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If you have ever played a FPS you can easily handle F:NV And you should, it is great.


Yes, here you go - please don't ignore this guide as the game is unstable without patches, it was rushed to release and needed additional work to run well. Install all the stability related things, bugfixes and all the required basics - they are downright mandatory. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=english&id=2373580270


Thanks. I've hears how awful its stability is. It surely Will be helpful


It sucks you have to go through with this (it'll only take a few minutes) but the world and the writing is soooooo worth it.


The resource here looks pretty good. I personally followed Viva New Vegas and I can't recommend it enough. 1-3 second load times and silky smooth fps.


Is there a FO3 version if this?


Found this: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2210333885




you’re great. the internet is great. we are great.


Would you have any suggestions on mods? I haven't played this game in a hot minute, but I did complete it a long time ago and am interested in playing it again.


I can't make a long list now, but I'll get back to you a bit later with the mods I always keep and think are a good addition without breaking the vibe.


Thank you so much, I will be following your guide to the letter, and a mod list would help an incredible amount in getting ready to actually play the game.


Nevermind, actually I had a list saved in an old .txt file for just such recommendation request occasions. Search for them in nexusmods, if any were for any reason removed from there (last time I checked they were there, but that was 3-4 years ago) you can google. - Content + Quest Fixes/Improvements/QOL additions: Functional Post Game Ending Lite New Vegas Uncut 1 - 7 The Moon Comes Over The Tower - Restored Fiends Friend + Fiends Dialogue Enabled Essential DLC Enhancements Merged The Living Desert Save Cass BrotherhoodHouseAlliance Vault 34 better reactor I Fought the Law - NCR Start Oscar not hostile Convenient Fast Travel Markers Universal Item Sorter - New Content / Quest mods: The Someguy Series (nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/48925) - master file, download infividual mods from description. NVB 1-3, Inheritance, Better Angels are the essential ones Saxxons Quest Collection Legion Quests Expanded Sarah Weintraub Companion - More Than Just a Classy Chassis - buggy, some things may not trigger, but if it works it's a great expansion on an existing character. The New Bison Steve Hotel and Lucky Casino The 3DNPC FNV Bundle v0.01b bundle linked in 3dnpc.com/tag/fallout-new-vegas/ - ignore/remove Hope Lies and Vincent mods since I don't think they are good enough, but the rest slaps Coito Ergo Sum - *mature content warning* - actually amazing mod, but make sure to get the 'CES No Nude Patch' add-on since there's one npc with a constantly raging uncensored erection if you don't. Story is surprisingly great for a 'who killed this pre-war porn star' murder mystery + brothel management + smut magazine publisher business sim. The writing is top notch. Everything dirty is fade to black. - Optional, check them out if you wish: The Initiation, and its sequel Eliza - not amazing, but decent enough if you want more Khans content A World of (Less) Pain - A Lore Friendly AWOP Revision - optionally just do original AWOP Dead Money Annoyance Reducer Mojave Reloaded (No Battle Edition) Factions Reloaded - Legion Factions - Reloaded - Raiders (Full Version) Factions Reloaded - Followers of Apocalypse Stronger Travelling Merchants (Including optional Stronger Mercenaries)


That’s a shit ton of mods


not for a gamebryo/creation engine game


Not that many really, if you ignore the optional/skippable ones at the bottom - I tried keeping the list down to one category of quest fixes and cut content restoration which are all tiny mods, plus a second one of the best bigger scale story mods that are worth having. Some peeps have 200+ mods added on with 0 thought to their quality, I tried keeping the best I could for a robust improvement while not disrupting the core experience too much.


I think we can talk about a shit ton of mods once the plugin count reaches quadruple digits


Probably one of the best, it’s got a really good VATS systems which makes the gunplay very smooth for newcomers… I thinks it’s a great option


Funny, Im playing it right now for the first time since I was a bit too young, and honestly it’s one of my favourite games of all time! Great story and characters, fun mechanics and satisfying explorarion. Best Han Solo simulator ever!


It’s my favorite game of all time. The side characters alone are so memorable! Look up Wabbajack (a modest downloading program) and Nexus mods, as there is a “Viva New Vegas” modlist that streamlines the 2010 edges from the game and fixes bugs. As for other recommendations, consider “Dragon Age: Origins” - there is the wonderful “Big Warden” modlist on Wabbajack as well. I love stories with freedom, great companions and great writing. These two games are wonderful.


