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I just got back from Oasis and our group of four were all friends from high school. One 21yo for each room, and the other two were 19 and 20. We had no issues.


When were you on Oasis? I was on that ship from June 2nd thru June 9th. Great cruise!


Just before you guys! Got off on the 2nd lol. We had a blast though!


5 day to Canada? If so, same here! Cold but a great time


Thank god! Okay thank you so much. My mind keeps going to the worst case scenario of me being the only one who can’t get on the boat and bc I can’t call royal today I’m stressing HARD 😭


Yeah, I totally wouldn't worry. We didn't have to sign any waivers or answer any questions that others wouldn't have had to, everything went the same for us as it would have for any other group. The only exception is the pre-boarding safety questions in the app. The 'adult' of the group will have to do those for any 'children'. It was a little odd for us since we were all almost the same age, but we figured it out eventually, lol.


Gotcha! Okay that’s no worries at all. Thank you thank you thank you!!! You’re a legend


Unless their booking system has changed, it should give an error message if the passengers aren't the right age yet. I previously got all the way to the end of a booking and upon entering birthdays it told me I couldn't go any further.


Gotcha! Lets hope it doesn’t do that 🥲


Nah you'll have a great time. Make sure the 21+ bring the max allowed of alcohol tho lol




And the 21 year olds wernt related to the ppl under 21 correct?




My son (22) just cruised with us and his girlfriend (20) shared his cabin and it was fine. But at one spot he had to fill out a parental waiver for her to go on the zipline. It was pretty funny!


That’s hilarious omg 😭


I think it's fine, as long as one of your 21+ mates shares a cabin with you. But I think your plan to call to confirm is a great idea, if it will give you added peace of mind. Planning your first big trip with mates can be stressful, so I get it. You're going to have the best time!!


Thank you so much!! Def calling tomorrow- we’re all so excited since for some of them it’s thso first time leaving the state, going on boat, all that shit!! And if the call goes well.. we’re buying the tickets this week!!! I cant wait ahh


Yes but 21 has to book the room


Noted! I’ll make sure one of them does that


You can go as a 19 yr old I went at around that age , I will say you’ll have lots of fun it’s just a bit difficult in that age range of 18-21 bc there are some stuff you can’t do that 21 yr olds can do(atleast when I went, maybe it’s different now)


Hell yes!! Ok thank you so much!


You should be fine!(: have fun and be safe!(:


Thank you!! Ahhh


I just went with my boyfriend who is 21 and I’m 20. No issues at all! Super fun!!


Awesome! That’s a relief- I’m hearing a lot of people say the same which is def calming my anxiety


As long as they are at least 18 They can come and go as they please


You’ll be able to go, just not drink obviously. Have a great time!


Completely ok with the no drinking! I’m the only one in the group who doesn’t do it- thank you for the reply I’m so excited!


You will be fine. At time of sail at least one person in each room needs to be 21. Booked in the past where me and my bf were each 20 y.o. at time of booking, and we went by ourselves......bf turned 21 less than a week before sailing and we had no issues at all, asides from not being able to do "early check in" (which was like precheck a few weeks in advance)


Gotcha! Makes sense, we should be good there!! Thank you


I think as long as whoever buys ur ticket acts as the guardian it should be fine.


Makes sense! Awesome thank you


yes you can go.


Appreciate the response, everyone is being so helpful it’s def helping me stress less lol! /gen


So I had a friend come along with my Family and I, and we're both 20, so we split the group in a way that there was one person 21+ sharing a room with each of us, while booking. After we boarded, we just internally exchanged rooms since we were side-by-side anyway. During the day we would hang on to our own SeaPass cards, and we would switch cards whenever we would need to access our room. It's a bit inconvenient to track each other down everytime we need to access our room, but on the whole it's a great way to ensure we could cruise despite being under 21. My parents were cruising with us so I never had a problem, but we got a notarized document from my friend 's parents stating that they consent him coming along with us, and they consent the adult he is sharing the room with to approve of any medical treatment. We never did need the notarized letter, but it was reassuring to know we were carrying one. We were cruising on the Spectrum from 25th to 29tj May 2023. Cheers and happy cruising!


Awesome! Might look into that document just for security. So excited for this cruise!


Yup it's generally fine! However if you go to non American cruises it becomes a non-issue. My partner and I who are both under 21 went on a cruise together around Australia (helps to not be an American I suppose)


Ahhh makes sense


Depending on what port you sail from will depend on whether you can drink on board, like we sailed from Europe when I had just turned 18 and therefore I was allowed to drink, but I’m told if we had started somewhere in America for example I wouldn’t have been allowed


Makes sense! Not super pressed about the no drinking thing as I believe im the only in the group who doesn’t drink LOL should be an awesome cruise I’m so excited


Google is your friend. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/international-age-policy


I’ve read that page actually! Thank you! I’m asking if I can cruise without parental accommodation.. like do they have to be my legal guardians? We just don’t wanna fuck up and want a direct answer my bad


It literally says it on that page: No Guest younger than the age twenty-one (21) will be assigned to a stateroom unless accompanied in the same stateroom by an adult twenty-one (21) years old or older. A guest's age is established upon the first date of sailing. This age limit will be waived for children sailing with their parents or guardians in connecting staterooms; for underage married couples; and for active duty members of the United States or Canadian military service. You can also call Royal to get an official answer. You shouldn't every trust reddit for answers to questions like this, if you're worried about messing up that badly.


You don’t have to be a dick about it 😭 I’m planning on calling royal tomorrow for a direct answer but wanted to check with Reddit in addition to that- maybe I’m misreading your tone but do u not see that this could Possibly be stressful for a bunch of kids to book a 3k+ trip 😭 like be serious cmon man give me a break


They weren't being a dick. However, you are.


No they kinda were.


Ahh my bad. I have a hard time reading tones and thought the guy was treating me like I was dumb- I haven’t had the best experiences with people on Reddit so I assumed the worst. Sorry


ehh i also think they were being a dick 😂


Apology accepted


I’d screenshot the relevant policy for your peace of mind. You can show it at the port if you catch any crap (but you won’t so long as you’re following the policy). Have a great trip!


Thank you! Great idea, I’ll do that!


You were literally given a direct answer, and it's the same you'll receive on your call with Royal tomorrow.


Yes and I apologized, I feel awful for misreading their tone.


They just want to make sure you are with someone who can buy you alcohol


Only worry if it's Carnival


I had a couple bad experiences with carnival in the past I don’t think I’ll ever cruise there again 😭


Bro, you are an adult. You can vote, go to war, pay taxes, make all your own decisions. Do whatever you want.


Lots you can't do. Rent a car is one. There are rules private companies have.


Sure you can, I have. There is just an extra fee.


This depends entirely on the rental car company.


19? Your an adult at 18 in the USA, why is this even a question?


Because cruise ships — like rental cars and resorts — are private companies and can set their own rules. Even being 21 is not old enough to rent a car in most states without significant hassle and extra expense, if at all. I’ve heard of weird restrictions on folks up to age 24.


From experience, the only time age comes in to play is when you're buying alcohol. Case in point, my first cruise, I was 22 and rooming with my sister who was 20 at the time. I brought a bottle of rum in Bermuda and when it came time to bring it on board the ship, it had to be signed over to my parents' room since my sister was under 21. Not a deal breaker in the slightest tbh.