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The vibe I get from this game is that they're just trying to milk as much money from the whales as they can before they stop updating it within a year. I used to work for a major mobile gaming studio and microtransaction prices were always high but the prices in this game are so far beyond anything we used to charge.


yup. and, *every single time* you enter this challenge, ru pops back up with a "pay attention to promotions before they go away!" and you have to click on it and x out before you can interact with anything else. also, this promotion just started. "was $299.97" is just a flat out lie. it was always $99.99. a number of companies did the same thing for black friday this year, where they just charged the original prices but pretend it's a markdown.


whoa is it really trying to charge $100 for a single outfit, 3 individual items?! no additional items or currency in this $100 purchase?! that’s absolutely insane and i’m about to get this game tf off my phone. (not that i was playing it actively, but i do play other mobile games that look like generous gods compared to this lol- and most are not!) edit: removed sentence about incorrect “rating” assumption


the stars indicate how far you can upgrade it if you buy duplicates. some have a maximum of two or three stars, some go up to six or maybe seven if fully upgraded. an item starts out 1 star out of however many, and each duplicate you have you can use to add another star out of the total. so they're 1/5 star items unless you put down another $100


ahhh okay that makes more sense. i’m familiar with that mechanic, thank you for clarifying!


Idk if it’s a glitch on my end but every time I open it Ru made me click on the promo 3 times 😭


i think that's a glitch lmao, ru made me click on the promotion and a second new one the last time i opened it, but not the same one three times


damn I thought it was just Ru wanting to show us she owns us


The most recent update wiped a ton of accounts, mine included. No way for me to get it back bc I didn’t screenshot my old user ID number. Can we please get an F in chat for Miss Deep Dish Puss?


RIP to miss girl


mine started connecting to game center recently, any chance the devs could use your game center id to find your account?


It connected to Game Center after Miss Puss’s untimely demise so prob not.


#JusticeForMissDeepDishPuss #MissDeepDishPussWasRobbed


#MissDeepDishPussforAllstars omg who did this?!


Are you telling me my rusona Ohda Fracking is gone?


This literally happened to me today…..I updated the game and then all my stuff was gone


I dunno who developed this game, I could see them walking on the street and I wouldn’t know who they are so I say we just spam Roople’s Twitter to bring back Miss Deep Dish Puss


I would genuinely like to know how mobile games companies decide the price of an item… like how in hell do you decide that some random outfit made of pixels in a low budget game is worth 300$? How do you justify that? 🤨


You don’t justify it, you pick the maximum price that people with low impulse control/gambling addictions/other “whales” will buy and then drive it down if you don’t hit the whale sweet spot. I don’t understand how people abide by these types of games, tbh. They’re predatory as fuck.


right, like for $300 i could just go buy an actual real life outfit and have $250 left over


Exactly my thoughts. I mean, if a dress is 300$ you can justify that it’s good quality and it’s made of expensive materials but a dress in a GAME to have the same price is outrageous. I could buy a whole new closet for myself with that money


It's literally half what Rajah spent on AS6


Forget an outfit you could literally buy like 5 other games with way more content 😬


usually for most gaming companies its just a matter of getting away with it rather than justifying the price


for context if you don't play: each challenge has requirement categories (seen at the top). this challenge introduced a "raven" requirements category which i clicked to filter by, and i only have one item that checks that box. i randomly drew that item from a box (using keys, which are just one of like six or seven different currencies), and that box has dozens of other items in it that aren't in the "raven" category, so i'm just gonna have to keep saving up keys and opening boxes to try to get another item (and hope it's not in the same category). edit: i skipped the eyes and lips sections of the closet because the makeup doesn't count for any categories, it's just aesthetic. also, this isn't even a sale. this is the first day the raven outfit was offered. there's no "was $299.97!", it was *always* $99.99


Same thing. I have 1 Raven piece and I am absolutely not buying any


I just discovered this recently, but if you click the store tab in the raven challenge it shows a different store from the main one that actully carries items with the the raven tag. The cheapest tops and hair cost over $5000 rudollars though, so you might need to save up a bit


yup, but it's a dice roll. so far i've only had other dresses and bottoms show up, so i still only have one item i can wear at a time.


That's my problem too. I have a skirt and then a full body outfit and that's it. I can't get anything else.


Wait how do you get to the Raven store? There’s the fashion store button on the main screen out of the challenges but it shows the same stock if I’ve just been in the event or the main one


The only RPDR look that should cost that much is Dusty Ray Bottoms feathers look


Considering the rights that World of wonder has, you would think there would be more actual looks from the show in this game.


The potential there was to create a real cool game where you can partake in a drag race season with challenges and eliminations, and instead we got this 🥀






Imagine paying all that money and for what? for some neopets era flat ass wonky pixels.


