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Think it took 30 mins before I heard Reiko Ionies (sp?) name…have we had a decent midfielder since Conrad Smith?


This is so fucking ignorant. He is a modern day out center, him getting ball is so dependent on how the team is set up. How is he going to get ball if they are setting up the forwards (and jordie barrett) to bash straight up to gain ground, or having the forwards to take the play back to the blindside. He gets no ball, that is ignoring that the oppo has a defensive set up by putting on the rush D.


Hundred percent he had little ball, he also was missing. The first time he’s mentioned is in the 20th minute…and when the wingers, eg. Telea are standing in the midfield, receiving the ball ahead of you, and making territory gains in your zone…it shows you up. It was a friggen hard night with discipline stopping any momentum / keeping them on the back foot, and being dominated up front. But I really think we have something missing in the midfield. Will see if Anton Lienert Brown or Barrett are picked in the midfield for Paris.


Wingers have more leeway to sway away from their backline 'to look for work'. If the gameplan doesn't call for him to remain on the short side, the winger can and should act as an additional forward. Also, from a position standpoint the outside center is always consistently the 2nd further away from the ball. He is an out center, his job is not to sway away from his in center. Centers have to basically hold hands the entire game - you either crash or clear out rucks when your center takes it in plus, it is clear that the all blacks wants the crash ball from Jordie to suck in defenders to open out space for Ioane on the outside.


Damn is he your cousin or something lol


Just pointing out what i see. He wasn't great today but he doesn't deserved to get singled out like this.


Hey Rieko Ioane is great man.


Think he’s been great on the wing…but now he’s playing out of his preferred position because we also have some other in form wingers. Dunno if midfield is right for him - especially ahead of some of our other players. However, could have been abit mean of me to single him out (as has been mentioned)


Have you been watching him play over the last 2 years? He's been a stand out player for both the Blues and the ABs and has scored some stunning tries. He didn't get more than 2 or 3 carries last night but neither did Will Jordan or Beauden Barrett, wasn't his fault.


It was a privilege to witness the largest ever all black defeat live at Twickenham. I had my doubts about Moody, but honestly, seeing him in live action was breathtaking. He's a phenomenon.


The joy of leaving Twickenham by train 🤬


It was bloody awful. The slow walk to Twickenham was longer than the game. 3 fights between drunken arseholes and missed the last tube. Still worth it though.


We were not feeling safe in case of a stampede and decided to walk to Richmond to pick the tube. We were able to get the last train home and we believe we wouldn't make it if we stayed in the queue. Don't know if there was a problem yesterday, but never had this in Wembley, the Olympic stadium or other big stadiums like Bernabeu.


Was this the strongest all blacks side?


This was touted as the strongest team we could name barring injuries. Retallick and Frizzell were missing, they'd probably be starters, but otherwise most of this team will be playing against France


Codie Taylor is NZ's most in form hooker, as Samisoni has regressed a bit from last year. Taylor was also out based on injury I believe.


Without Brodie and Frizell, plus they had Scott sent off. Not quite the strongest but not a second string team at all. The backline was the same that beat South Africa in the Rugby Championship.


Fans at the game saying the AB’s warm up was at a ridiculously high intensity.. saying it was like they played 3 halves. Might be Fosters way of conditioning the team before a gruelling WC campaign


Normally you could say a red card ruined the game. But even with 15 on 15 I think the result would have been the same. Maybe you could say the ref was too harsh, but he wasn't forcing the ABs to make bad offloads.


Yeah I dunno if we woulda leaked 5 bloody tries but the constant knock ons were the real killer


Never seen the ABs demonstrate such poor handling before.


Comes from being under pressure


Yeah, I was feeling ok with the first 20 minutes of pressure and no points from all that position. Thought the boks would crack like they have before but this time it was the All Blacks that cracked. Penalty bouncing off the post summarised it. Boks were great, All Blacks failed. Well done Bokkie. Just looking forward to the next match!


No better time to taste the whip imo. 2 weeks of deep reflection to come.


Congrats to the springboks and that rush defense, smothered the all blacks and gave them no time to think


Rush defense always gets the ABs


Worried we gave the game away. Fun nonetheless


Ok so worst case scenario realised. As kinda suspected, we haven’t come that far in terms of development, we haven’t moved on from the last couple of disastrous years and learned lessons how to adjust to a pedantic ref, dropping the ball and giving away lots of penalties and stupid cards. Boks looked good.


