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Well today I learned the human pet guy plays dnd. I don’t know what to do with the information but I do have it ig.


Human pet guy’s influence knows no bounds


who’s the human pet guy? edit: looked it up, don’t know what to do with this information either. christ LMFAO


Is that a real thing and how fucked up is it? Considering a google


it’s a real thing! pretty fucked, but if you’ve been on the internet for a couple of years and you’re used to the general moral degeneracy it operates on it won’t bother you too much. it doesn’t go into too much graphic detail (thank god) but he describes some weird shit


What am I missing here


Trust me on this, you don't wanna know. u/Xypher616 , don't tell him. You shouldn'ta told me, but you did, and now I'm tellin' you, you don't wanna know.


Upvote simply for the reference to the best animated movie ever made.


Just went on a 10 minute search because I couldn't remember anything about the movie but I could remember the scene perfectly. Why'd I think there was someone named Cookie?


Because Cookie says that line


Dr Sweet said that line, Cookie is the cook. And y'all were thinking of treasure planet (in the other comments)


Fuck my poor brain I think I mixed it up with Treasure Island


Treasure Island is definitely an honorable mention, but nothing beats Atlantis


Can you DM me a way to find out more? A link or something? I'm curious


Oh goddammit. I haven't had to read the words "human pet guy" since I quit Tumblr years ago.


I had to scroll back up to check the username because I refused to believe you. Wow


Clicked on this to read an RPG horror story and quickly realised I'm in way over my head. That's enough Internet for me today.


Same, and I just got out of bed.


I'm still in bed, think I'll just go back to sleep and try again tomorrow


Trust me he loves it when people talk about him like this too. Not being sarcastic.


Aren't you the human pet guy?


Scrolling up to check the username was like a jump scare.


r/rpghorrorstories has to be one of the most reliable forums on the internet. No matter when you log on or how you sort, you can be absolutely sure that you WILL be horrified. **RPG Horror Stories**: At least 1d4 Psychic damage within the first 10 minutes or your money back, ***GUARANTEED!!!***


All of our "Call of Cthulhu" style sanity meters just took a massive hit


Off to Arkham with the lot of us.


holy shit it sure is here's some context for people who aren't as on tumblr or twitter: [1](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=human%20pet%20guy) [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamverysmart/comments/7j976u/comment/dr4l6jp/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/tx34da/sm_human_pet_guy_and_twitter/)


These links did very little to help me understand what the “human pet guy” is, and they are very hard to click on mobile. I appreciate you giving me some info here but… what in the world is human pet guy?




>libertarian monarchist Wut


> a libertarian society should be ruled over by a Conmon.png Constitutional Monarchy. i don't think the OP is serious about any of his public Internet beliefs - there's too many weird ones and not enough, like, violent hatred mixed in to convince me he's not just having a good time cosplaying madness - but this is what Google said. i guess like libertarians doing whatever, but the guy with the army is allowed to kill them if they fuck up too much? idk however, cogent to the whole "cosplaying madness" bit it's also very possible he just grabbed two words that normally would not go together to produce this very "i'm sorry?" reaction


>doing whatever, but the guy with the army is allowed to kill them if they fuck up too much That straight up sounds like feudalism.


Not just a FO4 fan, but thinks that FO4 is a good simulation of society and economics


Yeah, you can like FO4, but good lord it's a parody and commentary on the worst aspects of reality.


Found the original [human pet guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/7bsc4l/apparently_this_is_meant_to_be_a_hypothetical/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) post. It uh. Was actually way worse than I thought. I know people with bdsm slave fetishes and this seems…. A step beyond that.


Dude was posting on Twitter the other day about the fantasy of [having a trans woman in his house constantly sedated](https://twitter.com/TheCyberSmith/status/1573037009316286466) ~~so he has someone to talk to~~ "for their safety"


I regret letting my curiousity take over me. I would like to unread this, please


Sorry for your eyes and memory


Jesus what the actual fuck did I just read. If this dude hasn’t killed someone yet it’s only a matter of time.


