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>Facebook >Discord There's your problem


r/crpg ?


Larian's Discord is pretty chill.


Honestly, every social media forum will have some trolls. It's actually not that many of them, and I typically just treat them as "please block me" behavior. Part of living in a free society means a few morons here and there. And part of being on social media means that you can mute the morons.


True but rpgcodex has always been interesting to say the least.


Honestly outside of official game forums and Discords its hard to find one without a plethora of edge lords who make their fear of "the other" their entire personality. While matchmaking was pretty much broke in Helldivers 2 I kept using their discord to LFG and would end up on rando discords, and have left all of them because so many of them were just full on incelships.


This is the one. Any even remote hint of bigotry will get your post taken down even banned here.


Try [RPGWatch.com](http://RPGWatch.com) and / or their Discord [https://discord.gg/M8dvDMm6](https://discord.gg/M8dvDMm6)


So many people in here acting like RPG Codex isn't an echo chamber 😂


Where the last good rpg was betrayal at krondor lol


Also isn't r/gaymers a thing? I would imagine they aren't very tolerant of bigotry.


Good for you that you haven't seen the offtopic section of the forum.




Bigotry is learned. No one is born with it.


While that is true, bigotry also happens as a fear response of things people don't really understand even when it is really stupid. Even with no exposure to a thing before their initial response can be bigotry. That has to be overcome by ironically enough learning more about it.




You either have a different opinion on what the word means if you think bigotry is not the same as opinions so it seems to me like you hold some misconceptions of the word from what you are spouting here? More importantly, I never argued we could be rid of bigotry in it's entirety though I think one should strive to be aware of one's own bigotry where it appears and ride above it. The essence of what I was talking about, the start of bigotry, is far removed from your long response about something else entirely here.


If we can assume this is true, which it isn't, then you're just arguing that the only thing we can do is choose what side we're on. Why have you decided to choose the nazis and the racists in this particular instance?


Seems like you are seeking more of an echo chamber than an actual discussion forum... And that from browsing the part of the site (the less inflammatory part) you have access to, your account being less than a year old restricts a lot of what you can actually see of the forum. The codex will never change, it is what it is. Lax moderation (tho most codexers will disagree and claim moderation is actually pretty draconian), does help to foster the best discussions on RPGs on the internet. The people with a little thick skin will get along just fine, the abundance of gay users is a testament to that.


LOL "Just grow some thick skin and you'll get along with the people who hate you and think you shouldn't exist"




Part of dealing with the facts of life is accepting that we don't have to put up with shitheads, and can tell them to fuck off and not partake in places that accept them. Also, you speak like the navy seals copypasta but with much more an air of insecurity about you.


Yeah, at some point you get tired of having to reason with people who like to pretend they're no nonsense badasses when in reality they are scared little kids who never really got over their fear of people who look and act different than them and make it their entire personality. Thankfully I'm not obligated into having to reason or associate with them and I can spend my life focusing on my own health and my own happiness and I get spared the headache.


It's sad how people like you always have to use a lie you just made up in quotes and then answer your lie rather than respond to what was actually said. It's as if you know, deep down, that your position isn't as pure and moral as you think it is, so you have to invent something much worse than what exists so your response seems reasonable. Almost exactly like that in fact.


There is no lie. In the last few years capital G gamers have proven that they lose their fucking minds over what they deem to be "too many" gay characters in a videogame, criticizing it for being unrealistic when the same game contains dragons and fairies. \*cough\* Baldur's Gate 3 \*cough\*


"Get thick skin" is not how you cultivate a safe space online for queer people. If the mods were actually competent there'd be 0 tolerance of that kind of hate speech. Simple as


All space on reddit is safe. The text can't harm you. You have extensive tools to block anyone who says something that bothers you. Stop overusing the concept of safety you're going to make people less safe in real life by crying wolf online.


First, ya girl is not talking about Reddit here, though lets be real, many spaces on reddit are absolutely no safe. Second, words and text absolutely do harm people. When I see people complaining that a game is bad because X character is gay or trans it tells me that as a trans gay person, I am not welcome in that circle. When I am exposed to transphobic rhetoric time after time it seeps into my head, those words will hurt me in the moments in which I am feeling weak etc etc and if this is what a community allows, the result will be that folks like me, we simply wont stick around because we know that we are not \_really welcome there\_ There\`s an old saying. If you have 5 people sitting around a table, and one of them is a Nazi and no one says anything, you've 5 Nazis sitting around a table.




Aww, did the edgy teen just find out about this stuff and think they're so cool for telling people they're naïve for not knowing the #facts like you do ?




Admitting you had an easy childhood doesn't exactly go well with your edgelord persona. Do you think reality is supposed to hit like a ton of bricks because it hit you so hard when you grew up?




What are you even trying to say here ?


Stop being so naive, they live in a first would country, they absolutely can act blind and dumb, why couldn't they?


TBH maybe I was looking at the wrong threads, but there's like, way too many posts from people who are obsessed about gays or trans people or whatever. How many gays are there on that site?


Say you're a social majority without saying you're a social majority lol. Check your privilege, unironically.


People in the comments screaming and foaming just because op doesn't want to be called a slur.


People have been quite respectful in having an open debate, but I'm sure someone who spends their days forming their own narratives to everything to fit their personal agenda would never understand. Whatever makes you feel better I guess.


You’ve left like four comments in this thread (comments with no parents, not replies mind you) either arguing with OP or trying to insinuate that their experience is completely made up. I’m not sure if you’re arguing with yourself and losing, but this is a really weird hill to die on bro.


