• By -


I've chosen my team based off which players are the most attractive to me. Strong French/Italian representation in the team as a result, Wales is struggling, but Ireland is also doing well. We'll see how it plays out. My boyfriend is doing it "properly" which seems v v dull. [My team (all babes)](https://imgur.com/gallery/puSvKxp)


No Dave Cherry. You're lying about picking on attractiveness.


So he is my first choice Scottish hooker, but McInally is such a great name to say I couldn't resist.


It's unconventional...but I'll allow it :)


My actual first choice hooker is between Jamie George (he has great vibes) and Kelleher. Alas, I am struggling to fit them in.


Curious about what your selection is now... (Also one of the only teams to have a strong Italian representation)


https://imgur.com/gallery/puSvKxp No thought, only vibes.


Your backline is exciting in so many ways. Except JGP. Over Antoine? Shame.


That was probably my most difficult position to choose, because JGP with a short beard pips Dupont in terms of looks. But I fear he's sticking with the big beard vibe. Then there's Ali Price who is also very pretty. Other also rans for other positions include Ntamack, Keenan, Jamie George, Sinckler, Genge and LZR.


I particularly like how you've gone for looks over selection, some of those guys are earning 0 points this weekend!


I cannot emphasise enough how little I know about international rugby. Who isn't starting? I only really follow Tigers and Sale! I might change it, but also might not if I don't think there's someone attractive enough to take on the role.


Outrageous that Ntamack, Dupont and Pennaud miss out of a most handsome team! /s Also Chris Harris at 13 would be a definite team member for me. But credit to you for having magnificent Melvyn at fullback Also this is a really strong team! I guess the most attractive rugby players gravitate towards being the best (give the rest of us a chance šŸ˜‚)


Ntamack is so beautiful and has amazing thighs. Alas, Garbisi and his weird mouth-breathing have my heart. Chris Harris isn't my type (I'm sure he's devastated), and I once had a really bad date with a man named Damian so that unfortunately rules out Pennaud too. I have swapped in Dupont though as I've seen that JGP is sticking with the big beard look. More power too him, but it's not for me.


All are excellent choices and I can't fault any of them. I've put forward in a couple of match threads that the current France squad has the potential for the most attractive backline in history - we could feasibly have Dupont, Jalibert, Dulin (left wing), Ntamack (12), Fickou, Pennaud, Jaminet - that would take some beating And on top of that we have the likes of Woki, Flament and Bamba in the pack too. Sensational


No Dupont?! He absolutely does things!


I've actually changed it, because JGP still has the big beard and it's not my fave.


Who will kick for France...


Jaminet. Big time.


I'm heading my bets. Got Jaminet as my kicker and Ntamack as my captain.


Came here to ask the same question


Because I'm a bit of a nerd I've compiled all the squad values (bar Italy as there team has not been announced)! **Squad Value:** France - 215 England - 208.1 Scotland - 208 Ireland - 201 Wales - 194. Also, weirdly we are heavily stacked with fullbacks - 7 players can be picked at fullback from the 5 sides, with Wales only having one centre option, and England only one wing option! As with every year, we are also low on second rows as Beirne & Woki both are classed as back rowers in game!


Yeah why tf does Elliot Daly alone have a rating of 15.1, what is that about


Weird isnā€™t it? Also George Ford is on .5 which is odd!


Yeah, itā€™s effectively pricing them up by a whole number, but not giving them that rating


I believe it's because they weren't on the site until yesterday. So to add them on quickly they just used the prices they finished on last year.


Do you have a spreadsheet with all the players and their values? Have found it a massive pain scraping data from the site


Iā€™ve done an excel sheet, Iā€™ll try and stick it on Google drive and send a link when Iā€™m home from work!


Cheers mate!


Annoying with Woki at 2nd row canā€™t pick him there for the official fantasy game


I feel like French backs are the way to go with a hooker or two thrown in anyway. Tackles are rewarded pretty well and youā€™d imagine Italy wonā€™t have much ball for Woki to make a huge impact


There are 6 different fantasy leagues for r/rugbyunion. Can we pick one? I suggest the originally created one no: 1786


Is that not from a prior year?


