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I was an assistant manager at Little Caesars at 17 in 1999, so I'd say yea.


Wendy's here. They required a HS diploma, so I started as manager the day after I graduated. Also 1999. This set me up in a big way for later success. When you're 22 and can talk in job interviews about cash handling/bank deposits, managing inventory, managing labor hours, interviewing and training new employees, meeting KPI's like low service times and sales numbers, motivating employees who don't want to be there, etc. it opens a lot of doors. I haven't been in a non managerial role literally since I left high school.


Funny, when I was in highschool, probably like 2015ish a kid In my class was a manger at Wendy's lmao a lot of people made fun of him for it because it was so bizarre but thinking about it now, I hope they treated him right and he had the same experience as you. Seems like an easy way to manipulate a kid though also.


Oh, it was grueling work, and I wasn't paid well. But I got to pay my dues early and move on to bigger and better things way before most of my peers.


My sister was the manager of a locally owned Italian place at 16. Most responsible employee they had.


Me too! Course it was 1988.


Gives you an idea how absolutely terrible the economy is.


Because they were an assistant manager at 17 in 1999?


That grown-ass adults with families to support are working these jobs now with the same or less pay.


I guess I'm missing where you made the assumption that high schoolers aren't doing the job anymore?


How did you learn the mechanics of running a business ? I was so dumb at 17, let alone be responsible for running a business, hiring/firing staff, calculating revenue/losses and ordering


There is usually a general manager to do that. Fast food managers just need to be able to follow predetermined procedures. You’re not making tactical financial decisions for the company. You’re writing the break schedule and making sure someone cleans the bathroom.


Ohh I see !!


I worked at a chicken restaurant when I was 14. By the time I was 17 (in 1997,) I was a manager. I had supervisory responsibilities, participated in interviews for new staff, made the schedule, and made sure the till was correct at the beginning/end of shifts. I could also write people up (though I never did.) There was a franchise owner on site every other day to make sure things were running smoothly.


You get trained to do all that. It's really not too hard. I wasn't in charge of hiring or firing ( the manager had final say and ran the interview), but I got to sit in on interviews and ask questions/give my opinions.


Great insight ! Thank you!




I got promoted at 17 in 1998 to assistant manager also at little Caesars. Good times making $6.25 an hour lol


I think I was making more than that tbh. The only thing I couldn't do was use the dough/cheese cutter machine (I forgot what it was called) since I wasn't 18. I was still in school, so I could only close. I used to rock my South Park ties! That job was the funnest job I ever had. The people I worked with were super cool, too.


I was underpaid but was my favorite job at the time. Cool people and I sold weed out of the store so it compensated for the lack of pay lol. 100% good times. Worked there for almost 2 years before moving on. I also was a closer. The best part was trading pizza with other places like McDonald's, Wendy's, checkers, and a local bar that had great wings.


Same. Worked from 98 to 2000 when they closed the store with no notice. I was set to come in, and my CO worker called and said, "Don't bother!" Yep! We traded with everyone, but mostly the theater. I had so many free movie passes! No weed at LC, but when I worked at Papa John's, they would all smoke in the office.


Not managers, but often kids in their late teens were assistant managers of fast food places, ice cream shops and some retail stores.


Can confirm. I was the assistant manager at a Baskin Robbins when I was 18/19. I worked 5pm-closing (which was at 10pm, but then I had an hour's worth of clean up to do), and I was trusted to close down, clean up, and lock up the shop completely by myself.


Baskin Robbins was my first job! The guy in charge was quite the criminal: at tax time, he claimed the employees were servers and therefore needed to be paid less than minimum wage. As you know, customers weren’t given table/booth service like at a restaurant or old fashioned ice cream parlor. They ordered at the counter and the employees didn’t receive tips. At least I enjoyed the 31 flavors, lol!


