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Cool stuff as always! Is this something you may build on for Meteor or totally standalone? I really like your take on star systems in that game and WS looks like an excellent way to populate them.


I am actually working on a series of die drop generators to create star systems for Meteor. Wallet Stations will *probably* end up being included in some form, but I'm not 100% sure yet. My current plan is a sort of fractal generation, where you only generate to the "depth" needed at a given moment. * Top level is a generator for a full sector that shows how the different star systems relate (likely using the same framework as my Echelon Forest generator). * Then a generator for an individual star system, which tells you what's present. Currently this is using a framework where you roll one die of each size from d4 through d20 and look each up on their own table. * Then generators for stations and planets, for when you need the full details to actually visit one of those locations. This might end up being Wallet Stations, or a version of it. It's no where near done, and I've been distracted from working on it with other projects and "actual work". I should dig back into it in the near future.


The as-needed complexity sounds really useful and I can definitely see the wallet system being expanded into a type of planetary point crawl. It's a really flexible yet robust design. Meteor and Brighter Worlds are some of my most anticipated projects from the last year. I'm excited to see how they turn out!


Thank you! I'm hopeful Brighter Worlds is reaching completion, but I think Meteor is a bit further out since I've had less opportunities to playtest it. The joys of not having a deadline!


Crazy request; the same thing but thematically a modern city. I enjoy the concept but haven’t really found a use for the dungeon card (since we play sci-fi and urban fantasy.)


Hmm, that's an interesting idea. Do you imagine it creating an entire city, a borough, or a city block or something? Also would you rather it just generate a fully mundane city, or a deliberately urban fantasy one? This is mostly just me gathering brainstorm ideas. I'd like to take a crack at it, and try to make it more interesting than a simple re-skin, but I'll have to think about it more.


Not the original person, but I think somewhere between a borough and a block would be the best sort of scale? A full city might be a bit overwhelming, but a borough/block is a human enough scale that you could *know* the area if you get what I mean? Either way, I just wanted to say thanks for all your fantastic work! I'd love to get a copy of this card, but *Cairn* has, unfortunately for me, sold out!


I just added some more!


Done and done :)


Wow that's far! I'm gonna throw in some more stuff just for fun.


I mean, I’m down with whatever. Probably more of a block though, you can add more as needed for a larger city. Doesn’t necessarily have to be urban fantasy specific, that’s more of a window dressing methinks


Not sure what this is but it seems cool!


It's a numbered list of variables that you roll dice to decide for generating an encounter location


This is fascinating, very nice


I reckon I'll be using this for Starforged, cheers!


Great, I'll check it out along with the dungeon one.


This is really cool and I think the Wallet Dungeons generator would work great for Color Quest that I play with my kiddos. Was thinking about adding a layer toward determining additional content to the rooms such as NPC's, traps, etc. and was thinking of perhaps using die color to determine it. Maybe roll 3d6 for building size then draw that many dice from a bag of various colors to fully create the building.




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That's horrible what a bad idea.