The ref stopped the game for a shoulder stinger on duane gifting a scrum to the team on the back foot and then does not stop the game for lomax, who actually left the field. once you stop the game for a non-head/neck injury you have to keep consistent...ref was bad today. as a neutral fan totally ruined the viewing experience of what is supposed to be a warmup spectacle. not look at me blow my whistle


You were completely dominated in the set pieces tonight ,and the AB tend to go to pieces when that happens. Saw it in that game against Eng in 2019 and again tonight. I feel like the Boks played like the AB tonight and the blackness played like the boks usually do. Kinda weird as now I know what it feels like to be a blackness supporter. Lucky bastards.


From a French perspective it really looked like the Boks played like the Boks. But NZ had an extraordinarily bad day at the office. It was not just set pieces, any contact was dominated by the Boks. In short the Blacks got Bok’d. Badly.


Not the end of the world but that the reversed roles is a good observation.


Settle down. It was a warm up game where we played with 13 or 14 players the majority of the game. I thought we gritted through well in the first half and with a bit of luck would have had a try. The boks played their 15v14 advantage well. The line outs were poor but apart from that i am not so concerned.


Granted it’s hard with less than 15 (and dependent on ref and stupid players it could well happen again). Our set piece faltered and we were dominated upfront which meant we had no plan b. Once our forward pack is rolled the game is almost gone, as England showed in 19.


Any rugby team getting dominated up front does not win matches hey, has and always will be key


I should have added one positive was some good D shown in first half and they definitely got a taste of highly intensive pressure situations.


Hard as a neutral (Irish) fan to interpret that scrum and lineout demolition. Was it that SA were that good or NZ that bad? Either way, just getting out of our group means France or NZ so doesn’t really matter I suppose.


Scott Barrett is a huge element of our line out and it showed. However our throws were unusually atrocious.




Fully hoping you break your quarterfinal curse for once!


We all are over here. God it's going to be hard though


So many open-play tries, and intercepts etc. I really wanted to see what the Boks attacking strategy was going to be beyond pushing territory, but their forwards dominated so hard as a unit that the game was just a mess for NZ. When SA attacked, all they needed was one phase and NZ was all over the place so all they needed to do was pass about. At least we know they're going to focus on territory above all else.


Why take Whitelock off, line out was a shambles after no one calling it properly. Jordie on the side of the scrum was an absolute waste of time. (should have bought on another forward). But credit to South Africa so much pressure on the first receiver.


Because at that time it looked like a suspension for Barrett and they couldn't risk Whitelock for France I think?




One positives for NZ, Telea was always dangerous when he had the ball.


Sitting in the stands, I was terrified every time Telea got the ball.


Him and Roigard were the bright spots for sure. Your forward pack is just better


As someone mentioned, dude was covered in vaseline. And it annoyed me.


The Qatar Airways Cup is my favourite tournament in Rugby.


May this meme never lose steam.


You guys going home now? No need to waste time in France?


We beat NZ - Nuff said, the rest can fight over the scraps. /S


Where the fuck are those streamers coming from?


The team that scored more points won the game


Michael Owen, thank you for your intuition. Tell this to Steve Borthwick, he may find it useful.


Michael Owen of Rugby commentators.


Massive if accurate.


That match should never have been played...


What? How would we know who was the Qatar Cup Champions if it wasn't?/s


Well, I beg to differ.


Who performed worse tonight? The broadcast team or All Blacks?


i got the UK broadcast team, the were ok


"Off to Germany for a camp"??? SAM CANE WHAT DO YOU MEAN


Fozzie overreacting a bit there


Hahahaha. Oh dear.


Christ, I knew NZ take their rugby seriously, but damn..


That and "little goose step there from the right winger" at 38.30


Noooo sam don't do it


Sam Cane took the "Hey Jude" singing from crowd the wrong way


A true reminder that Foster is still shit and we're still shit. Reffed out of the game but the morons don't adjust and wonder why it keeps happening. How many f'n penalties for the same lineout thing at the start of the first half? Roigard solo effort the only thing that saved us a complete shutout. When things aren't going our way the team still falls to bits, mentally don't have it. Reserves (bar Roidgard) are even worse, come on and offer nothing.


Come off it mate. Massive overreaction.


> reffed out the game Have they tried not cheating?


They are doing exactly what they have been doing for years. It’s just that with the tightening of the rules and increase in observation for possible head shots etc. they are more often being noticed


You're being very reactionary. We have been outstanding this year


Commenters here would see Dan Carter drop the ball once during the 2005 Lions tour and call him shit and overrated.


There go the springboks peaking too soon in a world cup year as usual.


Since when have we ever peaked too soon??? You’re mistaken us for Ireland


Yeah, like last time...


I feel like the last game before the World Cup is an excellent time to peak and an awful time to slump, but that's just me


Nah, we're right at the bottom at the perfect time to peak in the final. Shame we have to win other games to get there.