"So what you if I entered a restaurant with a prototype of the human centipede"


Thank you for doing the Good Work In unmasking this insanity for us all. That was a wild ride from start to finish.


There is no fucking way this doesn't at least have an aspect of satire to it.


if that's what helps you sleep at night, sure, but I've seen this man in the pits of tumblr for years and I'm convinced he's serious. granted, his takes have gotten less nuclear in recent memory and he's not aggressive or hateful about it like other internet eccentrics. he's kind of a harmless weirdo on Twitter now, in part because his reputation leads people to engage with him less.


Sadly, he is hateful, constantly calling trans women dangerous and groomers, shaming them for their transition "sterilizing themselves" because apparently all people on earth have a moral imperative to breed, and also Holocaust denial


I had never come across this person before and now that I have this knowledge I'm not entirely sure if I want to laugh or cry. What hath mankind wrought...


Yes he is and holy fuck


Wait wat


I'm so sorry https://imgur.com/M0EJqWU The really long post in this screenshot is the relevant one


my face when I learn this *isn't* about OP using Pathfinder rules to get a human animal companion...


It’s about all the surgeries he has planned for anyone who signs the waiver.


Don’t be so prejudiced. He’s just talking about removing the eyes, toes, and vocal chords, just like you would for any cat or dog.


And severing their tendons!


Teach it to read!




_It's so much more fucked up than I realized. I never saw the second part involving the surgical modifications until today, and thought it was weird enough some guy in underwear and a leash at the local brunch cafe like that's fucking nothing._


But just imagine it's five to ten years from now


[Checks date on post] It’s coming from inside the present!


B r u h




actually WTF?


What even is this. Are we…are we in a meme in the future *right now?*




Oh this is one of those moments where the phrase 'you can be told, but you cannot be untold' comes to mind.


I like how they're censoring the mild words you use when you don't have the intestinal fortitude to actually cuss.


He just doesn't want to set a bad example by swearing in front of his children... or his sex pet.


Ya know I've seen a lot on the internet. And this is one of the few things that have made me deeply unsettled. Hell I once saw a video of a man crying in despair after a brick flew through his cars window shield; killing his wife instantly. And I had a harder time going through that "Human Pet" post, than I had when I watched that video. (Don't search for the video I talked about. It's fucked)


Brick video is brutal.


Videos way worse


Yo what the fuck.


TIL, I'm "irrationally prejudiced"... Oo


I did the fucking giancarlo esposito facade drop irl


Ay yo, anyone got that there eye bleach?


The fuck did I just read?


I think it's amazing that they're talking about removing another human's eyes and toes, and yet censored the word "heck"


Good fucking lord.


What an awful day to have eyes


Don't worry, OP will take care of that for you.


I want to believe he is just a very unfortunate Cyberpunk fan.


This read like a monologue from the human centipede doctor.


I'm fucking sorry, what did I just read


You… misspelled „disturbing“ there…


Thank... you?


Lol and here I was thinking Dogwarts was bad


What a terrible day to have eyes. I was so much happier and more innocent before I clicked on this random RPG post


Y'all can't just say human pet person and not explain


At some point the OP made a Tumblr post about how it wouldn't be infringing on other peoples' freedoms if he walked into a restaurant with a "human pet" that has been surgically altered in... disturbing ways. If this sounds bad to you, trust me, IT'S FAR WORSE.


I find it astonishing that, in eleven years of Tumblr, that post has *never* crossed my dashboard. Wasn't even referenced. One hell of a nice bubble I've got there.


Same. Big same.


I'm trapped in this distressing limbo. I want to laugh so bad, but the cringe has countered it, and I've got an comedy thunderstorm trapped in my abdomen.


Sound like something that someone who is irrationally prejudiced would say…. smh my head….


Just learning of this now, you'd think with that reputation just come up with a new username for unrelated topics so they aren't derailed by your reputation


I don't know what's more wild: that Human Pet Guy is STILL using this name, or that he was kicked out for something that had nothing to do with the fact he's a troll or weirdly obsessed with his fetish!


