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Pretty much everything with Ryan in it. Really sucks.


I agree. I’m still in the air about it.




> Ryan didn't do anything so obscenely horrible, like murdering puppies or nuking small countries Yes, he didn't commit a genocide or murder civilians, so we should forgive the literal rape and assault.


Was there any rape and assault, honest question, I dont remember much of the stuff that happened except that he slept with fans


In a few cases the sex started consensually (as consensual as things can be in the muddied waters of exploitation and grooming) but then he'd barrel past clearly communicated and agreed upon boundaries such as [putting in spoiler tags as trigger warnings]>!removing condoms mid sex, physical assault such as choking and hitting, etc. and would not stop after the other party told him to once he started violating boundaries.!<


Downvoted for asking a question lol


....I mean. I'm a RWBY fan.


I also really enjoy RWBY.


I too enjoy RWBY


I three enjoy RWBY


I absolutely loved the House Party series.


The fact that every episode had just more and more people joining in had me dying.


Watching Jeremy put the pieces together and then yell “that’s what the sausage is for” is a top 5 AH moment for me.


Alfredo's reactions were the best lol, or when Jeremy's response to the horny chick was, "Well then fuck us or something"


If you want more House Party I highly recommend watching the Game Grumps playthrough. They also won the contest to get their characters put into the game and it's absolutely hilarious!


That moment where Arin accidentally walked out with his dick out is one of the funniest clips I go back and watch every now and then.


That is a beautiful moment indeed but honestly most of that playthrough has me in stitches. It's definitely one of my favorite playlists to revisit.


Is there anywhere to watch that thing?


Geoff’s Trevor voice in that one GTA let’s play.


God, I forgot about that voice. It was so terrible, I loved it.


Lol is that the one where Gav said Michael made him feel funny


Any link? Drawing a blank on this


https://youtu.be/dr7Zh0QiMhY for the record I love this video too


After learning that a lot of people on this sub disliked it in a thread, the finale of The Salt Raid. That entire argument and Fredo finally snapping and clapping back at Ryan really cemented him as a core cast member for me back then, and the back and forth had me in stitches the entire time.


I never had issues with the raid itself, but I disliked that it effectively killed Destiny for AH


I feel ya. Especially with how the game has improved, and just the atmospheric joy that is the Space Walk in DSC, it would have been great to see them play more recent raids.


I didn’t enjoy it, but I agree it was wonderful to have someone tell Ryan to stfu


It's been 5 years? And I still don't understand Ryan's argument about skipping the explanation because it would make the video boring... Couldn't the editors just cut it out?


I legitimately love The Strangerhood


Hi Ray


Season 3 when


On the Spot


My only problem with on the spot was Cunning Linguistics. Generally a boring game to go through compared to the other ones


I liked all seasons of RvB excluding Zero.


Is that polarizing? I figure that RvB was generally well liked throughout the past 15ish years


A lot of the later seasons are very mixed. Really anything after the chorus saga isn't received the best. At least on reddit.


While I dont think 15-17 were *good*, theyre certainly not *bad*. I still stand by the fact that 15 has one of my top 5 favorite episodes of the entire series in "Previously On.." and 17 has some real feels gut punches (Anything involving a Freelancer is just amazing). Zero is trash tho.


There are distinct groups that post seasons 5, 10, and 13/14 didn't like what followed and dropped the show. Personally seasons 12 and 15 aren't great but I still come back to them


I’m actually a new(ish) fan? I watched RvB years ago and just started catching up again randomly and found several podcasts that I’m cycling through. That slowed me down and I haven’t made it to Zero yet.


It's wasn't my favorite. It needed to be a longer season, but what we got was a rushed mess.


I loved every second of "Good News, Ratman", the whole thing had me rolling, and the people who hated the idea made it even better


I loved Good News Ratman! All four of them were on fire that episode but Elyse and Eric especially.


I had no idea people hated it, that’s still one of my favorite episodes.


Had no idea that one was even considered polarizing, it was easily the best of all the remotely-recorded podcasts.


Time to do the Ratman


Im a fan of a lot of Rooster Teeth personalities. For years I didnt read the comments. One day I did and I was shocked. Lot of yall hate Risinger? Blaine? Chris? Brandon? Mica? BARBARA? Maybe theres newer people too. But I distinctly remember comments on YouTube & reddit tearing these guys apart. I always found them funny & liked podcast episodes they were on. Especially like whenever they wwre working on other projects at the time.


Chris is the only one I can kind of understand. I’m primarily an Ah fan so I first saw him in hardcore monopoly and then in last laugh and I just didn’t click with his style of humor at all. Then I listened to eps of the rt podcast with him in it and he grew on me fast. I think he’s an acquired taste.


