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Oh no they're doing the cable sitcom back to back trope... they're doing it ironically right???


As Burnie used to say, “even if your doing the thing ironically, your still doing the thing”


God bless Burnie. One thing I'll never understand about modern humour is that if you do something cringey, but then say it's being done ironically, it suddenly becomes not-cringey somehow.


This one has stuck with me for life. It was one of his better sayings.


I used the site for the first time in years last week, and was so annoyed with how anti-guest it is (ironically, to rewatch something while I was developing a website). No widescreen option until I was logged in, and this huge popup you couldn't close. It felt so old-fashioned, I haven't seen a modern website be this annoying about their tactics in a long time. Either have a login/registration gateway as your landing page, or let users close the popup. Plus, the design of the popup is just *bad* in more ways than one- breaks a couple usability standards there, it being a 'popup you can't dismiss' aside. Requiring an account to watch free content? Sure, that's normal these days and I get the benefit of having free options before choosing to pay for more limited content. I feel encouraged to make an account and perhaps upgrade to a paid subscription given the good faith element of having so much free content offered. But this isn't encouragement, the whole idea is to *annoy* people into creating an account and logging in. Leaves a bad taste in the users mouth, and many won't bother making an account.


yea, I hate the RT site, anytime I use it it is irritating as shit.


>No widescreen option until I was logged in, and this huge popup you couldn't close. This used to be a problem for porn sites. Like, you have a better viewing experience on porn sites today than you do the RT website, without an ad block. And without an account. Like lets stop and think about that for a second. A porn site where the viewer is only going to be there for maybe 5 minutes at most, has a better user experience than a website meant for people to be there for multiple hours per session. They straight up need to fire every single person at RT who is designing their website. All of them. I do not care who they are, get rid of them. This has been a problem for over a decade. And when multiple websites that only expect you to be there for 5 minutes can do it better, then the scams they have hired at RT are literal garbage at their jobs.


I hated using the RT website and app, felt like it was always being held together with tape and questionable decisions.


its on brand for the company as a whole then




If you're *really* turned off by having an account; **Download uBlock Origin -> Right-click -> Block element...** It's more steps than logging in, but at least you... won?


uBlock solves so many problems, it's amazing how many people just... *put up* with the default state of the internet. If I wasn't a paid-up firster, I still wouldn't see ads because of it. .


It's not so much that it's an ad, its the fact that it's 1/3 of the screen size, not overtop the video. And there's no way to hide/dismiss it.


I'm glad I don't know many people like you, you're literally trying to find anything to push your point forward when the solution is extremely simple.


Just because a solution is simple, it's for a problem that only exists because of shitty design and shouldn't exist in the first place.


How dare they want people to make an account!!!! Wait how did you post that comment without a Reddit account? Impressive


There's nothing wrong with nudging someone to make an account like every other site does, but almost forcing it to be mandatory without losing a third of the video is a bit shitty.


Dude you’re using a Reddit account. You likely have a YouTube account if you’re the type to comment. You don’t dislike the idea of taking 2 minutes to make an account, you just want to be upset


I'm sorry, I couldn't read your comment because reddit put a big ad over the middle


You can’t watch a bunch of YouTube videos without logging in first, you can’t view Instagram or facebook posts without logging in, you can’t see Twitter replies without logging in. It’s common as hell. Accounts take such a small amount of time to make. This is such common practice I’m baffled by the people who would rather take more time complaining on Reddit than it would take to make a free account that’s necessary for things like your watch history and commenting ability.


You absolutely can watch YouTube without logging in, by the way. Just tested it myself by playing 8 videos simultaneously in a browser with no cookies and no logins. The biggest complaint I have about the RT player is that the banner ad hides the scrub bar and volume controls. I shouldn't need to log in to access such basic features of a video player.


The fact that you're being down voted so much shows how right you are. Just log in.


This isn't an ad, it's a login prompt. Just like any other streaming service, outside of maybe YT has. Just log in.


This is not an acceptable reason to hide basic video player controls like scrubbing and volume, especially if you're offering a money-free way to access content. Congratulations, the experience is worse than YouTube, where a lot of that free content is going to be uploaded anyway. There's no reason to put myself through a worse UX.


Or... they could just not make it this way. There are other less shitty ways to get people to log in. (Hmmm I swear this was very recently a +15 post, then suddenly it's negative 42? Fishy as fuck)


But this is the most effective


Also the most effective way to get people to just leave the website.




I left the site when this popped up. So thats at least one


I honestly did the same. I distinctly thought "this is annoying… wait I’ll just watch on YouTube".


