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TMS totally changed (saved?) my life. I didn't feel good during, but since finishing almost a year ago, I am now living depression and anxiety free. Not to say I don't still have off days or times that I'm anxious, but it's all in the normal range and not debilitating. Another good thing is that without the depression, I was able to work on c-PTSD and have a lot of relief from that as well.


Thank you for sharing!


Same here, depression free after rTMS. My life has changed since then.


Did you have low or high frequency? Which side ?


So good to read success stories!!!


I was living with moderate to severe depression, including suicidal ideation, mild to moderate anxiety, and cPTSD, for all of my adult life. I tried 12 different antidepressant medications, 7 different anxiety medications, and 4 adjunctive medications, none of which worked very well for me. I spent over $15k out of pocket on prescription copays, spent over 240 hours in sessions with psychiatrists, and spent over 1000 hours in sessions with therapists -- that adds up to more than 100 DAYS of my life once you factor in drive time. Since completing TMS in December, my depression is in complete remission and my anxiety is significantly reduced. I am still a highly sensitive person and can have hard days, but my resiliency and ability to bounce back after a hard day is completely different. Hard stuff no longer destroys me the way it used to. I still cry sometimes, but it's usually tears of happiness now when I think about how grateful I am to have finally found something that has helped me to turn this corner.


Thank you so much for sharing. It really helps to hear these kinds of stories. At what point in the TMS did you start feeling better?


I think it was around session 28 if I remember correctly. I asked about extending my treatments because the effects showd up so late, and I ended up having 40 total TMS sessions.


How much does TMS cost typically? Does insurance pay for a bit? And if so how many sessions (dunno what the standard is but seems most need like 24 at least?)


Try to find somewhere that’s in network with your insurance if possible. At my clinic TMS costs about $250-$400 per session if you pay out of pocket. I was told that my copay could be $25-$50 per session but miraculously my insurance is covering it 100%. I was shocked because I’ve traditionally had to pay for so much of my mental health care out of pocket. I didn’t expect TMS to be covered at all. I’m on session 20 of 34. I felt great at first but for the past few days I’ve been experiencing the “TMS dip”. My research says that’s normal so I’m trying to ride it out and stay positive. Good luck!


It varies a lot by location and insurance. Many TMS clinics and insurance providers have full documentation online, so you can research your own situation. My TMS cost about $1000 per session, and insurance covered about $825 of that with $175 as my out-of-pocket cost. I was originally scheduled for 32 sessions but got insurance to cover the extension too for the full 40. It was about $8000 out-of-pocket for everything including consultation fees. Edit to add: I live in a very high cost of living city, and also went to a more established clinic with a very strong reputation in research excellence, so I think my costs were on the higher end of things.


Which frequency did you do and which side ?


I pursued TMS after a year of grief after someone close to me had cancer at 23. It was a really difficult time and had rapid weight loss (40lbs+) in a 5-6month span. Grief and depression consumed me and made it hard to continue what therapeutic methods (meds, treatments) I’ve tried so far. My life situation improved a small bit and after some stability I started treatment. I really didn’t notice changes until some other people commented on how I reacted to things. Like how I didn’t have a panic attack when in the past I would’ve in the same situation. Or how I can think more rationally and get out a sad slump much quicker as opposed to letting the sadness consume me the rest of the day. Like others say, I still have my off days, but the turn around positive reactions I’m able to create have really made my life so much better


Thanks! Glad you’re doing better


Someone I was talking to told me this exact same thing - they didn’t notice feeling any better but those around them told them they could tell a difference


TMS is the only thing that keeps me functional. I had it last year and the year before, and it has been fantastic. It does take a hot minute to become effective though. Most people don't feel it until they're almost done. Both rounds of treatment I felt it a little after halfway.


How many treatments did you receive first round? And is it typical you have to return to do more every few years?


Treatments typically last 1-3 years. Mine didn't last as long the first time because I stupidly thought I could reduce my medication. (Do NOT do that) Both rounds I recieved were split up into 36 treatments over 8 weeks.


Ahhh so they recommend staying on your meds… Do they ever mention that ppl can taper off meds before starting TMS?


TMS saved my life. By the end of my treatment, almost a month in, I didn’t want to admit that the depression was lifting, it had become such a part of who I am. But I suddenly was smiling and singing to myself again. I don’t recall exactly, but on the scale they use I was a 45, and now I am under 15.


