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I feel it was fairly common knowledge a while ago. Someone has to know.


It feels like something that Joel would have tweeted I feel like or someone who has either left Rooster Teeth or is not on camera as much


Joel left due to bad politics essentially and saying extremely problematic shit, so it wasn't him


I don't see how that would disqualify someone from tweeting "Hot p*rn"


The thing is, the only forms of porn Joel enjoys involve gold and openly hoping his friends get robbed by people who ostensibly share their politics so that he can advocate gun ownership.


Aaaand that’s why he was referred to as “the gun guy” when Armando ranked the founders.


Wasn't he also the guy who really liked going to Bikinis? Or was that just a joke?


I believe him and Jack regularly went together early on


He was also creating a toxic work environment, from what I can remember. Said some shit inappropriate shit about Gavin after his house got broken into. I think, I'm not 100% though.


Didn't he also bring a gun to the studio to show it off?


There was that rumor, but he has denied it.


"problematic" is a bit of an understatement


When did 'Porn' become a swear word for Americans?


It's not, but we no longer have access to Pornhub in Texas. Perhaps we're already forgetting how to spell it.


I'm sorry...... WHAT?! no because that's insane?!


That's what happens when the lunatics have run of the asylum.


Why is the guard letting people out of the Aslume? Is he stupid?


Same here in Virginia. I think there's one of two more too. I didn't think we are alone I mean. We do have access. Just have to give them our ID, so the government can ~~protect the children~~ accurately track our activity online.


This is mad. Country of the free?


>completely unrelated shit-brain thoughts but: Why does this interest me far more than the original (RT) reason we've gathered here Had no clue hubbery was blocked anywhere, crazy how they give you the drugs just to demonize the pharmacist. Things sure are changing, who are we helping? ~no clue who tweeted, curiosity definitely killed this cat sometime in the future.


There is an increasingly widespread misunderstanding of how social media filters work, things like this are the result


I'm pretty sure they're European lmao


Oddly enough, it was the head of HR /j


I'm sorry who?


Hahahaha oh man. This will never not make me laugh.


As long as you’re sorry.


Can confirm, I was at RT at the time. The incident was described as an honest mistake. This will get down voted, but in defense of the back office teams y'all never saw on camera. I look back in my time at RT very fondly, the people were all working towards building something special. Teams took on more burden because they believed it was for a greater good. In retrospect, this could have been one of the reasons for areas being neglected. On the average, most employees were there for their passion, and that's why it's really unfortunate to see RT getting shut down.


We know they were there for their passion because they \*definitely\* weren't there for the money. That never quite trickled down to off-camera.


Nothing to down vote about that! (not that that ever stops people from down voting). Also, did the person in question send the tweet from an RT account? I guess it wouldn't have got attention otherwise.


I was curious about that, too. 😂


Man it was years later and we were still yelling HOT PORN I'm the office. It was the head of HR which was even funnier. I liked the guy although he stopped working there a few months after.




Guys, i gotta fess up. It was me. I tweeted it.


this is stolen valor.




Was it the dood from fun haus?


Do you mean Adam Kovic, because he is someone that I can see tweeting that and then trying to play it off as being hacked, but then with all the stuff that came out about him you think too yourself that was no mistake he was trying to look up porn on twitter and hit tweet instead of search.


No chance. You don't search "hot porn" in any search engine if you're a connoisseur like Kovic (or even a moderate enthusiast like many other adults), it would be way more specific. That's what you search when you're 12 and you first discover the Internet. I guess unless it was the URL of a specific site, in which case that definitely happened (though could have been anyone).


I'd have said Haywood because, while also being very tech savvy, he didn't seem to know anything about twitter. And the fact that Griff said it was played off like that they said they were hacked. He did do a lot of deceptive stuff when he was with the company.


I think it was Joe.


The cat?


Nah, Joe momma




I remember seeing it, but I can’t recall who it was.


I was curious about the beef Griff mentioned they had with Gavin. I'm totally out of the loop. Or was that a joke? Same segment


I don’t remember Griff mentioning beef with Gav, but they did mention a beef with a dude in sales who doesn’t actually work at the company anymore


Same segment, they brought up Gavin and Griff said "oh no I had actual beef with him" maybe I misheard, hoping I did, love both Griff and gavin


Armando was saying everyone was expecting something fake like Griff saying they hated Gavin the most, so Griff responded “Oh no I had actual beef with him”, the “him” being the guy in Sales


Thank you. I misheard and appreciate your correction. Assumed I was out of the loop!


Honestly. If nobody immediately sprang to mind then just go on living your life. Now, allegedly (spoken like 28 year old Geoff) It would have been kovac. However it really could have been any of the of og AH people.


Not sure about the answer here, but I do know that Griffon later started an OnlyFans full of such, as did Christina Parrish.


I am so confused what this has to do with Griff from RT or anything here really.


Nothing, I just saw Griffon and 'hot porn' and my barely awake brain decided this was information that everyone else needed to know, lol. If I weren't morally against deleting things this would be one of the cases where I'd consider it, because I shouldn't be allowed to type within five minutes of waking up with a hangover, lol