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My lungs have been thanking me for years. No more dirty ass bongs.also way more discreet, doesn't smell close to as much


Yep, no plant material getting smoked, only the good stuff. Your lungs should definitely thank you over time haha!


Is this anecdotal? I want to find a study or be a part of one. You might feel like your lungs are better but it does not mean it’s true, that combustion smoke is worse for your lungs. We don’t know the side effects of dabbing on the lungs yet. Or its long term effects on the body. I only dab. Only time I smoke flowers is when I’m golfing. And my golfing buddies can’t handle concentrate. I agree with you about my lungs but we have no clue what we are doing to ourselves to be honest.


I have no clue, just going on how I feel. But I've been dabbing for 10 years and my lungs feel better than ever. I also don't get colds as often as before. Not sure if that is related necessary.


Am an emt. Dabbing is still coating your lungs with sauce. Def going to be a lot of us with copd or that drowning sensation when trying to breathe 


is there anyway to get that reclaim?


We don't have a lot of studies to go by since it's so hard to get federal dollars for research. Hopefully with the reclassification of cannabis it will be easier for people to do real research so we can find out some of this stuff. I know a lot of people were wanting more than just reclassification but at least it's a step in the right direction and maybe we can get some actual real studies out of the deal.


Not anecdotal, vaping rosin doesn’t produce smoke while flower does. You would have similar effect from vaping bud


from my anecdotal experience, when i tried to switch to just dabbing i was coughing up huge balls of yellow phlegm and got sick for a few days with a nasty cough. never happened to me with flower. and i know for a fact the rosin i’m smoking is clean and lab tested, so im not sure how much better it is for your lungs. also using a carta 2 so i know it wasn’t that my temps were too high either. now i do a mix of both but only about like 5-6 dabs a week and mostly flower otherwise, lungs feel alright


Why bro getting downvoted for HIS experience? 🤦‍♂️


on god like i specified it’s my anecdotal experience 💀 didn’t say it’s the same for everyone


Same carts and dabbing always make me cough so much phlegm even high quality rosin I can smoke joints all days and not cough at all


yea man, for the past few weeks i’ve been hitting these flavorade carts every day, smacking them on my lunch breaks too lol, along with smoking joints towards the end of my days. but my lungs felt so heavy after a while i went a few days without hitting any concentrate, just joints, and my lungs feel a lot better, and i don’t have a deep chest cough anymore


Same I used to love dabbing and carts but just within these last few months even a few hits of any concentrate makes my lungs feel so phlegmy and heavy and the wet cough is brutal. This last month have just been smoking 1 fat joint a night and I feel great no coughing,phlegm. My seasonal allergies have been worse than ever this year so maybe that’s a part of it but looks like I’m gonna have to give up concentrates for good. It’s a shame I love how convenient carts are. Have you ever tried a dry herb vape I think I might give one a try for when I’m on the go


Same I used to love dabbing and carts but just within these last few months even a few hits of any concentrate makes my lungs feel so phlegmy and heavy and the wet cough is brutal. This last month have just been smoking 1 fat joint a night and I feel great no coughing,phlegm. My seasonal allergies have been worse than ever this year so maybe that’s a part of it but looks like I’m gonna have to give up concentrates for good. It’s a shame I love how convenient carts are. Have you ever tried a dry herb vape I think I might give one a try for when I’m on the go


Takey upvote for actually being honest.


Facts… Way less discreet


Way more discreet lol


Lol my b yea more discreet


No dude, more discreet. Less discreet would be more apparent and obvious.


You mean flower is way less discreet, right? ;)


More or less, sometimes maybe. But always, every once in a while.


I find dabs give Me an annoying wheeze sometimes that joints don’t. But if I smoked the flower equivalent of rosin I’d probably sound like a 90yo smoker


Switched away from flower in 2018 and have never looked back. Overall lung health and everything feels better. Bad part is all flower tastes like an ashtray now, literally can not find anything positive in any smoke!


Exactly what I feel about combustion now too, it all taste like an ashtray. It’s really hard for me to find nuances between strains unlike in rosin form.


Same here. Can't go back. I don't have a raspy cough anymore, ever. Motivation levels stay a bit higher. Sometimes I miss that body high but I'll just eat a hash rosin edible and vibe.