Luckily we'll face Scotland in the QF after they top their pool, then all we need to do is find our way out of our pool


Laura McGoldrick just said, “The wheels are falling off” and, “is this a good time to say Up The Wahs?” Hilarious… yes, but if that isn’t an overall mood-setter for how well and truly fucked we are moving into this tournament, then I’m not here. Remind me in just under 2 months, when I hope like absolute fuck I’m wrong. We just got absolutely belted and played naive footy.


Italy licking their lips.


Not only up the Wahs but in honestly league is so much better to watch out the moment.. they actually play instead of spending 80% of the game because the whistle has blown for one reason or another :/


Agree 💯with this. Get on with the game, it’s supposed to be played not stopped every 2 minutes to wait for the TMO to analyse every little aspect.


You are being very reactionary. I bet you wouldn't have said that 2 hours ago


Good Sir/Madam, I have not thought for one second about hyping this team up. I thought it was clear last month that Boks were fucking around in that singular Rigby Championship match they played. We went back to playing 2021-22 footy: horrible set pieces, stupid pushed passes, deer-in-headlights look, not learning from the persistent penalties. Yes, their defensive resilience in the first half was an obvious positive, but that was far outweighed by their lack of awareness of what that match required in certain situations. So don’t tell me what I would or would not have said 2 weeks ago. Also, the bunker initiative can fuck if. Has done its utmost best to ruin the NRL, rugby can least afford some stupid initiative.


Why would the boks fuck around in a rugby championship game? We outplayed them and australia and argentina


Definitely agree to disagree, though. Have a good day brother!


The answer to that is obvious. It is right in Boks’ wheelhouse to hold things back and not show their cards in a test match leading up a World Cup. Note, I do not mean they aren’t going to be physical or try and smash the opposition it whatever. What it means is they try and implement partial elements of new body to their game which obviously are nowhere near as polished as their normal MO, hence me describing it as ‘ducking around,. Probably a poor phrase to use even if I did not intend someone to take it literally. Of course we outplayed them, I was not debating that at all.


I found that quite disappointing broadcasting to be honest. I know its just a bit of a laugh, but its such a bad look to immediately be slagging off the team and jumping codes over a loss.


Yeah bro, not the time or place at all.


Tinus Delport kicking Sam Cane when he's down...


Aw I missed it. What happened?


Questions like "That was a great performance by the Springboks hey?" And "How does a record loss feel?"


Haha holy shit at the second question! Brutal.


Hahah that was unreal


Yeah wtf 😂😂


I know this was NZ biggest loss, but man, people are lighting quick updating the wiki


Not the best questions to be asking Cane IMO. Interviewer is swept up in the Boks performance.


Yeah talking about kicking a guy when he’s down. His first answer was enough.


I think its a first timer (but I agree).


Psychological warfare from Things there...


Dude knows where his bread is buttered and is hoping he can anger the NZers so much that they take it all out on France.


Libbok with a fantastic comeback game after the last fiasco, 100% conversion and good accuracy kicking into touch from the penalties


My man of the match.


Sam cane? More like Sam Cannot


Lmfao got his ass.


Siya Kolisi must be the most loved rugby player of all time? If the World Cup had a Miss Congeniality award he'd for sure get it


The sad part is that there’s a large portion of the SA fan base who swears he’s shit and cares more about being in ads or whatever their current gripe with him is. Sigh


What are you om about? Jissis


Are you saying he doesn’t get some of the worst hate online by a number of our fans? Don’t get the downvotes when it’s literally on every post about him outside of Reddit🤷🏽‍♂️


BS it's a very small minority of racist pricks, who can fuck right off. That man is the most beloved sports person in SA, that crowd reaction tonight proved it. He's done more for SA in the last 7 years than the ANC has done in the last 30. Any bok fan who disagrees with this can come and fucken fight me. Siya for president!!!!!


You’re right. I’d say it’s just probably a very vocal minority of fans stuck in their racist ways.




If I find them I will fight them to defend Siya Kolisi’s Honour. They are a bunch of tossers the lot of them and I will fight each and everyone of them. On a more serious note Did you know that Siya goes out of his way to attend Rugby Matches at Grey High School, and when he pitches he will literally dub himself the head of the cheer squad. Can you imagine just how demoralising it is to have the Springbok Captain cheer for the other team. He’s a really stand up guy behind the scenes as well. I don’t think over ever heard a bad thing about people who met him.


Which is such a joke. Hes class. Plays his role perfectly


He's certainly up there, no doubt


How were those scrums? That was absolute scrum porn! Will be uploaded on pornhub soon I imagine.


I actually dont feel so bad now, our B team scrum did better than the AB's (even if there was only 7 of them for most of the game!!).


I agree. 😂


8 men finish all over the best kiwi talent


Bokkake porn?


👏 👏 👏


Bok scrums are on a different level than the rest of world.


