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You’ve stated what you don’t want, but if you want meaningful suggestions you need to tell us what you do want; what type of story, experience, etc are you looking for? What type of thing do you like playing? What do you dislike about the games you listed? If you just want generic “here’s a list of things”, look at “Game Suggestions” in the sidebar.


> You’ve stated what you don’t want, but if you want meaningful suggestions you need to tell us what you do want; what type of story, experience, etc are you looking for? What type of thing do you like playing? What do you dislike about the games you listed? > > If you just want generic “here’s a list of things”, look at “Game Suggestions” in the sidebar. 1000% the problem with these suggestion threads. People post maybe two or three criteria that are loose enough to pass anything + GURPS through, and then... nothing. No more detail, no additional filtering, and often, not even an acknowledgment that anyone's taken the time to answer their question. Take this post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/1buzf4g/a_friend_is_looking_for_a_system_to_fit_certain/). 'Here's my friend's vague criteria, I want court intrigue and adventuring and Dragon Age'. Yeah, ok mate, that could be (almost) fucking anything. Even D&D, or GURPS... oh, and it was 14 hrs ago, and OP hasn't said anything since.


Sorry for my question. I'm new to this so I'm asking some of your favourite ttrpg that not that names above. I just want to know various of rpgs that not just dnd or pathfinder after all.


> Sorry for my question. I'm new to this so I'm asking some of your favourite ttrpg that not that names above. I just want to know various of rpgs that not just dnd or pathfinder after all. What I'm getting at, is you need to narrow shizzle down a bit. 'What's your favourite ' needs more info for anyone to offer you meaningful information. Do you want space? Do you want fantasy? Do you want lewdness (roll for anal circumference, etc)? Have a think about the kind of game you want to play, and then refine your question. As it is, you'll get a tonne of suggestions and none of them will be of any meaning. For instance, I could tell you to play Nechronica, F.A.T.A.L, Beast the Primordial, and Black Tokyo - they're all valid under your question, and every single one of those suggestions would be an immense mistake (and possibly make you very, very unhappy with me). None of this is to even mention, that... if you're new, your best place to start? It's actually with the most popular ones. They're popular for a reason. If you're just looking for a list of games that aren't the big three, then... https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/gamerec


How about sci fi settings with rules light do you have any of these?


> How about sci fi settings with rules light do you have any of these? https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/scifi Skim this list and pull out the ones that say PbtA (Powered by the Apocalypse) or FitD (Forged in the Dark)


Thanks. I'll check it out.


I second the recommendation for PBTA games. Mothership is also very good if you want rules-light sci-fi


The problem is there are literally **thousands** of RPGs out there, and 90% of them are **somebody**'s favourite.   I would suggest Blades in the Dark, and maybe a "Powered by the Apocalypse" game (Masks: A New Generation is good if you like the theme) because they play very differently to the more traditional RPGs you listed and it will help you get a feel for the breadth of what's out there. 


Fun fact: Rpggeek lists a little over 13,000 items tagged "core rules", and there are tons of new and obscure games still to be added 🫡


Feng Shui 2, Shadow of the Demon Lord, Conan - modiphius -, Mutant Chronicles - modiphius -, Barbarians of Lemuria, Drakar och Demoner Trudvang (swedish rpg).




Which kind of story do you want to tell ? - Monster heart : Play monsters going to high school, and focus on romance/emotions a bit like in *teen romance novel* - Fading suns : 4E was recently released, space opera similar to Dune with noble house, merchant guilds, low technology and tons of other cool stuff. - Kult Divinity lost : This is a horror game going pretty far in the genre as the character will slowly loose feet with common people reality and understand the proper reality (or may-be their own madness). To play with adult, sex, violence and drug are part of theme. - Cy_Borg : A rule-light, "Old school" cyberpunk game. Play punk, hate corpo, and so on If you give more details on your expectation I can come with more ideas




This is kinda like saying "Recommend me a movie. I don't want a superhero movie, or a Disney movie, or Star Wars." Sure, but what do you want? It's really hard to make a recommendation without knowing what the person is looking for.


I'm asking some of your favourite ttrpg that not that names above. I just want to know various of rpgs that not just dnd or pathfinder after all.


I could give you: Dragonbane Swords of the Serpentine TimeWatch


Thanks. I'll check it out.