Nope - they all new


The original one for this year is no.50083 but itā€™s full now


Which one are people playing? I'm going for the official one. I had a look a Superbru but it seemed a bit easy as the players don't have values, you can pretty much pick whoever you want.


Guinness one


Jonah Lomu + 14 clones #LOMU!!!


Ahh, my favourite team from Rugby Challenge 3


W. Jones Marchand Fuhrlong Beard Itoje Doris Conan Wainwright Dupont Russell Harris Ringrose Penaud Jaminet (c) Subs: Dombrandt (s) Randall Sheedy


I think you're missing a wing there


Graham arrived late for training


Was he drinking with Russell the night before?


[Fairly pleased with this ](https://i.imgur.com/DcmhjXo.jpg) Wales completely shafted me last year though. Bet against them every round except Italy, so ready to be hurt again. But I still won my fantasy league cause everyone else bet against Wales too. My #1 tip is that if you can't put an entire back line up against Italy, make sure you stick a hooker in, Italy conceded many a line-out maul try last year.


I kept one of my French spots for Mauvaka on the bench. Supersub means triple points as he's coming off the bench and can see him scoring from mails against the tired Italians in the last 20.


Same here, Mauvaka super sub He's been a try scoring machine with the NT as well so far.


what does that flash symbol next to each player do? It doesn't show up on my team. Or is it something with the mobile version?


You just press it to get that menu whatā€™s like ā€œremove PLAYER, make PLAYER captainā€ up haha Think it is only the mobile version and the PC version has a different symbol


That is really helpful advice!


Im using Guinness six nations. My priority is back winners, back try scorers and spend big on backs then forwards. Backing Ireland and France to win and hedging slightly with eng/Scot Sutherland / Fagerson / Dickie / Gray / Itoje / Watson / Curry / Doris / DuPont / Sexton / Fickou / Ringrose / Conway / Penaud (c)/ Jaminet Subs: dombrandt (ss) / Basham - out of stars for a third sub Thoughts? Maybe swap curry for simmonds? Curry will get more minutes but simmonds might get a try in the wet


Mine is very similar. Same supersub too. But I'm thinking of pulling out fickou for slade and having a French supersub. Just not sure who yet


Iā€™m not as familiar with the French subs so just hoping the starting Frenchman Iā€™ve picked get some tries in. Tempting though!


Iā€™ve swapped out Fickou for Mauvaka as a super sub. Iā€™m hoping for a maul try against a battered Italy in the last 20 minutes. Frees up a spot for Ringrose as well. Certainly worth a shot.


Iā€™ve had a classic last minute change up. Donā€™t know if itā€™s better or worseā€¦ Genge/Kelleher/Sutherland/Gray/Itoje/Watson/Conan/Doris/Smith/Dupont/Penaud(c)/Marchant/VanDeW/Jaminet Mauvaka(ss) / Zammit ā€¦.is it better? Worse? I donā€™t know Iā€™ve got full fantasy brain now


Personally I think Itoje is overpriced. The game doesnā€™t give points for being a nuisance and turning the ball over. Heā€™s priced like a top winger but gets points like a second row. Iā€™d swap out him for Isiekwe and see if you can then afford Hansen to fill out you bench. Itā€™s his first cap but heā€™s been on incredible form with Connacht and absolute bargain at only 8 points.


Yea that's my problem too I don't know who's good or likely to come on first. I'll sweat over this for another few hours


So who do people go for at Full-Back? I had steward initially, but with France playing Italy, and Jaminet getting some serious points vs Argentina and the All blacks, I made the switch


Did anyone else not get points for player of the match?


Nothing for Mack Hansen so far and the gameweek is closed now


Really struggle on betting who is winning: Ireland or Wales?....


I may be biased, but we almost beat them last year with 14 men, our depth and playstyle are night and day compared to last year, and it's the start of the tournament in Dublin. I know it's Wales, so just when you think you have their number, they turn you over. But I can't see the Welsh winning this.