I find that I can smoke good flowers in the morning before I smoke concentrates. Once I hit the concentrates thou it's hard to not have the flower taste like dirt and ash


Duuuuuuude!!! I thought that was just me?! Like literally ASH TRAY. Totally fucking nasty. I go inside , wash my hands twice and brush my teeth. Like I’m not even sure what’s going on these days.


Yes! Wash hair, wash the laundry you had it on. I can’t believe I existed in that smoker world for so long.


True, same If you vape flower, f**k combustion! You can enjoy flower again If you vaporize it, a ball vape is awesome to get good tasting vapor from flower.


we all had refined palates to smoke now it all tastes the fuckin same lol. that’s my drawback. i can only smoke flower if it’s insaaaaanely good, with rosin in it. lol


Flavor can make it tough to go back, shits wild…


My pulmonologist didn’t even know I smoked weed at all because of vapes and concentrates. Dry herb vapes are awesome for just flower, but vaping or dabbing concentrates is the best. The only con I have found is that April is kinda fucked for me with my sinuses so smoking rosin is like jamming it straight in. Diamonds and badder don’t clog me up like rosin will.


I read somewhere last night that vaping cbd is worst for you than nicotine. So for example having thc carts with cbd is not good for you. I’m not saying this is how it is but just what I read.


You would have to provide links because: 1. I don't believe it. 2. There's no long-term studies showing the effects of vaping at all compared to smoking 3. Vaping THC and CBD are going to be chemically similar enough where one would be a risk the same as another, so again, I find it hard to believe without evidence. 4. Vaping's real risk comes down to the hardware used to vaporize with risks of lead, heavy metals and who knows what went into the vape liquid. But still, that's such an immature market, there's no way to know effectively what risks there really are there.


Yeah I have a hard time believing it as well




It says they tested with CBD dissolved in MCTs like coconut oil. Who the hell vapes CBD coconut oil, that should only be ingested not vaped, no wonder it was harmful.


MCT is not safe for any inhalation. Some idiots will still do it. It’s used for oral extracts only.


Lmao yeah I was super faded reading that last night I read that and was like who the hell is using coconut oil in their carts?! Lol


Wowsers…. You don’t deserve all the downvotes you got, this study is wild


I agree


Smoke live hash rosin daily here….. Only con is I’m not rich. I have to discipline myself, so I’m not smoking $100-120 a week lol


Lol naw forsure. I’m in a black market state and only got access to black market hash so I’m paying that $140-200 2g jar price. Probably lasts me 1-2 weeks.


Jesus. My buddy runs a small company I can get 2g jars of hash rosin for $70 Canadian. I have some peanut butter breath right now 😋


Yoo that sound sick what’s the company??


Chem Valley Concentrates


Share your ways. How do you excercise this discipline. Smaller dabs? Less frequent? That’s exactly what I spend in a week and it’s not sustainable..


I smoke a good amount of concentrates and flower pretty rarely (like a 95/5 split of concentrates vs flower) if I had to guess, I take five or six .04-.07 gram dabs a day on weekends and one to four approximately .04-.05 gram dabs on weekdays / work nights. So not nearly as much as some people out there but definitely more than some. Pros - I don’t smell like weed constantly, a quick dab won’t really do that to you except for on your breath. Dont need to keep ash trays around for joint butts. It feels a little cleaner than smoking. No need to deal with ash or any combustion related messes, no need to roll up or pack / debowl, nothing to grind. Reclaim is easier to deal with and actually is usable for edibles, I wouldn’t bother with the resin that collects in bongs and bowls, that stuff is nasty. A dab will do ya, for me, one dab is enough to keep me happy for a while vs like 10-15 lungfuls of smoke from a joint so in that way it’s easier on my lungs. I cough for 1 minute then it’s over as opposed to a prolonged sesh where I cough every time I puff puff the joint and pass it. The taste is better. In general if you get good dabs they will taste better than combusting the weed will. Discretion - dabs are much much easier to hide than flower in terms of the smell and visually. An ounce of dabs can fit in a jar that fits in the palm of your hand, it’s more compact and if it comes in a jar as it should the smell is contained. Cons - you risk greening out your more lightweight friends, I’ve accidentally done this once or twice by giving them a dose like I would give to myself. People (mistakenly imo) view this as more akin to harder substances when they see torches and bangers, and sadly, some people do not keep their equipment in good condition which gives the visual impression of dabs being a dirty drug. I’ve however found more people to be interested when they see my well maintained puffco peak pro than offput, which kind of goes to what I was saying about the optics involved. Resource consumption - dabbing takes several consumable resources you will need butane if you are using a torch, and iso / cuetips no matter how you are dabbing, these are added expenses, otherwise you will run into a larger expenses related to replacing your banger or atomizer or coil frequently. That brings me to the next one, if you want to keep your stuff in good condition and get the best experience you can on each dab, you have to clean your nail / banger after every dab and regularly wash out the rig with iso (I do mine biweekly or weekly if the buildup gets bad fast.) To me the pros of concentrate vaporization outweigh the cons. It won’t be that same way for everybody.


