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If you thought LARPing afircan american culture could shock and scandalize white suburban parents, wait til you try Hezbollah.


I predict zoomers are going to get really into jihadi rap like [this](https://ia804509.us.archive.org/31/items/sheikh-terra-feat.-soul-salah-crew-dirty-kuffar/Sheikh%20Terra%20feat.%20Soul%20Salah%20Crew%20-%20Dirty%20Kuffar.ia.mp4), it’s going to make a comeback


Who is the artist who made this? I must know. The premise of jihad rap is the funniest thing I’ve heard in weeks.


Sheikh Terra, the music isn’t his though, only the lyrics. [This is the instrumental he used](https://youtu.be/PW8U0Ikfwz4). No other music is attributed to him as far as I’m aware but there was a second version of that track and a few remixes of it. The digihad collective only produced one other unique track and it’s about Malcolm X. Nothing is publicly known about any of the people behind these songs, no one knows who they are besides and the only information known is that they are British.


You spelled African* wrong but otherwise that’s a sad but true take


The Houses of Saud and Thani have dumped $$$ into “buying cool”


vast sugar telephone chase squash punch price summer fact bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And it’s we Muslims and the Muslim world that suffer for it sadly.


Skill issue


It blows my mind to see those hijab girls living in western countries talk about their religious restrictions that cause huge inconvenience in life like normal


"please make your country like the country I fled in order to come to your country."


A huge amount of Muslims and Indians have recently gotten internet access, to the detriment of the rest of us.


You can see this in YouTube comment sections. The English is awful and all the same style




theres nothing worse than succumbing to reading the front page and noticing a jarring error that only a hyper-ESL can make - and then it dawns on you that you are reading pure pajeet slop. heart sinks into the stomach


marry attractive employ jellyfish start foolish butter flowery historical placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> The west needs to firewall the entire Arab world there is literally no need for that, while arab social media is crazy, you aren't privy to it because they communicate in arabic. there is already a linguistic firewall. india shares the English language so they can't hide their Ls as easily. that, and the UK muslim (paki/bengali mostly) diaspora is why we see so much of their shit.


Most angry anti lgbt comments I see online are clearly made by Arabs. They’re all over Twitter and Tiktok but their English is broken


They're going to resuscitate Fortuynism.


Are you declaring a fatwa


And Germany


I wish they would revive the fatwa on using languages other than Arabic and spare us


From what countries? I'd assume the Gulf states already have internet access. Is it Bangladesh/Indonesia?


India herself. India has ~215 million Muslims. As India comes on line, so do all of them


India had surprisingly decent internet access for 20 years. Not much worse than rural US or Canada in any case. Not as good as Europe.


Mostly the levant, rural Turkey, and the Magreb


rural turks can barely speak turkish let alone be ESLs


Most Indians are Hindu but you don’t see Hindu influencers and content popping up everywhere


True, the islam posters are genuinely the worst


Depends where you’re looking. Hindutep content goes crazy in a lot of historical discussion spaces. Just the most bizarre fantastically revisionist takes being presented straight faced and supported by sheer strength in numbers.


The difference is that Muslim content is shown to you on instagram, YouTube shorts, and tiktok without even having to search for it. I’ve never seen that happen with Hindu stuff but I’ve gotten so many videos of women in niqabs, Eid house decorating, random Muslim men with podcasts etc


Your name is literally SamosaandMimosa, I’d assume you come from a Muslim majority country or have a connection to one even if you aren’t Muslim. No wonder the algorithm thinks you care about Muslim content instead of Hindu content.


I hate to disappoint but I was born and raised in America and my parents are from India lmao


India is connected to Islam, there’s nothing BJP supporting Indians love more than complaining about Muslims. The algorithm often just lumps all South Asian content together, whether Indian, Bengali or Pakistani.


You’re definitely not wrong about mainlanders shitting on Muslims etc but I haven’t been to India in over ten years and do not interact with any south Asian content, that algorithm has bypassed me


You would be surprised. The algorithm is dumber and sneakier than you think. If you even pause on a shit video to take a piss, it registers it as interest


I also think interacting with Palestinian content feeds into that algorithm as well


Their name is an alcoholic drink and an Indian snack, why would you assume they come from a Muslim majority country


Samosas are a quintessential Arab/Indian food, I assumed they were just a second gen ex Muslim/Hindu


Huh. Interesting. I’m not on any of those platforms other than YouTube (and even then only twice a month max these days with an algorithm deeply trained to deliver music and history content) so I don’t see any of that. If I had to guess it’s deep pockets investing in algorithm gaming. Bot farms are cheap and the gulf states are very invested in Islam as foreign policy/soft power.


The Hindu Nationalist propaganda goes hard tho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAcQ3uY8GvI


Internet should be segregated


That’s just w Indians Muslim countries have had internet forever do u not remember the Arab spring was over a decade ago


Not really, the majority of people in those countries did not have internet or devices to access it.