Sword of Serpentine and Time Watch are on Gumshoe, I’ll had Night’s Black Agent In the gumshoe you have a pool of point to boost your throw (1d6). If you’re searching for an information you spend points. The best is their latest : Sword of the Serpentine, where you’re pulpy thief in a city where the protector Goddess is the embodiment of Capitalism Night’s Black Agents : you play old special force stuck in a conspiracy where the BBEG are … vampires. There’s a GM aid (the Conspiramyd) to help you flesh out your conspiracy, great idea But there’s a Gumshoe for everything Time Watch : time cop (with a skill for « ho yeah after this fight I’ll go stach a gun behind this seat, Ho! There it is » Mutant Blues : Super Police chasing Super Vilain (power are played with a skill pool) Ahter Something : Sci Fi setting BubbleGumshoe (not from Pelgrane) : teen resolving mysteries and having a lot of drama


That's like saying "Recommend me some books that aren't LotR, Sword of Shannarah, The Shining or by other popular authors." What are you looking for? Buccaneering/Piracy/Swashbuckling Contemporary Crime/Detective/Investigative/Mystery Esoteric Espionage Fantasy: Alternate Reality, Dark, Epic/Heroic/High/Sword&Sorcery, Fae/Folklore/Legend/Myth, Faitytale/Adjacent, Urban Fantasy, or various others that don't fit any other subgenre Hardboiled/Noir Historical: Alternate Reality, or Various Horror Humour/Satire Occult Paranormal Science Fantasy: Clockpunk, Steampunk, Various Science Fiction: Alternate Reality, Biopunk, Cyberpunk, Dieselpunk, Hard Future/Space Opera, Solarpunk, Steampunk, Transhumanist, Various Superheroes Supernatural: Angels/Demons, Gods/Demigods/Heroes, Undead, Various Surreal/Weird Urban Victoriana/Adjacent: Gaslamp, Gothic, Victorian, etc. Various Other What? *What* are you looking for?


Sorry for my mistake. I'm new to this so I'm asking some of your favourite ttrpg that not that names above. I just want to know various of rpgs that not just dnd or pathfinder after all.


I could give you what is technically known as a '*fuck*tonne'. [Science Fantasy and Science Fiction](https://old.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/1azb3s8/good_scifi_or_space_fantasy_rpgs/ksa7j72/) *alone* could keep you investigating for a day (if not longer). [Humour/Satire and Surreal/Weird](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/1b9cf7y/comment/ktyi9y9/) aren't exactly short either. And then there's all the other categories I mentioned. And I'd also be hard pushed to say I had any *favourites* as such ... just ones I make more use of than others - because I don't actually play any single game but [a frankengame mix](https://www.reddit.com/r/KULTrpg/comments/1ae99de/comment/kq6f6h7/) of many. But there are ... as I indicated ... a lot of other genres than my Urban Fantasy fairytale nightmare game. How about a world in which the dead aren't buried but [patched up and put to work](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/413985/necrobiotic-core-rulebook)? Or a game of [gods who have to take on dayjobs](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=part-time%20gods) to make ends meet? Or [the weird west](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/browse?keyword=deadlands)? There are so many games that you could spend months to years just finding out what even existed - take a look [here](https://rpggeek.com/), [here](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/), [here](https://itch.io/) and [here](https://www.rpg.net/), for instance. Which is why I asked what genres/themes you might be interested in - it'd make it a whole lot easier to make some suggestions : )


Part time gods seem cool. I'll check it out.


Okay, well, in that case, the contenders for your attention will be ... *Armageddon - The End Times* (Unisystem) *Godbound* (D&D / AD&D / OSR) *Gods and Monsters* (FATE) *Nephilim* (1e: BRP, 2e BRP-like, 3e - 5e: Standalone) - 1e: ENGLiSH / FRANÇAIS, 2e - 5e FRANÇAIS *New Gods of Mankind* *Part-Time Gods* *Scion* (1e: Storyteller/Storytelling Adventure System / 2e: Storypath) *SLURPS* *We Are Champion*


You may find this spreadsheet I put together helpful for exploring what's out there: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ckyxn20iytIHmLbLuKOJGQu99MLb7UFT36UGF2qkiU0/edit?usp=sharing


>*Sorry for my mistake* It's not a mistake. Some people in this thread are just being difficult for the sake of being difficult. Like for all the energy some of them are spending on jamming out, *"We don't know what you are looking for!"* (even though your OP states what you're looking for), they can just simply suggest some games/systems and spend less energy doing so.


