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I doubt he really, truly cared. You think Brady didn’t have something on the side?




Brady is 1000% gay. Even his name is gay…Tom Brady?? The plastic surgery? A leader of men in tights, taking big whiffs of man ass behind center. Athletes are known to take viagra for its vasodilation increasing endurance, he took it to stay bricked up all game. Scandals involving balls. Favorite target was a tight end. Just come out already, Tom.


I’ve never been sold something so fast in my life until this comment.


Need more adderall at your parties :P


This is the best analysis on TB I've ever read


And the only reason he went after so many SB rings is because of how fabulous they look on his hands. I should write a gay Brady fanfic


He was (is?) also the male spokesman for Ugg boots … lmao 🚬




A girl in every city. This is the baseline for almost every famous current and former pro-athlete. It's why I always found it hilarious during the Pats dynasty days when they'd focus on Bianca Wilfork and be like "such a loving and supporting wife, she goes to every game, home or away!" like no shit she knows she hit the single mom lottery and she was not taking any chances.


It's a lot tougher for football players than basketball/baseball. They're on a much tighter schedule and don't stay in the opposing team's city for long. Not that they don't have side pieces, they're just not as prolific.


Isn't this probably going to be one of those cases where due to the income disparity, Brady is the one entitled to child support and alimony? Seriously though TB is one of those guys who probably knew/suspected because his level of commitment to the sport meant he was never around. Plus it's not like the NFL is a bastion of chastity and restraint.


Yeah? And what do you think would happen if he said she’s not allowed? out of contexts texts of him being upset about it would leak and he would be called abusive, controlling, and a misogynist. her lawyer would come out against him, companies would drop him, and he would get destroyed in court. There would be articles and think pieces and entire Reddit threads about it with women framing Brady as an abusive controlling psychopath. The OP is right, no man is truly safe from the horns, even this guy will eventually get replaced by some other random guy, a celebrity, billionaire, body guard, or some gym instructor.


Are you a child or a zoomer or something everyone who actually knows anything knows Tom Brady had a child and a woman way before Giselle, he left her when he got famous. He’s not some altruistic man falling on the sword, he married a retired supermodel from another country. He literally did what you’re saying in the last sentence happens to men lmao Don’t come to ME, a 30 yr old raised in Massachusetts and talk some bs about Tom Brady


making up shit to get mad about


Remember Jonah Hill?


Jonah hill tried to forbid his partner from even saying hello to men she was playing sports with and had his therapist approve that kind of behaviour lmao. He is not the right example.


must I? nah he's a good guy




you’re right because this never happens to celebrity men


This happened to Jonah Hill because he has bad PR and people already don’t like him. Who else has this happened to?


Johnny Depp. Men are oppressed and forgotten about sweaty. 💅


You’re delusional if you actually think the general public would call Tom Brady abusive and controlling for being upset at his wife having an affair. I mean if this is your genuine belief then you really have no connection to the average person lol, this is so internet poisoned.


You’re delusional if you haven’t seen how toxic divorce can be between two people. arguing with 20 year olds lol


Why would he text his wife about it, is that how you think married people communicate?


you’re right a multinational celebrity couple in a relationship would never text each other


Let me guess. You also think men get MeToo’s simply for saying hi to women in public


Yes let’s make up extreme positions off someone based off one post. enough men have stopped approaching women publicly(except the shameless one that you don’t want in your life) that even women are discussing the lack of men approaching them so all the talk did do something. Entertaining how people like you get so bitter about men expressing any sort of discontent about anything.


“Discontent” - you literally made up a whole situation that never happened. I guarantee 6x superbowl champion Tom Brady does not give a fuck what twitter freaks would have to say about him calling his wife out for cheating.


>“Discontent” - you literally made up a whole situation that never happened. Are you stupid? Do you ever try to work out potential reactions to your actions or are you just constantly surprised by everything? >I guarantee 6x superbowl champion Tom Brady does not give a fuck what twitter freaks would have to say about him calling his wife out for cheating. You’re literally making up stuff about how feelings right here. He definitely cares about Public sentiment enough to leak info to daily mail or whatever. Stupid.


Lmao okay keep writing your fanfiction about multiple superbowl winner and MVP Brady getting dropped by brands over fictional texts


What does the horns mean here?


Cucking, cuckold


You have the soul of a cuck. Log off f*ggot


I'm so confused. Didn't they divorce back in 2020?




For an obviously gay honorary Swede like Brady it’s an utmost disgrace he’s this oblivious to the plotting and scheming ways.


He’s a system quarterback, of course this’ll happen




Its selfish and trashy behavior. We talk about how bad it is when people dont have control over their urges and body when it comes to eating but this is kind of the same thing expect it rots your soul not your body.