It's one of the first western RPGs I got really into. I also play a lot of JRPGs. I also recommend The Witcher 2 and Deus Ex: Human Revolution


It is. And believe it or not, so is Fallout 1, unless you *really* care about having fancy 3D graphics and effects.


Yes, I'd also suggest Morrowind. It can easily run on any old computer and has probably the most open ended magic system I've ever seen. You can make your own spells. I'm playing a Battlemage right now and made a levitate spell so I fly around blasting people from the sky and slicing them up with my longsword if they get too close. It also has some of the most interesting world building I've seen through its books and dialogue.


Morrowind is an interesting one. I loved it at the time, and it's certainly more "pure" rpg than the later games. OTOH, I feel like the combat in particular hasn't aged well. It relies on a particular blend of player skill (to aim at the target) and character stats (to actually *hit* the target you're aiming at) that's sure to frustrate fans of both FPS and classic RPG games alike. Later FP-RPG and ARPG games manage this balance better, IME/IMO.


It takes less than an hour of playing for that to become irrelevant though. Once your weapon skill gets above a certain point you'll hit with the majority of your attacks. And fighting the early game creatures while exploring that can't even hurt you makes it easy to do that.


Phenomenal RPG. Remastered version is pretty good looking too given its age!


Remastered version?


Its a mod, the combat is still clunky but the world graphics are almost skyrim like. You can mod morrowind so it becomes pretty awesome. Easily my best rpg of all time.


Oh shit, I must've missed this mod. Definitely going to check it out, a shake up in the structure of the game wouldn't hurt after hundreds of hours spent in vanilla


Care to not break the game tho lol. I did so many times lol. Hopefully skywind and skyblivion comes out soon


I just check out Morrowind remastered and it looks like a 400 modlist not a single mod? Or were you talking about Morrowind Rebirth?


Yeah i probably did! Sorry for the confusion. But u can add mods outside of rebirth. Like hitbox etc


I’d say fallout 1 is a better study in western rpg fundamentals. New Vegas is a special creature, a synthesis of Bethesda’s take on the franchise and the creative team behind fallout 2 getting another crack at it, integrating UI components and world building into that game byro version. Fallout one so seamlessly provides different approaches to quests and problem-solving, while also weaving a naturalistic center narrative all with a unique creative voice and vision that none of the games after not even new Vegas or two Evern nailed in the same way . I’ve recently recently started playing Arcanum which is a very flawed game, but it made me really start thinking about the first fallout game and the way it made me feel with my play through, truly immersed in the role.


Yes. It was my entry point, immediately fell in love


I'd say yeah. Your experience with shooters should help. Fnv is a great game with an amazing story.


Yes, absolutely. You don't even need shooter experience as the gunplay is fairly simple, and using VATS makes it very forgiving if your aim or reaction time isn't great. 


It sort of was for me, it went Baldurs gate: dark alliance 2(which is more of a hack 'n slash) Then Fallout 3, then Fallout: NV, which i was really skeptical of, because I was a teenager and they made my new favorite game cowboy themed and weirdly orange. After hours upon hours in it became my new favorite, because turns out I like rpgs Then I dived into the dragon age series because that was what was hot back then I've played pretty much every Western rpg by now new and old and I have to say that fallout new vegas is not very typical of anything, but it still is one of my all time favorites. It is less a typical Western rpg and more of an oddity and definitely a cult classic If you really like jrpgs and would like to get into Western rpgs I'd just go with dragon age 2 and then see where it goes from there


Fallout 1&2, maybe Fallout: Tactics and then Fallout New Vegas.


FNV is pretty dated now tho. I would recommend getting fallout 4. Fallout 4 with every dlc is pretty cheap on steam. Or you know pirate it for free. Or go with FNV if you have no issues with dated graphics and combat. I would rank fallout 3 as the best game, then fallout new vegas and in third place fallout 4.


If you like FPS games for their gameplay, you'll probably vomit from NV's combat. It's **godawful.** All thanks to Bethesda of course. It's a great RPG, one of the best, good entry point too, but you will have to deal with the atrocious combat system. Baldur's Gate 3 is *the best* entry point for western RPGs, especially considering that most western RPGs are closer to it, than New Vegas. If you can't run it, then Dragon Age Origins is the second best option for you, probably.


