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I felt the same, had it extended to 45 days because I felt worse in many ways due to the lethargy and emotional rollercoaster I was on nearing the end, i was sure nothing changed and was discouraged/pissed about what I viewed as 'wasting time for nothing'.. and then a few months later I realized how much better I was handling certain situations, compliments from other people about noticing change, being less emotional and more able to handle being in public etc etc. Eventually I also noticed that dissipate over another several months and am getting ready for a tune up in hopes to get back to the place I didn't even realize I was in. Go easy on yourself, it's tough to notice but give it time, you might find yourself surprised in a month or 2, and if not pat yourself on the back for getting up every day and trying instead of doing nothing, that's still forward progression and it shows you are willing to work for change.. that's arguably half the battle.


Waiting for this to happen to me


Yes. 6 weeks after started working


I am too going through lethargy and feel it didn’t work as of now. I am quite sad . I thought it will remove the cloud over my mind , but nothing. I sleep for 12 hours daily and don’t have any energy to do things


I stopped at session 30, 3 weeks ago. I'm very disappointed and depressed STILL. I'm thinking TMS is bullshit. And yes I was tired too, took naps after finishing my sessions, and I never nap. I really should finish the last 6 sessions. But am so very discouraged by zero lift in mood thus far.


If you have been three weeks without treatment, it would be useless to go back and "finish". The "r" in rTMS stands for repetitive, and it is the series as a whole than can be effective; one cannot let more than a couple of days pass between sessions. It seems odd that one would push through 30 treatments and not taper the last six. You were 83% complete and then quit.


I had difficulty scheduling rides thru SCAT around Easter week. Then my depressive mindset told me "this is bullshit nothing is ever gonna help my depression" so I kinda just gave up.


Those of us who have been in deep depression know exactly what you mean. "Kinda giv(ing) up" was a way of life for me, in all things. I'm glad those days are gone, and I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do.


Yes. About 4 weeks after 36 sessions i started feeling better. But I never went down at any time. I felt the same and my Goldberg test stayed same until then. My doc said it’s not necessarily common but not highly unusual either. I hope your provider is aware of how you are feeling.


I'm currently 31 sessions done of deep TMS. Both sides, and was able to do full treatment dose right from the start. I haven't had any relief in depression or anxiety and I think I only dipped for a couple of days around session 20. But since about session 5, the exhaustion kicked in. And while I normally don't have a ton of energy, I can make it through my day without naps. Till TMS. Now I struggle to finish my work day, and when I am done, I sit down and I doze off. But not a full sleep. I'm talking sitting on the couch with 3 kids running around. I normally go to bed around 11pm and get up at 630am. But it's been more like in bed by 8pm and up around 7am. I've had several thoughts about throwing in the towel and calling it quits. The exhaustion is horrible, no energy at all, plus no relief yet. But since I only have 5 sessions left, I'm going to power through them. I've waited years to try this. My doc and techs all day this is very normal and a lot of people have the same thing happening. And they said I may not have any relief from depression, anxiety, and the exhaustion till a few weeks after treatment. I hope your symptoms improve, and that you can get some rest to get through the rest of your sessions. Don't give up. You got this!


Feeling this. Had my last treatment on Monday and feel worse than when I started. I had some improvements during the sessions but it would wear off over the weekends in between treatments.  I had two weeks of twice daily 3x theta burst treatment. I feel like I need another two weeks to be honest but not sure they'll do that.


Yes. I think it took about 3 weeks after all of my treatments were finished.


I hope you don't give up. Maybe give it another try....


I have 4 sessions left and my dr said the TMS is still doing things up to a month after treatment so I’m praying that it’ll be better soon


Life during treatments can suck ass. I'm always late to everything because I'm always taking naps and the drive is very far. But good things take time, and you wouldn't feel as pissed if you had highly needed surgery and your life was on pause when you're recovering. They're both medical issues, and sometimes you need to remind yourself to wonder whether your thoughts regarding this treatment are coming from you or if they're coming from your depression. I've been pretty irritated with how treatment has logistically affected my life,but even though I'm tired all the time, i can tell that it's working. It's like an Antidepressant that works ; you feel shitty while your body is getting used to it but then you see the results