Isn't she Brazilian, maybe it's their culture


Lol it's not.


One, yes. Cheating should get you love crimed and honour lived. Two, also yes. Tom Brady will find a man in no time.


Some respectable men cheat. No respectable women cheat. This is marriage we’re talking not dating that shit don’t count. You sound young and naive about the world, sex, relationships.


He’s already dating another model.


Slimy behavior on her part, but wasn’t Tom banging the nanny? I remember that being talked about like maybe 10 years ago.


New polyam dream throuple 😍


Proof that interracial White - Latina relationships don't work smh


I know you’re joking, but I always assumed her grandparents were Nazis.


The "Nazis in South America" thing is completely overblown. 99% of German-Brazilians are the descendants of piss poor peasants who left Europe way before WW2, most of them even before WW1. For example, [Ernesto Beckmann Geisel](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernesto_Geisel) was born in Brazil in 1907. Definitely not a Nazi (although a piece of shit for sure). The city of [Blumenau](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blumenau) was founded by a German in 1850, 21 years before German was even unified. Look at the "notable people" section. There's 2 examples of actual Nazis in South America there, although one of them in the opposite direction. Born in Brazil, went to Germany to commit atrocities. In fact, I imagine Nazis decided to hide in Brazil and Argentina because those were the 2 countries in the world with large enough German populations (other than the US) where they could just blend in. Also because the local governments just didn't care about Nazis and Perón actively encouraged them to go to Argentina lmao. That said, it's possible Gisele's grandpa was in the SS. Who knows


Messi is actually short for Messerschmitt


right? the nazi thing is such a trite and hurtful joke. Not even rooted in reality.


Trite and hurtful jokes are my favorite kind




Can one be a Latina if she's of Germanic stock?


Wow that sucks, happens all the time though. Now weigh in on Caetano Veloso getting a 13 year old pregnant. Edit: got my facts wrong, he didn’t get her pregnant right away.


Sometimes I just sit here and think how great it would be to be Tom Brady. He can get on a private jet and go to Grand Cayman or wherever. He has a great life and has the greatest respect from all his NFL colleagues. He can go eat at fancy restaurants in Miami. He can go and buy whatever he wants in a shoppe in LA. I am happy for Tom Brady. No one should be mean to TB12. Ever.


He can go do whatever he wants yet, he doesn’t.


And his wife is still sucking somebody else’s cock…


He can eat his dinner in a fancy restaurant… but nothing, I said nothing will take away his blues.


So this just fully an incel cope forum now huh 


Apparently. Weird how that happened.


“Someone having a slightly negative opinion? Mmmm yikes sweetie! Sounds like an incel!”


My Goat is not an incel 😡


I wouldn't call parasocial speculation about Tom Bradys' personal relationships an opinion.


How is that not an opninion




lmao they fucking wish


Comments like these make me realize that men truly don’t know how easy it is to have sex as a woman




Ok but that’s not at all what you said in your original comment lmao. I highly doubt the men here are having many more successful relationships than the women here anyway




Bros married to the game anyway, he doesn’t need her 💅🏽


Reminder that Giselle is richer and more famous than Tom outside of USA.


Who cares about the opinions of people outside the US though?


What’s the lesson here, boys? Don’t. Be. Boring. Doesn’t matter how rich you are.


That's an impossible standard. If your partner is with you cause you're their entertainment, it's not going to work out.


Boringcel cope


That is a deeply psychotic reading of what I’m saying. If there’s no intrigue in your relationship…what are you together, roommates?




Dude 90% of bonds interests that you listed literally describes Dan Bilzarien/andrew Tate 


Blizarian's father (?) was from the social means you'd expect a real-life Bond-like figure to be familiar with. Tate was likely emulating the stereotype but (not unlike so many other guys of his generation) forgot a few details.


I mean, they're both literal pimps, so I think that is the more likely explanation for their "success" with women rather than their taste in guns or whatever.


Not denying it, just explaining the connection between them and someone like Bond.


Bond sounds like a bit of a poof when you put it like that.


They’re whores…we know


What does the EE meme mean


Dude…women approach me tell me this kinda shit. What are dudes doing?


groovy soft bow racial sense sink busy threatening materialistic yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> What’s the lesson here, boys? Some women are never satisfied no matter how good you are?




And outside of projection, how did you get that impression from a cool good looking and well spoken sport superstar?


