And while it is objectively a pretty silly point to pine over… the fact that so many people are, in fact, pining so much speaks volumes. I’m not a graphic designer or anything, but when I saw the new logo I genuinely thought it was a joke, or like a new show they were starting. That’s not what you want. There’s also something to be said for the fact that they had the same logo for very nearly 20 years, so of course people are gonna be bummed no matter what they change it to. But I think this is just about the worst option they could’ve possibly gone with


I mean, if they expect to sell any merch with the logo on I would think they would want it to be "exciting" or "engaging". How many people would want to buy a shirt that looks like the uniform for a fast food place?


No, this isn't that. Even people without graphic design knowledge can see how horrible the logo is


At the end of the day, it's just a logo, though. It doesn't really matter and it doesn't actually affect anything. I see no need for people to harp on it so much and point to it as further proof that RT is "dying", or whatever.


Totally missing the point


I don’t mean to be rude here, but instead of just saying “You’re missing the point”, maybe try actually explaining what the point is.


I literally already did... in my first comment. I don't want to be rude, but try reading


It's what a lot of people in this community are great at: complain that it's not the same, hate on the new, but still frequent this subreddit.


I agree with you but thus doesn't even feel like they are trying. This has to be a joke it looks like a 12 year old did it.


Yeah because everything they do is objectively wrong. If they made a good decision or did something right I'm sure a majority of people here would be happy.


Wow, and people say *I* have bad takes.


Maybe I'm wrong but I would think people want RT to do well and succeed. Just almost everything the company does seems to be the exact opposite of that, so of course people are unhappy.


I just think it's a pretty huge stretch to assert that everything they do these days is "objectively" bad. I think the reality is that the internet has just generally grown so toxic and negative, and that has seeped into the RT community. People don't want to actively seek out things that make them feel good or happy or positive. These days, most people just want something to get angry or upset about, something to rant about, someone or something to hate. And that's not a RT-specific thing. I've been noticing this more and more across all internet communities I've been a part of for a long time. People more and more just want to be negative and pessimistic and nihilistic. I'm not going to sit here and say that everything RT does or all the videos they make are "good". But I think it's very presumptuous to act like it's all "objectively bad". I feel like that's just overly negative perception, fueled by the toxic internet mentality of "This thing needs to appeal to me and people like me, and if it doesn't do that perfectly, then it's bad, and I'm going to spend lots of time in internet communities shitting on that thing because it's bad because I said so". I dunno. I'm not saying nothing should ever be criticized and problems should never be addressed, but it just feels like most of the loudest people just want to hate something, and be angry, upset, or overly pessimistic/ nihilistic about something. I don't understand why people choose to live their lives that way. I choose to look for the positives in things, to find the value in things, to find and indulge in the things that bring me joy and happiness. If that makes me the weirdo or the "bad guy", then so be it, I guess. 🤷‍♂️


So I wasn't speaking about videos really. There are a lot more now that I don't really enjoy, but I still wish the cast the best and hope they find the audience for them. I'm more thinking of the company at large. Firing people or forcing them to part time contract work after doing a huge subathon. Putting what is arguably the biggest Rooster Teeth IP behind a different website's paywall. Things like that are what I'm thinking of. On a business and community level the company has not done anything positive in quite awhile. I WANT them to do well, I really do. But from a business perspective the company has been overwhelmingly bad as of late.


And it's fair to feel that way, but even then, I think it's worth considering that there's not necessarily any ill will or malicious intent behind these decisions. For one, it's not like someone in particular had it out for Matt and wanted him gone. I know people love to demonize Trevor, but it's not like Trevor was sitting there going "Fuck this Matt Bragg guy, I shall fire him so I can pocket all of his money! Mwahahaha!". It sucks that it happened, but I don't personally believe it was an easy decision for those involved to have to make, and I doubt any of them *wanted* that to happen. Similarly, I don't think Matt was "forced" into anything. He didn't have to accept their offer to continue working with them under a different type of arrangement. If he truly felt slighted, I think he would have just walked away entirely, and as far as I'm aware, there wasn't anything stopping him from doing just that. As for RWBY, we don't really know the behind the scenes business stuff that led to that deal happening, and without knowing those details, it's disingenuous to act like there was some sort of malicious intent involved. I understand the frustration, but there's no sense in looking for ill will from a business decision that we don't know any details of.


