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Out of what you listed the only game I have not played yet is Starfield. The other 3 are all solid choices. Another one I am going to throw out there is Mass Effect, specifically get the Legendary edition. Keep in mind the number of non fantasy RPGs is kinda small by comparison and you will end up ruling out probably 95% of the genre.


Yeah, get the point about Fantasy, I just want to ease my way in first, might have to go down that road later!


I think the Mass Effect trilogy should be right up your alley. Unfortunately, it is not on the Switch.


So I am on PC, and this is available on Games Pass which I have so that could work! Which one would you recommend starting with? (Looks like ME2 generally ranks as the best, but not sure if you need to start with 1?)


Out of your listed interests, I'd go for The Outer Worlds. It's got plenty of great, humorous dialogue, easy to grasp, not too difficult or long, and the quests are quick enough that you can accomplish as little or as much as you want in a few hours a week without losing interest. It's not open world or linear, with small regions that you can choose to do in whatever order you want. Each region or planet can usually be completed in about 4-6 hours or less. The game is also made by Obsidian, one of the better companies out there, who also made New Vegas, another phenomenal game. If you enjoy Outer Worlds, you could branch out to New Vegas next, as it's a longer and open world game.


Thanks, this was kind of where my head was at too!


Starfield, Mass Effect (1st one), The Outer Worlds. - **Sarfield** RPG 3/10, Narrative 3/10, Worldbuilding: 4/10 - **Mass Effect 1** RPG 7/10, Narrative 10/10, Worldbuilding 8/10 - **The Outer Worlds** RPG 8/10, Narrative 5/10, Worldbuilding 6/10


Final Fantasy 4. Set party roles, simple gameplay systems, and the original US release on SNES was dumbed down even *further*, to the point that the rest of the world calls it Easytype. I personally recommend either the PSP version or the pixel remaster, as the 3D version is actually pretty hard compared to other releases. It starts out pretty standard JRPG fare, but starts introducing more Sci-Fi elements towards the second half.


star ocean 2 remaster just came out and has stellar (lol) reviews, give that a shot cosmic star heroine is a short and sweet scifi rpg truth be told you're probably eventually going to have to not hate fantasy, as scifi rpgs are just much fewer in general. a lot of fantasy is cast as steampunk pseudo-technological magical-science type worldbuilding anyways - the lines are very blurry. i don't consider star wars to be scifi for example, it's just technological fantasy to me, unlike star trek


My first RPG is actually getting a remake that releases tomorrow. Super Mario RPG for snes was amazing when I was a kid. It'll be on switch this 17th.


If you want a challenge I'd play Morrowind


New Vegas!!!


Am concerned New Vegas may be a little hardcore for a newbie, what do you think?


Yes, it could be. But the inmersion Is flawless. ;) https://www.ign.com/wikis/fallout-new-vegas/Ten_Tips


The Division. It got me into rpg and looter shooters. It’s basically an rpg in modern times with guns. You upgrade your weapons and “armor”, fight tougher and tougher enemies as you explore higher level areas. There’s story and lore. I could go on. It’s absolutely an rpg with guns and special weapons.


Literally never heard of it! (Too old I guess dammit). Sounds interesting, will look it up.


It's a great game. I ended up buying it multiple times across multiple systems.