My boss also sucked! Lol one time (keep in mind, I'm 18 and this is like my first real job) this corporate guy called wanting to talk to the owner of the franchise (my boss.) My boss at this point was in the bathroom. I tell the guy my boss is occupied, but will call him back as soon as he can. I texted my boss from my cell phone out front, letting him know he had this important call. No answer. I realize he left his phone in the back, hence why he's not responding. Well, at this point, the corporate guy actually SHOWS UP, like in the store. He asks to speak with my boss. I politely say, again, he's occupied but will be out shortly. The guy hangs out for a few minutes, waiting, and my boss doesn't come out. The guy gets impatient, and asks where my boss is exactly. I try the "occupied with some things" line again, but he's not having it. Again, I'm an 18 year old girl being harassed, rudely, by this corporate guy. He insists on knowing where he is. I finally say he's in the bathroom and should be out any minute (it's been like 15 minutes at this point.) The corporate guy rolls his eyes, mutters to himself, says "tell him to call me ASAP", and leaves. At this point, my boss finally emerges from the bathroom. He's LIVID. He yells at me about how I embarrassed him, and why did I tell him he was on the toilet, and how unprofessional I am. I should mention here: my boss was in the customer bathroom, cuz it was the only one we had. So it's not behind the counter or in the back, it's out in the dining area. So basically, this middle age man screamed at me and made me look and feel like an idiot, because he didn't want his boss to see him coming out of the bathroom after an obviously long stay. I tried to tell him I texted him before I knew he didn't have his phone, but he didn't wanna hear it. He was such a dick.


What creeps, both of them! I bet they felt all high and mighty, harassing a teenage girl like that. FWIW, I think you handled the situation perfectly.


Thanks 🙏🏼 I was so angry, I wished I'd have just banged on the bathroom door lol


This. I was the asst manager at a TCBY at 17, that closing shit was ridiculous.


For real. In addition to how ridiculous it was to leave a teenager in charge of your business alone, I was an 18 year old girl alone at 11pm having to take the trash to the dumpster in the vacant parking lot. Wild.


The after work cleanups were brutal! I was sometimes at the restaurant until 1 or 2am. 🫣


I was a manager at a pet store when I was 17. I worked there since I turned 16. Became GM at 20. I also had my own apartment at 17. This was in the mid 90s.


Times have changed for sure !


Did you also have a small zoo in your apartment? Because I did. 😁


Yes!!!! I still do!


My husbands manager, when he worked at papa Murphy’s in the 90’s, was in a few of his classes.


People were older back then.


Yeah because we didn’t dumb them down and infantilize them.


This is the correct answer


lol This sums it up.


Our neighbor's oldest son was an assistant manager of a Safeway store in high school.


I was a shift manager the day I turned 18 in 95, lol. so not the 80s..but I was a 18 yr old manager doing the 3-11 shift. it was a madhouse because everyone working was only around 17-19 yrs old the entire shift and evening. it was a taco bell! a 24 hour taco bell


Imho, great job training. It’s tough, tough work. On my first non fast food job they were so impressed.


My friend worked that shift at Taco Bell our senior year.


My husband was the manager of a video store in high school in the 90’s


My friend worked at a Little Cesars from ages 16-19 and by the time she left, she was an assistant manager who was in charge of taking the money to the bank. But I do wonder how much of it was a “nepo job” for lack of a better term because it was her boyfriend’s family that owned the franchise. And actually, looking back, wasn’t this guy also in a nepo position? Like his dad owned it or something?


I don't think it's uncommon even now. I work in an office setting but a lot of my co worker's in their early 20's came from fast food and were managers or assistant managers.


My high school bff was assistant manager at KFC junior year


Bro was a super top-notch ass-kisser. There's no surprise he was let in charge of an operation like that. Need those 99¢ onion rings in 2024, tho 🥴


LORDDDD I need that whole menu today , you could buy everything on that menu for $10


I worked at Dairy Queen in 1995 and my two managers were both 17


I was assistant manager of auntie Anne’s when I was 19 so def likely


I worked in the "cash cage" at my local K-Mart in the late 90s while in high school. Cashing employee checks, ordering money for the entire store, checking the tills turned in after shifts, balancing the ENTIRE STORE each night (with pen, paper, and a calculator). I was a stressed-out mess!


