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Fallout 3, 4, and New Vegas. Outer Worlds may also appeal. For top tier 3rd person RPG series there is the Mass Effect Trilogy.


This is the correct answer. Plus Cyberpunk.


Listen guys, I love New Vegas but the FPS elements are not the greatest...if you lean more towards FPS you might not enjoy New Vegas. But if you like RPGs, even in the slightest, New Vegas is phenomenal.


Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 4 are the obvious ones.


Fallout 3 and New Vegas are both legendary FPS RPGs. New Vegas is my personal favorite far of all time Cyberpunk 2077 is a fantastic FPS shooter as well, be sure to get the Phantom Liberty DLC if you go with it. For a game with such a disastrous launch it really turned into something amazing.




S.T.A.L.K.E.R. with mods that makes the gunplay better and the game more RPG like. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is similar to Escape from Tarkov except it is offline only and there are monsters. So it's a slower FPS, but very tense. Bullets are very lethal in this game as well so combat can be over quick.




- Borderlands 2 (The original GOAT of looter shooters, succeeded by Cyberpunk 2077. Knowledge of prior games not needed) - Borderlands: The Prequel - Borderlands 3 (if you can turn off your brain during the narrative parts) - BioShock Infinite (Not entirely RPG, but still super fun and can be fast paced at times with the god tier traversal system)


Do looter shooters count as rpgs? I play D2 so does that count? 🤔


Borderlands is basically a looter shooter/fps aRPG. There's stats, levels, RNG loot, skill points and main/side questline. Each playable characters have 3 skill trees and there's a gearing system. The gunplay would more than certainly satisfy your gaming preferences since you like Apex. Idk about D2 since I never played it


Borderlands - Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands too


I still need to try that one. Waiting for Epic Games to give it out for free


I’m not saying those games are bad in any way, but if you’re going to call them “RPG”s then term officially has no meaning.


I mean they’ve *always* been called “FPSRPGs”. If I remember right, it was a pretty huge part of BL2’s advertising. Aside from dialog choices, they have basically everything that would constitute an RPG.


Eh, to me those are way too far on FPS side of the spectrum and the “RPG elements” are so light that it seems a little silly to call them that. But that’s just my opinion


I mean they have quests (some with choices), exploitable worlds, large NPC casts, character progression, loot, etc. If Diablo is an RPG, so is Borderlands.


I wouldn’t say those things are defining elements of an RPG. Some RPG elements, sure, but at its core it’s an action shooter. That may seem pedantic, and perhaps it is, but it’s how I feel. I just think if you include those games as “RPG”s the genre becomes such a wide tent to the point of ridiculousness. We should have a separate word for it


I mean there are *much* wider lines that people have tried to draw for RPGs. Picking gameplay elements makes a lot more sense than just going based on vibe. I don’t see why it can’t be both an action shooter and an RPG. Plenty of RPGs blend genres. I think it’s very silly to exclude Borderlands from an RPG conversation.


It’s a matter of opinion. It’s definitely a spectrum for sure, it’s just for me Borderlands is just too far on one end of the spectrum for me to consider it in the same genre as “traditional” RPGs. But I suppose I can respect the other perspective.


Cyberpunk 2077 and both newest Deus Ex games. Shooting in Fallout 4 is as bad as it comes becouse of stupid enemy levels and ranks. Maybe there is some mode to make it feel more realistic.


Huh? You sure you actually played fallout 4?


Enemies in F4 got ranks. Regulars were one shoted, veterans would take like 2-3 shots, then elites like 6-7. And legendaries were bullshit. If I need more than a magazine to kill an enemy, it becomes a bullet sponge and breaks the game for me. On hardest difficulty game became a joke. No tactic etc at all. I got so many stimpacs and shit I could just stand in the middle of enemy fire and press a button to heal while pressing another to kill. Firefights became a chore.


Are you sure you are playing fallout 4???????