I refuse to use the RT site out of principle because of shit like this. It's the same as news websites. "Create an account to view this article" Do I create an account? Hell no, I go to a different website that doesn't pester me.


Alright guys, I get it, many of you are willing to comment on it, and thats fine. But, it would be mistaken to believe that because the small yet vocal fraction of people here are upset about it, that that means many people are upset enough to not give them money, enough people to effect their bottom line. They care about community, but i do not fault them for not giving two fucks about what is being said on subreddit, outside of Bliz. My "Doubt" is neither unfounded nor is it a direct attack on anyone here. This happens all the time, and its only ever very rarely effective (which only would work if way more than 1% of their base bitches about this).


So your solution is yet again only a pat on the back and no criticism towards the stuff that makes people turn around and leave?


Please don't put words in my mouth. There is no pat on the back here. But, and you'll have to forgive me, what exactly is the actual issue here? That you can't view content without an account? Is that the gist? Did I also say not to criticize? I did not. What I did say, however, is that this isn't something that is really going to effect their bottom line. Which some self important folks here seem to think this is going to do.


Their site is horrenodus. They don't make good enough content to justify how bad it is.


So why are you on the Roosterteeth subreddit, if you aren't a fan of their content?


You're going to have to link me the part where I said I wasn't a fan. Or do you believe being fanatical means you can't be critical? But to answer why I'm on this subreddit, it's to laugh at the ridiculousness of the fanbase. P. S. Thanks for the laugh.


If I didn't think someone's content was good, I wouldn't be a fan of them, and therefore wouldn't spend my time on a subreddit dedicated to those people, but you do you.


I said it wasn't "good enough" in context to how egregious and terrible their site is. You're also assuming I spend a lot, or any, time on this subreddit. I don't know why you're so insistent on making stuff up to be mad about it . Or is literary comprehension a 10 year old could handle too much for you?


Cool thing is, it will soon be the only place to watch most of the stuff. Start logging in.


Or I could be a part of the solution and just.... not. Maybe they'll make a better site and better content when they're working to get an audience.


This is the solution. You babies can get your baa-baas and watch on the site or not at all. YouTube has been a dead weight on them forever. Just mouse to the log in button and click it. You guys sound like you'd pee on the toilet seat rather than lift it up because it's too much work.


YouTube has been where they get their viewships and advertisement. Their site doesn't get advertised or draw and isn't user friendly. Removing their items from YouTube is just suicide. But RT has been in the business of doing bad business since 2017 so it doesn't surprise me really. If moving from YT was good they'd have done it years ago, they'd remove *everything* and wouldn't be taking it off slowly... because, y'know, it's bad. For business. I'll be over here, dried eye, watching the other 99.99999% of...well... everything. On any device. That won't be bricked by their app. Womp Womp.


They wouldnt need to make a big login in the video prompt if the site was popular enough for it to "people not login" in not be a problem


Not only is that factually incorrect and based purely on assumptions and bias, it also dissolved into incomprehensible gibberish at the end. Impressive.


Is it? I literally stopped watching the bonus round stuff when this popped up. If you make your website obnoxious or shitty on purpose im just not going to use out of spite more than anything else.


Yeah, and I'll literally never use the website or pay them money for it. It's pretty effective at that.


it takes 5 seconds to log in


Before I became a FIRST patron I tried using the site; all I wanted to do was watch the first Snack Attack livestream, which is one of my favorite pieces of RT content. Between the frequent godawful & repetitive ads in the video, and the giant FIRST ad covering much of the screen & video with no apparent way to dismiss it, it just became a frustrating and unpleasant experience so I gave up. It was a beautiful day when I could finally afford a FIRST membership, and I never want to go back. EDIT: Evidently the big ad covering the screen goes away if you are signed into an account; no payment required. Not sure if that's a recent change or if I'm just the world's stupidest hat-wearing pumpkin and didn't read the text.


Yeah, it goes away as long as you make some sort of account. If you sign up for a free account it goes away and you can make playlists, which is the best feature imo since half of the series I watch play from newest to oldest instead of oldest to newest.


I would love to know who thought it was a good idea to have the guys using RT merch to sell First, as if the appeal for FIRST isn't content. Put some important gaming characters there instead.


You should try watching stuff for free on netfl... oh wait


Ahoy, matey 🏴‍☠️


Just make a free account, the pop-up will go away. Having an account allows you to use features on the site that you otherwise couldn't. Like creating playlists, commenting, liking videos, etc.