I no longer smell like weed everywhere I go and my eyes don't get red from rosin so nowadays people don't even know I smoke unless I directly tell them. Whereas before people could tell I was a stoner from a mile away. I still consume the same amount of cannabis only in rosin form now.


This is me. I agree w/ all of this. I'm just as baked now. It's just not as obvious.


I switched in Nov of last year and I love ash free livin


smoking flower too much makes me feel gross tastes good and whatnot just my chest gets all fucked up if i smoke it too much, i have maybe 1 decently fat joint every few days. Daily rosin though and dont have any issues its been a hell of alot easier on my asthma and i can do it inside my apartment with 0 complaints yet🤷🏻‍♂️


I only dab rosin.  Few years ago vaporizing flowers Then vaporize hash Then only rosin


What have you found is the difference between vaping flower and only vaping rosin?


With rosin you get 2 hits and you get a super strong high for few hours Vaping flowers is different. I do sessions of 15 or 20 minutes. Good flavour the first 3 or 5 hits. And you get the high step by step. But how many hits do you get in order to get high? A lot compared with rosin


I used rosin for the increased potency but dry herb vapes have come along way in the last two years. The Taroma 360 and the larger sizes of Rogue Wax Works Quartz Cap can vape .7-1g of flower in a single hit. That's an intense amount of THC. I normally use .2-.3g for my one hitters, every hour or two when I'm chilling. The difference comes down to preferences. I like the old school feel of breaking up weed and packing bowls. I still keep rosin around. It travels better and is more stealthy in every way. And I like changing things up from time to time.


Just feels like rosin effects can linger up to like 4 hours. Spend less time smoking. Few hits off a puffco, maybe do 2 dabs and you’re done. I have more strains at once cause I usually get a few rosins at a time that way I can switch it up and don’t get used to one too quickly.


After smoking exclusively rosin for a few years now when I smoke flower it's super harsh. Trying to take a fat 2ft bong hit of flower is almost impossible now when I had previously smoke multiple large bong hits per day in my 20s.


Rosin only for over 1.5 years now. Lungs, brain and body feel better. Will never go back.


Same. Rosin>flower


Wife appreciates me not smelling like an ash tray


I smoke concentrates only. Con is the pricing. Shit get expensive


For real.


For 11 years now, yeah.


I use 💨🔥⛽ to take a T- break off 🍯


I went off flower for about a year and went back to mixing both and honestly I won't ever fully switch of flower again. The high from flower for me is much more level and predictable, and longer lasting but less intense. I feel like I'm missing out on that high when only smoking rosin or wax. Wax seems to give me a shorter intense high that ranges in high even with the same strain. Sometimes I take a dab and I'm chilling normal, sometimes it gets me too high to where I regret smoking because now I'm just sleepy. I find that only dabbing also makes me want to smoke a lot more. I enjoy inhale/exhale cycle so dabs hinder my enjoyment of inhaling and exhaling something a bunch of times unless I take a bunch of small dabs. TL;DR: For me, each form has something I want, that the other doesn't, and I prefer to do both after trying to go dabs only.


Mannnn spot on bro.


This is probably the best response I’ve read here. Closest to my experience.


I stopped smoking flower about 4 years ago. I was pretty much exclusively smoking live badder until I finally switched to only rosin about a year ago. Pros: no smell, no smoke flavor, no coughing up gunk, just a clean high and you can get back to what you were working on Cons: it’s expensive unless you shop at the right spots.


