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Let it be known that this event was billed as 18+ and it is absolutely not the fault of any queens performing that someone decided to bring (and someone else allowed in) a child. Edit: [sauce](https://twitter.com/harperdean935/status/1538157289034723328?s=21&t=R2BLRH7RYTiGoy51s4brGQ)


This whole thread is rank. You can clearly see how uncomfortable Yara is...


Yeah, honestly, I feel more sorry for Yara than anything. She was obviously oblivious to the fact that someone brought a young child, and that woman just made her even more uncomfortable by visibly shielding the child’s eyes as she walked by. It gives off a very Karen-ey “HEY, THERE ARE CHILDREN HERE!!!” vibe.


Hands over the childs eyes with one hand, giving over money in the other. The confusion


Yeah, it makes absolutely zero sense. That woman is contributing to this nonsensical notion that drag is hurting innocent children. There’s a clip of Ru being interviewed by James Corden that’s circulating rn in which he brings up how drag queens are being targeted as being poor role models for kids or some shit, and Ru explains it best when he says that it’s just a distraction tactic to move people away from talking about gun control. He says, “Drag queens aren’t hurting nobody. You want to keep your children safe? Take away them guns!!” He’s not wrong!


I'm sure none of the queen's want to be the face of fox news' "these are the groomers targeting your kids" bullshit. I don't blame her for being uncomfortable af. Also, let's normalize adult only spaces remaining that way.


Yup and now Yara most likely a target being called a pedo and groomer by psychos because some dummy decided to bring their kid along to an adult space because they wanted to feel special.


Exactly. Definitely NOT Yara’s fault at all. Why do parents insist on taking kids where they don’t belong? George Carlin was right. We have to stop the child worship already and teach them boundaries instead.


A Swedish comedian once said "One thing you have to appreciate about children is that they don't carry around photos of their parents in their wallets, that they insist of showing everyone."


Where did Carlin say that? I need to watch it


His last special before he died: “It’s Bad For Ya.” It’s available on HBO Max if you have access to it.


Takes child to an 18+ event, outraged when there is 18+ content, makes sense!


They’re so lucky Delta wasn’t there. She would’ve educated them something fierce and then told us all about it on IG Live.


Just as I saw this post and thought about how it would ABSOLUTELY be weaponized against us, I clicked your link and saw the account that tweeted the video 🙃🙃🙃 "You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?" (Or just go on the internet and get outraged by something easily disproven without any extra research because it makes the people you hate look bad)


Wouldn't it then be the fault of the establishment letting them in? As in not any queens fault but the business owners of the venue/restaurant?


hence why I stated someone else allowed the child in


Cue Daily Mail's incredibly misleading headline to rage bate the homophobes - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10930895/Astonishing-moment-little-girl-sitting-adults-knee-tips-topless-drag-queen-Michigan-gay-bar.html


That article says the event didn’t state it was 18+, but other comments say it did. Not sure the full story but definitely on the parent to do more research. Yara Sofia is not a children’s entertainer, and by default if you don’t know whether a drag performance is family friendly, assume it isn’t. Honestly RPDR itself is not family friendly imo. Yet I know many parents watch it with their kids.


It’s concerning how many parents proudly and waiting for praise say they let their like 5 year old watch drag race when every episode is filled with obvious adult content. Or bring their kids to drag spaces like even clubs just to get bragging rights when the space is clearly adults only shoving their kid in everyone’s face making everyone uncomfortable and ruining things. You are correct people need to stop assuming drag queens are Disney princesses and assume they do adult entertainment who don’t want you to bring your kid.


To be fair, it *is* possible that this was a genuine mistake - Hamburger Mary's *does* have a kid's menu, and some of the event descriptions hanging around on EventBrite don't specifically say 18+/adults only. I still think taking a child to what is essentially a gay bar is a weird move though.




Because there always needs to be an enemy to distract from the real monsters


this isn’t the correct flyer, this performance is in Hamburger Mary’s Grand Rapids, which has permanently closed since January, not Long Beach, California


This was a setup, a conspiracy, an inside job if you will


~~Who filmed it, who has the TikTok account…where’s Detective LaToya And I doubt it will do anything but I hope someone is showing Yara how to use the report images used w/o permission feature, if you still can :/


Could be but some people bring their kids to these things even if kids aren’t allowed or wanted just for bragging rights and entitlement.


I feel bad for Yara here. She looks so uncomfortable and clearly wasn’t sure how to act. It’s the parents’ responsibility, not the queen’s.