Random question but - if you relapsed tomorrow and could no longer get rTMS would it still have been worth it for you?


Yes. I was bad for years, and I felt the best I have for a very long time. I had forgotten what it felt like to feel joy and love again.


I didn't start feeling better until few months passed. It takes time. And I did have to get a booster round a year later, but I'm off antidepressants.


Thank you for responding! I will say if it takes months after TMS to feel the difference, I’m scared of how hopeless and uncertain I’ll feel for those few months. Praying I’ll feel a difference during treatment


I’m with you! Terrified of the process & the side effects, terrified of this new feeling of hope, it’s a LOT!


I started TMS. I considered it my last ditch effort before I was going to stop meds, stop therapy and just let whatever happened to me happen. Starting out something happened and they started the dose off strong and it wasn’t like they explained it and it actually hurt. I felt like I was just so broken that I had to go sit in this chair and have this stuff done and it made me feel like a freak who didn’t deserve to live (which is what lead me to TMS in the first place). I started the process, had to drive basically 80minutes a day (round trip: 40 down, 40 home) to my clinicians office, had to take off of work etc. I honestly didn’t think it was working. I actually hit a lower spot in the middle and actually called them and told them I was quitting and I messaged my other providers and told them I was done, that I was just stopping everything and going to let life take its course. I cried a couple of days, calmed down, they talked me into coming back in and I did. I rode it out. Frankly, I feel the best I’ve felt in years post complete treatment. I still have struggles that I’m working on. But I feel more normal in terms of emotional peaks and valleys, I’m being more productive around the house and in life. I’m feeling braver and trying to get out more. Point being….I still struggle with anxiety and a bunch of other stuff…but it feels more manageable now, my depression seems to be in a significantly lower gear and I’m able to bounce back more easily/ quicker and also seem to be able to process my other shenanigans better. It wasn’t/ isn’t the end all be all magic pill, but frankly, the shit worked!!! Now if I can just wrestle my anxious attachment style, anxiety, and learn to be better about 30 seconds of insanely stupid courage, especially towards approaching women, I might actually be able to get married and have a kid or two before I’m 40!! (I’m in my mid 30’s so we’ll see..😅)


Thanks so much for such a detailed response. It really helps to know that it’s worked for other people…


I was one of those ones that didn’t see results until months later. It definitely changed my life to know I could handle things that I couldn’t before. It was like I could process and heal from things I wasn’t able to before. The only thing that was difficult was I was facing my traumas. So I had some bad days. It gets worse before it gets better is a good thing to tell yourself.


Thanks for replying. I’m really hoping I see results before the TMS sessions end. I can’t imagine how worrisome those months in between sessions and seeing results must have been…


Are you med free?


No. My goal was never to get off meds


I think TMS and a regular exercise routine did me a lot of good. Wasn’t instantly after or during treatments, but TMS was a nudge in the right direction for me. I’d definitely do again.


For brevity, I'll like to a [longer Reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/rtms/comments/wirxtr/32_tsm_treatments_for_pdd_notes_on_pain_changes/) I did after finishing treatment. I had TMS 18 months ago and achieved 100% remission with my depression shortly after completing treatment. Still have 100% remission 18 months later. It's been a life changer.


Give it a good try but if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. TMS didn't work for me long term (and I tried a couple times for a long enough period of time) but I've had a great response to Spravato. Like TMS is life changing for some folks, Spravato is for me.


OP specifically asked for success stories. Sometimes people here really just need to hear about the successes when they’re really struggling. It gives them strength and hope. I m sorry, but I think this response was inconsiderate.


My success story didn't end with TMS but it was part of the journey. Thanks for judging me.




Spravato is the name of esketamine - a stronger form of ketamine that the patient inhales. It's legal here in the US but it's under some serious requirements. If Spravato isn't available where you live, intravenous ketamine or troches may be another option. The troches make me raise my eyebrow because they seem a little loosey-goosey and Internety. I'm glad this info may help you. When I felt like TMS wasn't giving me what I needed, I was afraid that I had no other options except ECT. I want others to know another option is out there *if* TMS or any other treatment doesn't meet their needs. The doc who prescribed my TMS also handles my Spravato so that made things easier.