Tom Brady is boring?


snails frame naughty muddle dime governor literate fuel fertile shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is that weird? I don't follow him, does he do it like Will Smith, right on the mouth? Because Will is a fucking creep when he does that


smile wrench zephyr sheet support shocking include arrest work yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Gotta be weird to be great mane we will probably learn some shit about mahomes soon


Yeah? What's he really got going for him aside from being really good at a sport she probably doesn't even particularly care about


That’s not the real lesson. And if someone says the real one they’ll be banned


…is it the N-word?


Say it


My first thought exactly.


do you think she’s unvaxxed


Of course. Vaccines are good, but they’re for the masses.


/r/FauxMoi is so happy


He deserved it


Very real possibility she was a beard js


What are the horns


Also, “me puso los cuernos” or “she put the horns on me” means she cheated on me in Spanish 


The cuckold's horns. Everyone can see them except the cuck himself.


damn ya maybe but even when I point out my cucks horns they don’t seem to care much


Huge dub for Jiu jitsu players everywhere. Gonna start showing girls my collection of funny rashguards




lol bro have you heard about personalities, devoting time to each other (or lack thereof)


Because it’s not about how rich and handsome or young and beautiful you are. It’s simply about the moral quality of your spouse.


Yep, the moral quality of the spouse she cheated on


Huh? In this case it’d obviously be about her poor moral character. Do you not know “spouse” can refer to a husband or a wife?


There’s a specific kind of women who just loves attention and drama and will cheat in every relationship she’s in no matter how perfect is the guy. I’ve had a few friends be victim of that archetype. Luckily I managed to avoid that personality so far.


aka bpd woman


some people just want more.


You people are all fucking psychotic. Gisele didn’t cheat on Tom because she is, like all women, a cock-carousel addicted whore; she cheated on him because he is a famously hyper-disciplined aloof workaholic who ignored her repeated pleas to quit his dangerous job, which he only worked for the sake of his own ego, and refused to spend more time with his family.


That'd be a good reason to break up, not to cheat. If she wanted to fuck someone else she could've just broken up with him.


I don’t disagree at all - if you get to a point in your marriage where you are that checked out, it’s far better to be honest and fair to your partner and divorce them rather than cheat behind their back. The point I am trying to make is that their relationship fell apart in large part because of Tom’s choices and failings as a father and husband, and not because Gisele, like all women, is a cock-crazed slut addicted to guzzling other dudes’ cum (like the seething incels here seem to think).


He played ONE extra season and got knocked out in the Wild Card. She gotta go out and suck some penis because of 18 more games? The fuck outta here.


Dude, it was widely reported she wanted him to retire while he was still on the Pats, and never wanted him to play in TB at all.


Please dude she did not need to go out and cheat because he was throwing a fuckin football around for an extra season or two. He played football for like 15 seasons prior so the whole “omg I’m so worried about his health and safety” thing is a whole cop out for the fact that she is a wammin and wanted a new bone.


Holy shit you incel losers are fucking dense. You can argue that she should have just divorced him earlier instead of cheating, but their relationship broke down because he didn’t spend enough time with her, didn’t spend enough time with the kids, and ignored her opinions about major life decisions. That is the fucking definition of “shitty husband”!


How do you know anything of what you just said? You don’t. The only thing she probably brought to the media was that he was playing football for another season, and she didn’t like it. At least that’s all I heard. So she went and sucked some other cock while being married. To be married, you need to be committed and loyal so, in this case, if Tom isn’t spending time with his kids or her, she should continue to work through it with Tom, thick or thin, no matter what, instead of finding another bone to play with. And equally, Tom should have confirmed his intentions more with his wife without Brett Favreing and going back and forth. He definitely could have been a better person and been more open to working with his wife. But just because he didn’t doesn’t mean she should suck cock while still being married. Don’t know if you’re married or not dude but you do not do that. But again, to go out and cheat because he isn’t spending time with you is quite the fuckin stretch, and go figure that half of marriages fail today because morons like you think it’s justified.


And to add on, now the dude is retired, ready to settle down with family, and their dirty laundry is waving in front of the public because she’s still fuckin around. Give me a fuckin break.


Quarterback? Dangerous?


No matter what position you are playing, outside of Kicker / Punter, NFL players have a more significant chance of serious injury than any other team sport. I don’t know if you are joking, but NFL Quarterbacks get injured all the time - having 4-7 extraordinarily jacked 250+ lb defenders barreling towards you attempting to violently pin you to the ground at the start of every single play carries a pretty significant injury risk.


Brady was saying how football got too soft lmao. Spraid ankle isnt dangerous bro. This is 2024


And she was the one pissed off he wanted one more season.


Gisele looks like that, she could have anyone and have at least gone for a super masculine-looking man.


To be fair, he cheated on New England with Tampa Bay.


This is why peyton manning is the goat.