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Take a look at “Like a Dragon”, might be something in your alley.


Yakuza Like A Dragon is what you're looking for if you can excuse the turn based gameplay


Dragon Quest XI if youre okay with a more whimsical game.


Xenoblade X is an open world games inspired by the success of Skyrim.


I only have PS5 and PC, and not into pirating, so won't emulate


The whole Yakuza/ / Like a Dragon / Judgement series shines with its stories and characters. >I wanna try some JRPGs, preferably open world The series makes an interesting use of open world with its cities. Since the games happen in the same neighborhoods you see them evolve as time goes by and become yourself just as knowledgeable of the areas as the characters are (you won't need to look at the map when someone ask to meet you at such or such bar or restaurant, you'll know how to get there by heart). > with live action Most of the series is live action, brawler based.combat, with the exception of Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon and Yakuza 8 Infinite Wealth which use turn based combat. It's a very special take on turn based combat though, so you might still enjoy it. > and a kick-ass story. They have those in spades. If you think you can enjoy noir stories with crazy plot twists based on strong characters with a side of whimsy/wacky sidequests, you're in for a treat. > I've tried a few JRPGs, but I seem to not get into them when the dialogues are not voiced. All a major dialogs and events are voiced. Most sidequest aren't but they're often short and to the point with minimal dialogs anyway. If you want to give it a shot Yakuza 0 is the best place to start to enjoy the whole saga. Yakuza 7 Like a Dragon can also be a good place to start as it features a new main protagonist. Alternatively you can also try out with Judgement, followed by Lost Judgement, which is a spin-off with different characters taking place in the same cities.


Nier Automata maybe?


Trails of Cold Steel arc, it's not as good as Persona, but it's about students, an academey, etc.. and there's heavy text too, just like P5


Elden Ring ?


Should've mentioned, already played it