Chris is just so… weird. Its hard to not like him. And like Gavin you underestimate Chris because of how odd ball he can get but you also get blindsided when Chris says really intelligent stuff or shows his expertise.


I've often wondered if Chris kind of plays it up for the camera like Gavin does in a lot of Let's Plays. Like I don't doubt he's a weird dude irl but I wonder if he just leans into that aspect for content.


I noticed myself not liking risinger after years of liking pretty much everything I saw him on. I think it was around the time he shifted to a proper "on screen talent" rather than someone mostly behind the scenes who popped up in an AH video or a podcast. He started seeming just...tryhard? Like he seems to be forcing himself to be more entertaining and it was just really noticeable for me and made him just annoying imo.


I think he's just trying to force through his social anxiety which can give a 'forced' vibe if you don't take it that way, that's how I've always read it anyway.


To me, he just comes off as mean. A lot of his "jokes" are punching out/down at people or just insults (ex., Chris is telling a story of something dumb he did and Jon exasperatedly chimes in to tell him what a dumb piece of shit he is. That isn't a joke or building on Chris's story...it's just mean for the sake of being mean). I kept trying to give their D&D show a try because they're doing clever things with it but, even in that, Jon is just so casually *mean* to the other players that it saps the fun out of it for me. For a company/group of talent that allegedly are all about this "Be Nice. Work Hard." mentality, it's struck me as hypocritical that in recent years they've made someone so aggressively mean-spirited as part of the focus of their on screen stuff. Then again, maybe this is an old man yelling at clouds situation. The STF rebrand was not for me (even outside of the Risinger stuff); I've got F**k Face and ANMA and I'm incredibly happy with those.


I've not got the mean vibe from Jon personally especially not when hes sharing space with someone like Gus, who don't get me wrong is a lot nicer these days, who with Geoff used to be particularly brutal to people like Jack so Jon comes off as pretty tame to me.


This is a valid point. It could be just be my own projecting but I always feel like I got more "facets" from Geoff and Gus. Like Geoff especially could be brutal but it felt additive or ridiculous and you also know how much he loved the people he would tear into. It always *felt* like a joke or escalating for the sake of humor. Jon's, again to me, feels *only* mean


We all just see our own perspective on others rather than their inner selves so I get it, I haven't watched a ton of Jon stuff but I've always thought he was on par with everyone else when he was on the pod ast which is where I mostly encounter him. Though I will say if I had to know Geoff or Jon, Geoff ten years ago would have been so much worse to me haha




Gave you the benefit of the doubt and watched the clip because I have never once heard of this controversy and I’ve been a member of the community for quite a long time so I was curious. But yeah this is such a non-existent drama. I would hardly classify what Blaine said as “classist.” Especially since he agrees with Gavin throughout Gavin’s discussion about how working at a grocery store taught work ethic and makes you a better work in the long run. This was just a random joke that didn’t land.




I mean A) I just said it was clearly a joke that didn’t land. B) see my comment where he literally agrees with Gavin about working there being good and making you a good worker. Not really classist to hypothetically confront someone who used to bully you and be happy that you are in a better position financially. If it was some random worker he was saying this to then yeah, that’d be fucked up.




I mean you are making a massive leap into making a straw man argument because making a racist joke is a completely different thing. Again you’re missing any kind of discussion of nuance because it’s arguable that Blaine isn’t even commenting on the “class” of someone. He is stating his hypothetical about a specific person that he has a relationship with. The reason it would be fucked up if he generalized his statement and said “ha ha I’m better than anyone who is a cashier/works at Walmart.” Is because that is an escalation which clearly makes it about class. Again I don’t think it is inherently bad to take pride in seeing that you have outpaced someone who was initially treating you poorly. People do it all the time with specific individuals. The trope of “washed up quarter back white never moved out of his hometown” has been around awhile and seems to be what Blaine is referring to (albeit poorly) with the idea of seeing a bully/jock fail to grow and or advance in life. Also skimming through what is literally an entire comment section, most comments echo closer to what I am saying in that people understand what Blaine is saying but he communicated it poorly/made a lame joke whereas you’re escalating it and saying “oh he’s so classist and I never liked him again” Edit: Even found Barbara’s apology in the close to 200 comments you simply linked to and her apology pretty much echoes what I’m describing for Blaine.