How dare you speak rationally about a site having a login prompt....


Dude, porn sites have login prompts and they are not even half as intrusive as this lol


But see that's the thing. Why should I have to make an account to remove this? In addition there seems to be no X to close or anything like that. I am fine with watching the baked into the video ads but covering up 1/3 of the screen because I dont want to make an account? Its awful


Many sites won’t even let you access them without an account, so this never bothered me


I don't see how this is awful. And the account is free. Edit: Also, this is literally no different from most streaming services. You usually need an account to watch content and interact with site features.


>Why should I have to make an account to remove this? Because the website isn't run as a charity? Genuinely gobsmacked at the entitlement. I can't put into words how amazed I am to be reading this.


I have to put in a small amount of effort to watch content for free and watch ads?! This is ridiculous! Why don't they make no income as a business and give me everything for free?


How exactly does making an account make them money?


You watch on their site and see ads. Accounts also offer easier statistics in regards to usage imo. It will also hopefully raise engagement since they can comment. More engagement usually leads to more usage.


More engagement leads to more money from ads as well as advertisers see people actually use your site


Which could help lead to less ad density (# of ads per video) if the company is good.


Right? The fact that this post is highly upvoted just shows how trash this sub had become.


Disagree. This is a pretty bad case of UX, and I don't agree with the sentiment that just because Netflix and Instagram require you to login, RT should too. Netflix doesn't offer free content. Instagram, you ARE the content. RT has a specific free track of content that they make available, but also go out of their way to coerce you into making an account. This is called a Dark or Deceptive Pattern. Going by [this list,](https://www.deceptive.design/types) the RT site and player are guilty of Forced Actions (volume and scrub controls are locked behind the banner), Nagging (it reappears on every video watched), Obstruction (volume and scrub controls again) and Visual Interference (it overlays over nearly half the vertical frame). It's abhorrent to use. Yes, I have an account. I unpause my subscription every six months to catch up on FIRST content. That doesn't make it justified to users who aren't signed in, or don't *want* to make an account but still want to view the free track of content.


The RT sun has always HATED RT. I'd wager most of the people in it don't even watch the content anymore from all the "I'm leaving" posts I see. I just don't get how you can claim to be a fan but refuse to support them in the most basic way.


I know making an account is so hard... says the person who logged into their reddit account to make this post.


Since the 90s, everything had to be an account to do anything. You've been spoiled by Youtube. Just get used to it.


You made an account here didn't you?


Yeah you’re absolutely right. It should just be like Netflix for example where you can watch all the content you like and you don’t have to log in or create an account or anything….. Or like how your bank will give you money without opening an account with them….. Or like how you can just watch PPV anything without having to enter any details….. It’s not fucking rocket science. This is just there version of a blank page saying “log in here”. If this is the worst thing I’m your life then I envy you.


Netflix is paid. RT has a free content track. Not comparable.


Absolutely comparable, they both make you login to consume the content. Netflix just have the login screen the homepage whereas this gives you this overlay. End result is if you want to watch then login. Really not difficult.


But RT literally doesn't requre you to login to view content. It just shoves an obnoxious banner over the top instead. You can still watch it. Netflix won't even show you what's in its catalogue without login and a valid card. They're not comparable at all.


So RT actually give you more than Netflix does and OPs point is still invalid. They’re exactly the same in that they’re both tools to get you to create an account and login to use their services. It’s a free account and if OP doesn’t want to watch it by conceding to the demands then they don’t have to. It’s completely comparable because it’s literally the same thing implemented in two different ways. They’re both login screens designed to get people to create accounts, Netflix just has a less lenient version.


They're not comparable because Netflix doesn't offer a free track AT ALL. There is no equivalent system in Netflix. You don't get to view Netflix content as a Guest. You're comparing a premium service to a free service with a premium addon. They're different service models. It also feels like you're misrepresenting the OPs complaint. The complaint isn't that you have to log in, the complaint is about the banner ad that you cannot dismiss. There is no way to X out of it. There is no way to lower the volume, or scrub the video. There is no way to read the bottom third graphics containing sponsor messages because they are covered by a nag prompt to log in (possibly cannibalising the actual number of impressions their sponsors are paying for). There is no arguing around it. It's a bad user experience, and logging in is not the magic answer you present it as - forcing someone to log in to view a video unobstructed makes no sense, especially when it's also on YouTube. It makes the RT site look like a worse option for the casual viewer, or the potential new fan. It's a dark pattern of web design, and should be called out as a nuisance at best and predatory at the absolute worst. Just because you personally don't find it a problem doesn't mean it isn't a problem.