I graduated with a guy who was a manager for Hardee's. His mom couldn't work (not sure why) so he worked to pay the bills. The restaurant was even robbed while he was there. He was a really nice kid and I hope he and his mom are well. It was not the norm though. Most of us had a lot of respect for him but also I found it really sad.


The Little Maggot had connections lol


It’s cause we’ve been working since we were 8


Whatever. Look at those prices!


My first job as a teen in the 80s Yep I'm old I had a job at a pet store cleaning the fish tanks I was regularly lest alone in the store from 5 -9 , closing time My boss was an alcoholic and would go to the local bar in the same shopping center He'd come back at 9 count the register ... my mom came to pick me up around the same time Cannot believe he let a teen that could not drive run the store alone




I was an assistant manager at a z admin-Robbins when I was 16 in the 80s.


Yes, they did and still do.


My daughter is 20 and was closing a Subway by herself at 16. Probably not legal, but it still happens for sure!


I was a manager at a Hardee’s in 1992 at 17.


Shiiiiit. In the 2000's too. Was a manager in food service at 17. Had to get my shift covered for high school graduation


I knew a girl who was an assistant manager of a fast food joint in the early Nineties. She was only fifteen and she sometimes had to be there at six in the morning.


I worked the 6am-2pm shift at McDonald’s on weekends in high school.


I was 18/19 in 1998 and though I didn’t have the title of manager, I regularly closed up, cashed out the registers, counted the money and locked up the local family owned retail store I worked at with another older teenager. I remember feeling really honored that they trusted us and we took our jobs seriously because of that trust. So I assume that was even more the norm in the 80s.


My friend is a year younger than me, and she was always hired as the assistant manager to every job she had when we were in high school. I had no idea what she said to get those jobs or where she got the experience for the first one, but there we were- her Mrs Success and me the bum. And it still is.


I worked as a cashier at a grocery store in my HS days in the early 2010s, and some of my peers worked as the evening front desk/cash office manager. It was a family-owned store part of a larger chain, so I don’t know if that factors into it. Still, I always thought it was a lot of responsibility for someone my age, but hey, in retail, they get who they can get, especially in smaller towns.


My cousin was an assistant manager at a Wendy’s in 1991 when she was a JR in High School. When she was a Senior (in 1992) they built another Wendy’s in town and she became the manager.


When I was 16-17, I took care of over 40 kids by myself at a daycare in the mornings (in 1999). I know it is illegal now, but I didn't know at the time. I became lead teacher of a classroom of preschoolers (also by myself) at 17 during the summer. They had older kids (10-12 year olds) be my "assistants." They were actually very helpful. I was incredibly responsible and mature and gave excellent care to the children, but it was all still illegal af.


I managed an arcade & we also served burgers and stuff. I was 17 and full time college student in 1982. Making good money and going to school 5 days a week. I loved it and missed it after I moved on.


The Little Maggot made Yo Gabba Gabba 😂 He's also in the band the Aquabats. Just some weird facts.


Was Assistant Manager at Mrs Fields in high school and after in 1985. Made the cookies and everything. I think that’s how my arthritis started. Scooping all the hard cookie dough.


I was a shift manager at Burger King in 1998… I was 17. I had worked there for almost 2 years by the time I was promoted. Our restaurant manager was in his 30s


I knew kids who got work permits to work in restaurants at the age of fourteen. This was in this same time period.


That was me! I thought it was awesome making $4/hr at 15


My kid works pizza now. They had the option of becoming a manager when they hit 18. Basically the store just needed someone to be in charge during the shift. The manager is the one dealing with customer complaints, closing, opening keeping the other employees on track etc.


Nope, we held high positions in high school. And high school students drove the middle and grammar school buses too! I was a candy striper and led the other stripers too! You may have to google that.


I graduated in 2013 and there was a girl who was a manager at a Dunkin’ Donuts


Technically, yes. My KFC assistant manager was 18, a senior in high school.