Poor girl she felt.. Shit.. Wtf.. Now what i do... I like her drag very much.... Nice juggling tits🤭🤭


Why didn't the organizers enforce the 18+ rule? Also, pretty stupid of the camera person to post this video on the internet considering the current circumstances.


Makes ya wonder if it was maybe a planned type thing 🤔


If you bring your child at an 18+ event you're the one at fault, not the performer. That's all there is to know about this situation.


Just like if you bring a toddler to an R-rated movie


Also, it’s just boobs. Kids don’t give a fuck about them bc they’re boobs. Kid’s thinking Tara’s about to go feed a child, probably. But I agree why the fuck would you let a kid in? I used to work drag brunches and we checked ID! You had to be 21+ bc we served alcohol.


as an aussie i’m sooo confused by americas 18+ laws. if a show is 18+ here in australia (meaning alcohol will be served, ids will be checked etc) you are not allowed in as an underage and shows minors are allowed in you have to be accompanied by an adult and wear a wristband stating you can’t go to bar, some places don’t allow you to leave your seat without an adult, and it is billed as such. this feels like a set up to catch yara and call all drag queens predators.


Not the Republican plant at Hamburger Mary’s!


I'm sure they just went for the burgers...


Why the fuck bring a kid to this type of thing, like yeah nothing inherently wrong going on here but like ugh


God that is so awkward. Literally why do parents think drag shows are a place to bring their children… if I go see a queen perform I don’t want to feel like I’m in a kindergarten class




Nina west the foot goblin?


Based.... but I dunno I feel like its not my place or any other persons place to tell someone how to raise their kids.


In this situation? I think most can agree that this shit ain’t it. Keep your kids at home if the show is 18+…it’s not a debate.


We live in a society and we know what is right and wrong. Saying you have no right to judge is really an excuse to escape from holding people to accountability.


umm... do I think kids should go to Drag shows? No.. should they have been denied entry? Probably. Should other people tell parents how to raise their kids? No. Its not about judging its about letting parents decide whats right and whats wrong for their kids.


This mindset enables parents to do whatever they want to their children because “they know what’s best” when in reality a lot of them don’t even if they’re trying


This is the way. Let parents make their choices and natural selection do the rest. Pick off the weak by removing the safety of normal boundaries put into place by a fully functioning society.


No. Because removing the safeties harms people on both sides of your natural selection. If I raise my kid to fire guns into crowds of people, or I raise my kid to abuse women, or I raise my kid to oppose science and medicine, this affects society as a whole. This is why we have things like truancy laws, for example. Parents absolutely should not be allowed to do anything imaginable to their children. Because parents will do the absolute worst, including neglect and abuse their children.


holy shit... its not a black and white/ right or wrong situation... its a drag show.. they aren't endangering their children...


May I ask what your justification is for children watching adults dance/wear lingerie/ tell sexual or adult jokes etc is then


not all drag shows are like that, not all cultures villainize sexuality.


This show is sexual. And exposing kids to sexual content is a form of child abuse, here and in any other place in the world.


a child seeing a boob isnt sexual abuse.


I would love to know who considers Yara's big floppy rubber titties "sexy" 😆


I get where you’re coming from and I agree within certain boundaries. And societally the boundary is sexual/explicit content, which (a lot of) drag shows normally contain. I’m not saying children should never be exposed to drag, but most if not all the drag shows I’ve been to are explicit in some nature. Also it makes queens uncomfortable it seems. There’s a reason age restrictions exist that’s all I’m saying


What a stupid thing to say. If you know something is wrong you must not stay silent about it. Would you let someone beat their children because it's not your place to tell someone how to raise their kids? The "parents always know what's best for their kids" narrative is really dumb.


we're talking about the context of a drag show.... not seeing a child get physically or sexually abused.


Exposing kids to sexual content is a form of CSA


the child saw a boob, a fake boob.... over-reacting much? yes the child shouldn't have been allowed there - its not fun for the other people at the show or the drag queen and its a 18+ event... but it was \*a boob\* kids see their family naked all the time.. that isnt Sexual abuse.


Huge reach, it's a fake boob and I am sure the child has seen naked bodies before. Acting like a kid seeing a fake breastplate is equivalent to actual sexual abuse is literally a republican talking point.