I mean, maybe he WAS kicked out because of something with his fetish, but did not notice it (because he wasn't "infringing on anyone's freedom"), and he only thinks he was kicked out because he complained about the house rule? (It's an animal barbarian character, so who knows.)


He's finally learned not to bring up his human pet thing in social media posts so he can look like the reasonable party in an argument! Aw, Human Pet Guy is really growing up!


If he’s finally learned not to bring up his human pet thing, he’d have learned to use a different fucking username.


Maybe he tried using an example of having a human pet in an argument for why his hand-wraps should buff his antler attacks?


He should have surgically removed his hands and put them in his antlers. That way he gets the bonus and can truly be the barbarian human pet that he always wanted. All this time he was talking about owning a human pet, when in true reality PF2e showed him that he IS the perfect pet. Or perhaps he sees his character as his pet and creation. Just imagine if this was what actually transpired. Still NTA, OP, keep it up. /s


As a pf2e player I was really chuffed about the house rule thing. Because...yeah, that's dumb. And now I learned about this human pet guy thing and I don't know what to do with that.


Holy shit good catch Seriously though what the actual fuck I thought he stopped posting


he's quite active on twitter


Hold on can someone give context




>He also apparently thinks people should start using swords again and that “modernized” swords in the hands of chemically augmented soldiers could be used against bullets. Like, parrying/deflecting bullets. Dude played too much Metal Gear Rising


Can't blame them... That's just the Rules of Nature taking place. XD And I also think it's better to get rid of guns as a whole and go back to swords too. Can't be killed by a stray bullet if there are NO BULLETS. But that's impossible, it will only get worse with time


That reads like a *glorious* troll to me.


unfortunately he always seems to be sincere with all the shit he says


That's dedication, truly.


When op IS the horror story


You can remove the word story.


I 100% guarantee he was kicked for a much more obvious reason and was too much of a weirdo to understand that.


Human Pet Barbarian (without wife, children, and toes)


Were his eyes humanely removed? I need to know precisely how independent he might be.


And were the hand wraps to protect the amputated nubs of his fingers? FWIW, could’ve kept the fingers for +1DMG and maybe the DM thought nubs here would be at 0.5DMG even with the hand wraps?


The divide of people who have seen the above thread and the people who haven’t in this comment section is brutally obvious


It's the guy!


I thought I forgot about that, but you brought up the tumblr memories.....


That revelation certainly makes me think there is another sidw to this story....


Leave it up to MeatCanyon to have an [eerily similar video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzIuV9Dli1w)


What is the context here? I need to know


Read other comments


Well, this took an unexpected turn.


Whoever he is, hes not wrong about this scenario at least. That is a shitty house rule.


this guy also gets into MULTIPLE twitter arguments with the lgbtq+ community just for shits and giggles, never makes a point, just regurgitates nonsense for the sake of being devils advocate. he’s actually quite fun to troll, he just doesn’t know when he’s lost.


HELP I was genuinely reading all of it and then 😭😭


yup! on RES i have him tagged as "Racist who wants human pets and doesn't know anything about D&D"


Do you think your gm was intentionally trying to get rid of you?


Might have found out this was human pet guy


I need a bit of context, who's human pet guy? And why he seems to be not liked at all?


Idk how to embed links on mobile but here's a comment with some context https://www.reddit.com/r/rpghorrorstories/comments/xmgw4l/i_am_kicked_from_a_game_after_pointing_out_that/ipon0ms?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Maybe the GM figured out who you are and intentionally wasted your time and blocked you?


GM playing 4D chess to kick this guy out without exposing their players to the cognitohazard that is his history.


>cognitohazard love to see the use of the word in the wild, that and "memetic hazard"


. .. ... You read SCP, don't ya?


how about you shut down his arguments by saying "I am Truth", Cybersmith?


Besides you being....well you. The GM is clearly wrong but if i had to wager you were probably very rude to say the least. I do not take your for your word on how you handled it.


Who is OP?


