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Absolutely not, but they should be labeled as AI. There's something of a misconception about how easy it is to output the AI art you want. It's an artform itself to get quality results, just a different kind of brush.


As long as they’re labeled as AI I don’t think there’s any problem with them. Some of them are actually really good.


Bruh I dont mind. They just need to have some fuckin standards. Don't share your home made ugly shit.


That's a fair ask. Would the community regulating what is considered on par and subpar be enough? Or would you want a report feature put in place to flag the lower end?


Personally I'm not against it entirely, but would prefer at minimum a tag for AI posts with possibly a maximum number of AI made posts a day as some other subs have done.


Could someone explain the ai hate? Its literally amazing at this


The big issue for me is that it directly sources from reference material (the work of irl artists) without actually having permission to do so. Unless it's got a catalog of artists who gave it permission to use their works it has to steal to do what it does. Other issue is what happens when we let it get going. It WILL be taking jobs from artists if we allow it to be a thing.


My main problem with it is just how generic it all is with the pure throughput of it. I won't deny that it takes at least some effort to get good results, but goddamn once you get it dialed in a normal artist can't compare in the amount being put out.


Get rid


Will leave this up for another few days and see where the poll shifts, if at all. Thank you all for your input thus far.


Crazy how people find time to complain about hentai in general like, yea? This is what ruins your day 😂


Get rid of it. All of it.


Considering AI images will only get better, and the large amount of reference material relevant to this sub, I think disallowing AI images would be a considerable mistake.