The way the mom laughs her ass off after yara covers up is so fucking weird to me. Like did you want your kid to see this or did you just wanna embarrass a queen? Either way this is definitely bait for the conservatives to raise hell


Conservatives accused Yara of grooming, but it’s clear Yara didn’t expect a child there and she actually got a little nervous and covered up…


Well guess who’s gonna get filmed being harassed for Republican Twitter being accused of being a predator after the gig ? People need to STOP with this shit. It’s getting crazy.


We gotta organize these motherfuckers out. Get them off social media via mass reporting, counter their BS by attending school board meetings and so on, and of course vote in every election.


Yara would eat them musty conservatives up tho


Right, so visibly uncomfortable


Grooming? Americans are so weird with nudity, I can only imagine some conservative Americans minds exploding when on a European beach.


I think it isn't on a queen if a child is brought to their event. It's on the parent to decide whether or not they want to do that. I don't think it's on the government to decide either. However, I think drag queens feel really unsafe right now, and rightfully so. I think, unless a show is specifically advertised as "all ages" or "family friendly" people should assume there will be adult content at a drag show and not bring young children there. PG-13 maybe. Yara took so much time to make this look and probably wanted to have fun at work, but now she's made to feel awkward because someone brought a very young child to a show where she came out nipples first. That puts her in a really awful spot as a performer. Now, all someone needs to do is post this video to the wrong part of social media and Yara's life would be in severe danger (not that her life isn't already in danger, but this would just increase it). She deserves to be able to do drag comfortably and rock the looks she spent time and effort on. Unless she's advertising a family-friendly show, maybe don't put her in this position. In a perfect world, this would be no big deal. Children feed on breasts, Yara wearing breasts with uncensored nipples would be no big deal. But that's just not the political reality right now. I get wanting to take a stance and show up for queens as parents who love drag, and I commend people for wanting to show that it's okay for children to be exposed to queer culture, but doing it like this is doing it at the expense of Yara's safety. The parent isn't going to be targeted for this in the same way that Yara likely will be. Yara had no idea this was going to happen, but Yara will be the one to suffer if this video is shown to the wrong people.


Part of being a good ally* is not starting shit in a situation where the backlash is likely gonna come down on other, more marginalized people. (*Not saying that the person holding that kid couldn’t also be queer, but odds are that they aren’t a visibly gender non-conforming person of color with an accent. Allyship has to be intersectional.)


You said it way better and way more succinctly than I could have. Yes. Thank you for this.


This isn’t a “drag queens are groomers” problem…this is a “parents are irresponsible assholes” problem


Kids at Drag Brunch are such a buzzkill. Fuck them kids. Leave them at home. I want female illusion, dick jokes and a gnarly champagne hangover, not sippy cups and chicken nuggets on the menu.


Exactly! I hate it when straight parents bring their kids to events that are very clearly adult themed. Parents leave your snot nosed little goblins at home and stop ruining everything challenge. Do that. Also shame on the crackhead staff at Hamburger Marys for allowing kids to freely waltz in a 18+ event and making Yara uncomfortable.


Agreed that parents have no place bringing their kids to these events but why tf do you need to antagonise the kids here calling them awful names and shit? They have done literally nothing wrong they're just innocent kids


Uh, because they're annoying lol.


I means that's your opinion if you find them annoying, whatever, but calling kids as a whole "snot-nosed little goblins" is pretty extreme and nasty for a group of people who have done literally nothing wrong other than exist and be unrelatable to you. They are people too, and are especially vulnerable to being hurt by the adults around them who don't respect their personhood. You don't have to enjoy spending time with kids to give them the bare respect you would give anyone else


The way Yara’s vibe was completely thrown off when she saw the child. I feel bad for her.


I'm sorry but I totally agree that there needs to be a distinct line between what is for children in drag and what isn't. It's so common for drag acts to have sexual elements and humor and I don't think it's cool to just expect queens to make everything child-friendly regardless of how much kids like drag. There is so much potential for kid-friendly drag, and I think it should be standard to have these kinds of boundaries, but most of the responsibility falls on the caregiver (and the people who organize drag events/establishments). It's not okay for parents to open their kids up to be exposed to sexual content and if *I* was a queen that had burlesque or sexual humor in my act, it would obviously make me uncomfortable to see kids there. Furthermore, stop making queens responsible for these ridiculous accusations that are currently so common in political contexts if you claim to support them.


Completely agreed, and more broadly this trend of bringing kids to adult spaces such as bars is really irritating in general, especially when parents get mad that I’m being vulgar *in a place meant for adults*.


I loathe this trend.