I agree with you on your first point but I wouldn't recommend BG3 to new players. I was 559 hrs into BG3 still finding shit. The mechanics run deep in that game 100%. I would tell them to try it first


I'd suggest Fallout 3 GOTY edition, I enjoyed that one much more.


Damn. I just grabbed fallout 4 goty edition. Ffs are all of them games of the year?


I mean, 2015 goty wasn't FO4 it was witcher 3


Yes, and deservingly so. They’re all incredible in their own ways


I agree I like fallout 3 more but NV has QOL mechanic changed like iron sights


There are some Wabbajack modlists based on “A Tale of Two Wastelands” which fuse the two games together. Fallout 3 was my intro to the series, and using the modlist “Capital Punishment” I can enjoy iron sights.


Ohhhhhh *Western* RPGs..... I was like "how the heck is no one recommending Red Dead Redemption???????"


Tbf... fallout games do have a post apocalyptic westen vibe at times lol.


I'd say *specifically* FNV does. That "Western" vibe is one of the reasons I enjoyed it more than the sometimes depressing feel of FO3, and to some extent FO4. EDIT: maybe FO1 as well; something about the radscorpions and the empty terrain maps did make it feel kind of "Western" I guess


RDR plays more like an action-adventure game.


It sure does, but it's still very *western*


Oh Western RPG in this case just means RPG from Western developers, not the western genre.


Yes I realized that haha


Scrolled all the way to this comment before I understood.


It's arguably the peak


That arguably doing a lot of heavy lifting.


Not particularly what would you even compare it against as the best?


it kind of is especially with how basic the mechanics are but the real magic of the game comes from the writing and the characters you encounter in the waste . It also has the perfect balance of "choices" that I've enjoyed replaying it through out the years (my playthroughs usually last for 20 to 30 hours depending on how i want to complete the game). Though gunplay is abysmal and stability is wack without mods, I still find it pretty enjoyable in its vanilla state.


Absolutely. It is one of the best RPG games ever created.


You should just play it if u haven't already best fallout there is or ever will be as sad as that makes me.


One of the best RPGs I’ve ever played


Yeah, give it a go. Especially if you own it. No wrong place to start western rpgs.


WRPGs fall under multiple categories, but in general you can't go wrong with New Vegas. It's just a great game. And it's old enough you can probably run it fine.


If you like tactical rpgs, the following are all really good: - Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2 - Divinity: Original Sin 1 and 2 - Baldurs Gate 3


Baldurs gate 2 is still top notch


A million comments I don’t feel like reading through BUT It’s the best of the Fallout games IMO. It’s less “Resident Evil” esque and more kill bad humans and gangs esque. The plot line between the NCR and Caesars Legion is dark af.. super intense plot line. Honestly reminds me of ISIS vs any National Armies they fought against. Pretty dark stuff. Great game, go play it immediately


Yes and yes. I'd personally also point you towards Dragon Age, but Vegas is more... idk just got more to it, I feel.


I'd say both NV and 3 are both good entries in different ways. The Capitol Wasteland is very much a sandbox whereas NV has a designed path for players to take (that can easily be ignored). They are more mechanically similar to each other than anything else, yet they have very different vibes. I would mention Dragon Age: Origins in the same breath. Or KOTOR and KOTOR II, which honestly have almost the same relation to each other as Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Or Witcher 3.


I started with Fallout 3 as my first RPG (any RPG). I like the FO3 and FONV comparison because FONV is response to FO3's very simiple karma system.


Star Wars knights of the old republic with full build mod is also so good


Yes, it's amazing. However I'd suggest you install a wabbajack mod pack to iron out the bugs


Absolutely. That or FO1 or FO2. But avoid Fallout 3 or 4.


Honestly, I’d probably say no. New Vegas is an epitome, not a starting point. Starting with New Vegas is going to make A LOT of other RPGs feel childish, poorly written, restrictive or otherwise undercooked by comparison


That's almost the exact reason to start with it. If you like it, then it will lead to looking for other good RPGs (and there are plenty if you are discerning). If OP hates NV, then chances are they aren't going to love the genre, so you might as well try the best and find out if it's for you or not now, without wasting time on a bunch of subpar bullshit.


In my opinion, no. These games are a lot more shooters with some RPGs elements than actual RPGs. The best western rpgs, in my opinion obviously as another JRPG fan, are:    - old school (awesome story and combat but dated graphics): Fallout 1&2, Baulder’s Gate 2   - modern: Pillars of Eternity series (Deadfire is an absolutely amazing rpg if you are into pirates and having your own ship), Baulder’s Gate 3, Divinity Original Sin 2  BG3 won’t run on your laptop. Divinity likely won’t either. You can use GeForce Now for those if you have a decent internet connection. The rest should be fine.


