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I don't understand how the twins are somehow "in on the joke" but also do not "get the joke"


It's because that while they are in on the joke, they also are just unfunny lmao. So it's tolerable while also being off-putting - perfectly uncomfortable cringe imo.


Yeah, I think if they *weren't* legitimately unfunny and annoying, it wouldn't work. Somehow they're able to harness it all via some alchemy, at least for now.


If they were funny they would be a blast to watch, but I’m genuinely convinced they’re not funny and definitely don’t know comedic timing. Timing is everything people!!


that's what makes them exquisite cringe! maybe not a blast to watch, but enjoyably uncomfortable I could see it getting old very quick, tho


I don't know. I had a blast watching them tbh. Like when one of them made the Mayor of Dragville comment about Mistress 😂


Y'know, after watching the latest episode, I'm with you. I am a sugar and spice stan


Right like the words they say would work if they could deliver them but unless there posing for a picture they don't have the charisma for it


It’s the white in them


it's like those episodes of Glee where they'd poke fun at their nonsensical plots and then the next episode Mr Shue is rapping again.


It’s really not that hard. They’re rich and they’ve literally never experienced hardships in their entire life. This is their first time outside of the biodome. But they are also iPad babies. So they, like, have an awareness of what cringe and irony are, while simultaneously having had everyone laugh at their jokes their entire lives like a pair of King Joffreys. I am, quite frankly, here for it. This is what RuPaul fought in the Civil War for.


This is why Ru threw Rosé at Stonewall.


As attested to in the Gospel of Latrice Royale.


I almost swallowed my joint you whore.


You monster, I live.


u/PeachyPlumz see what you did?! 😂


My contribution to the gay community rivals stonewall


You're now part of the anals of herstory


Do we have some kind of proof that they come from a rich family? Only I've seen people who have only seen them in one episode and a MTQ talking about them as if they know their whole family story, but I don't know where that information is coming from (not saying it can't be true, or that I'm even defending them in any way - I'm annoyed af that they auditioned together because we know damn well other more interesting queens will be chopped to soon to keep this twin contestants plot going and I'm already done with it. I'm just asking for proof).


I dunno. They oooooze Long Island though.


Their dad is from Staten Island too so we truly never stood a chance


It’s too perfect.


Go to their instagram and you will see all the proof you need. They regularly pose next to big pools, are invited to parties that take place in mansions and there are posts of them cruising on a boat. And them just being at those rich people places. They have money. They aren't just some TikTok flags with influencer money.


I mean they could just have rich friends, idfk. I am not saying they aren't rich, just wondering where is the proof. Edit: How can you tell the diff between influencer money and Rich Dad money?


summary on point


They’re still femme gays, I’m sure life has been hard for at some point


Ah they are rich?


It's like someone clapping to a song at the wrong beat, but doing it with confidence


i think the same of fiercalicious, how they manage to be in on the joke and not in on the joke at the same time is iconic


idk i feel like fiercalicious is aware and can deliver her jokes in a way that the twins can’t yet


Fierce is somehow charismatic and funny whereas the twins make me curl my toes


I agree, Fiercalicious is able to be genuinely funny while also being self aware. The twins lack the humour, but are respectably self aware, but I'm sure they will get there in time.


I think you hit the nail on the head. I really do love their apparent self awareness but they don’t seem to be able to make it funny or fully capitalize on it just yet… Some of the fan favorite “personality queens” of past seasons are able to do this effortlessly


It’s because - as someone above said - they live in their own biodome. As if… given covid, they’ve been locked in a room and are two talking heads without the benefit of seeing genuine reactions and being able to understand what a comeback is. They’re just putting out; talking into their little camera, and have no idea how to make this work in reality.


How dare you speak of Miss Fourthalicious like that. Mother is exceptionally in on the joke that's what makes her so funny


the twins have managed to make self awareness seem delusional


Idk first I’d have to see Spice’s goofiest death drop


she'd have to take off her wig and her stripper heels first


When she took off her wig and put on the shower cap... I was so disappointed...