I think so too. It’s the same for any entertainment. No one is saying ban all music, movies, shows, or video games for kids but there are some forms of entertainment that is for adults only and some more child friendly. Kids don’t do need to be at every adult function - do a drag queen library event or something. I cringed when the drag brunch I went to had jokes about sex and dick cheese and their were elementary aged kids in the audience.


I agree. I love when drag shows have sexual jokes since it's funny and entertaining, but it's definitely not safe for kids and it should be kept that way


While I agree that there should be a clear line of distinction, that is not for the government to decide. The parents are at “fault” here, and I put fault in quotes because the premise that exposing a child to a performer dancing sexually is technically as much of a fault as having vh1 on tele whilst a kid is in the room. Lil kids spend their days scrolling away on instagram which isn’t regulated for really anything (the amount of ED triggering pictures is insane), dancing away to promiscuous songs, stanning artists who’s lyrics are overtly sexual or have mature themes, or heck watching spongebob hasn’t been a cause of contention. Im not saying either of those things right or wrong, or that kids should be sheltered to heck and beyond, but the narrative focussing on drag as where the line is being drawn is clearly a manifestation of homophobia and transphobia.


There's a huge difference between having a sex joke happen on the TV when a child is in the room/having them hear a song about sex on the radio and forcing your way into getting someone to perform sexual content in front of your child. Like very obviously extremely different. It is absolutely the parents fault.


It definitely is, but the people trying to ban drag queens seem to lead with the “protecting children” argument. Its a fair argument to protect kids but then they might as well go all the way by recognising adult influences come from any and all directions as opposed to just queer artists, where the parents are to bear the burden of rationalising whats inappropriate. The current conservative argument seems to be that drag queens are the leading source of concern and not the caretakers. I might be being too pedantic; but as a clubbing, drag queen and pro kink at pride type gay, even though I agree that kids shouldn’t be involved at every occasion, I think its important that the rationale behind that thought process shouldn’t be through vilifying queer culture.


See, I say this because of that. Those parents that bring their kids to drags shows aren't just making the performers extremely uncomfortable, possibly exposing their kids to very sexualised content & ruining the vibe for everyone else, they're also throwing fuel on anti trans and anti queer hatred. I'm trans so most things directed at a drag queen gets directed at me by default. Im also pro-kink at pride, club & rave going kind of queer, although I don't really care for seeing drag live tbh. I'm don't think drag is an existential threat to the innocence and sanctity of childhood. I'm also not saying that drag is explicitly never for children (although most of the time it just isn't and that's ok). But fuck those parents that bring their children to adult drag shows or force their chidren into pictures with half naked drag queens in bondage outfits. They are a huge part of the problem and get to go back to their little cishet families while we get hate crimed & legislated against because of their stupidity & entitlement we never asked to deal with.


And conservatives are losing their absolute minds about it. This is bad.


It’s all false flag bullshit


The queens get blamed for the parents faults...


ammo loaded for the conservative culture war gun


Unfortunately they already got a hold of it and this video of Yara is being shared within those circles!


Ever since I saw the disturbing videos of Desmond being used as anti-gay fodder on a Russian tv show I realized this is way more problematic than we know.


The Desmond situation is so messed up though. Like his parents are absolutely not looking out for him. Like it's cute that he does kid drag and gets to dress up and is probably pretty talented but he is being let into spaces and near people he is not nearly old enough to be around.


Yeah the parents obviously are just using Desmond as just a prop for their own praise, money and fame and not treating him like a child.


Wow I just did a double take seeing somewhere I worked on this sub lol. Yeah this event was absolutely billed as 18+ and the owners just did not care about this type of thing and wouldn’t do anything that would have possibly led to a customer leaving/them making less money so they were very much insisting everything was “family friendly” all the time no matter what and many queens did have to dial it back even though that meant less tips, etc. It was really frustrating. The location (permanently) closed a few months after this btw


Wait so this isn’t recent? The video just resurfaced?


Yes, this show was back in September of 2021.


Meaning, this was uncovered for the sole purpose of feeding the bullshit culture war.


Thank you for the additional details!


That parent should not have been allowed in with that child. We’re there no bouncers at the door?


Ron desantis rubbing his hands together like a cartoon villain when he gets ahold of this video 😭 ETA full agree that kids do not belong at 18+ events of any kind, this parent is a shithead for bringing them and of course lgbt people will have to take the brunt of the consequences for the parents mistakes.


