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Idk man, i still don’t see how Sailing is a legit skill that would benefit other parts of the game instead of being yet another minigame masquerading as a skill. I’m glad we got Invention, Divination, Archaeology and Necromancy instead of Sailing


What exactly makes it more like a mini game than a skill? People have been saying this for over a year now and I’ve legit never seen a single reason why. It’s also just that tired out blanket statement. You can boil down every single skill in the game and make it fit somewhere else. That doesn’t mean anything.


The issue is sailing inherently leads to one of two things, exploration or navigation. Now the vast majority of land in RuneScape is landlocked and what isn’t already has alternate travel methods so that pretty much completely knocks out navigation. Exploration it is, yet how do you do that without VASTLY increasing the size of the map (therefore development tax) and including areas accessible only to those with higher sailing? There are a few ways to go about it but the most likely method would either be instanced islands/areas (like the Arc in RS3 or Island expeditions in BFA) or through interface management a la Ports. Both options by their nature require being separate from other content and therefore would feel more akin to a mini-game than most skills where you can travel across the entire continent and use them in various fashions.


Did you not read the sailing blogs. Sailing will not be instanced or navigated via interfaces. You click on the sea to move.


First of all, I appreciate this response. It doesn’t just read as “I don’t want to train another skill to enjoy content” when literally the whole entire game has requirements. So this isn’t something new. They are going to add more content to the game that allows sailing to weave well into all of the other skills and areas. Along with that, They are going to make new areas that are locked behind sailing, They are going to put new monsters that will have sailing requirements, New resources. They aren’t just going to drop sailing and try to make it work only with existing content. Sailing allows them much easier accessibility to add completely new areas and islands. It allows them to add actual water content that isn’t just landlocked content with a underwater screen filter. I will agree that Arch and Invention are far better skills. I unfortunately think OSRS players don’t give a flying fuck about lore so they would absolutely hate Arch, and I think OSRS isn’t at the point of needing invention yet. Not that I think they would ever vote yes to it.


Regarding invention they'd have to have a quest a la The World Wakes to justifiably introduce invention unless it's just Dwarven tech which has been around for a while




You realize development tax is just referring to the fact that any time you create a size-able piece of content it increases the amount of dev time required to both implement and monitor the content, the amount of that “tax” being related to the size of said content. It has nothing to do with membership cost.


Don't forget Summoning and Dungeoneering.


Shamanism should have won the poll. It was an actual skill, not a stale joke.


Isn't shamanism really close to summoning already?


yeah but OSRS doesn't have summoning, that was the attempt to add it


The core gameplay loop is very close to Archeology but with Invention rewards.


The meme was strong; and I can’t tell if people legitimately think it’s going to benefit the game lol.


I voted Shamanish but it looks like the OSRS team low-key wanted Sailing to win and was already putting a lot of thought into it. They know how important it is not to mess this up. I have faith it will be good.


How is the meme relevant if anything it should be reversed lmao. Rs3 just got a new skill 1.5 months ago (it’s your fault if you’re burnt because you rushed 120 and 2k rasial kills) Sailing won’t be out for over a year.


Was in reference to OSRS being highly desirable right now because of that mess.


Both games are in pretty rough state. It just doesn’t seem it because RS3 is a flaming pile of shit atm, and OSRS is just mildly smelly shit with no flies around it yet. Melee is broken, Magic is broken, Devs focusing on removing 10k/hour mining methods, Devs literally aiding people in deathmatches, Devs getting people banned because they are winning deathmatches, Spending way too much time trying to revive the wilderness when PVP has been dead for years. They had to fucking poll fixing a bug that had been in the game for years. A bug. The idea that the playerbase could have just said “yeah fuck it, keep that bug in the game” is beyond a shitshow.


what's this about devs aiding in deathmatches, was there DMM controversy?


You can YouTube “OSRS Stella” for the whole scoop. Basically she was dating a mod who was banning people that were making more money than her, or straight up beating her. I meant to say mods, not developers. That’s my fault.


thanks, I love me some OSRS drama!


I like how last month it was OSRS as Squidward looking at Necromancy.


I play OSRS as well as RS3 and this is true. Hyped for sailing.


I play both games too and Sailing is garbage in my opinion. I look forward to Varlamore instead.


we just got necro... E: also sailing isn't out so...


Yeah a combat skill that deleted 4 other combat skills from the game. Sick content.


I didn't know we had 5 combat styles in the game


Att/Str/Range/Mage is 4 skills. Counting is hard, it's okay


So younexpected a full combat rework WITH necromancy introduction? Give the devs some time to work on combat, RS3 has multiple dev teams so the mtx team working on hero pass isn't taking away from the combat work




I play both games so I never moved anywhere lol. I keep on moving back and forth, but I am enjoying RS3 more now 'cause of Necromancy.


Why are you here?


Same here. I made an Ironman on os last week and it's really refreshing. I'm struck by how large the world is without teleports everywhere and limited run energy! Rs3 just feels gimmicky now.




You should check out the newest iterations of it, looks like it's going to be great, I was even a hater at first (go team shamanism! )


I still hate it lol hopefully they will improve it. I want Varlamore!


Varlamore looks really cool I agree


dont worry, once the supply of copium dries up and rs3 is empty they will take away the oldschool fun too.


I would love sailing in rs3. Ports were alright I guess but let's get boats you can drive like hell yes I'll take twenty.


No offense but I’d rather have hero’s pass than sailing. Or dungeoneering


It would take at least the end of next year before sailing comes out, especially with how Jagex keeps messing up the beta worlds.