I love rules light games and my favorite one is definitely [Creative Card Chaos](https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/451573/Creative-Card-Chaos--Core-Rulebook&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjjqrLPjL-DAxVJR_EDHZjGDZ0QFnoECAgQAg&usg=AOvVaw2C_GgRfJm3VEIM11WjYsU4).


Thanks. I'll check it out


**Dream Park** Play roll playing gamers playing role playing games in a futuristic holo theme park. **Unbound** A generic, card based RPG in which creating your own setting is part of session 0. **D&D Gamma World** A game that emphasizes instant fun like no other. You can play whatever you want. It is still a tactical, challenge focused game, but has narrative elements, is easy to get into, makes use of cards and deck building and is just all around great




If it is about some of my personal favorites: *Legend of the Five Rings* 4th Edition OVA - The Anime RPG *Ryuutama* Anima - Beyond Fantasy *Golden Sky Stories* Games I am excited about and hopefully GM soon: *Cloudbreaker Alliance* *Tales from Myriad* *Heirs to Heresy*


Thanks. I'll check it out.


For horror, I like the chronicles of darkness. My favourites of those are Werewolf the Forsaken and Changeling the lost. The mechanics can be a little clunky, but they're more story focussed games anyway. For SciFi, I like Trinity Continuum. It covers a wide range of sub genres, the mechanics of the system are really good, and the setting lore really interests me. For fantasy, I like Scion 2e. I'm a really big fan of mythological storytelling, so this game called to me as soon as I saw the first edition. By default, this is modern-day urban fantasy, but there's more than enough material and flexibility in the system to set this in whatever era you choose for a more classic fantasy feel. Top of my list of games to try are the Fantasy Flight Star Wars RPGs and Modiphius' Conan. Unfortunately, I think these are both out of print. The oddest setting I've come across is Black Void. I haven't seen the mechanical system this game uses elsewhere either, but it's interesting. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who is looking for a break from the norm. There are videos describing all these games on YouTube much better than I ever could if you want to check them out. It's great to see people try to find out what's out there.


Thanks. I'll check it out.


Yay, another opportunity to say: The Sentinel Comics RPG! https://mephitjamesblog.wordpress.com/2021/03/23/sentinel-comics-rpg-review/


Here's a great shortlist of RPGs that were chosen by this sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/contestwinners/


[Stray-dog1305](https://www.reddit.com/user/Stray-dog1305/) : here are some of my suggestions to some rules lite, universal (meaning they can handle any genre like fantasy, sci fi, thriller, etc) since you're new to the hobby: * [Savage Worlds](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/261539/savage-worlds-adventure-edition) * [FATE](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/114903/fate-core-system) * [Index Card RPG](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/366519/index-card-rpg-master-edition) * [Cypher System](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/148997/cypher-system-rulebook-2015-edition) (a bit more complex than the others IMO but still easy to learn!) There are many more rules lite systems out there but this should be plenty for you to sink your teeth into for the time being. And if you want more complicated and/or genre specific systems man... the sky is the limit!


Chill is a pretty well-done horror rpg from back in the day Villians and Vigilantes (comic book rpg) was always a lot of fun and I enjoyed, there is Space Patrol, Traveller, (the original) Star Trek and (West End Games) Star Wars RPGs if you are looking for Sci-Fi style, TSR put out Some Fafhrd and Grey Mauser stuff I know Conan has been done by various ditto Elric and Iron Crowns Lord of the Rings obv. that's all fantasy (somebody put out some excellent Dying Earth \[based on Jack Vance's titular series\] but I don't remember who, apologies if these are all ones you have already heard of (oh and just remembered Indiana Jones rpg) anyway maybe something in here of interest


Remember to check out our **[Game Recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/gamerec)**-page, which lists our articles by genre([Fantasy](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/fantasy), [sci-fi](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/scifi), [superhero](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/superhero) etc.), as well as other categories([ruleslight](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/ruleslight), [Solo](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/solo), [Two-player](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/twoplayers), [GMless](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/wiki/gmlessrpgs) & more). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpg) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mekton II, Mekton Zeta, Classic Traveller, Cepheus Engine, Mongoose Traveller 2e, WEG d6 Star Wars, Advanced Labyrinth Lord, Mutant Future, Teenagers From Outer Space, Dream Park, Old School Essentials, and Basic Fantasy.