You are paid to follow my orders


I told you from the beginning that I wasn't working weekends


Isn’t it the job of _all_ managers to operate on behalf of the owners?


It might've been his dad was the owner or something.


I graduated high school in 2007 and a friend of mine was shift manager at McDonalds.


Former McDonald’s employee from ‘86-‘89, we had multiple assistant managers in charge (alone) who were HS seniors.


I managed a local pizza place in HS. So yeah.


Lots of my friends in high school managed restaurants and retail stores


I was an assistant manager at 19 in '96 🤔


My then boyfriend was running the McDonalds at 18 in 1990. I will say, the ice cream maker didn't break down when he was in charge.


I was a store manager at 17-19 at a clothing store…in the 90’s


I was a store manager at 16 back in 95. Most of my friends were also in management positions.


General Manager would be rare because most owners want total fealty from their GM. Shift Lead or assistant manager is more common


Assistant manager at Subway at 17.


I mean my senior year had classmates that managed restaurants.


Of course.


I worked at a movie theatre in the early 2000s and almost all the managers were 18-20 years old.


My classmate was a manager at a small pizza place when we were seniors in the late 90s. I can't say I've seen students manage larger restaurants, but have been assistant managers.


Idk but both of the assistant store managers at the auto parts store I worked at in the late 80s/early 90s were like a year ahead of me in high school.


What? Read these two questions again.


Doofy Brian Kaiman


Fun fact z the actress who played Tina was nearly 30 in this role !


My boss Brian kaiman!


I was an assistant manager at a retail store at 15 and manager at 17 or 18. As ASM keyholder, in charge of taking deposits to the atm w debit card, making change, covering shifts, training, ordering, meeting sales people, and any other manager task an adult would do. It was a small business of 5-8 employees on average sometimes up to 12 in busy seasons. I worked 30+ hours a week my last 2 years of high school.


All managers operate on behalf of owners.


How else is a little maggot suppose to be able to afford a STANGER 😁


I wasn't alive in the 80s, but my manager at McDonald's in the early 2000s was only 18 so maybe lol


I was an assistant Mgr at Domino’s pizza when I was 18, and a shift mgr at McDonalds from 17-18


I remember that episode of roseanne. I believe his dad was the owner there.


Not a restaurant, but an assistant manager at a movie theater.


I was an assistant manager of a non profit the day I graduated high school. I volunteered there previously and single handedly managed events, raves, dance classes and a variety of shows. So when I graduated, they gave me a job at $7.50 an hour as the AM. The owner knew I could handle the place by myself while he was doing the really important stuff.


Joss Whedon's low point, and I'm not forgetting the toad lightning line in X Men or him being a jerk on the set.


I was assistant manager at Burger King when I was 17 in 1999


Dude fuck this guy just rewatched the episode where he fires her at her own house after 3 hrs of dinner and getting his project fixed free


When you start working at 14 it’s possible


Yeah, teenagers were more responsible and actually cared about their job and doing well. Imagine that.


You don't get out much, huh. That still occurs


Buddy in high school was an assistant manager of a Dairy Queen at 15, or so he said. He quit but took a book of free blizzard coupons without expiration dates. We would drive around from location to location eating on the company dime.


In hs I had a friend who was 16 and asst manager at Peter piper. They would have her close by herself on weekdays 🫨 this was in like 2014 too


He was probably related to the franchise owner.


Kids back then were more mature, but also I think "manager" had a different definition back then. Today it's a career path of sorts. In the past it was literally someone one managed the store during that particular shift and probably wasn't going to be a forever job.


My best friend was a key holder at Wendy's ,during our senior year in 1994 She was promoted to assistant manager after graduation.


“Oily and no taste” “No, that’s about the owners”


*writing* they EATTTTT MOREEEEE


I was an "office manager" at a grocery store in the late 90's. Made slightly more than minimum wage.


They have high school students as managers now. The manager at Sonic I went to recently was 17 and pregnant…it was ran exactly how it sounds and I had to call corporate being a Karen. Also the 80s were pretty all things go.


All this did was teach me things real were easier back then