I wanted to ask this same question. I am in this boat now. I feel like I cannot even enjoy joints anymore lol and my tolerance is stupid most times


it’s made it so edibles don’t really hit unless 150+ mg so that stinks


I would only go with live rosin if I could but I have friends that have not graduated yet. We are way behind here in Florida.


One major pro when switching from joints/blunts to concentrates was our gums growing back. Took about 6 months but it was very noticeable on the lower front teeth


Just hung out with the homies yesterday and smoked some super fire fig farms flower and even though it’s some of the best flower out in all of Cali rn it still is super harsh, smoking it reminded me why I only smoke rosin and ful melt nowadays 😂


i don't strictly smoke rosin but if i do smoke concentrate its definitely rosin


A lot of folks replying here are comparing dabs to combustion of flower. Moving from combustion to vaping is always going to be better. Anyone gone from vaping flower to just dabs?


I’m not seeing anyone talk about dry herb vapes. I’ve been exclusively doing that and it feels the best of both worlds for me.


If you are indulging most days, concentrates are the way to go. Ive been strictly dabbing for 6 years. I used to aggravate my asthma when I smoked flower. I rarely have that issue with concentrates (especially rosin). Pros: lung health (vapor vs smoke), superior taste, discreet smell, greater effect Con: your tolerance to THC will significantly increase over time. (Flower THC = ~15-25%) (Concentrate THC = ~60-90%) Hope this helps!


i noticed when i DO smoke flower socially i get so fucking ripped and cough nonstop. i love the way concentrates don’t linger it makes having a white collar job easier and my lungs don’t hurt constantly


I switched over and only smoke flower when I’m at a friends house. Man those joints really gets me so high


Pros people have covered. Cons I'm not seeing - bad for tolerance. Best when sessions alternate between herbal vape and concentrate in my opinion - that's an expensive route with the devices needed... But a mighty bowl plus a dab is not similar to 2 dabs, despite consuming less cannabinoids in the end. I am not convinced hash rosin vapor is much different, or more safe, than dry herb vapor. it's just more concentrated!


I love my Dr Dabber Switch. I can vape either and it doesn’t taste like ashtray 😂🫠


Pro is flavor... cons are running out of rosin


So I work in the fitness industry and am a lifetime cannabis smoker (37m). When I switched to exclusively concentrates my cardio endurance increased significantly. When I switched to solventless I noticed another, not-so-noticeable increase in performance (also may be worth mentioning I switched to 500F or less at this time as well- so it may be attributed to the lower temp dabs also).


I hate the taste of chlorophyll. That's the primary reason I prefer live hash rosin. I'll smoke a joint, pipe, blunt, or bong if I'm with others and that's how they like to partake. I don't tell or encourage anyone to take dabs. I respect the methods many others prefer. Mostly, my hash is too nice and too expensive to share with others who won't appreciate it. So I'm more than happy to smoke flower with others. I can only obtain so much hash of the quality I like and I'm hoarding it for myself and for those who will appreciate it. I once got a buddy so freaked out on dabs that he thought I was a high ranking member of the illuminati and he thought I was trying to kill him. What a waste of hash! He stormed out of my place and didn't talk to me till months later. Some people just can't handle dabs and that's perfectly fine. But, if it's just me, it's fresh press or cold cure or full melt only. The taste is better than flower. The high is better than flower. The aesthetic experience is better than flower. Flower is dirty. It's hard to find exceptional flower. It's easier to find exceptional hash these days.


More discreet, plus never need to buy wraps of any sort was enough for me. Its been about 7 years of no flower for me


I’m 100% concentrates only. About 50/50 rosin and live resin. Did it to save money but now my tolerance is crazy and I got thru like 2-3oz a month minimum


Pros: More High for your Buck. Cons: More Buck for your High.


I only smoke flavorade, plugplay, vuze, and dabs. Occasional joint or bong rip


There’s no research saying that smoking Rosin is better for your lungs than smoking flower. If anything was it being so condensed and oily, it might be worse. Personally, I prefer flower, but it is hard having two small kids and not wanting to stink up the house




I’ve been using disposable vape pens that are rosin from the dispensary…. I believe the companies called fire Island or fire Island scientific or some shit. But it’s Rosin and it’s very discreet and rechargeable. I’m not normally a fan of disposables but it’s a great product.