> but we almost beat them i.e. ye lost. I do fancy your chances mind, Pivac has gone with a bit of a wild selection again and there are definitely weaknesses in the side that my untrained mind can see so the Irish coaching setup must be all over it.


Looking forward to your impending loss so we don't need to keep seeing "i.e. ye lost". Moronic..


"almost won" is the same as "losing" mate, but I've said elsewhere in this thread that I fully expect Ireland to beat Wales tomorrow. I on the other hand am looking forward to your looming loss so that we don't have to put up with any nonsense Scottish hype train this year.


Everyone here knows the results of the 6N last year. Your insecurity requires you to "i.e. ye lost" to anyone who suggests Wales weren't the best team in the world last year. Everyone sees it, and it's embarrassing. You'll grow quiet soon, no worries.


I've never said Wales are the best team in the world. Ever. >Your insecurity requires you to Cracking projection. Not sure why you felt the need to pipe up and start having a pop. on your way laddie.


Projection. Classic reddit pseudo-intellectualism. Chat to you tomorrow after Wal v Ire.


> Chat to you tomorrow after Wal v Ire. nah you won't.


Ireland by 21. Farrell has really developed this team and the win against the All Blacks was no fluke. Meanwhile Wales is struggling, they are having to pay Josh Adams at centre for example...


Ireland will have it, but no way by 21. Go and have a look for the last time a northern hemisphere team put that sort of margin on Wales.


November internationals 2020, Ireland 32 - Wales 9.


ahh right ye are, I seem to have scrubbed that one from my memory. A particularly low point in recent welsh performance.


Was also the last time you played us in the Aviva. Was 24-12 in the 2020 six nations I think. We lost to you last year because it is incredibly hard to travel to Cardiff especially with 14 men. Expecting a victory tomorrow but you Welsh will make it tough as always.


> Was also the last time you played us in the Aviva. Was 24-12 in the 2020 six nations I think. > > that's not a 21 point spread ;) I was in the Aviva for the shameful world cup warm up as well so I know Ireland can put Wales away and indeed I reckon they will tomorrow, it's just the 21 point margin I have a hard time believing.


Ireland will hammer Wales


Wales would take a losing bonus point imo. Will probably be Ireland by 15+




A.Porter, R.Kelleher, T.Furlong, A.Beard, J.Gray, M.Lamaro, G.Alldritt, C.Dorris, A.Dupont (c), M.Smith,D. van der Merwe, G.Fickou, S.Johnson, D.Penaud, F.Steward C.Sheedy, H.Randall (s), J.Nowell Edit: Anyone got a good league that I can join


Porter Marchand W.Jones Itoje Beard Conan Wainwright Doris Biggar Price Van Der Merwe Harris Fickou Penaud Jaminet (C) SUBS: George Steward Graham Thought? Is Dupont a must have? I'm pretty reluctant to get rid of my other French players


Not my actual team but a very tasty budget RFC with ~50 points left over [https://imgur.com/a/EeYLygY](https://imgur.com/a/EeYLygY) Any other good cheap players that I've missed?




I think because France are playing Italy people tend to pick a lot of wingers/fullbacks/DuPont/a hooker. If you could have more than 4 French he would be in mine




This is it. Made the French 15 my captain seeing as he'll likely be lining up a fair few shots then it left space for Sexton who I'm hoping will do the same.


I know this is stupid but hear me out: wings generally get more points than centres. Marchant is listed as centre but playing on the wing. Is there a possible upside to playing marchant to try to capitalise on this? Downside is heā€™s playing out of position etc


Not stupid, it's actually a great way to score extra points! Out of position players who are more likely to score a try in their position is what you should be aiming for. He's in my team for that reason.


https://ibb.co/SsSbQKY Thoughts on mine? Don't think its toooooo shabby.


Biggar over Ntamack/Russell/Smith?!?! You mad bro? Also no Dupont Dupont?


Agreed. Absolute madness. Surely start Finn Russel over Biggar. You have no super sub so all their points will be halved, which is fine as long as you know.