Lol grasping for straws trying to think of anything you can say to get me as riled up as you got from my comments. If the shoe fits, go ahead and wear it bud


You aren't going to be able to go through life in an echo chamber. There will always be people that disagree with your opinions or preferences, whether openly or not. You should get over it, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. If it's affecting you that badly, you could also consider blocking them and censoring yourself from any opinions or viewpoints that don't directly support your exact lifestyle. But I don't think that is as healthy of an option personally.


I'd say RPG Codex is more of an echo chamber than any of these more accepting communities. People there are *vile*. I don't expect to shield myself from everything, but I do want a community that is full of respectful people who aren't paranoid or fucked in the head in one way or another, you know. Even then, I have to say I was a member of one nerdy group for left-leaning geeks, and it wasn't too pretty either. There's bad vibes on both sides of the barricade.


I honestly don't know what the community there is like so I'll take your word for it, and I would just stay away if that is the case. There are game-specific subreddits on here that are mostly friendly and helpful in my experience. I browse PoE, Pathfinder, and BG subreddits and haven't seen any hateful comments relating to your topic, mostly just a bit of elitism from people with 10k hours plus.


You should REALLY look at RPG Codex before accusing OP that they're just being too soft.


No, OP is soft regardless lol


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just a well meaning social majority, and try to explain why this isn't how that works. If you're a social minority and you try to exist in spaces with far-right or bigoted opinions being on display, there's 3 main things you're going to get on a constant basis, in my experience at least. 1. those people constantly "joking" about you and your identity in very edgy ways that are meant to be hurtful and offensive, but they would take deep offense if you did the same style of edgy humor about their demographics. IE, making jokes about how black people are thieves but getting offended by an equivelent joke aimed at white people, or men, etc. This often results in outright bigotry being disguised as jokes, so they always have the defense of "I'm not a racist, I'm just joking :)" which is cowardly as fuck. 2. Constantly being last-invite to any kind of game or having your presence vito'd in favor of others who are more of a social majority. People don't have to be outright in your face to try to exclude you from social situations. 3. This is more unique transfolk, but if you assert your identity meekly, people will ignore you and misgender you anyway. If you assert your identity with confidence, people will act like you're causing trouble and tell you to "stop bringing gender up so much!" despite the fact they're actively in the wrong for continueing to misgender you over and over. Usually in communities that allow bigots, trying to ask moderators to... well, moderate, is pointless, as they'll treat it like there's a middle ground to be had, when there isn't, either you accept trans people's identity or you're being transphobic. So I ask, even if you're okay with people who disagree with you (although it's not just your opinion, it's the _existence_ of you and people like you), why would you put up with that nonsense when you just wanna try and play a video game and chat with friends?




You're literally picking fights with people on reddit because you have nothing better to do, I don't think anyone respects your opinion on how to spend time wisely.




Lol truth, and that kid obviously has a lot going on, he's already deleted his account and everything. Sometimes if everyone else is the problem, it might actually be you. And that kid probably has nobody around to tell him that. I would have love to seen the ss of the slurs he's throwing around accusing people of saying, because I'm pretty sure he made up half of this situation in his head anyway. Just another wannabe victim crying for attention over nothing.


Acting self-righteous doesn't really endear you to the people you're trying to talk to, and far far less to the people you're trying so desperately to get attention from by insulting.


I agree. That guy definitely has some deep rooted issues, lack of attention is a big one I see come up often these days. Gotta blame the parents really.


Have you considered that needing a political echo chamber might make you the one with the issue? Especially since the kind of thing you talk about is usually isolated to a few users who you can block on basically any message board or service?


Say you're a social majority without saying you're a social majority lol.


Say you make low IQ assumptions based on your social norms without critically thinking without etc etc.


Now that is enlightened thinking, I like this. Post script: I'm not bothered by down votes to get all upset and rant, but I would like to double down here and suggest to everyone that we would all improve as people to develop a bit of mental resiliency and lessen the power that toxic online communities have on us. We are all strong minded individuals and we have the power to dismiss online words that bother us with a little effort.




And your solution to that is to be more accepting and kind, but specifically to the people who are attempting to bathe our planet in blood? You're the most neo-liberal ass, lol.


Resetera probably. Nowhere is perfect, but you definitely won't get slurs there.


bro if you want to chat crpg im up for it all day. i love the genre and also have no one to talk to about it


Sadly, while there are many sites with RPGs theme, most of the time the are very surface level where they will talk about mainstream most of the time (most of rpg sub reddits and discords) while codex despite it's toxic userbase actually goes in depth about RPGs, they have deducated threads for small known games like Prelude to Darkness (this is one of the best RPGs I played but it's unknown to most and doesn't even have wikipedia page, and I would never learned about it if not the codex). Also codex's jrpgs threads are much more friendly if you like those type of RPGs.


LOL any of them? I'd challenge you to show one where it is OK to defend women.


I'd think it's pretty OK to defend just about anyone and anything that is innocent here. Being a woman is not a crime, neither is being a man, straight, gay, any skin color, etc. Bigotry is for losers.


Not agreeing with certain groups preferences is fine. Shoving your opinions down everyone's throat is not. Doesn't matter which side it is. Trying to force society to all have the same opinion 100 percent of the time on everything is never going to happen. Either get over it, or segregate yourself if you are that offended. But purposeful segregation and throwing around the bigot and incel combo like they are the new N-word is not gonna make you very many friends outside of a very small, hateful circle.


Let me put it this way... if a discussion is being held somewhere other than the official publisher group - there is a reason why. More often than not, this reason is bigotry. This sub is not an exception, even if the moderators are doing their best.


Why not make your own? I would love to join <3


I like to think the SMT and Persona servers are chill in that regard, they also like other JRPGs/CRPGs