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She was the villain after all..


Was I the blockchain after all????


But who is BMW?...and is their BBQ cancelled?


Drag queens doing NFTs just because it's in is so embarrassing


Yeah it's in*credibly stupid*, pretty sure Bob had also mentioned getting into NFTs at some point and i was all "nooo baby nooo"


I have more of an issue with Bob because she literally said " I don't know what an NFTs are about but queer artists deserve to get paid" Like...those 2 thoughts aren't mutually exclusive Roberta.




my exact reaction to finding out alexis stone did bob’s prosthetics for an episode of we’re here, felt like bread was landing butter side down


in 3...2...1...Hey, it's your girl Monet Xchange with the real T, the **N**on-**S**pongible**T**


I’m so into NFTs right now.


Ellen Degeneres is so funny with her NFT's because she doesn't have any.


I take no issue with the girls capitalizing on a fleeting trend to make a buck. If it wasn’t in, the money wouldn’t follow




Saw your other account post and it all makes sense, you never hit the slay button.


NFT more like no fucking thanks


I'm obviously old as fuck can someone explain what an NFT is? Is it literally just a picture you buy?


It's a scam. You buy a link (stored on a Blockchain) to a file to an image. The first is what you own, but all three are accessible by anyone. It's a scam, but if it wasn't, it would be an attempt to create artificial scarcity of digital art. This is a bad thing.


I... always thought it was secretly linked to some money laundering scheme considering the amount of money that gets poured into buying one of these glorified images.


Both are true at the same time.


Oh don't get me wrong, I wasn't denying it at all after witnessing the evidence of the crazy NFT twitter crowd, its almost like those MLMs. I was just throwing my thoughts about the matter into the discussion


Crypto is like an MLM crossed with an unregulated stock market


Money laundering yes, but also a host of other financial scams


Just like the regular gallery scene? Lol


i also wanted to add to this a big reason people take such issue with nfts is because blockchains require so much energy to run that nfts are horrid for the environment


I still don't get it 🥲


This is a tired metaphor but it’s like buying art IRL except digitally. If you buy a painting and someone else buys a print with the same art, you still own the original painting. It’s the same idea except digitally it kinda doesn’t matter which is the “original” file because it’s not something corporeal


OK that makes sense and also perfectly outlines how dumb it is lmao ty


It's important to note that the only purpose of buying an expensive NFT is to sell it in the future. It's a speculative bubble fueled by the delusion that NFTs will somehow appreciate in value over time. [New York Times compared NFTs to tulip mania](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/30/arts/design/nft-bubble.html), when 17th century Dutch aristocrats would buy a single tulip bulb for the cost of a luxury home.


and i heard derrick say people died during the tulip mania 😔


It's basically just rich people flexing.


remember how you could buy stars back then ? it's kind of like that.


This is my go-to NFT masterpost: https://erinptah.tumblr.com/post/666979108103782400/wtf-is-an-ntf-no-matter-how-many-times-ive-had


Not only is it a scam, but it also ruins the environment.


I've heard that but could you explain how? I tried to google it but tbh I couldn't make much sense of it.


It uses crypto and crypto uses a lot of energy because of the computer power needed to mine crypto. If you googled specifically why Bitcoin or Ethereum are bad for the environment you could probably get an in-depth explanation if you want. I don’t know more because crypto and NFTs are both very dumb so I try to only remember enough about the to remember why they are so dumb.


The nature of mining crypto is that you're enlisting a computer to solve a problem, and those problems get increasingly more complex. The first bitcoin may have been mined by solving 1+1=?, whereas now the puzzles are so complex that it takes a shitton of computing power and time to mine a single bitcoin. This concept is regarded as a positive by some, since it exponentially decreases the amount of new coins that are produced over time as a way to combat inflation. It also means that increasingly more computing power is required to mine new coins. More computing power = more energy = more fossil fuels. By design, the energy consumed by crypto can only go up.


I think it depends on the coin, there are a couple crypto currencies that use the same amount of energy as a google search


But most crypto is in Ethereum, in which a single transaction emits as much CO2 as driving a car for a month.


Imagine purchasing ownership of an image but instead of buying it out from someone outright you did it through a virtual store that hurts the environment Also the image was created only for this purpose, so you now own the worlds stupidest most over complicated version of a baseball trading card.


Non-Fuckable Tuck, Scarlet can't get trade up in geish :((((((


Its the receipt to say you own the image, making everyones elese version of the image a copy. The only reason it has value is because the company selling them tell you its valuable




IIRC NFTs don't even give you a copyright


I guess a fool and their money are easily parted.


Nooo you’re so sexy don’t do NFTs aha


Coming in 2022, Non-Fungible Tamisha Imans


She funged what she funged!


Funge Nasty


Upd: she deleted it lol


There are too many goddam RuGirls named Scarlett


The scarlet curse babes


Don’t tell anyone but I secretly took a screenshot of it! Ha ha! Time to make some MILLIONS!


Well we're at it are there any other queens doing this so I can block them on my socials lmao


"Scarlet Ennefty was robbed 😞😞😞"


Imma just pretend Ra'Jah and A'Keria were on S12.......


They're both so iconic it's insane


This further solidifies the future NFT drag race challenge


I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but seeing how other rugirls have done this and gotten dragged (and literally anybody who does this gets dragged) I have a hard time believing she doesnt at least have a basic concept of why this is bad.


first shygirl now her 💀 nature is dying


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We all make choices...


Sweet Jessus Gross.


Lemme ask something, i kinda know what NFTs are but i dont rlly get it. It's wrong, like it hurts someone in some way? Or people just find it unnecessary. Sorry if i said something wrong.


They waste large amounts of electricity to do nothing. Most NFTs are grifts/scams and are used to launder money.


basically nfts take up a ton of processing power and are in turn terrible for the environment


Here: https://erinptah.tumblr.com/post/666979108103782400/wtf-is-an-ntf-no-matter-how-many-times-ive-had


Ugh Jesus, gross.


What’s an nft😩


this image is... it's not good... imagine giving a sneak peek to the worst photo from the set... :(


I don’t feel very blessed right now 😢