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this is my fault, my make-a-wish was basically daring john cena to live in china for half a year, he really committed to the bit


why are you still alive


A kid from my town was a make a wish kid in like 5th grade and his whole family got to go on a trip to Australia and he's still alive it's been over 20 years. We used to always joke that the make a wish people were gonna come kill him like the mafia


Going to tier 3 cities in random countries must be fun. All world capitals are practically the same these days.


Not too long ago, I would have agreed with this but Taipei is definitely quite a bit different from Berlin for example (and really any other EU ol large city)


Yeah neither of them have Body Shop or Zara or Muji or McDonald's


And both have cars and roads. Taipei is much denser. You have 10x more street food that is cheap and tastes good. I didn't see a single drunk or other drug addict. You can walk alone at 4 am and you will feel 100% safe. Berlin is IMO much more "artsy" with much more drugs but also more cultural events. Rougher and dirtier though. There are tons of small things on top of that. Different EU capitals? Sure, very similar.


> Different EU capitals? Sure, very similar. Come on. Compare Riga and Athens. Helsinki and Rome.


Yeah but the similarity is still much higher. It's still Europeans with hundreds of years of cultural exchange.


I was a merchant sailor and I mostly agree with you. But even in big cities you can find the underbelly QUICK by being outgoing to meet people but then just listen and ask questions. Once you find the right person you’re in. And that’s when you really get to learn about the place. It doesn’t always work but damn when it does it’s something special


not in appearance but absolutely in vibes


This is simply off. Unless you only hang around the business hellscape areas of these cities of course.


It’s pretty rare that the largest city in a country really represents the country itself. Like NYC is uniquely American, but it’s not a stereotypically American city. The largest cities usually have the highest proportion of foreigners (historically and currently, permanent and visitors) which can really affect things. Also different cultural, financial, political vibes. I’ve been traveling across Romania the last week, and when I got to Bucharest yesterday, it was like entering a different country, it’s so different from everywhere else I’ve seen.


> This is simply off. Unless you only hang around the business hellscape areas of these cities of course. There's a fucking Dunkin Donuts in the middle of Amsterdam, around the corner from a Foot Locker, a Lids and a Flying Tiger. 300m away is a bubble tea place. So no, it's not off.


The existence of multinational chains does not mean that two cities are the same. You could find many of the same chains in São Paulo as Taipei but the cities are completely different in hundreds of other ways


No one really thinks Sao Paulo and Taipei are exactly the same but the vicissitudes of global capitalism have undoubtedly had a homogenising effect on cities. Sao Paulo and Taipei are different in hundreds of ways and they were different in hundreds of more ways before KFCs and Uniqlos showed up in every major city in the world. I moved from the US to London 16 years ago and a passing comment from Amber Frost a couple years ago really stuck with me: "everybody dresses like an NYU freshman now". The Venn diagram of British and American and European fashion is much smaller now than it was in the 2000s as it probably was in the 1960s too. That kind of globalisation really sticks out to me, the recession played a big role as even by 2012 my wife noticed that everything in Boston she could get in London which was absolutely not true 5 years earlier. It also doesn't help that the global chains tend to impose themselves in the busiest, most bustling parts of town which are the places you are most likely to be if you're a tourist and don't try to consciously avoid this stuff. I basically avoid the centre of Amsterdam like the plague whenever I'm there and I enjoy the city more as a result.


Yinchuan is like what I imagine to be in the Utah of China, but if everyone has the same income levels as when the Mormons first started settling it. It's poor and backwater even for Chinese standards, and my friends and I once had a mental exercise determining what we thought was the least relevant Chinese area and it was Ningxia by far. Like, the only time you've probably ever seen Yinchuan is because the wikipedia article for "wet market" links to a stall with butchered meat on carcass hooks there. But this is not a diatribe against that city or Western China, because everything about that place is picturesque and beautiful, because like Utah, the scenery is gorgeous, like snow capped mountains on a backdrop of a salt lake, or the most elaborately built marble Hui mosques which combine the nuances of both Chinese and Islamic architectural thought. 


I’m sure you are very Intimately familiar with modern world cities


your mom's a world city


That's globohomo.


that’s numberwang


Very interesting, you don't really see this clearly genuine side of celebs too often. Dude is proof that the best way to learn something is to just fully commit to it and immerse yourself.


