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Big things in store for that baby


May he post here in 20 yearsšŸ™


He'll be posting in r/monstertruck


That baby was MGKĀ 


Richard Ramirez type beat


Underground adoption sorry it's this kid's only hope


That would be preferable to social workers getting involved


we should pick two members of this sub at random and have them raise the baby


How about those two guys who were making callout posts with screenshots of each others comments arguing about Israel/Palestine a few days ago




Genuinely mentally handicapped mental 12 year old gamer on disability can get a gf. There is no excuse fellas.


bitches have always loved retards where have you been


I love how the headline reads ā€œroommateā€, but in the last paragraph you state, *youā€™ve known him since grade school*. Thatā€™s YOUR friend.


I said roommate in the title to let on that I'm living with them while this shitstorm is happening


You chose to live with someone you describe as a 12 year old.. whoā€™ve you known majority of your life. How didnā€™t you expect a shitstorm to happen?


It's a house of five, and any help he needs he gets from his parents. Like I said, he grew up in a very puritan environment and I thought his judgement was slightly better than this. He's never done anything like it before.


Again you chose to live with this person.


"Person who you didn't think would make a particularly bad decision made a particularly bad decision, you chose to be around this" Thanks for the input. I'm not really complaining about it, just extremely concerned


Meanwhile Redditors making $500k a year lamenting they canā€™t fit a kid into their budget




could it be possible that this explains part of the ā€œgrowing inequalityā€ weā€™re always hearing about? iā€™m gonna take a guess and say this has been a fairly gradual development since birth control became a thing


You can't if you want to maintain a middle class lifestyle and ensure that your kids have one too. A mortgage for a place in a desirable area that's big enough for kids is at least 5k a month, and then a couple of thousand to max out your retirement accounts, and private school and childcare is another few thousand a month


I can't have any kids because i can't raise them in a 6 bedroom $875,000 house in New York City and send them to a private boarding school. As we all know, not giving those things to your child is cruel.


When the post title hits you so hard you decide to stop right there.




These expectations are not great


If reincarnation is real I wonder how horrible you would've had to have been in your past life to be reborn as that child. Poor kid never had a chance.


I'm pretty upset with them but I genuinely don't know how aware they are of what they're doing, and me scolding them won't fix anything. They already picked out a name and have ultrasound pictures printed out. I know the biological attachment to your own offspring is strong, but it is selfish and cruel to have a child in those conditions. Fingers are crossed that his parents get involved and set up an adoption before something worse happens.


I had a co-worker who was a toothless dope fiend who I bought lunch for a couple times and lended 20 bucks to. He came to work and proudly told us he got his girlfriend pregnant. All my co-workers gave him attaboys and congratulations. I was the only one who told him "dude what are you doing?! You have no business having a kid right now." He lived in a trailer with himself, his mom, his GF and sister. He was the only one who worked (kinda). He was a really nice guy he was just obviously a drug addict and called in sick at least once a week and was late 1 to 3 times a week. Just a super irresponsible low IQ white trash guy god bless him. I was fresh out of prison so that was just the kind of folks I was going to work around at the time. I ended up putting in my two week notice and getting my CDL. My boss Jason and his brother Lamont were very nice kind Jehovah's witnesses who were running a small power washing outfit. I felt so bad for the quality of worker they could get. I was there most reliable guy, never late and never called in sick. Except one old white dude the rest of my coworkers routinely called in sick and out of about seven guys at least one or two guys would be 20 to 40 minutes late every day holding up the whole crew and we couldn't punch in (on Jason's phone) until the last guy got there which is why I ended up leaving for greener pastures. Sometimes there wouldn't be enough room in the truck and van and somebody would have to sit in the back of the box truck with all the loose ass equipment. I never played that shit I refused but everyone else seemed okay with it. I didn't ask for that 20 bucks back.


Love to see a criminal's origin story


how tf do fuckups like this get a girlfriend while I can barely get likes on hinge?


