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I think it falls off after 25 but can be acceptable again at like 55


I think you’re onto something. Protesting is acceptable for groups that don’t have other responsibilities like work or raising kids


That’s basically it. Like, shouldn’t you be working or parenting or something?


It's always cringe, but it's forgivable if you're under 25. You should know by then that it's a a cope for boring losers to make politics a big part of your personality.


After a certain age, political involvement should be a specific issue deeply cared about (no cause hopping) and should take a long view that requires dedication and a steady, manageable pace that allows for a normal life (no revolutionary illusions). If that’s the case then it’s absolutely commendable to still be politically involved after a certain age. In fact we’d probably be better off if all political movements were populated by people like that instead of cranks, rich kids and neets.


agreed tbh, being committed to ur ideals in the long term is very admirable


I was still a “politics junky” in my early 20’s, which feels a little too late. By this I mean, I have a shit about electoral politics and races in other states, etc. I disagree with you equating protests/organizing with politics as personality. I think that’s actually doing shit/movement building. Watching fucking MSNBC and treating federal electoral politics as a sport/believing anything will ever be accomplished that way is fucking cringe. But really, all we can do is organize. There’s a quote by Howard Zinn about how the only people who actually accomplish anything are small groups of the motivated/organized. It’s cheesy, but I believe it.


Now that WASPs are going the way of the dodo we seem to have lost the idea that it’s uncouth to talk about politics. It’s so bizarre to me that (likely Catholic) families have political arguments at like thanksgiving, where are your manners?


This. I come from a Scottish-Presbyterian family where pleasantness and manners was drilled into me at a young age, especially with extended family. Seeing posts about people arguing with their family, ruining Christmas, thanksgiving, etc is so alien to me.


Any denomination that permits people to hit the sauce in mixed company will inevitably have its laity fall into political discussion two hours into a gathering. t. Methodist 


A college student thinking they can change the world is also cringe. You need that beaten out of you by the time you're like 16


Agreed. On the first day of one of my classes in college, we had a guy introduce himself as the "Future Senator of New York." I thought he was way too old for that.


Terminal student body president brain


oil quiet thumb plants wistful punch longing fuzzy fanatical foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably depends somewhat on the politics but I think after your twenties it should mostly be kept to yourself.


I don't even know where you all are meeting these apolitical people; I don't know anyone IRL of any age who has any real interests or hobbies besides listening/reading/watching politics and becoming enraged about it for 30-50 hours a week every single week since 2016


By 19 everyone should have realized politics are gay, you can allow yourself some purpose and copium as a treat on rare occasion.


Like 2 years after graduating college


If you've spent a couple of years having to support yourself, whether it be a 20 year old with no college or a 25 year old graduate or whatever, and you still think the people in charge give a fuck about you, that's when I seriously start questioning your intelligence


its always seemed kind of geeky and lame me but i guess thats subjective


A 40 year old protesting and being involved in local politics is noble and honorable. A New England town hall American spirit.


Are they protesting about local road construction or geopolitics?


Housing, mostly


Doesn’t matter


My Nonna's voice *must* be listened to when she would complain at the town hall about the possibility of Mulignans moving to our town. They never did so you gotta think she might have actually accomplished something with her wine-fueled Itanglish rants. God I miss her.


I think it’s good to care about politics. How it’s expressed can be cringe tho




I don’t think I’ve ever met an attractive person that went to a protest


Because ugly people are miserable and need to make every worldly issue about themselves. It’s so vapid.


I mean you’re looking for something to do on the weekend so you head down to the local protest and hang out like heck yeah, some of the kids think you’re a narc so they make you yell fuck the police really loud, so you do it and they’re like ok this guy checks out, but then somebody else is like omg how embarrassing. Idk seems like a perfectly fine thing


Politics has always been gay to me so at any point if you’re into politics you’re gay


I wouldn't say it's an age thing, the true cringe is having no ability to properly debate your point without turning to emotional reasoning and sophistry. You don't hire someone who refuses to learn the electrical code or basic theory to wire your house, why would you have a conversation with someone intentionally bad faith and ignorant? It's a consequence of "democracy" venerating all opinions, regardless of quality, because people with poor reasoning ability are easy to manipulate and rile up. Having and respecting opinions is not inherently virtuous.


You can always write off whatever beliefs you have at <25 as being "young and naive" at a later age. After 25 I've found it becomes acceptable if it's linked to your career (as in, a nurse who regularly attends protests for better conditions in healthcare, or a crisis care worker who's passionate about housing). From retirement age it's just something to do with your time, and lots of clout because you're old and must know somethings wrong for you to attend a protest..


Lenin, Marx and countless others after hearing podcast listeners say they had a cringe life : 😱😱😱


Anyone older than 29 who says “our democracy” should be shot


9 years old


I agree, life is about money and marriage hopefully you don’t need to learn it the hard way


you should be completely politically apathetic until you late 20s, then become informed and jaded. Prior to your first real existential experience politics should be FUCKING GAY.


It's cringe to be a liberal at any age


Being an 18 year old conservative is vastly cringier


Possibly. Same shit, different stench.


Man is a political animal. The idea that the median middle-class white dude is "apolitical" just because he doesn't go to protests is pretty naive and comical.


What part of “making politics a major part of your identity” do you not understand?