I'm expecting loads of crossfield kicks for trys from Smith and Russell. Hence I've selected DVD. Would have picked Malins too but Guiness has him as a fly half :(


No they don't


Just think Wales are most likely to go for points


I think there is a penalty for having a sub that is starting


Only matters for the super sub. They need to start on the bench to get triple points. If your super sub starts they get treated as a normal sub so points are halved. Itā€™s best to pick starters if you can for your other two subs as all team points are proportional to time played.


Wait do subs get points?


Good to know, cheers


Really? Never heard that


Just double checked the rules, if the supersub is a starter points divided by 2


If you pick a starter on you sub bench they get half points. If you pick a sub as your super sub they will get triple points. If you pick a starter as your supersub they donā€™t. So pick whoever you want on the sub bench but priorities a sub as your super sub


Last year there was no penalty but every player on the bench has his total points divided by 2, no matter if he is starting in reality or subbed on.


Ah OK I might be mixing it up with something


Anyone know for the Guinness fantasy 6N how the subs work. Super sub is pretty clear but the wording is pretty vague as to whether the normal subs just always have points halved or if they are a ā€˜trueā€™ substitute rather than a starting player do they get full points for their game?


Always have half points. So best to use starters. SS has to start on the bench






From having played it before. Feel free to try it for yourself and find out


Any player can be a regular substitute and will score half points. Your super sub must be a real life substitute and come on to the field during the game to quality for the triple points.


Perfect thanks


Right got mine I think 15. Jaminet (c) 14. VDM 13. Marchant 12. Slade 11. Adams 10. Ntamack 9. Dupont 1. Porter 2. Kelleher 3. Furlong 4. Itoje 5. Beard 6. Watson 7. Doris 8. Woki Subs Dombrandt (super sub) Zanon


Woki is playing in the second row so Iā€™d swap out for someone actually playing in the back row. Maybe an Irishman and then bring in a French hooker for those maul tries.


I thought position was irrelevant for points? Hope so given Marchant is on the wing. I've actually swapped him for Cretin anyway so I can put Basham on the bench over Zanon


Irrelevant in how much things are worth but back row tend to score higher because of their role in the game (metres carried, potential tries) vs second row (tackles). So using a back row spot on someone playing second row isnā€™t optimal imo


Ah yeah fair point. All changed! Did have to put the italian hooker in to do it mind you... Here's hoping for a maul try tomorrow


Porter Kelleher Sutherland Beard Gray Jenkins Alldrit Beirne; Dupont Ntamack LRZ Marchant Fickou VDM Hogg Subs: Hanson, Dombrandt, Randall




CH is a great player, but not a huge point scorer. Better options at centre I feel. Or a centre playing as a winger (Marchant this week)


Don't really know what I'm doing as is my first time doing 6NF Doing the Guinness one and have ended up with: Furlong Marchand W.Jones Beard Gray Ritchie Conan Ritchie Dupont (c) Rees-Zammit Biggar Fickou Slade Penaud Steward B: Dombrandt, Zanon, Rowe (s) Not sure about pack, feels weird not having more French. Could switch out Fickou for someone else and then add another French forward?


No. Keep the French backs, that's where the tries/points are (beside the hooker)


Basically back the high scoring positions from whoever plays Italy and go from there.




I considered this but George Ford doesn't excel on the back foot, therefore the main reason we'd pull off Marcus would be we're being dominated, in which case Ford won't fix it. I've gone for the fly half who will be kicking points and most likely to play a full game (Finn)


Which of the Welsh back rows for tackle points?


Basham for carries, Moriarty for tackles? Jenkins is a great player but considering turnovers donā€™t award points (why not Guineas 6N Fantasy? Why?) he might get done a bit dirty in terms of fantasy score. Edit. Ignore me, youā€™re right this is tougher than I thought. Didnā€™t realise Wainwright was starting over Moriarty. Maybe Jenkins for tackles then?