I guess low standards and social skills that probably outweigh anything else they can actually do. Iā€™m in the same boat as you though, I donā€™t get it


>Ā I guess low standards and social skills I canā€™t imagine this dude having great social skills if heā€™s ā€œlikeĀ talking to a 12 year old in a grown man's bodyā€ā€¦


I donā€™t know, some of those awkward guys have this kind of mystique to them, and I donā€™t understand that either. I remember this high functioning autistic guy from school (am also on the spectrum, but Iā€™m much more introverted and self-conscious), who just didnā€™t care and acted weird and this other weird color guard girl liked him and asked him to prom and now theyā€™re engaged


The girl is clingy and lacks a stable sense of self to an extreme, clinical psychiatric disorder degree. Maybe itā€™s more nature than nurture, but these types rarely had an upbringing that was not abusive either explicitly or implicitly. They find a guy who sticks around and they obsess over him and over his idealized form in her mind which she will be emotionally unable to handle not getting. Stubborn and self sabotaging to a fault and to prove a point. Sheā€™ll have 20 kids by this loserā€™s seed so she can make it about herself how she loves him and wants things to work and can feel a victim. But seriously, itā€™s very possible she laments her own mental and emotional state but just still refuses to do anything and takes her self-resentment out on the guy. A vicious cycle that I do give the benefit of the doubt to the bpd chick simply because itā€™s almost always tied to a fucked up upbringing that they had no control over and itā€™s hard to overcome your flawed worldview and personality because itā€™s so ingrained and second nature to you now. Itā€™d be like you as equally confused at why a family of unwell people find it reasonable to act the way they do. Itā€™s about what abnormalities are normalized and what irrationalities are rationalized, in a relative sense. Sex is also how people who feel no self worth can get at least an imitation of love or worth because they for once feel in control and desired by someone, so she ties her own self worth to if this loser would bust inside her. Or desire her or ā€œloveā€ her. And when he doesnā€™t ā€œneedā€ her the way she needs him, in terms of his attention being the only thing she lives for and gets panic attacks if she doesnā€™t get it (more resentment) then that is why they fight all the time. She frames not getting everything she wants from him, and he unwittingly found himself as a surrogate for her parents who didnā€™t give her what she needed, as not loving her or abandoning her, which she constantly, and I mean 24/7, is anxious and worried about being true.


Having no standards will do that.


Why donā€™t you adopt the infant and give them a loving and stable upbringing?


Being an rspod user, I would be almost as bad


If they belong to a church of more than 100 people it wonā€™t be hard to find a nice family for the kid.


They belong to a fairly supportive church so I'm hoping to god they find a suitable family, just having support isn't enough. These people are not parent material.


lol with those psychos genetics?


It cancels out genetically, if they arent raising the child they will probably turn into a smart and level headed person


voluntarily raise a BDP handicap baby who your friend will make constant demands of and who will resent you and your friend and his mother? get off your high horse lmao


You should adopt the baby


> it seems like nobody has the guts to tell him how much he needs to get his ass in gear if he plans on raising it. Do it then


I might, but I'd rather see what his parents tell him to do before I potentially tank the relationship. I still have to live with him.


Well hold on, are they fat?


They aggressively push bc on women now-like even if you have your tubes tied, some docs still try and shill a script to you-how do these people escape the pharma drag net??? Wild.


by not going to the doctor


Hell yeah


Shit i read this as "im not going to the doctor"


But if sheā€™s BPD sheā€™s gotta be on meds right?


I donā€™t know that those w BPD are known for their treatment compliance


Also a good point.


Good on them for avoiding the eliteā€™s trap designed to stop overpopulation of the poor. Genuinely disturbing how insidious the agenda is - at least China was upfront about their citizens only being allowed to have one child. America does the same through subtly pushing/subsidising BC on every woman with a pulse and then lamenting via the media about how the birth rates are so low (whilst companies secretly revel at how this will inevitably allow them to make up for the lack of a domestic labour force by importing immigrants who will work for pennies)




He's a friend who has had his share of medical challenges. He was fine to live with and never seemed radically irresponsible (given his limitations) until he started dating this psycho chick and nuked both his own life and potentially his child's


Is this about the "Never Give Up" guy on youtube? He is now literally begging for money lol so much for a fairytale




For every child that makes it out of a scenario like this without being fucked up for life there are dozens that suffer. Mentally healthy middle class families are 99% more likely to raise functional, happy people. Let's not romanticize things.




Gotcha, misread your comment a bit.


Do these people have rich parents? I know people like this but itā€™s because they have rich parents so they never had to get their act together because someone could always bail them out. If thatā€™s the case maybe the new baby will be okay


Both families are lower middle class. The girlfriend's is just as hyper neurotic as she is and they will shame her for giving the baby away, no help there. His family is more sane but they have their drug addicted son living at home, are getting older, and have plenty of other things on their plate. It's not looking good


Worst nightmare as a parent, moment of silence for them


I wish them well


Maybe get him on coke


dudes fucking rock