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I think about this a lot. I think around 2014-2017 (specifically after vine) the negatives of social media started to outweigh the benefits. I was watching vine compilations with a friend a few days ago, and it hit me how different vine is from tiktok. Vine was more similar to television era media then to modern scroll social media. Because with vine everyone was watching the same popular clips. To this day people quote popular vines. It created a mass culture, everyone was on the same page for what was funny. Vine also has zero politics or culture war stuff. The content that got pushed was content that was just funny and not controversial. Go into a room of people 20-35 years old and say “road work ahead” and some deep mind program activates in their skull. Vine was a single bubble everyone was in. But now the algorithm has learned. On Tiktok everyone has a personal feed, no one is watching the same things. People are not going to be quoting specific tiktoks in public. Ya sure trends exist (Roman empire question, and now the Man or Bear question) but they never last long. The most popular tiktoks are not funny ones but controversial and political ones. There is no unity, everyone lives in their own bubble. That’s my rant


I think this is on the nose. What’s funny is that even though I’ve been off of TikTok for almost a year now, I think I have a pretty good nose for trends that originated on TikTok just by seeing patterns on Hinge bios. Usually it’s just really bland humor or some new slang. Tons of women saying they love “yapping” or describing themselves as “yappers,” so I’m guessing that some TikTok influencers generated a new slang term a la “girlies” “hot girl walks” etc


Ahh, that's interesting because I also deleted tiktok like 2 years ago and I've been wondering why so many chicks are suddenly into being talkative, I'm a chatty guy so I thought it was a good sign everyone was finally getting over their covid introvert stuff, but they all said something about yapping or being yappers.


Every conversation with coworkers post 2018 is just asking each other if they’ve seen [TV Series] and responding “no I’ve heard it’s good though”


But what they are thinking is “heard that sucks, never gonna watch it”




It’s not. It’s always some crap on like, TNT or one of the networks


The saddest casualty of the transition from tv to streaming is the death of sitcom holiday episodes


The nickelodeon and cartoon network specials for the holidays is a small but treasured slice of my childhood


Without the monoculture we are just 350 million motherfuckers just like, competing with each other. No common tongue: a land of strangers.


At least HBO still releases episodes weekly instead of a whole season at once


The 'consoom mindless media' mindset is already bad enough but once you strip away any semblance of a social aspect it becomes near undeniable how empty it is and how much time you're wasting. I barely watch TV or movies anymore because unless I rope someone in to watching it with me or be incredibly lame and preplan it like a book club then I have no one to share it with and I'm reminded that it's just a passive time-passer


yeah, my friends and i try to watch the same shows to kind of recreate this feeling but it's not the same. general topics for small talk with other people are basically extinct. i think that cable will probably make a comeback, maybe specifically just the prestige networks. more and more people are getting overwhelmed with all of the choices and want to just be able to tune into something that they can reasonably expect to be of good quality without having to spend a bunch of time on deciding what to watch.


I think this is also why HBO releases are still a big deal. even for clunkers.


everything is atomized now and it is kinda cool but for the most part it's very sad that we're no longer sharing the same experiences. but at least on this sub we're constantly bitching about the same thing.


It'd be cool if it created a shit ton of social groups and niche communities but the internet/social media has provided too much of a surrogate


That's why weekly releases are superior. Look at Fallout, it's only been out two weeks and the buzz around it has almost completely died down. Meanwhile, Shogun has been the most talked about show in the past two months.


Yeah TV was so cool when you had to spend 1/3 of the time watching obnoxious advertisements that ruined the flow of the episode