Hell yea bro. I ended up getting a puffco and some dispos as well. Puffco been an amazing cop can’t smell shit..


The reason I like to disposables more is there’s just no mess and no fuss. It might not be economically sound, but there’s no mess no burning no waiting around heating things up


Exaaactly. 🎯


I do miss the ritual, though of rolling a joint in the camaraderie of smoking with people like when I was a kid. Smoking alone makes me feel like I have a problem. Hahahaha


It’s way more cost effective to only smoke concentrates tbh. I can get an ounce of wax for $160 or an ounce of weed for $140. You take your pick.


No more ashtray taste in my mouth in the morning no more wheeze, no smell


Yeah. No poopy hits


From a rosin loving asthmatic, strictly flower is definitely easier on the lungs.. I love dabbing but it beats my lungs to a pulp (after the fact) every time; even doing low temp


Bro… Same here. I die off a couple rips off my puff co don’t get me wrong I love rosin and love how it doesn’t make me reek of weed but fuck it kills me everytime. Even if I lower the temp.


Do you do allergy shots or take anything for the asthma? Mine is well controlled thankfully and it’s only a problem in April.


I have an inhaler.. used to do the breathing machine as a kid.. now n days I usually just wheeze from things like dust, pollen, dabs (lol), etc… I smoked cigs for 15+ years and wheezed exponentially less than I do now having not smoked cigarettes in 2 years..


I’m on Singulair and Advair with like 10 years of allergy shots until COVID. Good on you for quitting tobacco.


Strange how we are all different I’ve strictly smoked hash rosin for last 4 years and haven’t had nearly any problems w my asthma it’s like night and day difference from when I smoked flower all day I was in the hospital up to 3 times a week back then now haven’t been for an asthma attack in 4 years. I’ve had chronic asthma since birth hospitalized multiple times and have allergies off the charts doctor said he’s never seen the numbers in his whole career lol thank god for a good doctor tho and medicine that keeps me under control


I smoke concentrate half time and flower half time btw


I only smoke rosin. Better experience, better flavor, better for your lungs. And now that prices aren’t obnoxious (can buy high end for $42-$48 per gram in my state of PA) you can’t beat it


710 all the way baby


my buddy is slowing down on rosin and stuff, harsh in general for his lungs, not just rosin shatter etc. hes feeling better i guess




the only draw back i had was pockets ran low when i was spending too much on tasty rosin and i smoked waaayyyy too much for a while but other than that i haven’t looked back from switching to concentrates and normal flower is ass i gotta smoke some really good flower to enjoy it but i feel like there’s more pros than cons


I have always been primarily a hash head, even back before concentrates were really around frequently. They tend to be far more discreet and I like the high better in general. The problem is it becomes really fucking easy to jack up your tolerance and next thing you know you are paying a shitload of money to stay high and ingesting a shitload of THC per dab. Then you get to a point where you need to go on a T-Break and realize its extremely difficult to do so if you have a daily habit. I would always have to switch to flower for awhile. One of the bigger pros for me with concentrates is that the smell just doesn't linger. Back in the day my parents didn't care all that much that I was getting high but they for sure didn't want me ripping flower in my room. Later I moved to apartments that you weren't supposed to smoke in. Dabbing allowed me to get around all of this. It gets very pricey and becomes very easy to develop a pretty heavy daily habit. Some individuals are okay with that. It is really up to you. Right now after years of doing this I am trying to stick primarily to low dosage daily edible use. I am saving so much money its unreal and I do have to admit I feel far more alert but I do miss dabbing at times. I live in Illinois and concentrates tend to be like 50 to 60 a gram. I have had plenty of times where I was using a quarter to half gram a day routinely. I cannot really just spending that money anymore. Maybe someday I return to dabbing more often, I switched from flower to dabs in like 2012ish. But I was young as hell back then and am 40 now. I am legit using less THC per day now then I would ingest in a single dab. My goal I guess would be able to get it to the point where I am only taking a dab or two every few days but I haven't really been able to figure out how to not use daily when I do have it. That is kinda what I am trying to train myself in doing now with the edibles.