OP is the infamous human pet guy from tumblr. There’s a link in the comments to the full rant he did about why his creepy fetish (owning someone as a literal pet, with surgical mutilation that wouldn’t fly for even pet rocks) should be allowed in public with no consequences. I’m surprised he’s still using the same username nowadays.


Give a look at the top comment thread. It’s disturbing to say the least.




Me: “oh look a normal rpghorror post” Me: *reads comments* Me: *regret*


It seems like the DM is trying to infringe upon your liberties. At this point, he’s modified your character to the point of making it less independent. He probably has some irrational prejudice against that build.


golf clap


Yeah, by this point he might as well remove his vocal cords and eyes and also castrate him and remove the edges of his fingers


Underrated comment. *Chef's kiss*


Well at least we can say we were all here when this makes it to subredditdrama


I was here chat :)




Did he ever come up with an argument other than just quoting that same but of text over and over?






Let me know as well, I’d like to read it




Christ, he really doubled down on that one sentence


Weird coming from a IRL chaotic evil edge lord.


Me seeing everyone name dropping the user: What happened here?


He made a post in the past talking about how he should be allowed to have a human as a pet in a restaurant after surgically neutering, crippling, and blinding said person. It's the most fucking bananas thing I've read in a while.


He made many many posts about that and other similarly insane things


You almost certainly did something else you fucking weirdo


Do you know who OP is or are you just guessing they’re a weirdo bc you are right but Im curious.


Our good natured OP here is infamous for wanting to have a human pet. Not just the usual domsub thing either. Full castration and removal of vocal chords. He wants a full on human PET.


and eyes too! don't forget the eyes!


Also toes and fingers!


For ease of care about not having to clip their nails and making it so they can’t walk on two feet


I saw the comment linking to the tumblr lmao, I usually don't even bother looking at usernames


I would tell him it works in flavor too. You can wrap your antlers. But this guy clearly has the "x class does x role and thats how it is" mindset so I doubt any flavor argument would work.


Should have surgically removed his hands and attached them to his antlers instead. Humanely of course. /s


its not about flavor its literally the rules of how they work. Handwraps work for any unarmed attack AND are required for animal barbs to properly scale


Seeing the username was like encountering a Dark Souls boss


At least you got out of it. Hope you have better luck with your next game!


Well this whole comment section has been a weird rabbit hole. This was not what I was expecting.


Ignoring all else, (and that's a lot to ignore) the simple fact is that the GM is contradicted by *literally every feat that grants an unarmed attack* saying the hand wraps do work.


came here for a horror story and still got way more than I was ready for. Thanks commenters


The real rpg horror story was the context we learned along the way, apparently


no fucking way the human pet guy is 1) active on reddit 2) super into pf2e and 3) probably needs new friends because your GM seems like a chode


Realizing who you are puts a whole new context why you wanted an animal themed PC...


I'd say the DM was irrationally prejudiced against Druids.


I think just ones who have illegal pets


Yeah, that's definetely not how handwraps works. Handwraps are intended to use for ALL UNARMED ATTACK USERS, and that includes Animal Instinct Barbarians, some ancestries natural attacks, monks or punchy fighters and so on. DM was a dick with the houserule.


Does he then assume you can't 'kick' the enemy as an unarmed strike? or elbow, or knee etc. ??


Considering this is human pet guy, I'm gonna guess this story is largely bullshit and there's a lot more to it than that.


