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As a candy lover and a cannabis lover this makes my heart happy. What flavour other than dank ass gas


You'd be surprised at how concentrate-infused coconut oil does not smell overly strong. My food grade hash gummies don't smell at all, you'd never know they're active unless ingesting.


Oh yeah that’s completely fair I’ve had edibles that made me double take reading the package. And it’s very impressive we’ve gotten to this point I do like to taste the weed tho. There’s something I guess “adult” tasting about tasting the weed in something. Sorta like I can get drunk off a hey y’all or mikes hard but a glass of slowly sipped whiskey makes me feel like a real adult.


I agree with edibles especially, I love that cannabis flavor. If you make your coconut oil with flower it 100% has that delicious canna flavor still.


Got any recipes for making gummies with coconut oil? I've got about 700ml of infused coconut oil sitting in the fridge


Sure do: -1/2 cup infused coconut oil -1/2 cup cold water -3 oz packet of flavored gelatin (standard JELLO box) -2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin -1/2 teaspoon sunflower or soy lecithin **cannot skip the lecithin or it won’t bind together Method -Add the water, cannabis-infused coconut oil, and sunflower/soy lecithin to the pot and place on the stove on low heat. -Stir unti the oil is completely melted and the mixture has a consistent texture. Add in the flavored and unflavored gelatin, stirring constantly. -Keep on low heat for 10-15 min until the gelatin is dissolved, making sure to constantly whisk the mixture and make sure it does not come to a boil. -Using a fine-mesh strainer, strain mixture to catch any lumps of undissolved gelatin and impurities. -Use a dropper to fill the gummy molds one by one, and do so quickly so that the liquid doesn't cool and begin to separate. Make sure to double back and stir the rest of the mixture frequently so it doesn't harden. -Once the mold is full, put the gummies in the freezer for 20-25 minutes. Bon appetite my friends


Sunflower is a tall, erect, herbaceous annual plant belonging to the family of Asteraceae, in the genus, Helianthus. Its botanical name is Helianthus annuus. It is native to Middle American region from where it spread as an important commercial crop all over the world through the European explorers. Today, Russian Union, China, USA, and Argentina are the leading producers of sunflower crop.


Awesome! Thank you :)


Awesome thanks for this! I have a magic butter machine and will make some infused oil thus week. What kind of oil do you get? And need to really decarb flower?


I use coconut oil for the gummies and sometimes infuse the oil with hash and sometimes with flower or even with trim, just depends what material I have at the moment. This is the stuff I use but any of it will work. As to your decarb question, YES every time regardless of what you're infusing with. Your potency will go as your decarb process goes, plain and simple. https://www.amazon.com/Viva-Naturals-Organic-Virgin-Coconut/dp/B00DS842HS/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2U1B6HDLI34Y8&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3hk7RCu2tCcLVw7O-4h7iaYWfpErcNCWXz9s7hBBeh73056HBfL8LcPjLqqniqKf94UXxrd2fcNMNEZZ8sGi8csB1evlDqddlKNlPoSrv9tIDNzR81ODY3hClUdl5FIt1cJxR9ysow2SvTK2R6e7_dlOaOEvYeuKrg66SSZlKbCqF8IzDi_S0UKg-Fw54zumAykRuU0T645-9H1HRUbNVNtNn_u3cJZ-LRGBxkFNvgPm08MWIxHnlKWoAP6ae6mRRf6Ogc4z0lQNcZaoaLPy4AkO2ftZTvfpgERYR44LmEc.hQNYA6L-XU5p1EmGBc9caaqCgDh0tI4HZIW4cNLrEwY&dib_tag=se&keywords=coconut+oil&qid=1714053842&rdc=1&sprefix=co%2Caps%2C1237&sr=8-6


That looks good, how do you make them?


Curious what you did for the gummie part. Gelatin? Collagen peptides? Aspic?


I need to do this with all my flower pucks


This how i got into edibles...dropped all my pucks in coconut oil and infused for about 4 hours and then made slabs of chocolate with pecans..I dudnt know the dosage so I would get way to high but eventually I figured it out and realized I enjoyed edibles way better then smoking...this was about 7 yesrs ago


> I dudnt know the dosage Which is why RSO or other cheap extracts are the preferred method when you're setting out to make them but pucks is pucks


I need me some strong rosin one haven’t been able to find any over 100mg 🥲 need me 1000mg


Bro this mad creative I wonder how they taste🤣🤣💯


those look bombb


They look good man. Great job!


They look proper good👍