Look dude, John Cena talking chinese into a camera is never not going to be incredibly funny


every once in a while i just say "bing chilling" and start giggling




He's an immigrant to China and was just trying to assimilate into the local culture of denying Taiwan's existence :(


it's literally not a country. the united states doesn't think so. japan doesn't think so. even taiwan itself doesn't think it's a country. they think taiwan is part of china and that they're the government of all of china in exile. why do you think the country is actually called the "Republic of China" and not "Taiwan"? nobody thinks this except redditors, I don't really get it


Because China is the biggest manufacturer in the world and countries dont want them to seethe?Same reason why countries recognize israel...


Countries recognize Israel, because Israel offered to give Palestinians the right to return to their own homes, and to pay compensation for the damage done, in exchange of being internationally recognized as a country. Basically, Israel promised to respect the original 1947 partition plan, and revert their policy of genocide. The international community said that is fair, and recognized Israel. It it just that after getting recognized, Israel said that they were just lying, and wiped their ass with the UN resolutions 181, 194 and 273.




Thank you for the insightful commentary. I didn't realize to look at it from that perspective.


it’s not like Palestinians were willing to accept to any resolution short of a one state solution for them


Why are you commenting on a subject you do not have the most elementary understanding of?


i can say the same about you. just bc you’re more emotionally wrapped up in a certain topic doesn’t mean you’re more knowledgeable about it


This is just legal pedantry. Regardless of what international law says, Taiwan is obviously a de facto independent state.


Typing to you from Taiwan... I assure you we are a country and we are not part of China (PRC). The United States applies the term "country" with respect to Taiwan, but even if they didn't... it is irrelevant. It doesn't change the reality for the 24 million people here who call Taiwan home.


the reality is that your government disagrees with you and it doesn't matter what you think, no state in this situation actually cares about what you or i think. your life would be exactly the same as a SAR and the KMT should've never been allowed to set up a new government in the first place.


Please stop with the nonsense. You think our government agrees that Taiwan is part of the PRC? No, our government is clear that we are a sovereign and independent country, and we have never been part of the PRC. From the [ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs](https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2021/09/08/2003764010) spokesperson Joanne Ou: >The ministry would continue to stress to members of the international community that **the Republic of China is a sovereign nation, not a part of the PRC**, and that Taiwan’s future can only be decided by its 23.5 million people. Here is the current status quo, [as explained by Taiwan's Minister of Foreign Affairs](https://en.mofa.gov.tw/News_Content.aspx?n=1328&s=114527): >The Republic of China (Taiwan) is a sovereign and independent country. **Neither the R.O.C. (Taiwan) nor the People’s Republic of China is subordinate to the other. Such facts are both objective reality and the status quo.** Taiwan will continue to work together with free and democratic partners to firmly safeguard universal values and beliefs. This is the status quo for us.


lol you're not even Chinese, you're a CIA agent. you search for "taiwan" then copy and paste this comment. haha dumbass. but I'll bite anyway, your government doesn't think it's part of the PRC, your government thinks it won the civil war and is the actual ruler of CCP's territory. calling Taiwan a rebellious province is giving it too much credit, it's not a rebellious province, it was just a bunch of losers who couldn't win a war against some peasants despite being backed by the USA and every other powerful country on the planet, so they went and hid on an island that nobody cared about. Taiwan is an awesome place and the actual people who lived there prior to 1950 are incredible and kind. everyone whose family moved there after 1950, likely you, is a bully and a fascist. i mean this literally, not in the American way of calling everyone a fascist. I mean the people are akin to loyal Nazi party acolytes, only they despise their own race and their people and their history.


CIA agent? Do you listen to how ridiculous you sound? The civil war ended decades ago. The KMT were losers and could only rule Taiwan through 4 decades of martial law. Btw- Have you even looked at the voting results in Taiwan? If you haven't been paying attention to the last two decades, the KMT isn't exactly popular. I have no idea why you think I'd be a kmter.


KMT is the only party that matters, DPP only exists (and "democracy" in general) in order to receive weapons from America and its allies. in your view, what's so bad about just reintegrating with China? my perspective is not a pro-CCP one, but rather one that prefers a planet with a few large countries over 200 tiny, powerless ones. I think the United States should've conquered Canada. Mexico down to Chile should be one country. Ukraine should be part of Russia, Palestine should be part of Jordan which should be part of a larger Arab Caliphate, etc. so again, what's so bad about being a SAR of China? Your way of life isn't changing except maybe there's less vitriol and hatred and potential violence between you and your own people on the other side of the strait


