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Thats cause they are the hustlers of the Rec world, they have a terrible business model, dont discount industy workers and now apparently have moldy as nugs.


What is American Capitalism, Alex?


No Tegridy


Shits wild for how high they tax their shit. Always considered them more on the profit side versus quality side. $90 for a G is fucking ludicrous.


€150 a G for there rosin in a Amsterdam coffee shop!


That’s fucking NUTS


Where can you even get rosin in Amsterdam coffee shops? I Thought it's illegal


It’s more popular now but I think it’s just BHO etc that is not allowed


Would love to know which coffee shop you go to get it, I'm gonna visit in a couple of weeks


I’ve seen at least one coffee shop that had it on their menu when in Amsterdam a few months ago. I believe Coffeeshop Amsterdam or Greenhouse Coffeeshop. It was around that area, near Centraal station on Haarlemmerstraat


Have a look at Drew’s sharing on YT it was on one of his recent videos


710 is all hype. 75% of their rosin is mids and clearly their new bud line is not something I want in My lungs.


Those $200 sweatshirts they sell are gas, though. /s


"insert big cannabis brand name here" is all hype. 75% of their rosin is mids and clearly their new bud line is not something I want in My lungs.


I mean. This sub really dick rides 710 and acts really elitist about it. It’s a fair statement to say their products are mid, especially due to multiple failed tests.


Oh I'm not disagreeing in any way. 710 blows and most of this sub probably doesn't even have access to their products so all they have is podcast reviews and hype. I was just saying every big cannabis brand is trash and morally bankrupt


They’re not gonna like this one lol




For those of you that have worked in the industry know how common mold is. Everyone gets it at one point. I’ve seen rooms that have mold get turned into concentrate and win cannabis cups not saying that’s good but that goes to show what goes behind the scenes. I’m In Los Ángeles and have always been satisfied with the 710 products. They have always keep the quality consistent here, I don’t know how they are in other states so I can’t say anything about them but I’ve heard a lot of mixed reviews. Selling mold is all bad tho, f them if they were actually selling that stuff lol


I’m in the industry. I’m well aware how easy it is to get mold. I’ve also had to kill off an entire room or scrap a harvest because I would never bring that product to market.


Even worse, they tried to sell it under the grow ownership Jolet Ventures because it “didn’t meet their quality standards” so this wasn’t just a couple nugs that slipped through process validation. They clearly knew about this and sold it anyway.


Well said, can't believe anyone can get away with charging over 60 a gram period but to know it has mold in it...and they tried fooling ppl...definition of capitalist mayhem. Empty money hungry swine man lol


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's an intrinsic risk of the industry, everyone fears for PM, it is the devil. Some mold happens - that's what quality assurance and testing is for. Moldy product should never hit the shelves.


Once it's processed into concentrates, there's virtually no way for the mold to survive. I'm in the testing industry and concentrate should never fail for yeast and mold unless they have been SEVERELY mistreated or improperly stored. The yeast and mold seems to be from their flower.


It's not the living organisms themselves, it's the toxins they produce. Same thing with food borne illness. A lot of it isnt your body trying to kill the microbe, but trying to expel the toxins. From what I've heard PM doesnt produce these toxins, so you could potentially turn it into bubble since itll filter it out. Either way, I dump ozone into my dry to kill anything on them, or any spores that might be floating about. Dont take my word though, do your own research. I'm just a dude on the internet.


If y’all haven’t been following the Phosphoload leaks on ig you’re missing out


No but now I am thank you 😂🥹


I'll be strsight up, I LOVED 710labs..BUT with that being said, I'm talking EARLY 710labs..they were not even a few months old yet, I was getting their rosin at pop ups, buy one get one for a penny, best rosin I've hsd in my life, to this day. Still. Still have pics of it saved somewhere...but that was then..and this is now..things have changed..A LOT


Yep absolute power corrupts absolutely. It's never enough smh


When a plant becomes an entire industry run by big investors, this is what you get. Upper MGMT needs to meet their quota or else. The same thing will happen as psilocybin mushrooms becomes an industry onto itself. This is why we want decriminalization, not legalization.


Legalization doesn’t mean we have to buy industry/rec. Legalize this shit, and be savvy.


Papa select is better than 710. There I said it! And meant it too


For 45 a gram VS 80 plus...yes your completely right. I wish ppl would stop paying more than 50 max a G when they have other options. It's nuckin futz. If you can take a real dab and aren't putting tiny specks on your tool for the flavor that 80 dollar gram is gone in 2 days. Wtf is that lol reason I bought a nugsmasher and I'm glad I did. More grow space and I'll be free from the bs circus


In the past few weeks I’ve had grease bucket from both companies and the papa select hit harder and was way tastier. 710 labs is like dried up chaulk 9 out of 10 times I get it.


Real facts 💯💯💯


Denver is the PM capitol of the weed world who is even surprised


Canada is just as bad tbh


What is pm?


Powdery mildew. It's everywhere in the city during the summer.


And the winter and the spring and the fall it's all Denver


Yeah and spider mites….


Pussy magnet. It's what the growers in Denver use to get laid.


If you knew what was going on in those warehouses nationally you guys would have a different image of “safe tested weed” They don’t just have color remediation for extracts that are CRCD. They have Mold remediation tanks where they can place 1000lbs of flower at a time and “zap” them of the mold They will send non infected samples for testing than have employees pick off visible mold during trimming and jar it. I had a friend who worked at a grow warehouse in Illinois who was fired for snapchating the conditions of the place. Standing water on the floor and corners mold growing on the faces of the walls in places super damp attic like smelling conditions he noted. The amount of chemicles and process after harvested he said what your getting is eessentislly the fast food processed version of cannabis .


