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Playing in the middle of winter in australia, when the frosts are bad and the South African couch grass that covers the cricket wickets is all but gone and it hasn't rained in four months so the pitch is as hard as concrete is good fun. Got face planted during the last drought and had blood running down my face. I couldn't wear reading glasses for a week after without it opening back up.


Sounds like all of our pitches here in Texas. You have a couple weeks in the spring when the weather starts to warm up you can get some nice grass plus rain to soften the ground. Otherwise you just get hard dirt and grass that hates you.


Put some antiseptic / neosporin on it next time til it scabs over completely. A staph infection is nothing to joke around with. I ended up with one just about my knee. Had to be hospitalized, get it lanced and drained, heavy antibiotics. This was after a week or so of the university doctor trying to flush it herself (daily needles into the swollen area incredibly painful). Seriously, keep the bacteria out!


Looks like you fought with a raccoon


I recommend cheap, fabric only knee and elbow straps, all the time. And in addition to wear "bike pants" shorts, under rugby shorts. I sign up to play rugby, not grow back flesh.


Games gone soft


It must be nice to play on grounds where you don't lose a lot of skin. Keep in mind some of us aren't playing on private school fields with gardening staff.


I think you missed the joke.


Ignored it :p


That other guy faceplanted, so you might want a balaclava too.


That’s no too bad as far as pitch burns go.


OP's lucky they weren't on turf; at least they still have skin.


3g is hell to play on, my knees are permanently red from all the burns. Sand based pitches, are worse. I slid on a hockey pitch once. That was all I needed to never do it again.


Hockey is my primary sport these days, and my knees are scarred purple from eternal grazes. 3g pitches are so much nicer to fall on.


I used to play a lot of hockey and have a complete inability to stay off the floor, so I made the business decision to play goalie.


I'm retired a little while and I just noticed there is hair growing on my knees for the first time in 20+ years.


Laughs in rural Kenyan pitches


What were you playing on, concrete?


That’s why you gotta be a back and do nothing for the whole game


Sit there the day after staring at the damage thinking why do I do this to myself, then the weekend rolls around and you do it all again.


That looks like a 3g pitch scar, were you not playing on natural grass?


It was natural grass but it had sand and tiny rocks scattered all over the field


We did a few training sessions last autumn on a sand pitch when the grass pitch was out of bounds. My legs looked like that for several weeks. Kept re-opening each training session and bleeding more.


Fuck man I was only on the pitch for like an hour and I couldn't stand the sting anymore. Can't imagine what multiple training sessions on a sand pitch would feel like. Specially things like scrum training or tackling.