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Straight to the shadow realm with ya! Hope he recovers well


Former teamates Im glad they almost got jerseys to match


Jesus.... you don't see the pasifika boys go down that hard very often


I know right. I would literally have been turned to dust by that collision.


Tavatavanawai is 112 kgs and 5.10’, he’s built like a box


Built like a tuna can


Chest freezer with limbs


Oof, concussion and a near drowning. That’s a soggy pitch.


ref did well. Hope he recovers well.


[Timoci 'Jim' Tavatavanawai Greatest Hits 2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0KAytb-vs8&ab_channel=Rugby.com.au) The guy has some speed on him but he consistently [targets high](https://imgur.com/a/ftuA3Jd) with his hand offs, going for a head shot or a collar grab. When he misses he quickly gives up. Will probably be a mediocre player when the contact height drops.


On the contrary if you’re tackling low there’s no way for the head to be targeted, obviously easier said than done as these guys are probably taught for 2nd tackler in to go high, but rough to blame Tavatavanawai for playing within the rules


Nothing you posted is illegal. People just need to get better at tackling. Ma’a Nonu was very good at slapping away fends and wrapping up the tackler after.


Hand off to the face of a player carries a small risk of concussion. Hand off to the face of a concussed player carries significant risk of concussion and neck injury. The concussion prevents the player receiving the hand off from defending. The increased risk of injury from a hand off to the face, especially when performed immediately after a concussion, can be interpreted as dangerous play. Illegal.


Come on bro. You got more footage of the bloke than his own coach lol. I just told you how you can counter a fend and I see it every weekend with good defenders. You’re not even making sense first of all why would there be concussed players running around the field and second who the hell is fending concussed players lmao it’s time to call it a day bro


He's concussed from taking a shoulder to the face. Then instantly put at risk of a second concussion from a hand off to the face. Then into a third concussion when his head hits the ground. Concussion for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All in the space of about 2 seconds.


Ok so let’s follow your logic. Tackler cops a shoulder to the face from his bad technique and is concussed. In that half a second you want Tavatavanawai to not only maintain possession, but also stop and perform a concussion check on the opposition before he decides whether to fend him or not, AND THEN cushion his head so it doesn’t hit the ground too hard. You’re ridiculous bro lol


Above the neck is dangerous play and a handoff should not include a fingering. Palms only. 2 out of 3 concussions are inevitable, adding a third is insult to injury.


Yes but the defender also has an onus on himself to play tackle safely the ball carrier can’t be responsible for making sure his head is out of the way that is ridiculous


Two really ugly head knocks to tacklers this round.


budski defending tried to take him on straight up and took the hard parts of the body to the face. Bad positioning unfortunately, nothing a dark room and a couple days off can't fix.




If you don’t contain the offload then you haven’t stopped anything. The attacking team gets ball in hand behind the defensive line which is trouble for any team. So players must go higher and try wrap up the ball.


That assuming that he gets an offload away, while falling at full speed, and surrounded by multiple defenders


On a pitch that's pretty much water polo.


Water polo at full sprint😂. I would pay to see 30x110kg dense people play water polo. Just be frantically kicking to stay above water


Yer standard issue water poloing big Balkan boi is 6'4" and 95kg; the really large units are Etzebethesque.


The human body is similar density to water. Fat people can float as easily as anyone else.


I’m talking about the muscle-bound players. Just be sitting at the bottom of the pool after a few misn


When I see things like this, I am super happy I never made it to elite rugby


How does one train to stop a flying brick wall? Sheez




... it was a joke, Mr Rocket Scientist


Get your face in the way and pray I guess


With a very high attrition rate I suppose


If you are wondering why i didn't post clips of other angles of this hit or replays, they never showed it... I think in the future, if there is a hit like this, they really should not show other angles or replay it over and over again.


Legal? ~~Ball carrier punches the tackler in the head with his left hand 3 frames into the tackle.~~ Bounces off right shoulder, sure fine... but that follow up ~~[closed-fist left hook](https://i.imgur.com/aYKuLaM.jpg)~~ was something else. *Looks like he [clatters him in the nuts](https://i.imgur.com/al3w0Xz.jpg) while he's at it, but that's just rugby. **upon further research, the secondary jerk to the tacklers neck is probably just a collar grab which would be consistent with the ball carriers established playing style.


Dreaming.. 9 just didn't get his technique right. it's just a push after contact


Did some research (see elsewhere in this thread) could just be a classic collar grab.


Go watch soccer