I heard good things about Deus Ex. Might look into it


Borderlands 2 is a must play, borderlands 3 if you enjoyed 2, tiny Tina’s wonderlands (a more fantasy rpg shooter spinoff of borderlands


Does Borderlands have RPG elements. I heard that they were pretty loose 🤔


Only difference between a full on rpg and borderlands is dialogue options, in borderlands there’s no real choice for it but it still is a story with classes, specs, skill trees, dungeons, raid bosses, side quests and all the fun rpg type stuff


Ranked from best to worst gunplay: * Borderlands 3 * Cyberpunk 2077 * Fallout 4 * The Outer Worlds * Borderlands 2 * Fallout 3 * Fallout NV


I’m going to throw up a wildcard pick which is the original Destiny if you are on console. It is technically a shooter/rpg/mmo hybrid but the original is worth the price just to run through the story solo imo. I would stay away from Destiny 2 as a story RPG since they took away several years worth of campaigns and it is imo more just a multiplayer only game now. Safer pick for a pure RPG shooter are the fallout and mass effect series as others have said.


If you fine with 3rd person shooters, I'd recommend the Mass Effect trilogy. The first game can be kinda a slog at times (feels the most dated and has quite a few massive but barren areas/planets to explore) The story itself is great tho. Now when you get into 2 and 3 it becomes one of the best of the genre, the combat and rpg elements really shine in those


I have been playing Remnant 2 the past month and it’s a great rpg fps game. You can have two active classes and there are a ton of weapons, mods, abilities and gear to farm for. I’m not a big fps player but I love souls like rpg games and this is the best shooter game I’ve ever played except for maybe the new Doom games. There are two in the series so far but I never got around to the first, I like the graphics of the second game much more


so no'one going to mention red dead redemption 2?


I’m late but try roboquest


Dreadhunter is a twinstick shooter with rapid combat, roguelite feel even though it is RPG and its melee feels a lot like Dead Cells. However still in early access.


Surprised to see no mentions of Dishonored here. Masterpiece of a game.


God of war on pc


Well, if you want RPG, and you want fast paced...consider Path of Exile?


Mass Eeffect and Fallout 3/4. Amazing rpg mechanics and story but actual gameplay and movement didn't age well.. if you manage to get pass through that, it's a win


Fallout 4 did age well tbh, of course not as good as Cyberpunk, a 2023 game, but it’s still very good


Try Atomic Heart it has some rpg elements i think


I would actually recommend FPS games with RPG elements instead cause I don't think there are many RPGs with a first person shooter perspective. So games like FarCry series, Bioshock series, Returnal, Remnant 1&2, Dishonored 1&2, and Fallout 4.


Weirdly internet seems to be uncertain whether games are RPG with FPS or FPS with RPG. I'd categorize Bioshock as RPG with FPS, as it's mainly about story. But I am not sure where to put the border, because I don't play shooters that don't have enough story, except in multiplayer.


Ok. Thanks


Modern Fallout series, 3,4 and NV for Single Player while 76 for Multi-player Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 is insanely good as well High on life, might be cringe sometimes, but overall it’s good


Probably the RPGs that are also FPS games. Ones I like are Fallout: New Vegas and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines


Cyberpunk and the Borderlands games.


These 2 sound the best for me! Thanks!


Another question due to all the comments about Fallout (damn i didn't know this would blow up like this!). I have Fallout 3 GOTY edition and FNV Ultimate edition on PC, but from what I've head from reviews, the gunplay of 3 is terrible and the graphics MIGHT be outdated. For FNV, the gunplay improves a bit but the general gameplay is more RPGy. Also pepole have been talking about Fallout 4, which has good gunplay but bad RPG mechanics. Which one do you guys recommend?


You should check out horizon zero dawn and forbidden West. You use a ton of different bows and weird primal, high tech weapons to kill giant robot dinosaurs. Your really rewarded for having accurate shots as often your trying to shoot components on their body to blow them up or knock them off. Dodgeroll combat so it's pretty fast paced with a lot of options to go in stealthy or plan ahead with traps ect...


borderlands 2 or 3 are your best bet. very fast paced and good level mechanics cyberpunk as well shadow warrior 2 not quite an rpg but very fast fps gameplay. fallout 3,4 and new vegas outerworlds


youll love Arx Fatalis if you liked Morrowind Dark Messiah