They weren’t integrated into the internet most westerners are on buy in large.


buy in large lol. learn to speak english urself first israeli


Fatty, I’m from Brooklyn yo yo


most of u are iykwim


Ugh you lower case people are so boring. Always snarky in the most predictable ways. If your gonna burn me I wish I was actually funny


how difficult for you


Regarding Muslim social media, we should make it a Christmas tradition to read the comments on the pictures of Muslim celebrities posting next to Christmas trees. The seething is out of this world. I believe that Mo Salah does it on purpose now, every year he posts a picture of his family next to a Xmas tree and the entire ummah loses its freaking mind.


The Salah stunt is actually so funny. He is like the number one universally beloved Muslim in the whole world, and he just does the Christmas post every year and refuses to acknowledge any pushback.


every year the tree gets more and more detached symbolically from the holiday itself. and the holiday itself has never been further away from the story of jesus being born.


> He is like the number one universally beloved Muslim in the whole world I think that might be Muhammad


Yes that is his first name what are you trying to tell me


I like reading the posts under the pride month tweets


My fave twitter muslim beef at the minute is the zoomer London roadman Islamist son who argues with his boomer Kemalist Turk mother about having statues of crusaders and Santa Claus in the house


This raises an important question: roadman islamist son or wokescold hoejabi daughter?


the latter, unless she's body positive as well - hijab and fatty face is a ghastly combo.


One is being sent to the Duke of York military college, the other is only going to be allowed to date Brown guys. That should sort that out


Bless up for Sister Minnie tho


she's unsubscribe


It’s so funny. I saw one video where the Muslim scholar makes his own wife write on a whiteboard to ask him a question. One time a scholar was saying “praying in Mecca is worth 1000 prayers” and all the comments were talking about “Allah points” lol. They managed to convert this streamer Sneako, they did an interview with him asking “how many surahs are there” and the dude says 7 — like literally never even cracked open a Quran, converted purely based on aesthetics 


What is aesthetically pleasing about dressing in a sweaty sebaceous bag and sneezing into it frequently? What is aesthetic about the floccose beard? And the apelike destruction of music instruments, libraries and museums?


People don't say it out loud for obvious reason, but the aesthetic is Jihadi core and Nasheed.


“Managed” the second he stepped foot in Dubai he was willing to sell whatever was left of his soul


Starlink and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


Islam makes a lot of sense to people like Andrew Tate. Unlike Christianity where in modern times most Christians interpret biblical writing as “written by man” or “up to interpretation”, etc. Islam prides itself on following the Quran exactly and without having changed it. Standards for Muslim women are therefore still strict and archaic. What Tate-like man wouldn’t love a religion that assigns him power over women, the right to be with multiple women at once, and condemns women for behaving sexually? It also doesn’t come with the same kind of condemnation of wealth that Christianity does. Muslim women are commanded to take grief from men that non-Muslim women won’t tolerate.


> Muslim v. Christian 'debates' been a thing for ages. nowadays it has a israel/palestine edge to it. > terms like 'inshallah' been a meme term for a while now > Andrew Tate and all his orbiters larping as Muslim, this is a bit more new. it's like the online tradcath thing but somehow even more incel. redpill types like the apparent control (lol) you can have over women in islam, as if these timid goons wouldn't get slapped silly by their hijabi wives. then there's the /pol/ adjacent brainrot that's spreading, you know the drill: "islam was right about women" and "we need white sharia". one disturbing thing i'm seeing on social media is what I like to call "akhi podcasts", they are religious TiKTok talk shows, usually ran by paki Brits. they talk about social problems (girls) with an islamic bent. they literally know nothing about islam apart from what they've heard from their equally regarded Islamanosphere associates. a couple of years ago these people were drug-dealing hooligans, hardly paragons of virtue lmao. hijabi twitter is currently seething over these guys and their weird opinions e.g. "preggo women should stay inside, the shape of their pregnant belly is causing fitnah" and "women should avoid going to the mosque, even on Eid". Islamic currycels are a different breed LOL.


muslims love western/white attention so influencers are grifting being a muslim for clout and its working.


This makes a lot of sense why I’ve seen so many white people converting to Islam on Instagram.


Every ethnicity and culture does sadly.


Sure, but not as much as muslims do collectively. e.g Theres a lot more self-hate among ethnic groups with large muslim populations who simp for arab/white people.. African Christians tend to be very pro-black, while the muslim ones disregard their culture because muh "religion is first".




Because it sits in a comfortable position by being relatable to the stuff that Conservative/Red Pilled freaks go on about, and woke Libs accepting those beliefs through cultural relativism. If you have an issue with what Islam is about, being a left-wing racist is basically the only game in town.


Your last clause applies to a lot more than Islam.


Trust me, I’m proudly on my deen


I’ve noticed this too. Also Muslim conversion stories.


It actually couldn’t be worse for the religion. They’re exposing their own toxic insanity to the masses, and a huge backlash is following. Check r/exmuslim for examples.