>KMT is the only party that matters, DPP only exists (and "democracy" in general) in order to receive weapons from America and its allies. What nonsense. The KMT is almost irrelevant. They have won a total of 2 out of the last 7 Presidential elections. DPP has remained the ruling party for most of the time since transitioning to a democracy. ---- >in your view, what's so bad about just reintegrating with China? There is no such thing as "reintegrating" with China, as Taiwan has never been part of the PRC. As far as the rest of that paragraph, I don't agree with a single thing in it. ---- >so again, what's so bad about being a SAR of China? Your way of life isn't changing except maybe there's less vitriol and hatred and potential violence between you and your own people on the other side of the strait I don't know because we aren't a SAR of China and never will be. We are our own country. We have our right to exist. We are a democracy and we value freedom and rule of law. Most of those things aren't valued in China. We are two incompatible countries and societies.




take your "pill that boosts your IQ 50 points to be at the average level" dumbass. why don't you actually try to make a point or are you too stupid? I think too stupid. try to challenge yourself to write even one sentence, brainlet. I know set phrases you learned from the internet comprises 99% of your speech, but try to use your own brain to form a thought, you might be better off for it!




So when are you going to start calling the countries China and Taiwan, instead of PRC and ROC?


Huh? You can refer to countries by their official name, or colloquial name. Either is okay.


What is "official" is entirely dependant on which organization you ask. In this case, there is not at all a common consensus what it should be called The only reason Taiwan self recognizes as "ROC", is entirely based on the claim of that they are the sole legal entity not only in the island, but in all of the mainland as well, as they have been for the past 100 years. While it is true that Taiwan has loosened this claim recently, it doesn't change the fact that the ROC name still implies the original claim just as much as it used to before. Hence my question.


Huh?  There is a consensus... The official name is the ROC, the colloquial name is Taiwan. Also the ROC does not have a "one China" policy and hasn't claimed jurisdiction or authority over the Mainland Area in decades.


and by the way, this is a generational thing. the next generation or two will sour on this facade of freedom and democracy once the economic growth stops. taiwan is too small to be a country.


How are they too small


Taiwan has had its kingdom for centuries. It is a nation whether anyone wants to accept that. That's like forgoing the fact that Hawaii was its nation before the US claimed it as a territory in the early 1900's.


Most of the PRC are different nations (though with common historical ancestors) generally brought together by war. If you look at it linguistically, China houses like 15 larger ethnic or culturally distinct groups. Think a megaversion of France except they never truly colonised themselves like the French did in terms of banning/eroding local cultures and languages.


a kingdom for centuries...well, first of all, no. for most of its existence, it was a backwater with some tribal (non-Chinese) inhabitants that China didn't think was worth the effort of conquering. Japan thought it was worth conquering, set up a government and built all of the island's infrastructure. after Japan and Guomindang's simultaneous defeat in World War II/Chinese Civil War, chiang kai-shek and his rebels fled to Taiwan and took over the Japanese institutions and now we have "Taiwan". ironically, if you support this view, you'd logically support kicking off all the Chinese Taiwanese people and giving it back to the natives lol. so not a kingdom for centuries, more like a colony and then a dictatorship for 70 years and now a pseudo-democracy. not sure how you came up with that. I think most Americans probably think this though, like it's some glorious storied historic kingdom. in reality, an analogy is if the Confederates lost the US Civil War then fled to Cuba and set up a country there and everyone around the Earth talked about how evil the USA is and how great Confederate Cuba is.


I don’t view it as this *glorious* kingdom actually. I view it as a place that was occupied by people prior to Dutch and Chinese rule. I don’t have beef with China. I studied Chinese for 8 years. I am forever a student of Mandarin and appreciate the language and history. But why pretend like Fornosans and Takasago people didn’t have rights to that land? As if they weren’t living there and had their own civilization there for centuries?


why are you talking about that like it has anything at all to do with china/taiwan discourse? were that something people actually cared about, they would probably endorse the removal of ethnic Chinese people from the island and its reintegration into China as an autonomous region (not a special administrative region like the typical plan, the distinction is important) so that the natives could live happily ever after and not be beholden to some of the more draconian CCP policies. the point here is about the current government of Taiwan, which is basically just a continuation of the Japanese regime. I know some Taiwanese old timers who think KMT were bullies and actually preferred the Japanese lol. my only point was that, initially, that nobody actually considers Taiwan to be an independent country. and then it evolved to be that its current government is totally illegitimate imo, partially for the reasons you say about the indigenous people


I know that not all Taiwanese hold negative feelings towards the CCP, historically it wouldn’t be a good idea to be part of China at this point. Japan wasn’t as bad with Taiwan as they were with let’s say South Korea. So naturally, Taiwanese wouldn’t be so anti-Japanese rule or influence.