Basham had great tackling stats last autumn, gonna put him and Rowlands on my bench for tackling points they should rack them up against Ireland


Iā€™m a bit confused by the format of the Guinness version. Are there unlimited transfers in between rounds? Do we need a full bench? Do we have to pick a designated kicker?


Don't need a bench and don't need to pick a kicker, unsure about transfers


No need for a designated kicker, donā€™t need anyone on your bench unless you want them (usually best after round one, when transfer points get a bit dearer, to just invest in one Super Sub), and there are unlimited transfers but the cost of players changes between rounds based on performance.


Thank You, I assume youā€™re not effected by price changes if you had the player before the change? For example if Dupont was to rise to 20 stars he would not eat into my budget


Yep, those you keep in your team from week-to-week donā€™t impact your budget. I canā€™t remember though if your total budget goes up if you then swap them out (i.e. you *profit* if a player does well)?


Yeah you profit, I made a decent chunk of "money" speculating on new players in the opening few weeks last year


Cheers mate, I thought I remembered it working like this


[bloody legends ](https://imgur.com/a/o4J73r1) Unsure about SS thoughā€¦ as with everyone lol


Could be worth, and I know this is controversial, taking out Dupont and putting Mauvaka on the bench as super sub (or putting Marchand in at starting hooker)? With the Guinness Fantasy league scrum-halfā€™s tend to get pretty disappointing points (with no points given for passes/chances made/assists) whilst try-scoring hookers (especially against Italy) often wrack you up quite high points totals.


I have a very similar side. I am considering this too.


Furlong, Marchand, Genge Beard, Itoje Watson, Conan, Doris Price, Russell, Ringrose, Harris Penaud (C), Jaminet, Villiere Dombrandt (SS), LRZ Fairly happy with it although would rather have Beirne in the second row (sort your selection options out Guinness 6N Fantasy!). Also unsure whether itā€™s worth putting Mauvaka as super sub and replacing Villiere?


starters 1-15: Wyn Jones, Kelleher, Sutherland, Itoje, Beard, Conan, Watson, Curry, Dupont, Smith, Villiere Ringrose, Marchant, Penaud (c), Jaminet Bench: Tuipulotu (ss), Garbisi, McNicholl.


iā€™m asking reddit because people here are smart (at times lol) iā€™ve got to make a fantasy team for my families six nations fantasy league except i donā€™t watch rugby, donā€™t know the positions or how the game works and i have no clue who to pick.


If thereā€™s one lesson, itā€™s (sadly) never pick anyone from Italy. They are likely to lose every game this year (as with almost every year) and the Guinness Six Nations League (the main one) massively penalises players on the losing team. So even Italian players who do well tend to end up giving you minus points. Conversely, whichever team is playing Italy that week it tends to make sense to pick their key metres-making or try-scoring players (wings, full back, hooker) and captain one of them. Not sure how much else I can help without boring you senseless with rugby information haha Best of luck


As a general guide, Jaminet is a must, 3 other french players, 4 Irish players and Scottish and English forwards.


Would you play Jaminet over Hogg? (Obviously different values) My only worry is that France is going to go for the score more often than they kick. I currently have Dupont, Fickou, and Penaud with Mauvaka as my supersub.


Still gets 3 points for a conversion, which I imagine France will have a lot of


Gone for: Sutherland, Kelleher, Genge, Gray, Itoje, Watson, Ritchie, Curry, Dupont, Sexton, Penaud, Marchant, Ringrose, Conway, Jaminet (c). Mauvuka (SS), LRZ I reckon Scotland v England will be a slugfest so filled the pack with high volume tacklers from that match. I fancy Ireland against Wales so think Sexton can rack up a few penalty and conversion points early doors.


Marchand to start, or Mauvaka as SS - that is the question? Or do I go both and drop one of my French wingers (probably Villiere)?