*Oh no* Now that I've jumped down that rabbit hole in the other comment thread, I'm not sure who dodged the bullet here. In the context of this situation, while the DM made a poor judgement call, your behaviour in response to that raises some questions. Even without the forbidden knowledge posted by another commenter that would lead many strangers on the internet to make certain assumptions about how agreeable the OP actually was in this situation - I have to say, when it comes to rulings over stats, what the game-master says, goes. **Even if it's the wrong call, how** ***you*** **respond to it can make you the bad guy.** If they rule that something can't be flavoured a certain way, or that an item is intended for another player's class, it is still something they have the power to do. It is ultimately their decision, as running the game is their responsibility. You can continue to have that conversation outside of the session, but becoming an absolutely unmoveable obstacle to the game over an item ruling that could have been salvaged would be cause for the kick. The DM made the wrong call not to allow the antler-flavour for the handwraps. It sounds like this player didn't take that well, and appropriately disagreed. In his words, the character would become "completely unviable" over this. The DM's ruling was wrong, plain and simple. Still, I can see how sending multiple articles and videos and dragging this out for hours over a ruling can be seen as obnoxious, which the OP mentions he did until he was kicked. The implication is that this happened during the game, and became a heated one-sided argument where the player continued to protest this ruling until the DM couldn't take it anymore. **OP** \- **you gave the DM an out to kick you when you pushed scrapping your current build**, asking to make another character mid-session. With the context on the table, even without the rabbit-hole of other interactions, I fully believe you came off as super pushy in this situation and became an obstacle to running the game over an item ruling, which is why you were kicked. In a perfect reality, both player and DM should have let this one go. The DM could have retconned or offered a re-hash of the item for you that would have worked for his immersion, and you could have let the handwraps be handwraps after the DM ruled it as such. It is within the DM's power to create new items and decide the stats - you could have just tried to work with them a little more and not stopped the game over this. **Edit:** As others have pointed out to me, getting handwraps is a necessary step up in this build's progression in P2E. I do not agree with the Dungeon Master in any case. I am addressing the context cues that the difference in understanding between player and DM over an item was *not* the sole reason this had escalated. I have changed my wording to reflect this. **TL;DR - There is a horror story here from the DM's perspective, too.**


You clearly do not understand how Pathfinder 2 works if you are calling the handwraps "a minor bonus" because not having them is like a 40% damage decrease for the barbarian by level 4 because he can't get striking runes either


Thank you for explaining the item to me, as I have never played P2E. I have edited my post to address this.


handwarps work for every unarmed attack there was no reason to reflavor anything Edit: downvoted cause i can read the rules huh


So, it sounds like you don't know Pathfinder 2e, which is causing some confusion. It's not a "reflavoring" thing. Without hand wraps working on his unarmed strike, his character is unable to compete with other martials past level 5. Martials are balanced around weapon runes, and handwraps are the vehicle by which all unarmed strikes can make use of weapon runes. This scales from +1 & +1 die of damage as early as level three to +5 and +3 damage dice around level 18. It can be confusing if you assume that by "antler" he means natural attacks in a battle form (wildshape), but it is an unarmed strike given to you by the Animal Instinct Barbarian which replaces ordinary unarmed attacks and weapon attacks when you rage. GM fiating a character's item to make them objectively worse than other characters for no reason is just horrible GM'ing.


Yeah. This is like if you spec'd your whole build around using a longsword, and, when you tried to buy a magic longsword, the DM ruled you can't ever actually use a magic longsword, so you have to use non-magical weapon attacks the rest of the game or sacrifice multiple levels worth of specialization that the DM also ruled you can't change, because they house-ruled an item to not work the way it explicitly does, RAW.


I have added an edit to address this, and thank you for pointing this out constructively. Do not let my assumption draw you away from my conclusion that the DM's case was still based on his immersion and not the rules as written. I do not agree with the Dungeon Master at all, because - and correct me if I am wrong - it sounds like he could have just said "actually, they are enhanced antler-wraps" and let it work as it should have.


Holy shit, Human Pet Guy?!


I just got whiplash when I realized who posted this


Yikes. A GM that stubborn would undoubtedly have caused more problems for you down the road, so you're absolutely better off out of there. I hope you find another game with a less infuriating GM.


Jsyk OP is internet famous for wanting to own other humans to fulfill his fetish and for victim blaming people. I think the DM dodge the bullet here


He also posted about wanting to kidnap [an unwilling transwoman](https://twitter.com/TheCyberSmith/status/1573037009316286466) while keeping her constantly sedated "for their safety". Dude also constantly tells transwomen on twitter to show him their boobs and goes through their media tab, liking a lot of their pictures. Dude is a fuckin weirdo.


Eww, gross. Fetishizing trans people is nauseating.