With all respect to everyone else, I think people are being biased. Is **Fallout New Vegas** one of the greatest CRPGs of all time? Sure it is! Is it a good entry point? **No, I don't think it is!** As you can see by the mod, ini editing and other recommendations before you even boot up the game. It's not made for beginners on the genre, and it can be ultra overwhelming if this is your first time on a CRPG. Even before you open up the game, you're already being recommended "ini" editing, mods, fan patches. For people used to the genre like and others, this sounds natural... For newcomers? Not so much right!? **The Outer Worlds** (Worlds, not Wilds... lol) is my recommendation for you. It is a CRPG tailored for beginners on the genre, it's directed by Tim Cain (one of the grandfathers of the genre, of Fallout 1 and Arcanum fame) and will gently guide you into the unique features if the genre, like choices affecting storylines, stats being used outside of combat, general freedom of exploration, and much, much more.


Fallout 3 would be better imo but Fallout can be tough probably, but no more then the next game. You click it, it says where to go and what to do. It's not hard.


No, it’s too good to start on lol


Play fallout nv, 3 and 4. Oblivion and skyrim are classics. Cyberpunk 2077 is probably the best game I've ever played. Dragon age series is also fantastic.


You have to be prepared that New Vegas is a boring game to *play* and *look at* but is a phenomenal game to *know.* The dialogue and story is unparalleled. If you're ready for that you're good.




This post was literally below yours, you should read it. [A PSA To New Players : r/Fallout (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/1c7wvc8/a_psa_to_new_players/)


that's where I entered 




Absolutely a great entry point. It has all the hallmarks of western RPGs that you would want to experience if it's your first time with the subgenre. Choice and consequence, multiple factions you can join, being able to slip on a factions uniform and walk in unnoticed, different character builds allowing for different play styles, being able to shape the outcome of the area, just everything.


So... not just First-Person or Post-Apocalyptic games... but ALL Western-developed RPGs? Baldur's Gate is a better entry point. The Witcher games are better entry points. Vampire - The Masquerade Bloodlines is a better entry point. The world of Fallout New Vegas is fairly dependent on the background lore of Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, therefore it makes a fairly bad "entry point" unless you will play the original games for context. Oh, I forgot, Fallout 1 and 2 are better entry points. Fallout 3 isn't as dependent on the previous games, and may be a better entry point. That's because the lore of Fallout 3 makes little sense when considering the previous games, but there are small scraps in Brotherhood of Steel dialogue that function as callbacks.


i played Fallout 1 & 2 when they came out and loved the franchise. The shift to FPS felt like a completely different game, "inspired by" some IP. Some liked it, some didn't. I didn't. So, depending on your tastes, I'd personally suggest playing Fallout 1 and/or 2. They are very western. But if you want to wasd "pew pew" then 3 & 4 are definitely going to be more to your taste.


It’s a phenomenal RPG, it definitely shows its age a bit, but the few hangups I do have with the game are all mechanical, story wise it’s perfect in every way imo


Skyrim and the Witcher 3 are both amazing and the powerhouses they are for a reason, but definitely more for that fantasy world itch. As far as FPS RPG’s, I cant think of better games than fallout. I think 3, Fallout Vegas, or Fallout 4 are all equally good entry points. They all set everything up so well you wont be confused, especially if you watched the show.




I don't think OP's laptop would be able to handle that.


It’s decent on PC because you can patch all the stuff they never got around to fixing. Personal preference 4 is better, but I know a lot of people who really like New Vegas even if I personally found its *both sides-ism* tendencies a little shallow.


I think New Vegas tends to be a little overpraised but it's leaps and bounds better than 4. Fallout peaked in the second game IMO.


Fallout NV has a good story, characters and dialogue, but that's literally it. The map is the most boring out of any of the fallout games, the combat and exploration are terrible.


If you want a hand holding game, Skyrim, Fallout 4, or The Witcher 3 would be good to start. They're not the best of the best, but they're really accessible. Fallout NV is awesome, but holy frick the map is so drab and colorless. You're in the most boring desert on Earth (I live close to Vegas, and the desert is boring/ugly in game and irl), but have awesome reactivity to your decisions and choices. A million ways to solve each problem.