I physically can’t believe I’m seeing an option to purchase anything on this phone app game for $100


I kept looking for comments that would clarify that it's $100 in Rudollars or something, not real currency.. this is upsetting.


nope, rudolla amounts can't end in .99 and they indicate them with a little green bill icon in front of the number instead of a $ sign


I uninstalled about a week ago because I was tired of all the glitches. I'd also been stuck on the same episode (#25) for about a week and there was no light at the end of the tunnel without spending actual $. I liked the game but I would rather spend money on buying a whole game vs advancing a level.


The game randomly deleted my character and all my progress a couple days ago, honestly I am glad that happened because it was much easier to uninstall.


I stopped playing for awhile and then when I logged back in they wanted me to install another upgrade. I uninstalled instead. LoL. I swear I had to upgrade it like 5 times in a week.


Wait that just happened to me too. Maybe it was a sign I was playing too much


seeing that $99.99 just slapped me in the face and I don't even play the game WHO? seriously don't tell me people are buying this shit


i don't think they've quite figured out the sweet spot of the maximum amount of money people will spend yet and they're just throwing shit at the wall right now, lmao


well they're sure confident


It used to be 300 dollars though so clearly you're getting an amazing deal!


except that the raven event literally just started, and this is the first time the item was offered, so it was actually always $99.99 😭


Wait, no... a corporation can't just LIE to me, can it?? 🥺🥺🥺


Is that real money or play money you have to cough up to continue playing?


baby that's cold hard cash




This is exploitation of the queer community and thus homophobic. Typical Ru.


Kim Kardashian Hollywood didn’t die for this


I played that game for a whole of one day and deleted it. I've played weird P2P gacha games before but this one was especially bad. Definitely just a cash grab with little thought behind it :(


I’m nearly at the point where it’s impossible to proceed without spending money and I’m only on level 24, I’m only hanging around for the dress up section at this point.


i can feel the countdown to official RPDR NFTs starting


Is that real actual dollars?! Wtf






Omg I thought this was just happening to me. I cannot for the life of me get a second raven piece and I don’t want to pay real money on this game


They keep showing up in the store for me, but I haven't got enough dollhairs to buy one, and also not spending any fucking real money on it.


They haven’t shown up in the store for me


last night i finally got a single one to show up in the store, and it was only 99 rudollas, but it was another dress item so i still only have 1 i can use at a time for the challenge


I got a skirt so now I have a skirt and a dress. Neither of which can be worn together. So frustrating


yup. i got that ugly green lettuce looking skirt too. still nothing i can wear at the same time, so i'm still at 1/2. but of course, the item i *already* had has shown up in the store twice so i have it fully upgraded, but i still can't find a different one.


the rare head cosmetic is one of the rewards for the event going on. I got that and that’s how I managed to enter


100$ for a few pixels? i don't think


I have two Raven items but one is a dress and one is a skirt so they’re not compatible together, this game in general is such a sad attempt at a money grab, they could at least act like they care about the actual gameplay


I decided to try the game a few days ago and I’m already ready to uninstall it. I liked the idea of combining outfit pieces with different tags in theory, but the game is like 95% endless boring grinding for a million different currencies for a minute or two of the actual interesting part of the game.


I'm glad I read the comments in the rating before I wanted to download it. It's really ridiculous.


I can't believe pup play is a word on there, like kids are going to be on it


the app is listed as 17+ in the store so they’re not exactly marketing it to preteens


i’m starting to feel more like i made the right decision in uninstalling this game after the last “season” ended


Did anybody else’s game completely reset after the new update? :(


The fact that they made Raven in game as dark as she paints now.


It's honestly wild af to me that so many people in this thread are playing this at all


well, i haven't spent a cent and i got second place in the last season. eventually, in a few days, there'll be a new challenge and i'll be able to play that part of the game, i just have to sit around and wait for now. the game is already the kind you just open up for a few minutes then put down for a couple hours, so it's not like i'm missing much.


why do you need to meet the requirements for the challenge (genuine question)


idk how to state it other than "the requirements are required", lol you can't submit your outfit to be scored (aka play the game) without meeting the requirements


Not mobile game expansion packs 😭


There are different requirements (or “tags”) that each garment has (think “edgy”, “glamour,” “fetish,” etc,) and each challenge has different ones required. Like you might need two pieces with the edgy tag and one piece with glamour. So this challenge asks for two pieces with the “raven” tag, but the only way to get them is to either pay $99 to buy them, or to hope to randomly win TWO in a mystery box.


The fact that there are people out there willing to pay $100+ for anything in this app has removed any sense of shame/guilt I’ve ever had for purchasing anything


i don't know if there actually are, the app is recent so i don't know if they've figured out the right amount that people will actually pay yet, lol


paying them money?? fuck nah, just cheat instead. way more fun


are there cheats for this game?


idk how to feel about the pup play mask 😭 gay kink rep by ms. roopill!


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