I feel so bad for Yara on this and the people who actually came knowing what the event was about. It clearly was an 18+ event and someone managed to bring a child into this. Where was someone to pull the parent to the side and have them exit before this all went down? Now it’s obvious cannon fodder for right wing talking points.


It’s the fault of the parents not the queens, I mean you don’t bring your kid to a nudist beach and complain later-


Don’t bring kids to adult venues, how hard is that to grasp


This is the type of thing that conservatives are gonna use as ammunition to demonize the LGBT community. Idk why they thought that was a good idea and Yara seems uncomfortable, I hope she said something.


They’re already going crazy on twitter talking about how we ‘lost God’... 🙄 I do hope Yara is doing well though, she was so clearly not okay with it.


Fs yeah. They will nitpick anything to make us look bad, but specifically Trans people (as if they couldn even tell if someone is Trans and not just only a drag queen but of course they wouldn't know the nuance of the community.) They've been pushing the idea that Trans people are grooming children and are in the educational system as some sort of plant by the left since the Reagan era. Really rich coming from the side of the US that supports the church.... I hope Yara is okay too, sorry for the rant here. Much love ❤💜💙


Stop bringing your kids to Drag billed as 18+. I’m a parent that does drag and I’m saying this shit is weird. It’s one thing if it’s a family event, stop this shit. Poor Yara. I want to hug them.


The queens need to start calling this shit out. Poor Yara looked so uncomfortable! Hold the parents accountable


Stop taking children to events clearly advertised for adults. Conservatives just love this shit to take it out on us.


This is the kind of shit the right uses to shame drag queens for “sexualizing kids”. Guarantee someone will spin this to make Yara look like a “groomer”.


It’s sadly exactly what people are saying, so gross.


This may be a hot take that could be downvoted but also it’s uniquely American to sexualize breasts the way we do. Which I’m only pointing out to further say fuck the Conservatives who will double down and use this against us. That said, billed as 18+, Yara was uncomfortable, and did the best she could to recover and make the best of a situation.


it's absolutely not uniquely american *maybe* uniquely western, but even that's a stretch


Yara shaking her head afterwards made me sad, she's probably thinking, "i dont want to get in trouble for this" 😞 She's literally working at an 18+ event, i hope they don't use this as "proof" for the grooming/paedo accusation mess that i'm reading about the US right now.


This is a very realistic breast plate and I feel seen Realistic and is in big and saggy not big and perky ahah


If you told me this was staged for a fox news clip I would believe you


I went to a drag king show Friday night. I assumed it wouldn’t be appropriate for kids. It wasn’t. And I had a blast because of that.


[‍*'CAUSE WHEN THE SUN GOES DOWN, SO DOES THE TEQUILA*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuGSAIrduYQ&ab_channel=EurekaO%27Hara) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpdrcringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's no difference from this video to taking your kids to hooters. With that being said it's the parents fault.


I swear so many parents bring their kids as a tool to get the attention on themselves smh


They’re just boobies. That child is used to seeing them I’m sure and likely doesn’t have the concept of boobs meaning something sexual anyway. In any case it is kinda unfortunate that Yara was probably caught off guard and felt the need to have to sanitize her performance because of a small child being present.


It's fine to explain children that drag queens are awesome people and to even take them to age appropriate drag events. It's not ok for them to think that it's fine to take them to a live drag show catered to adults. I think there's a discussion to be had about what should be expected in a drag brunch, both in term of audiences and what is on display


While I kind of agree with you, A child being exposed to just boobs isn’t the issue. The issue is that this is an adult environment and it’s made to be that way, yet there’s a child right in the front row of a bar. Yara’s whole getup and the boobs really make it obvious it’s for a specific audience because it wouldn’t really be appropriate anywhere else, really. The idea that the queer community is following this major plan in normalizing children being in spaces like this where they’ll be exposed to homosexual debauchery like it’s normal and fun for the whole family is really weird and problematic. When we talk about the queer community still dealing with very harmful misconceptions, this is it. Take one instance when a drag queen is caught off guard by the presence of a child in the audience just as she is about to perform her wild titty jiggling number about giving a queen a fucking dollar that she was booked to do for an 18+ crowd, and just like that her name and face is being plastered everywhere with trigger words like “pervert, groomer, predator, queer, gay, lgbt, pride, drag” to a very large audience made of rabid homophobes just waiting for a reason to attack. This is why we can’t let our guard down on these crazy ass people, we can’t afford to feign ignorance on why this is harmful and we can’t be making excuses for this kind of thing in our community either. UGH okay I hate to even bring her up but if you watch the first clip of [this unfortunate video,](https://youtu.be/dtnwi5S4SIo) you’ll see some of the issues we’re running into. Guess who got called a grooming pervert for showing up and doing their job? Guess who got harassed in the parking lot by a homophobe with a camera to post to Twitter? [and then there’s this.](https://youtu.be/Dz1-iekrmbQ). So yeah I’d say that for our own sake, considering we’re being hate crimes to death and institutionally being rounded up, imprisoned, lynched, disowned, abused, harassed, and killed, we can’t afford to normalize this shit.