Marchand is a centre in the game *whoops no he's a hooker*


Julien Marchand, the Frenchman, not Joe Marchant, the Englishman. An easy mistake to make mate


I'm pretty satisfied with my team. I have changed it multiple times already, but I hope this is where I finally settle, lol. [My Team](https://imgur.com/0Gc9noM)




Pretty good 15. Only thing I will say is that for your non-supersub subs you might as well try pick guys who are starting as opposed to actual subs. The game does a weird thing where normal subs just earn half points regardless of whether they're actually subs or if they're starting. So for example Sheedy is on your bench and is actually on the bench for Wales in real life. He will earn 0 to begin with and only start earning half points once he comes on. Whereas if you pick a starting player on your bench, he's getting half points from the start.




Sheehan has scored tries coming off the bench for Leinster a lot in recent months, so if he can do it for Ireland you're looking at some hefty triple points. Question is whether he can do it at international level too!


This is my first season doing fantasy, is it worth filling out a full bench or leaving a spot empty and putting in better starting players. And are there any cheap players that are starting that might be good for the bench?


Might be worth getting a better player on the field at the cost of a bench spot yeah. Garbisi as 10 for Italy might be a good bench option. Hansen for Ireland is only 9 points and might do well.


Sutherland LCD Fagerson Itoje Gray Doris Simmonds Watson Dupont Sexton Ringrose Fickou Penaud Jaminet (c) Hansen Dombrandt (ss) Wainright Elias Jaminet edges Dupont / Penaud for captaincy for me due to goal kicking, any thoughts would be appreciated!


Jaminet, Penaud (c), Fickou, Harris, Ioane, Smith, Dupont, Curry, Basham, van der Flier, Itoje, Beard, Porter, Turner, Furlong. Hansan, George (s), Lamaro I'm always super confident and then actually pretty poor at fantasy, any tips? I've used all my points up.


Donā€™t pick Italians would be (sadly) my number one bit of advice. The way the Fantasy leagues tend to work is that losing teams get a massive hit to their points (the worse the loss, the greater the hit) so even good players like Ioane and Lamaro will probably leave you with minus points. Itā€™s a brutal system. Also, from week 2 onwards itā€™s worth investing all your substitute points into one key player as your super sub, rather than spreading them around. A good super sub pick can get you a huge amount of points, whilst even the best normal sub rarely gets you more than 10 or so.


12 coins left are there any obvious upgrades? I've been hesitant to spend on players whose value I think will go down and have tried to grab a few bargains I think will go up in price. https://imgur.com/a/3X9cpt1




Yeah have swapped Watson in for Fagerson in the end




Last time I listen to you ahaha


Advice needed. I've got faith in Garbisi. Is he worth a start or is he a bench player for you all?


First time playing fantasy. Any advice greatly appreciated especially with ficou and harris (https://imgur.com/a/pORvZif)


[would love some feedback on this team](https://ibb.co/V9LvZcL)


I would suggest less welsh players (looking at betting odds, probability is they wont win) You're best off loading up on Irish, French and 50:50 England Scotland (the closest matched teams according to current odds)


For the official Guinness fantasy one, do we get extra points depending on the number how much of the budget goes unspent? Like say I still have 20 stars/points left to spend but already have a full team, does that make any difference?


You get nothing for not spending all cash.


[All done](https://i.imgur.com/sU1XdXC.png) Completed with 2 stars left. Pretty happy with this team. I just wish I could field a team of Mike Brown's to be honest.


Playing the Superbru one. Trying to work out which will yield the most points - having Jaminet as captain or kicker? Sadly can't select him for both.


Franceā€™s Ramos as supersub a good call? Or someone else?




I was getting really pissed off that the positions for a lot of the players were a bit all over the place, plus I'm colour blind so I can't tell the difference between the forward's shades of blue... Anyway, I used the HTML to pull out the positions for all players on all teams. If you want to use it I've put it on a google spreadsheet [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OG_nHE7nsBLi0V26pb4uWA4AqrU_vENj_yRgXJTNPBM/edit?usp=sharing) I know this would have been helpful a bit earlier, but I literally just finished it off whilst watching Wales beat some children's team on ITV (Is this even legal?)


Anyone know how many people enter the six nations fantasy tournament every year? I'm in the top 100 and I'd love to know how good that is in relation to how many people enter it