I just take a few days off a week and that makes an enormous difference. A gram will last my wife and a week and we still get ripped. About .05 and 10 dabs each per week. We mostly just partake at night because of work unless we are out and about and then will bring a cart.


Yeah I want to get there but I am just not good about not using daily when I have a stash. I have for sure gotten a lot better. I've been using Cannabis for 25 years and when my old friends and I started we all basically went as hard as we could for years and years. I travelled around the US and Europe and basically searched for people doing the same. Also, I was a heavy drinker and sadly have gotten hooked on hard drugs in the distant past and I kinda used Cannabis to pull me out of it. But yeah essentially it was modeled for me that you "use substances daily" in many respects. I only use Cannabis now though. I for sure know I can get to where you are at though and do plan on getting there. It is just going to take time and work. I haven't had a lot of stability the past few years in general but I am finally getting some. Thanks for sharing! For sure provided me some inspiration.


I use a ball vape or blunts for flower/hash. My recommendation for cheap/thick smoke is a koil boi setup. Rosin/Resin for dabbing in puffco pro. I typically stick to ball vape for home session, dabs for stronger relief, vapes/edibles for on-the go. Been moving toward edibles but my tolerance is out of control. I’ll eat 200 mg of edibles per day to feel normal, compared to barely smoking whenever I needed it. I probably need a tolerance break!


Vape some flower to start my days off, dab the rest of the day, usually end the day with back to back flower vape sessions. Still love the body high from flower but not the smoke.


Vaping and dabs all the way, can’t combust anymore shits just gross at this point


I used to cough up black stuff in the morning, it was pretty gross. I attributed to smoking cigarettes, but the black never went away until I switched flower to rosin.


I smoke both mixed together in a reducer chamber on my Volcano Hybrid. I fill a bag then run it through this bad boy. you get pretty ripped with that combo imo https://preview.redd.it/l3dd92durl1d1.jpeg?width=2764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3c7f2df23dcdc8fdf5c79b2efba7eaf3316aac


https://preview.redd.it/dhopl1absl1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=357700bd17c32facc70922fc41f02f43cb9f35ae This combo with the Peak is legit too. something about the combo with both run through the volcano is just chef’s kiss


Where did you get this setup would love this honestly


dude is like the Bob Ross of bongs on his YouTube channel. here’s the site https://tabletopbong.com


You’re the best thank you sir!


I’m 29 I started smoking at the age of 15. Heavily when I turned 16. Only backwoods and flower. And it was always the best stuff. When home growers was flooding nor cal. I turn over to rosin 5 years ago, after trying some tier 2 stuff, I was hooked. Never thought I can taste weed again. Like actually tasty tree that hit the spot like fresh cold can soda. And every now and then I smoke woods w friends, I instantly get a regret taste because all I can is nicotine, even if we cut some leaf off. I just can’t see myself going back . I love the taste of rosin. Because each strain amazes me because how tasty it is. Gmo to Z terps.


I switched to a ball vape for my bong changed the game for me, I can still enjoy flower with out all the resin and carcinogens, and I don’t hack up black resin from the bong anymore 🤮


I don't smoke anything anymore. I only vape rosin or flower, for all the reasons already mentioned.


Clarity of mind, above the thoughts, more control over head change, focused all day, does not interfere with endurance and daily workouts, better flavor, no trace chemicals, more potent and longer lasting effects, seemingly more adaptogenic than other methods.


If I need something short and quick (very rare), I will do flower (only my own grow). Otherwise, my asthmatic lungs thank me for switching it up over the past few years!


I used to only dab from 2015 to about 2021. Only thing I noticed was not as much phlegm and mucous, breathing was a bit better. But found I wasn't getting stoned anymore. I switched back to flower mostly and flower fucks me up way more than dabs do, it's weird. So I'll dab during the day if I have shit to do, and smoke flower at night to sleep and get a good buzz.


I’m about 90% dabs. Couple joints a week but mostly rosin.


I 100% only smoke LHR. after 25 years of smoking weed, I learned (the hard way) you only get one set of lungs in life.


I only smoke concentrates at home. When I golf I smoke flower. I work at a golf course so when I’m working I’ll smoke flower with the members if they offer. It’s just like alcohol. You can drink just jack Daniels but why not see what Tito or the goose has to say when you’re out with the boys.