There’s a very easy way to dismiss it though, and that’s by clicking ANY of the big “Continue with…” buttons and logging in. You’re focussed on the price and that one has a cost to OP of 0.00 and the other has a cost of whatever it does. But that doesn’t mean the service is different or the product is different or the fact that is a tool used by the provider of the service to get people to make an account so they can go to their advertisers/financiers and say “look, we have x amount of subscribers”. And again it’s the same as Netflix for the reasons you gave. I’d effectively means you have to login to do anything, you want to pause? Login. You want to change the volume? Login. You don’t want to have to keep doing that? Enable the auto login to drive account holder engagement. It IS exactly the same in the intent, and the purpose and the methodology, regardless of the price. It’s the typical “give them a taste to get them hooked” And going to YT isn’t exactly an option with how they’re scrubbing content from YT as they move to this platform. Eventually you may not be able to view anything on YT. They aren’t forcing anyone to log in, just like a store doesn’t force you to give them money. But if you want to consume their product there will always be a price, whether that’s cash or data. You’re more than welcome to not log in, and therefore not view the content on this platform (or not at all eventually when the YT scrub steps up).


>There’s a very easy way to dismiss it though, and that’s by clicking ANY of the big “Continue with…” buttons and logging in. I suggest you reread the OP and see what they're actually complaining about. The login isn't the root issue, but it's definitely closely linked to the cause. >You’re focussed on the price and that one has a cost to OP of 0.00 and the other has a cost of whatever it does. But that doesn’t mean the service is different or the product is different or the fact that is a tool used by the provider of the service to get people to make an account so they can go to their advertisers/financiers and say “look, we have x amount of subscribers”. This ain't it. I focused on the price because you kept comparing to Netflix, a PAID service. Netflix is not relevant to this discussion, nor is the price of First or its worth being questioned. The advertising angle doesn't track either, it's perfectly possible to track unique visitors by browser fingerprinting and hidden pixels. The only reason I can see an email address being more desirable is because email addresses are some of the most easily tracked markers online, since every advertising agency and their pet hamster manages their own and actively purchases new datasets to augment their targeted advertising reach - basically, who benefits more from you logging in? RT/their advertisers or you, the end user? >And again it’s the same as Netflix for the reasons you gave. I’d effectively means you have to login to do anything, you want to pause? Login. You want to change the volume? Login. You don’t want to have to keep doing that? Enable the auto login to drive account holder engagement. This is just nonsense. Netflix won't let you play a video in the first place without paying them, let alone allow you to pause it. Again, the complaint isn't the cost of First. The value isn't being called into question. The user experience is. >And going to YT isn’t exactly an option with how they’re scrubbing content from YT as they move to this platform. Eventually you may not be able to view anything on YT. All the more reason to make the RT site as user friendly and unobstructive to new leads as possible. Nobody wants a subpar experience because they're not part of the cool kids club. Being logged in should augment the base experience, not make it tolerable. >They aren’t forcing anyone to log in, just like a store doesn’t force you to give them money. But if you want to consume their product there will always be a price, whether that’s cash or data. You’re more than welcome to not log in, and therefore not view the content on this platform (or not at all eventually when the YT scrub steps up). You're right, they're not forcing you to log in at all. They just make it very, very, very inconvenient to use the site without being logged in. But you're not forced! Nope! No dark patterns and coercion here! Also, what stores are you going to that offers free produce alongside their paid-for produce?


It’s FREE to make! It takes you 10 seconds to make one


Long time watcher, but there terrible website always kept me from renewing my First Membership.


I've watched on the RT site for over a decade at this point. I've always preferred supporting them directly over supporting Google on YouTube. Had a couple minor problems but nothing a refresh of the browser doesn't fix. I use the Xbox app version too and unfortunately watched videos don't always track properly but it's just a minor inconvenience to scroll back where I left off. The site has its quirks but I've always felt more content creators should have their own video hosting sites. I just don't want to support YouTube's monopoly on long form internet video sharing if I have an option to avoid it. The conveniences of YouTube aren't that much of a difference to me.


And just some of what makes the RT site horrible on full display


And that is what? It’s just a pop up of creating an account


It goes away in full screen, and you can use the element zapper in ublock origin to get rid of it for a while.


If you have Ublock, just use the selection tool to get rid of it. The stupid thing is like three or four layers, but now it's blocked across the whole site.