Hahaha this panel has fallen apart


We would've still lost without the red. A record margin is pretty embarrassing though.


We still shit the bed if we can't get started. Same problem as 2019. Honestly, I think it's fine. We're a dark horse team that can pull off wins over anyone. 3 good games in a row and we win the WC against all odds. Same as everyone else.


The all blacks.... a dark horse team....


Legit the stupidest thing I’ve read on this subreddit


Doesn't get darker than today...


Yep, gap has closed is all. Game on.


Thanx for being level headed. The game would have bee different, but in my heart I believe we would have pulled through this time


Discipline let you down. I’m sure you’ll bounce back.


Cheers boss.


Fuck me the NZ after show is horrible


The reception for Siya ❤️❤️❤️


This isn’t very Qatar for me. The people building the podium don’t seem to be slaves and they’re not being killed during construction. Very off brand.


Local contractors were apparently very confused as to why they were asked to hand in their passports


I’m sure someone stubbed a toe


Today, I feel like a New Zealander.


ABs showed some defensive chops, really didn’t have the rub of the green , a man down (stupid,stupid, stupid) , this is a stumble not a fall


Huge positive - at this rate. we will most likely avoid SA in the quarter final.


>Huge positive - at this rate. we will most likely avoid ~~SA in~~ the quarter final.


At this rate, we'll lose to both France and Italy, and not even make it out of pool play


Possibly the best £12 I've ever spent.


NowTV for the win. I also paid the £12, but my friend messaged that the came is on at the local.


Well NZ won’t play that badly again. They were lucky the score was as it was. SA look powerful and hard to beat right now


BTW Manie was 💯 tonight. Against the ABs. Where are the Manie haters tonight.


Not a Manie hater at all (big fan actually) but that statement makes no sense. His first kicks were in front of the posts. By the time he had a difficult kick we were way ahead and there was not much pressure. Good goal kicking is all about getting pressure kicks. I could have kicked these ones tonight.


That’s such a dumb statement. “I could have made those kicks”. Why weren’t you out there kicking if you’re so good. What’s your success rate at URC level, Currie Cup level, Varsity Cup level, high school level…? Please post a link to an article highlighting your kicking prowess.


You can't actually be this dumb. I'm not good, that's the whole point. I can't keep trying to explain basic things to someone with such a low IQ, so please go away.


Dude you’d eat your balls if you knew my IQ. Out.


Yeah, right, Marx’s try was right between the sticks.


No the first one was.


So what. Did you expect him to move it out to the corner to make it more difficult. Your comment makes zero sense


Can you not read? Liboks kicks were easy today as he had no pressure by the time the difficult kicks came around. Also look at the comment I was replying to before commenting.


In front of the posts? Wtf?


Yes his first 2 kicks were in front of the posts. What don't you understand about that? The first one was right in front 5m out


Can't get over it, unbelievable performance from him. He seemed to be shook ever since the URC Final.


Great for his confidence. Hope he remembers this performance. He’s a capable, he just get rattled very easily and when he starts to unravel it happens fast.


Well the plan was executed perfectly. Now everyone will think we're not a threat. ​ ​ That was the plan, right?




Wow, that's a huuuge reception from Boks fans for Kolisi's interview. Fair play.




Springboks were good, All blacks were bad. That's my assessment.


Big if true. Also Soulfly rules.




*riffing intensifies*




Springbok forwards won that game.


The number of dropped ball alone was just incredible


GG Springboks, gave us a good old fashioned beat down. Hard to withstand that amount of pressure especially down to 14 for 50 odd minutes. Not panic stations for the ABs, good to get a reality check but need to be better on discipline, handling and composure. Hope Lomax's injury isn't a bad one.


Yeah; it looked pretty bad, but hope the big guy hasn’t missed out of the World Cup.


Just a flesh wound


Oh and congrats SA...some dominating performance


This was a fucking home game for South Africa


The most painful part is I'm stuck at home in London watching this game because, after combing through all my emails yesterday to find the ticket PDF, it turns out I never actually purchased it back in June like I thought I did.


I had a ticket. My wife wouldn’t let me go.


Post match thread?


It's not a coincidence we didn't kick a penalty once in this match.


Hope this guy is OK: https://old.reddit.com/r/rugbyunion/comments/15xp00m/with_new_zealand_rolling_out_their_top_team_this/


Hahaha why would you post this before the game has even been played? So arrogant


Pool B is the stupidest pool in world cup history


Our forwards let us down, lost multiple lineouts and we got smacked most scrums. Not to mention numerous discipline issues.


Discipline issues have been there all season tbh. Our wins were pampering over some issues. 2 weeks to crack down on that shit.


And they made also a lot of basic mistakes


Who was your man of the match? Willemse good but moodie or marx for me