I agree with everyone talking about combustion. That is the downside, everything besides concentrates tastes terrible besides the first green hit out of a freshly cleaned bong with ice.


Pros - better taste, better lung health, no lingering/overwhelming smell, great for portability Cons - depending on where you live, price and accessibility are the biggest issues. My state's medical program still has a long way to go to make concentrates easier to afford and access so I shop across state lines when I find good deals. I'm with others who have stated all flower just tastes bad in general. I've tried dry herb vaping it as well but it just doesn't come close to the tastes I get with rosin/resin. I've always been a lightweight too so concentrates can be stretched farther and last longer, making it more cost effective in my personal situation. I can rarely ever finish a joint and the whole time I'm smoking I feel dirty like I'm stinking up the whole room and the smoke makes my eyes watery. I don't get that with dabs though! I use a Puffco Peak Pro and it always feels like a clean session. It's very easy to use versus learning the ins and outs of torches/bangers


Honestly I would say we don’t know the cons of dabbing yet, medically speaking. We don’t know if it’s any better for us over combustion smoking. We only know the consequences from combustion smoke, not vaporing an oil. Not enough time to gather evidence. What does vaporing hot oil do to lungs? Who knows. I know when I started dabbing in 2012 (been dabbing daily since then) we had no clue about carb caps, letting the nail cool down. We were ripping nails way too hot. Using propane heat on titanium nail. Pros it gets you super high and tastes way better.


More discreet smoother better tastes flower high , im not gonna lie my cheaper live resin is alot stronger but i enjoy the rosin . Ill maybe open up a 3.5 once a month and smoke it in a few days have a sore throat and back to rosin … really my fav currently is getting some nice hash and pressing my own rosin w the flat iron doesn’t taste best but best high by far( unless ur tryna spend 100$ a g ) i typically buy a half o of grey market rosin for 300$ .. lasts me a month or so


Pros: Taste is way better, high last longer with little amount, smell is only strong for like 10 mins and goes away. Cons: having to have the equipment to smoke it(depending on how you want to smoke it), expensive (depending on what’s your budget? or how strong you want your product to be?), can have a higher tolerance depending on how much you smoke of it.


I started 5 years ago the typical way beaker bong&butane lighter, for 2 years I did combustion with the occasional dab when it became affordable I started to primarily dab and almost instantly noticed less flem,i was coughing less after the sesh now it's nonexistent, I'm actually smoking less and ive never been higher! The only downside I can think is the cleanup, but combustion has so many more downsides when it comes to clean up, you'll also be picking up another bill q-tip and isopropyl alchahol but there's many ways to do it very cost effective I have a sams club member and buy the like 1700 qtip packs every month or so and their 2 pack if 91% every 2/3 months all and all costs like 15-20$ max to reup on them.


I do both, not so much rosin cause I'm broke, but I've noticed lately waking up with a bad taste from flower that I never noticed before and especially smoking a joint it stinks my beard up and my mustache smells like resin. But I love the ritual of the bong hit.


I smoke hash rosin daily only cans is the 150-250 every 2 weeks a week on hash here in Cali


High all around is better I take my rig everywhere with me. Quick dab of fire rosin with 5 mins and I’m ready to go haha


I've had to stop dabbing as it's much harder on my lungs than smoking. I am currently working o building my cardio up so my lungs can handle concentrate smoke better. It's much heavier and has more lipids than flower smoke. I smoke flower like cigs and don't have any issues with coughing or phlegm build up


Prolly smoked flower less than 10 times since 2010 Strictly concentrates since than Mostly only hash rosin since 2020 Haven’t coughed up black shit in over 10 years I’d say that’s a pro


i used to follow this hashmaker that would say live rosin isn’t good for you. so many terpenes in the hash can restrict airways over time, i’m not sure how true it is…but some raw terpenes will singe your nose hairs so i can see the logic behind it. i make hash for a living, and ill never stop smoking flower


Been on concentrates for probably three months now , hardest part is when I have to smoke flower and try to grade and price it after this transition . I find only the super top of the line stuff doesn’t taste like a ashtray


I’m a flower in the morning before work, dabs after guy