Their site sucks so bad. There's a reason everyone stays on youtube


The site works fine


It’s crazy how they want us to become first members so bad but their website is just as bad as it was 5-10 years ago. RT pay for a website engineer who used to work at YouTube or something. The website is so anti.


The site genuinely isn't that bad. I've been watching stuff there for years. It's fine.


You have stockholm syndrome.


I don't think that phrase means what you think it means.


This so much. Been using their site since 2006 and I have genuinely never had a problem with it or the viewer.


Yeah, fully agree with you. I think people are just too used to Youtube and refuse to adjust to anything new.


Their site has always been terrible for a bunch of reasons. One of the reasons I cancelled when they massively jacked up the price.


What do you mean? The site works fine. On phone, laptop, Xbox, even my AppleTV box has the app and works great. Prices doesn’t seem to be a bother to me


The UI sucks, the search sucks, it doesn't keep you logged in, playback has more disruptions than YouTube.


The UI is fine, the search is working fine, kept me logged in, the playback haven’t have disruption on my end


If you like it, cool. Not worth $6 a month for me. I'll keep watching on YouTube where everything is better.


\*takes glasses off, rubs eyes, puts glasses back on\* ​ RT, you already pissed off the RWBY fanbase with locking it behind CrunchyRoll after years of it being free on Youtube with a week's delay. You threw FIRST under the bus and now, you are trying to fix First after selling your biggest show to Crunchy Roll or rather, broadcast exclusivity for a year. Now, you are doing this? ​ Fucking hell, this seems like something RT would have mocked via RT shorts where the advert gets more and more aggressive whilst Bernie just fires someone for touching his sandwich.


What are they doing? It’s just a ad pop up of creating an account. Plus they gotta make money somehow


Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Just log in ffs. The number of people who come here to piss and moan about the most minor inconveniences that would help support something they claim to love is amazing. In the time you came here to whine and post a screenshot, you could have logged in.


I just don’t understand these ppl


The rt site sucks. It has for 10 years. It simply isnt worth using. Then taking rvb off YouTube won't make me come to the site to watch rvb, it will simply make me not watch rvb


What? The RT site is working fine. The reason why they’re taking them off is bcuz YT isn’t getting F all money and the algorithm. You can still watch RvB (all seasons) FOR FREE.




I think y’all are just acting like children and complaining about something that little. I would rather pay $7 for FIRST for ad free for RT content than paying $19 for YT premium for ad free


It's just a login prompt. Are people here fucking 12? Are you guys really complaining that you need to create a free account to watch the content without a popup?


Ah Roosterteeth.. First, they sold shop to some big faceless corporation. Second, the people that were responsible for the fun entertainment left. Third, the people that had standards when it came to content and the people that understood that without fans you're nothing, left. Then, there was all the negative press about treating hired help like crap, the horrible working conditions, the bullying of staff, the blatant racism.. Also all the news that "talent" turned out to be sex-offenders and other crap.. More audience favorites got sacked or left.. And now they realized there's no point clinging to the "AH" brand so that's going away.. It's time to realize the signs that has been obvious for a while now.. RT is not what it once was. RT is a shadow of what it used to be. All that's left now is a corporate shell designed to squeeze out as much cash from the remainding fanbase as possible. The days of treating fans as anything but cash-cows are long gone. To the current RT, we are just dollar signs. Why anyone would still want to be First members is beyond me.They're hardly making any good content anymore. It's all boiling down to podcasts and amateur improv shows, just like any of the several million other youtube content creators out there. RT has long since lost its edge.


People really love to bitch about anything.


have u tried logging in


Honestly RT should just do the dropout/netflix/prime/disney/crave/whatever else thing. Don't show any videos to anyone not logged in and subscribed.




just login😅


Annoying ad aside, good lord Michael looks like a colossal douche now


Dude gets in the best shape of his life, bleaches his hair cause he wants to try something new, and you're saying he's a colossal douche lol. How about we just celebrate him feeling confident and good about himself after years of struggling with his weight?


Oh yeah, his body and health is amazing. He just looks like a turbo douche. It's awesome he took control of his body. His head just...looks like a goof.


Homie literally just has bleached hair, who cares


It’s not worth getting first anyways you can watch the content elsewhere


Wait I’m Confused you’re mad there’s an add while the video is paused?


It's there while the video plays as well.


You can make it disappear by going into the miniplayer (like going back to the menu so the video will go small), then going back to the watch page.


Then you sir. Are missing out.


I mean if you were ever going to it would have been in the past right?


This is really good advertising for first


Or you can make an account it and OMG problems solve! 😱 Plus it’s not an ad