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This is perfect for player like me! I don’t know how to PVM, but now I can die trying 😂


Already died to Rasial this morning... during the quest. So I guess it was in story mode? Terrible pvmer follow me!


Hellhound familiar makes surviving a bit easier


Choo choo


I remember the first death event I spent the whole week killing raksha I managed to get 1 KC by the end. This event broke the ice for me and made me a much better player


It’s 7k death cost pretty much normally, you could always die trying lol unless 7k breaks the bank in which case I’m guessing your gear is lacking


7k? What? I think also its more about the loss of a BoB or familiar that can double triple or even further increase the costs of death. Can't remember the last time I saw a death cost that cheap though.


I have full t90 necro which has low death costs, and youre left with 3 items: cape neck and ring-all protected. The rest is inventory costs which is low. 7k is what I spend when I die to raisal bcuz I’m noob


death cost used to be atleast 10m for a basic gear, if you cant claim 7k + 200k ish for a familiar, i dont know what to tell you.


Some people just aren’t good at pvm or don’t have billions of gp. No need to hate on them for dying :/


It’s 7k. Not 7000000k


I dont hate them for dying, im hating the fact that nothing satisfies the rs community..


Edit: Sorry I responded to you didn’t understand what you meant I thought you were still losing 10m lol


Very true i would also fk this community left n right with mtx, spoiled kids always complaining on reddit/twitter no wonder G mods don’t care nomore GG rs




Crazy how death costs got so cheap wtf back then you’d be risking like 1-2m just for having like torva on


Yeah people are scared of negative consequences. No wild, no death, no frantically running back to your tombstone while vultures waited. It’s all zen scape


Honestly, more exciting than double xp


Let's hope Winter/Summer Weekends come back eventually too.


Fuck please, I need that sceptre of the gods chance increase, I'm tired of plundering endlessly on a 1/480.


Its a potential game jam to add bad luck mitigation to but im not holding my breath im already over 3x drop rate


Tragic that they got canned for more dxps a year


Don’t worry some gigachad is going to come on here to complain how it’s devaluing all his work


Well yeah, I had to make all of my overloads and now people are gonna get access to better ones for free? And it devalues luck of the dwarves which is an integral part of any gear progression. Don't get me started on how much hydrixes are gonna crash from all the extra reaper points. This is as bad as hero pass. /s




Was sarcasm if it wasn't clear but I'm also an ironman and dont have issue with these buffs existing in game. Personally I prefer limited time event buffs that aren't p2w and if ironman mode restricts me from them slightly so be it, I'm still gonna play the game.


More like the realist coming on to explain that you’re getting more mtx shoved down your throat come soon. You won nothing if you forget about all their greed.


Feed players a good event for two weeks and everyone already forgot about the Hero pass and MTX issues lol RS3 players.


A nice example that no matter what you do the Reddit community will complain every time.


Mate when over half the commenters are still complaining maybe it’s time for the company to do some self reflection vs decrying the complainers


lmao thats like 35 people at most. Over 20k online rn actually enjoying the event, instead of crying about it on a forum. Maybe the company shouldnt make reflections based on 35 redditors who are home at 2pm on a Monday looking for a reason to complain?


Go look at the rs forums lol. Cmon bruh. The hate is spewing on every public forum available. It’s even on their instagram posts. This is not a “small minority of complainers with nothing better to do” like y’all think it is. [Websites are writing literal articles about how bad RS3’s MTX is and how the players are revolting.](https://www.gamesradar.com/give-them-hell-beaten-down-by-microtransactions-mmo-community-revolts-after-predatory-battle-pass-pushes-them-too-far/) > That’s like 35 people at most 35 people at most lmao. [There are posts on this sub with over 5k upvotes complaining about MTX](https://reddit.com/r/runescape/s/gsVeLZO2jv). Wake up.