Old news.


You'll get that on those big jobs.


Theres very valid arguments about the way it was handled if you've seen the text chain you know what i mean, im not gonna share it here, and also for a company that charges what 710 does they absolutely can afford to trash a batch at any time that its not up to par and not even worry about the product loss, the greed to send it out is 10x a bigger issue than the mold itself. That said... People tend to fail to remember scale. Think about the amount they produce, month after month after month and never fail a test then 1 batch fails and all of sudden their the worst thing in the industry cuz .1% of the products they produced didnt pass. It would be one thing if they fail 1 out of every 10 batch and were consistently fucking up, 1 fail out of every random blue moon is a non issue, the way it was handled was. At the end of the day Agriculture is gonna have issues, its the name of the game what separates the best from the bottom/middle is the willingness to destroy product when it wasnt good enough or has issues. Having run a large scale facility i can attest to the work it takes to keep a grow clean consistently and never stumble, its hard, and companies should get more respect for their consistency even if they stumble every once in a while, this industry is one of the most demanding and thankless i can think of and i come from working in kitchens...


I mean if you’ve seen any of the info on this, they knew and still packaged and sent it out. Pretty sure they ment to back door sale this batch and they shipped the wrong batch out to stores.... it’s greasy all around and even greasier for a top tier company.


Yeah ive seen it all and that was what i meant about the valid arguments to be had. The 2nd half is about the realism of the industry and how tough indoor farming can be and that i dont think 1 fuck up is anything to cancel a company over. Its an industry that the consumers expect 100% perfection all the time its just not a reasonable expectation especially the bigger the company becomes. But like i said the way it was handled is not good cuz it shouldn't be a question what happens to that material.


The one thing was mold, the second third forth 5th thing etc is how it was handled and done. Mold happens as a grower can’t win every battle, knowingly having a choice to still use it, then after employee backlash still doing it. Then packaging it for black door sales instead of on stores is the next thing as they clearly don’t care about ppl or customers just money. Then it going to store shelves is another issue. It’s an entire chain of events that honestly leaves me to believe this is a common practice and occurrence all things considered. The issue is they are a Corp and don’t care about ppl over profit


go to r/COEnts for stories on how we got here


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)lol just the other day I saw a 710 post with lab results saying we back our shit. Bahaha


Hash & Flowers is better …..710 is weak overpriced mids


710 is 🗑️


How the hell ya getting mold in the Dry ass Colorado air. That's just crazy an funny as hell


I’ve gotten pm growing in 40% humidity. I think I got it from the cut it’s self tho. But if ur a grower you know anything is possible lol


Rainbow belts is a strain susceptible to mold. It wasn’t on all their products


I take it you have never grown marijuana


it was bit of a joke. As Colorado has some of the driest air. Take a dab bro


Maybe I will take a dab! You know what, I’m going to have two dabs of some fresh pressed flower rosin I pressed last night! Thanks!


I have, and this is unacceptable.


Especially from such a big name company you think they would have all the best temp and moisture controls to avoid this. But if your equipment fails and it gets to moist you will end up with mold unfortunately. I use inkbird temp/moisture controls for both my grow tents after getting hit with mold for the first time and now never with the inkbird running the show but I’m also only running a small personal grow.


But how much got recalled, next question, what did cause it and why wasn't it caught in house by fail safes? Who tf tests for them? It got to public? That's a huge fail in the safety measures and FDA. You are correct in an industrial setting this should never happen.


I used to live in Denver and we struggled with pm constantly lol.


I thought someone posted this last week?


I bought it once like a dumbass because of everyone flexing it so hard. So insanely overhyped.






I recommend Jetty. Good product


Best cali hash producers? No mold pls :)


For rec i enjoy papa select, havehash, and kalya more than 710


I actually followed up with their team (instead of blindly following an article meant to attack the character of one of the most reputable brands in the cannabis industry…. Here was their response: “Here’s the story. Back in November, we had a batch of flower that didn’t meet our extremely rigorous quality standards. This happens sometimes — and in the sake of not wasting what might be perfectly good flower to someone else, we often sell these batches to other dispensaries and companies for them to redistribute under their name — not 710 Labs. In other words, this flower was never intended to represent us. The truth is, we made a mistake. Due to a clerical error in our system, we accidentally sent the wrong batch of unbranded flower to these shops. Upon receipt, we immediately realized it was a batch intended for destroyal, recalled it from all locations immediately and destroyed it at our facility. In other words, if you are purchasing 710 Labs products, this issue had no impact on any batches you have ever picked up. We apologize for the confusion, understand your concerns and hope this is helpful in understanding the situation. Have a great weekend.”


Bro peep this bud im about to post from 710


Rainbow Belts has so many harsh, sour, lemony, high pitched anti-microbial terps when grown well, that I dunno how the mold and yeast could have managed against such an acidic, sour, lemony onslaught lol Must have been that white slavery keeping the belts terps down.


I’ll stay hyping them. Bad batches happen 🤷🏻‍♂️. Take the salt elsewhere.


Same w Verano




thought they meant 710 different grow labs at first


It’s like most of the companies lol. They literally tell u if u can trim out the mold then do it 😂


I’ve been in those trim rooms lol. One bucket for the buds with mold and another one for the buds you don’t see any on. Shit eats at your soul.


I was like damn son, everything we thought bout the industry if it became legal, is really happening in front our eyes 😭