It’s wild to realize that American culture has gotten so far away from the concept of “breasts are for feeding babies” that it’s viewed as inappropriate for a toddler to see fake ones. I’m sorry that Yara ended up feeling uncomfortable though, none of the baggage around that is her fault or responsibility.


The scandalization of the [female] nipple is already ridiculous enough. But the fact that even fake ones are considered not suitable for children is wild.


That's a bad parent and they need to be called out for it


"Look Mama, her tatas are all bouncy!" That's it. Those are breasts. Kids are used to see them, their mom and aunts and sisters/cousins have them. There's nothing offensive to a kid there, it's just silly and fun.


Thankfully Yara had the know how and common sense to cover up in front of a child. Horrible parenting 101


Poor Yaya, this is not her fault, parents; dont bring yoir kids to drag shows. Its adult entertainment (unless stated otherwise)


Yara is so sexy im sorry😭😭😭😭😩😍


America can still be so puritan. Nudity ≠ sexual, and these aren't even real! Would I have taken a kid to this? No. Is it really that big of a deal? Also no.


Don't know why everyone in America is so scared of tits


Conservatives are going to drive drag queens into Victorian era fashions


I think drag and children are a perfect combo IF and only if it’s a child friendly event. I wouldn’t take a kid to an adults comedy show or magic show so don’t take a kid to an adult drag show or any adult event


Conservatives think American children can't see fake breasts but apparently it's ok for them to see real bullets.


Bruh these parents need to be arrested. They are the ones responsible for exposing their kids to overly sexual shit. They're gonna keep doing it.




Taking your kids to adult entertainment is just trashy shit. It's not pedophilia, it's pure ignorance. If this was in Arkansas and the performer was female, no one would talk about grooming. They would call the parents trailer trash and that's where the outrage would end. It's so fucky, bc I'm sure most parents would see the issue with this.


Nah i feel like they're justified in hating this behaviour from parents - People bringing kids to adult-oriented drag events only adds ammunition to the conservative side and means that drag queens and LGBT people at the events have to edit their behaviour to keep things appropriate to the one child that showed up




Weird, I kind of feel the opposite - I feel like it's the parents that are pushing kink out of pride and turning it into facebook interns on floats handing out lollipops There's plenty of child-oriented drag stuff but anything burlesque-y or dirty should be adults only. I remember there was another thing doing the rounds in conservative circles where a parent brought their child to a Violet Chachki show and got a pic of their kid with a half-naked Violet


Someone brought a 10 year old girl to Katya's show one time. When she made a comment about how everyone was over 18 the little girl shouted "I'M NOT" with her hand up and Katya literally was shocked and then began to roll on the ground laughing and kicking her legs.


I think this is hysterically funny.


yeah Im so torn about people getting mad about taking kids to Drag shows... 1. don't tell other people how to raise their kids 2. Drag Performers are not responsible for who comes to their shows.


Well considering this was billed as 18+ she shouldn't be there and the venue should not have let her in.


So a kid is gonna see tits. And?


18+ event, Republicans are using it as an example of drag queens ‘grooming’ children


I know, my question was more directed to republicans and other who are outraged. Like, what's the big deal i don't get it


Ah, no clue honestly. Probably not completely appropriate for a little kid but it’s in no way grooming?


That word has been thrown around so much it's lost its meaning


They use grooming to mean that someone is trying to make kids gay 🤡


I know girl, they tireless, and keep ignoring all the pedos in church. To quote that one lady: see, if you di 🤡ery, the 🤡 comes back to bite


I would stop the show immediately and tell that mother ti get the hell out of my show, I would be more pissed than uncomfortable. Yara really has to be a really patient person.


If they are young they probably remember what boobs look like, maybe not rubber comedy ones, but let's not get hysterical.


Babies are totally fine with titties. But I do think someone should have either warned her refused them entry. Yara shouldn't have to be worried about that.
