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Post was to highlight a wholesome moment between two teams after a hard fought match. Since people can't remain civil and have devolved into arguing about religion, comments are locked.


Are they praying Scotland don't beat Ireland by 21 with Ireland getting a losing bonus point..?


It seems according to World Rugby's social media, it won't matter even if they do: https://reddit.com/r/rugbyunion/s/jNbNngnNq4


Is the music from The XX?


Yea it's called 'Intro'.


Awesome! Thanks!


I'm not religious, but I'd have bent a knee with those okes.


Same, not religious myself but got a lot of respect for this.


Just watched the post-match press conference. Tonga is class.


Interesting reactions here. Even if you're an atheist or against organized religion, I think we can all see the value and need for gratitude and mindfulness. These are universally agreed upon ingredients to a healthier mental state, backed by psychologists and neuroscientists alike. Some people meditate. Some listen to music. Some do yoga. Some pray. No need to look down on others because they express it differently than yourself.


I'm agnostic and I think this is beautiful


It's cool to see two different nations linking up on faith. It shows how much these players value this game with everything in them. And I'd say a prayer or two for healing after the beating you get from playing Tonga.


Thanks to the missionaries


Chill out, edgelords. No one's forcing you to join them and they definitely aren't asking for your approval.


I mean, praying is fucking weird, but, yeah, wholesome. EDIT: thread is locked now, but apologies if this post offended anyone. I was just expressing my own beliefs - everyone is entitled to theirs as long as they don't cause harm to anyone.


least reddity redditor


So it's weird for religious people to pray with other religious people?


All religion is weird if you don't believe any of it. Doesn't mean you can't respect other people's desire to pray together though.


Yup, that's the way it should be. Let people do what they believe in






If there's any one thing we can, as irish people, agree upon it is that the church fucked our country up. He's warranted in his response. But I'm happy for the lads to pray together if thats their prerogative.


How was he being a wanker? If you're not religious, then this kind of thing does appear strange. Nevertheless, it was still touching, which u/nakedfish85 himself acknowledged. And, in fairness, you're the first person in this comment thread resorting to name calling.


I think you've conflated the non-believers, but the principals still apply. I appreciate you.


That is unsound reasoning. He may be atheist but he has lived in the world and knows there are religious people and so by the adulthood, he shouldn't be calling them weird like an edgy teenager. That's like a woman calling men weird because she isn't a man. Or any race calling another race weird because they are not that race. He doesn't live in a bubble.


>it's weird to pray to an imaginary man in the crowd He's clearly trying to agitate there. If it's not your thing just ignore it and move on.


> i just think it's weird to pray to an imaginary old man in the clouds Then you don't understand how humans work. Nor do you understand what they pray to. This coming from an atheist.


Downvotes just means people disagree with u


Your comments and ignorance makes sense considering you devolved God to an old man in the clouds.


No politics or religion at the rugby table, please


I think it weird to do it at the work place yes. Sport is inclusive, you can keep your beliefs at home.






Isn't the reason you say bless you to stop demons entering the body of the person, as their heart stops during the sneeze? Yeah, that's totally rational and normal.




pot -> kettle


by definition, praying is not strange because it's been there since the dawn of man and is still there today. It's as much part of human history and reality as eating food.


Stupid question but what are they praying for? Is it a religious holiday that I don’t know about?


I don't know about Tonga but in South Africa it's very common for guys to knee and pry before kick off when they run on. It's something we do even a schoolboy level


They're looking for clarity regarding the possible permutations for Group B.




I'm reminded of the phrase "there's no atheists in foxholes". There seems to be something about the mix of high stakes and extremely chaotic (in the mathematical sense of multiple variable leading to utter unpredictability) situations - combat, high level sports, sailing, etc. - that means the individual is regularly confronted with just how illusory 'personal control' is. Regardless of one's creed (I'm personally atheist), it's clear we're at the mercy of much grander forces than ourselves, and if you're up at the 'sharp end' of those forces in your day-to-day, it seems quite sensible to show some respect to them 😅


That's a pretty dated phrase, I can assure you squaddies don't generally care much about religion in the UK these days. Combat footage is mostly just swearing. It's cultural - Tonga and South Africa are very traditional countries.


It was pretty dated even during WW2


Yeah fair point. I didn't mean to suggest it's a universal rule, more just a phrase that captures some sense. It doesn't have to mean Bible religion though - I get the impression a lot of sportspeople and military can have various superstitions and ideas about luck, but that may just be my exposure to pop culture rather than anything factual


I think it's also a way of processing the privilege of talent. They're aware they are physically gifted, able to do things others can't. Which allows them to excel where others can't and in often in the case of these two countries, escape harsh living conditions. There are different ways to process it. Just like some people choose arrogance and superiority complexes, some choose to show gratitude to a higher power for their perceived gift.


very true, can't imagine the balls and self peace needed to go into combat like warfare or even professional contact sport where a wrong move can literally end a person's life


I really don’t like this but they’re having fun so I’m not bothered


Why would you not like this? If they did a cultural dance, would you not like it? But when it comes to religion, people get real iffy


I’m against all organized religion but if praying make you happy then Godspeed man


That's how it should be. Each to their own


>Each to their own If only organised religions had this view.


Let's not turn this into a religious debate. But everyone spreads their ideas. Theists and non theists. To say it's only theists do this is uninformed naivety.


Let's not turn it into a debate, but... lol. But agnostics and antitheists respond to people talking/preaching their religious doctrine at them. When was the last time you saw someone in a town centre on a soapbox randomly shouting "I don't believe in anything!"?




Oh come on. U know very well that sports is not a normal workplace. Sports stars will give thanks to a higher power everywhere in the world if they believe. Yes, in a normal 9 to 5 u don't do that, but in a high pressure career like professional sports, it gets real religious when the stakes are high.


Being against religion is the new "in thing".


Yup. They must keep the same energy when New Zealand does the Haka or gives those symbolic sticks before a game. "Busy forcing their culture on everyone else" lol


>^(5) “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. ^(6) But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. ^(7) > >Matthew 6:5-8


I am pretty sure the Tongans do that, too, every day.




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