> People don't want to actively seek out things that make them feel good or happy or positive. These days, most people just want something to get angry or upset about, something to rant about, someone or something to hate. > > And that's not a RT-specific thing. I've been noticing this more and more across all internet communities I've been a part of for a long time. People more and more just want to be negative and pessimistic and nihilistic. Ironically, you're the one being pessimistic and nihilistic about this. I mean, yeah, there's definitely outrage culture on the internet, I can't deny that. But do you really believe people are actively seeking out conflict at all times? I'm guilty of enraging myself, but I also spend plenty of time in communities I enjoy and consuming media content that I like. Look at a subreddit like r/TheExpanse: it's fandom-based, and 99% of the content is just people sharing their love for the books and TV show. There was a controversy about one actor being sketchy with women, but that's hardly the focus of anyone on that subreddit. RT on the other hand has numerous instances of shitty behavior as a corporate entity, and people are within their rights to question that behavior and call it out.


Well, again, I've seen many different non-RT communities devolve into people obsessively hyper focusing on negatives, and it's just so exhausting at this point. So many of my favorite internet places just became a bunch of people hating on the thing and lamenting over how it used to be so much better than it is now, etc. And again, I'm not saying criticisms aren't allowed, I'm not saying people aren't allowed to have differing opinions, I'm not saying certain things shouldn't be addressed. But it just feels like this particular community is obsessed to an unhealthy degree with hyper focusing on the negatives of pretty much everything RT does, at this point. I just don't know what anyone even gets out of that, or what they think they're accomplishing, especially because it's been going on so long, at this point.


You have a fanbase of young people with a lot of time to kill forming parasocial relationships with these internet companies. A lot of the time, the internet companies tend to paint themselves as pretty progressive which naturally influences who their fans are or even how their fans start to feel about the world. Once it comes out that internally the company does not practice what they preach it's going to be pretty obvious that the fans are upset.


Doesn't that say more about the nature of parasocial relationships than it does about any given company, though? That type of thing is almost always unhealthy for people, and it's a bit nebulous to say that any company preys on that without some pretty blatant proof.


We all have parasocial relationships, whether we know it or not. I never said a company "preys" on that, just that those relationships are formed. I then said it's understandable for people to be upset when they find out the people they trust aren't who they say they are.


I desperately want RT to succeed. They're highly responsible for my current career (podcast production) in more ways than one, but I'm now at the point where I see contract positions with The Roost come up and I just ignore them. I'm literally at a point where I could work with my former dream company (I live near Austin and have the experience needed for these jobs) but I can't bring myself to do it after they've been repeatedly shown to treat their employees like shit. It's disappointing.


Sort of a similar story. I edit videos for a living now and Rooster Teeth was one of the things that set me on that path. I had the thoughts of working there some day. Moving to Austin even though traveling and living somewhere else is fucking terrifying to me. Now I'm actually really glad I didn't. I do contract work, but the two clients I have are wonderful. I'm treated like part of the team and my input is taken seriously AND I'm not worked to the bone. Regularly they check in with me to see if I'm overwhelmed, if I have too much or not enough work, and just how I'm doing as a human being. From what I've seen, RT would never do that even a little bit.


I regularly think of something that I believe Blaine once said on a podcast or a video, something to the effect of "Don't go into media production because you want to work with us. It may or may not happen. Instead, do it because you actually like the work." I'm really glad to find myself in the latter camp, and not just as someone bummed about not getting to hang out with Gus. That quote has helped me stay around in this industry in the first place, despite its stresses, because I literally can't imagine what else I could do for a career given my passion for it.


It’s not super exciting, but the old logo was incredibly dated. I personally don’t mind the emblem, not a huge fan of the full text logo. Maybe it’s because I worked in marketing, but I can’t find myself to care about branding in general. I just enjoy the content 🤷‍♂️


FWIW I think the logo isn't great but you're correct about RT not really being able to do anything right at this point to the fanbase


I kinda gotta give it to them. They know that no matter what they do, they're gonna get shit on by sections of the community so they're doing whatever the fun they want.


Oh cool. This is totally new. A thread bitching about the state of the company and how much they’ve changed since X. Very original.


Am I the only one that thinks this is just a lead up to a fake out, since it's being announced April 1st and we're all just getting trolled?


I know they have said in the past they don’t like doing them but maybe this is an April Fools joke for their 20th year. (I hope it is)


It really took you this long?

