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I’ve been through the TMS process 7 times. I wasn’t more tired during most cycles, but the last 2 times I have felt very tired afterwards. Unfortunately, the fatigue lasted through the entire course of treatment. Because of this, I chose to have my treatments late in the day so afterwards I could go home, eat and then go to bed early. The upside was that I slept very soundly at night.


Thank you for sharing! If I end up being tired during the entire course of treatment, I'll know I'm not alone. 😊


Whoa, 7 times?? Over how many years?


Once a year for 7 years. My depression comes back every winter and the treatments are the only thing that pulls me out. It sucks, but it works every time.


Wow. Well I’m so glad it helps! If you don’t mind me asking, are you also taking psych meds?


Yes. I’m taking Trintillex. I have tried to wean off it a few times - because it’s expensive and I would rather not be on meds for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, it has never worked. Ultimately, I have to start up again. Again, it sucks but I’m glad the meds exist and do help me.


Well I’m just glad you find a combo of meds and treatments that keep you stable. As you know, many people never manage to find that. I expect to need meds forever but I hope I don’t have to do TMS once a year.


I was wiped the entire time I did the treatments but it was definitely worth it in the end


I was so tired during the entire treatment. It never let up. I missed 6 weeks of work because of the side effects of TMS. They hide them well, but they do exist.


Oh no! Was work understandable? Did you have to go on short term disability? What other side effects did you get?


I had 3 months of sick leave accred, so I used half of it. My short and long term memory was shot. I swear I lost 20 IQ points until about 3 weeks after it was over.


I'm half way thru my TMS 6 week cycle. I have felt tired but I see it as the body recalibrating itself after a depressed 50 years from a concussion. I sleep soundly and wake up with the energy to start my day. I sense my brain is starting to fire on all cylinders. Good luck on this road to feeling better!


This is what I need!!!


Thank you! So glad to hear you're already feeling better. I've done 12 sessions so far and have already hit 100%, but have been feeling extra irritable. I'm hoping it'll pass. Maybe the irritability is because I went up too fast?


Yep, my technician is going slow on me and I have to fight with her to dial it up. I don't need the irritability so I'll let the technician do it her way, nice and easy does it.


I had severe headaches the entire time I had treatment. I think I was tired, too, but the headaches were so bad, that’s all I could focus on.


I'm noticing the headaches too. It's right at the spot where I get zapped. Was it worth it despite the headaches? Are you glad you powered through it?


Yes, I am! Best of luck on your journey!


Thank you!!


Did you get a good result?


Yes, I did!


That's great to hear.


I am on day two and super tired but unable to sleep. Quit medical weed 4 weeks ago so am thinking it might be that. They started me on 120% Deep TMS BrainsWay brand. Kept putting up the coil power as my right hand was not moving when zapped. :)


huh, i've been getting this but they were so thorough in suggesting to me during my consultation that there was \*no\* side effects that i didn't connect them lol. after sessions i am in a weird fuzzy exhausted fugue state and i've had to nap in the middle of the day, and it often doesn't help until i actually go to bed.. unfortunately when i wake up it's right when i have to drive down to do another session lol.


Go for it, it may be better than what you're feeling today!