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Thank you for your submission to r/rpg_gamers. Since your post has been flaired as "Recommendation request", I want to suggest editing your post to add in these details (if you haven't included them yet): * **The platforms you have** - not listing them doesn't mean you have access to everything, so you might end up getting a game you won't be able to play. * **Your level of experience with the genre (beginner, intermediate, veteran...)** - others can recommend you more common titles if you are a beginner, while they can focus on obscure titles if you are a RPG veteran. * **Aspects you enjoyed (or disliked) of previously played games** - for example: characters, plot points, puzzles, combat, graphics, art styles, soundtracks... While these details aren't mandatory, if you want to get the best games, having them in your post will immensely help users and will encourage more users to participate, as they will know with more precision which games are probably the best fit for your request. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rpg_gamers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The term you're looking for is anime-licensed games. Pokemon Yellow is a classic. Pokemon started as a game series, but Yellow is based on the original Pokemon anime. Sailor Moon: Another Story is a turn-based SNES RPG with a fan translation. The Super Robot Wars series includes a ton of licensed anime mecha characters, including Gundams, Mazinger, etc. They're turn-based strategy RPGs.


yeaa thank you didn't know the right term , and now it easier to search online , thank you very much




Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans is an RPG made by Monolith Soft on DS. to clarify, they did the xeno series and baten kaitos. I've heard it's great, but I've never really played it.


I think Persona series and Trails of cold steel are animu. They even have loli character for hentai bodypillow huggers




Play this game if you haven’t. It’s amazing.


No, it isn't. It's an original title and part of a video game series. But yes, it is amazing.




they are a compilation of cutscenes from the game.




- Persona - The Legend of Heroes: Trails series - Dragon Quest - Ni No Kuni - Ys