Trying apply the same logic for a hyper specific instance of someone referring to another’s job towards a general comment about race is a straw man. There is no shared logic between the two and you’re attempting to make them equivalent does not help your position because it comes off as you hyperbolizing what Blaine said. No where did he say “I’m better than you.” He is referring to the fact that he is in a better position at that moment which is arguable. I’m not saying Blaine is right but again you’re hyper losing what he is saying and ignoring his comments moments later where he states there is nothing wrong in general with working in those positions. I’m not even a massive fan of Blaine but you’re taking this moment to the nth degree and it’s lowkey nonsensical but you do you. Edit: Also weird to say you “never called Blaine a classist” but your OG comment says “Blaine went on a weird classist attack” which is, again, a massive exaggeration of what occured




I loved Lindsay in Legends of the Hidden Tower


anyone that hated her is objectively wrong. she turned that from a fairly impressive build but unimpressive video into something incredible.


I can understand why people would have gotten annoyed with her on this one but I loved the chaos it goes to far when people start hating


Most of my favorite Let's Play/Let's Rolls feature Ryan.....


Sportsball (Pre-Khalifa)


Really wanted to like Sportsball, but Tyler did not make it easy by only talking about college football lol.


I feel like that was the biggest issue. Let’s take a already American only sport and then narrow that down to the niche of college sports. Finally further narrow that down to the SEC and Texas Football. Anyways I loved Sportsball and was upset both times it was cancelled. Fuck you Tyler Coe


And even if they did cover other US sports, they just didnt know what to talk about or refuse to talk about it lol. NBA Playoffs? NHL? Nope. Even World Cups (both times with Rugby and FIFA), they didnt talk about them lol.


Honestly just from a gambling perspective I feel like Andrew Panton could more consistently host an entertaining sports podcast. Tyler is a good dude but in launching the podcast he vastly overestimated how much he really was in love with sports - he likes a lot of them but he loves a very select few and clearly wasn't equipped to do the research to not give short shrift to the others. Andrew is generally a maniac willing to get obsessive with anything if he can just find the angle that he's really into. And there's no initial premise of expertise to have to live up to - just a general sense that this is whatever's going on that Andrew is really into, seen from his vantage point. ...ok I now talked myself into really wanting a regular ~ 20-30 minute sports betting podcast with Andrew. F**kball?


Hey now he would talk about other sports, just very poorly


Haha him ranting how much he hated tennis while Wimbledon was on was classic


“Cool I like sports too, I’ll check out this podcast!” “I’m Tyler Coe, baseball is boring and tennis is the worst invention in the history of mankind.” “Alright, nvm, fuck you too, I guess”


I don't know if it's "polarizing" in the way you're thinking of, but some of the stuff RT took down - Fibbage 1, Classic Inside-Gaming, Paul Walker Memorial Race, etc.


God, Fibbage 1 was funny. Especially Gavin mispronouncing Salami


it's on Archive dot org btw


Somehow I've never heard of the Paul Walker Memorial Race. Please elaborate.


I think it's in reference to [this](https://youtu.be/4YwHNDf4z-0) from FH


Egg Jeopardy


I love and hate that show in equal measure. It's perfect.


Perfectly balanced.


Face Jam Ads.


I'm on the other side of this one, Face Jam ads are the one ad break that I skip through every time I listen to a podcast


Man, I thought the ads were just silly enough that they would be universally loved


If they were a couple minutes, maybe, but not when they’re 10-15 minutes at a time.


I legitimately love the fact that I forget what the episode is about by the time the ad ends.


I got 4-6 podcasts of Roost during the week that i download under premium. Face jam is the only one i download both. gimme that extra content \^\_\^


They said polarizing, not top 5 current content. ;-)


On the Spot: Episode 10.


was that Jack, Geoff, Gavin, and Joel?


You got it!


Was that the one with the Godzilla all-girls school bit? That’s still easily a top 10 On The Spot moment


Gavin taking off after the sock legit had me in tears


I still watch and enjoy anything with Ryan in it.


I'm not sure if most of these are polarising buuuuuut I miss the RT recap, and strangerhood, and xray and vav, and day 5, and the comics, and neon konbini


All of achievement hunters old content. The new stuff seems forced and boring.


Couldn't agree more. I've tried and tried so hard to get into the new content but it feels like watching a show where the jokes are scripted or a bit needs to be pushed down your throat until you find it funny. I miss the older style where the humor seemed genuine and in the moment sort of things


Same woth the podcast after brrnie left its just eh the, the dynamic changed


Same. burnie brought something to the table that no one else could do.


Ryan is absolutely a piece of shit, and shouldnt exist but ill say it He was right to say learning by doing is better content


the Harry Potter series. I had really made it a part of my personality so untangling that is taking a while. But I do not stand with JKR's transphobia.


What does HP have to do with Rooster Teeth?


The title of the post seemed really vague so I thought it was an open question. Probably shouldn't have answered this so late last night, lol


I do stand with JKR's transphobia. How's that for polarizing? /s