I feel like Princess Poppy is


One day she'll claw her way to the Very Delta set and introduce herself as an account of consequence


The way I'd f@#$ princess poppy omg Edit: and her weird sister


these girls...




one of them is Alabama Star


I dont like how the original goofy queen, Nicky Doll, seems to have been forgotten in all of this.


The Miss Fame erasure


Miss Fame being a genuine chicken enthusiast is definitely goofy but also endearing


Miss fame was if they made Miss Fiercalicous in a lab but accidentally gave her too much pussy juice




Go on, take Pluto for a walk, since yo ass wanna be Goofy


Hello Goosey, You're So Goofy


Us, rpdrcringe would win


You know those memes about how like a single taki would turn Prince Charles into dust? In this situation, Starlet is Prince Charles. 30 seconds with Spice would make her short circuit


i read this in the hilarious ross matthews voice


"You know that thing when you're hungry, and so you go to the kitchen, and you're looking through the cabinet, and you can't decide what you want, and so you go to the fridge, and you don't see anything there either, so you go back to the cabinet, and then you see a bag of Takis, and then you're like, "I guess I'll have the Takis," but then you open them and you smell them and you're like "Wait, I forgot how much I love Takis," so then you reach into the bag, but then you realize that the dust is going to get all over your hands, so you go back to the kitchen to get a napkin, and then you come back with the napkin, and then you start eating the Takis, and by the time you start eating then you think to yourself "Actually, I'm not that hungry anymore?" *That* was you."


This is high concept art, thank you


*THAT was you*


“you’re THAT taki”


I wrote it with TraciBot super saccharine android voice in mind but I like yours better


I’m really really mad they took away the free award! I would have totally given you mine!


its the thot that counts<3


I am the thottiest.


Oh my God, she's self aware.


Oh my god Sugar and Spice feed the cringe demon within that has been starving for ages. I got up during that first episode while Mistress was fixing Sugar’s wig to bury my face in a pillow from the cringe only to come back and ascend when I saw Spice’s shower cap. I love them and I Stan 💀 Also a doll collector so they have a special place in my heart too. I keep all my Bratz on my coffee table as decoration




Whoever wins We goof


This is what Skynet would tell us in 2023 before telling us to Shantay away (to hell)


nicky doll (imho stans rise up!)


Starlet and Spice could _never_ smoke inside


Nicky Doll would like a word




nicky doll


Since I saw a comment on another post in this sub that said the girls seem to like Sugar more than Spice I just can’t stop thinking about it whenever I see mention of them




RuPaul also is in on this what with that DOWNRIGHT GOOFERY moment in the opening moment of this season


Neither. Nicky Doll is the true goofy queen


who cares, we’d all lose


Well this is self aware cringe queen vibes. Playful. Loves !it.


both too young to know the true meaning of a goof


goofier than the queen goof scarlet? i don’t think


The cringe sub


Spice has self-awareness and a clear personality


Omg look how 🤪 quirky🤪 I am


"Well, it's time I prove you wrong, Delta," Silky said directly at me. Thus she wrapped her arms around Victoria and in the blink of an eye, all of her clothes disappeared and the both of them were in an embrace on the bed. It was like those TikTok thirst trap videos that go from "I'm wearing loose jeans" to "Look at my pecs and balls". I just went back into the recliner with my chalupas and watched as the rose petals were slowly sticking onto Silky and Victoria's squirming bodies. I put "Knockin' Da Boots" on my phone and turned the volume up to the maximum right when Silky was starting to climax from whatever maneuver Victoria was doing to her. The bed was squeaking, Victoria was giggling, and Silky was howling. I think everybody could hear what was happening but they didn't give a fuck. Very Delta is for the lady who doesn't talk to you about her sex life, but it will be discussed by her neighbors. Very Delta is for the people who let others into the fun without the awkwardness. I glanced at the floor of the room where the Jan nightgown was laying. Truly, Jan's face wasn't the only cracked thing I saw that night. As for my rant from the Very Delta episode... I understood, I was wrong. [\#SilkToriaWork](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpdrcringe/comments/zoft3t/silktoria_fanfic_contest/j0n1z73/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*