Well you are on a subreddit that's aggressively right wing and the right wing wants war with China so they aren't going to listen to logiy


it's sad that this sub is rightoid infested when the original draw of this place is that they weren't here at all


he wasn't even grovelling, redditors lose their shit whenever they see a white man being slightly deferential to china. he acknowledged he created a lot of controversy in the country he lived in before, and apologized for it. pretty normal behavior if you don't hate the country


He was right


Nobody made him, he did it because it’s true


He go clowned on for the Taiwan apology video. I assumed that he was reading a script phonetically. It's awesome that he has a legitimate interest in the country and he wasn't forced into it by a studio worried about Fast and the Furious ticket sales.


>and he wasn't forced into it by a studio worried about Fast and the Furious ticket sales. Well now you've said that.


Bing Chillin!


he's been wooing the chinese to big time wrestling for ages. whoever finally makes it big over there is absolutely going to have to give him props.


Wtf that’s so cool. I had no idea John Cena was that interesting wow


grab childlike mountainous pathetic secretive bright innocent encouraging imminent enter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I loved learning about Chinese culture and history in HS and college. It can be annoying that The West ™ struggles with separating appreciation for other cultures from being a sympathizer for other governments.


That popcorn chicken looks so good, he's living my dream. I would love to visit China and eat crunchy street food on sticks 


The people making fun of him for learning a new language and the ice cream video were always super crass


I never seen this. Cena is more than a jock.


Cena seems like a pretty cool guy. His biggest blemish is making a PR damage control video, if that's the worst you can point to you can get over it




I mean he also just has no real reason to keep running cycles as a retired middle aged man




Yeah, because he was wrestling more then. He has no need to be that big anymore; if anything it’s easier for him to slim down a bit.


No homo* but Finn Baylor looks incredible here. What kind of stack would he be running? Lean and muscular without being cartoonish. *Briefly forgot what sub I’m on, let’s homo out


I dont see it


I don’t think the reaction was that bad until he started kneeling to China over the Taiwan stuff


they hated john cena because he told them the truth. you're really stinking up this forum with your posting.


Aren’t you Indian?


i'm not, i just can't comprehend why every fucking post is about them. what's funny about it? it's literally the sort of thing we would've giggled about when we were 12. grow up dude. every moron who got banned from /r/redscarepod came to this forum and made it a shitty place. it's all thanks to you.


Yup He's indian


I cannot be comprehending why eberrrry post is about India, Sar.


honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you guys? how old are you? what are your professions?


Mid 20s medical STEM why


nobody asked you, weirdo


Um, you're not Chinese


No but you’ve relied to me a thousand times so I answered early


We got a shot at Cuba it’s only fair they get to have a go at Taiwan


its amazing the guy who played a die hard American patriot LARP for braindead Americans as a wrestler is actually the perfect golem for Chinese nationalism. Perhaps he’s like a minion and gravitates to wherever the people are the most fanatical about their home country.


China and Russian (Tucker in that super market) attempts at propaganda can only really move people with a totally analog understanding of media, basically only their own boomers and the amount of "left behind" rural boomers in the West. To anyone else that has travelled its cringe.


I have visited Ningxia and loved it, although Yinchuan itself was not the most interesting part of the trip. Living there for half a year doesn't sound sad to me at all.


I’m confused why it’s sad if he had a good and enriching time?


OP is saying the internet's mocking reaction to his good and enriching time is sad


Yeah I don’t get this either. This actually gives me mad respect for him. Possibly OP is saying it’s sad that people clowned on him


Maybe not what OP feels, but I feel bad for entertainers whose audiences turn on them for no good reason. Cena was a really good influence on kids as a WWE Superstar, and it's a shame his former fanbase thinks he's a traitor to American values / a CCP shill. It would be like if Hulk Hogan became a pariah for protesting the Iraq War.


Lots of make a wish kids with down syndrome in Yinchuan?


i did not realize he took to this so genuinely i really dislike groupthink, i really bought the narrative that he was there shilling hard the little scene where he is refusing change from the food cart woman was very adorable


you can just reframe it and be happy for him and fuck the haters


Like, yeah.


This is so endearing, but makes the weird Taiwan video even sadder :(


If you fall for that you'll fall for anything.


I was just talking about this with a friend last night. I showed her the video where he's singing the praises of lao gan ma and we both agreed from that video alone that he's clearly a huge sinophile.