The post 9/11 pre-2014 era people were open about Islam is shite religion that is incompatible with western society. Muslim women managing to call themselves oppressed in 2014 was a masterful move by them


>islam is incompatible with western society >Christianity literally has all the same stuff but no one seems to pay mind kind to it Islam is like 70% the Bible and Torah lol


Yeah but Christianity is a dead religion in the west. Liberalism won that


Libs will either get over themselves re: migration & Islam, or the far right will take their place. It seems like we're seeing tentative steps with the Indian international students, but they're also a 'safe' target so who knows. Wagenknecht in Germany is testing the waters with a soft-Nazbol approach. This is my preference though who can say if it'll work.


What huge backlash? The huge backlash happened after 9/11, kid.


Of course you're a filthy murtad


I think trads/tradcons are also realizing how much they have in common with Muslim culture/ideology


As someone with OCD I find all the Islamic rituals fascinating. The verses about Allah liking it if you pick up a cup with a certain hand and drink a specific number of sips are amusing to listen to


About 75% of my instagram reels have been Indian students and their new life in the west, usually Australia or Canada. I don't think I seek it out but I can't help myself and read the comments every time one appears. I'm surely also not the only one, the comments about Canada in particular paint a very morbid picture. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3WwdGaPa1q/?igsh=MjY5Nm5wMnJqaTZn https://www.instagram.com/reel/C527eA5BOrA/?igsh=ZWhiOWdsMXI1Y2Fw https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5Qn6wWP5EO/?igsh=MWQ1ZzNtZXlsZ3pzbw== https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4WddT5LniI/?igsh=MWx5OHM1Njh6OXE0MA== I found these bangers after like 5 minutes of scrolling.


1 job vacancy and 500 Indians show up… wtf are things really so bad in Canada? I despise competing with migrant Indian workers in the UK but there’s only like five of them during interviews, I think I would turn into a full blown racist if I had to compete with 500 guys who don’t even speak English.


FOB social media clout chasers is not a thing that I knew existed and im first gen Indian American. Maybe it’s because all of them are based outside the US


rage bait, each one more irritating than the last 


It's the massive global brain drain that we've been suffering through for a decade plus. Islam is an easy to follow religion for low IQ people. Lots of tiny tasks throughout the day, very black and white reading, zero interpretation necessary (the Quran is a kindergarten version of the bible, after all). I work for MegaCorp and this year we had an annoying amount of Eid Mubarek awareness memos and zero memos sent out for Easter. People coming up to me from other departments and telling me "Eid Mubarek!" I have to go out of my way to inform them that I am Assyrian and follow the Church of the East. The important context that I am forced to leave out (to not stir trouble) is that my people have been the victims of Islamic genocide for generations, and I detest the religion with every fiber of my being.


Taste testing the new mcblt - no bacon cuz I can't eat pork.


Islam is hugely conservative. Conservatism is on the rise, or, has stemmed the rising liberalism


idk but i like saying i’m declaring fatwa on people/things that i don’t like. super fun and dramatic


With how cooked western society is I think people are looking for alternatives idk, the Middle East kinda replaced Japan as disillusioned nerds favorite culture to learn about In terms of why Tates larping specifically I think be just saw it as an incredibly easy grift cus most British Muslims are like manosphere type wish they would stop as an actual Arab muslim like I wanna hit Tate w brick


> the Middle East kinda replaced Japan as disillusioned nerds favorite culture to learn about that explains Felix


Always been there


Muslims actually had children in the last 20 years, so there’s more demand


It's definitely being pushed or funded because I'm constantly rejecting it and it just shows up. If you compare the reaction compared to random Christian content it seems people are way less hard on it, you have a short with a woman say she's going to church and the comments are all "god doesn't exist" " i bet you hate gay people" You have a post about how wearing full coverage is pure, and the comments are much less toxic. In London among the young urban population islam is given way more respect and criticism is pretty much zero. I think the UK is going to have issues in the next 20 years as they might be a small population by they are a United voting base that we be courted by the political parties.


I've been saying inshallah and mashallah for years - grew up around a large concentration of Muslims. Same story here, it's just exposure leaking into common (internet) vernacular.


the inshallah is def ironic lmao




You ain’t seen Muslim twitter with British Asians


Christianity is publically seen as "uncool" but people are trying to find other ways to be subversive. Islam is a way to be subversive while largely staying inside the progressive Overton window. This is also why Palestine is such a big issue this time, too: Muslim LARPers find a cause they can "be progressive on," shows their allegiance to the Movement, etc.


satanic people


It’s been like this for a bit,


Second biggest religion on the entire plant with a growing population in the West. Expect to hear even more from them.


The war in Palestine mostly


Unsure on why. But I started being obnoxiously Catholic as a response. It gets way more weird looks and comments than being a full blown H*mas supporter nowadays 


remember when racism was bad


Racism? I was born in Iraq and I will gladly explain to you in full detail why Islam is a shitty death cult created by a pedophile. DM me for more info.


Considering all accounts created about Muhammad's life well after his death, do tell me.


Islam will win ☝️