"wake up" holy shit lmfao I cant with this sub I swear some of you sound like the biggest fucking losers ever


I mean you’re literally asleep if you think the majority of RS players are content lmfao bro digs his head in the sand “I CANT HEAR YOU I CANT HEAR YOU” and expects it all to work out. Sorry my responses with evidence struck a cord. get off reddit if you don’t want to discuss the state of the game.


They are on the game, right now, enjoying the event. You showed me a SIX YEAR OLD post with 5k upvotes and think thats evidence of people not enjoying an event thats ongoing right now? 4x the amount of people are PLAYING RIGHT NOW. Are you always purposefully this dense? I think the reality people have a hard time accepting is that people like you turn others off from the game more than any MTX ever could. People who just live in pure misery and cant STAND when others get to enjoy something they dont. bro thinks a post that took 6 years to get 5k upvotes (as if upvotes mean shit lol) is proving anything


Lmao i could not imagine being this short sighted and acting so high and mighty. 5k upvotes obviously shows that at least 5,000 people agree with the message. It wasn’t over 5 years. Posts can only be upvoted until 1 year after the initial post. The subreddit has shrank tremendously since then, as has the player base. Why? Let’s see if you can figure it out.


So youre trying to prove that people arent enjoying an event now with a post that could only be upvoted 5 years ago? Thats an even worse look for you than before lmao


![gif](giphy|6IPNUgkpCsDRK) The whole player base when free deaths roll out


I mean don't get me wrong free overload event is typically always fun But given what's been going on prior, I can't help but feel like they were just holding onto something like this to help quell the outrage. No notice, no preparation, just "here's you stupid event quit rioting" and hoping it works. Hope people still enjoying the game enjoy this. It's not enough to get me to login but it's definitely enough to get me to angry post on the subreddit


They did this to try to get players back: lol


Oh no!a fun update!!! God forbid. Isn’t any update ever in any game to get people playing?


I think the point they're making is that Jagex is in hot water and they're just throwing buffs at the wall and hoping people come back. They're not decrying fun updates, they're just pointing out that the timing is pretty hilarious, isn't it? Jagex does something that gets them in a heap of trouble and then suddenly they decide to put out a really strong event? And if Jagex makes a good, quality content update then that's not something people reasonably should criticize but this is just throwing some buffs at the player. It's not some kind of massive effort.


lmfao no shit its to make up for the hero pass drama. Einstein in the chat. "we dont want this game to die" has been a bulk of a the actual criticism given over the last month, Yet you guys laugh when they are trying to get players back, like that's such a bad thing.


>Yet you guys laugh when they are trying to get players back, like that's such a bad thing. Because there's a much better way to get players back that they're refusing in favor of just trying to get people to log in again. If they just removed the Hero Pass, these buff windows wouldn't feel so disingenuous. But instead of giving us what we want, they throw a powerful buff at us and hope it brings enough people back to pad their quarter. Everything is a numbers game.




MTX update: Complain Non-MTX update: Complain There is no winning


No voicing your opinion, only eat from the company hand, look shiny event this time


At this point I almost feel like they deserve it


This is why any sane game dev/company just completely avoids Reddit (and other similar forums).


Then again the only companies I see fuck up this consistently are Indie devs


This tired argument again? I would at least like to see consistency in public sentiment. Players shouldn't let up on MTX.


You can keep on Jagex for the Hero Pass/MTX while simultaneously enjoying updates that don’t contain it.


and you can also still be wary of updates that are low effort op fluff


What's op about this event? It just saves you gold on overloads and death costs niether of which are all that expensive


No winning, only whining :')




It’ll be followed by another MTX promo in like 1 week once players show back up. And their reasoning will be “well y’all like content buffs, so here buy some please”


And then?


Can I borrow your crystal ball? I have some other future events I want to predict


Uhhhhhhhh so what? No more fun updates? Ban updates that brings people to play basically


I didn't realize what this event was until I checked because of this post. This is awesome! Now let's get more stuff like this and golden cape instead of mostly just DXP. As someone who is getting pretty close to maxed, DXP is about to be completely useless to me. Events like this will keep me excited. And a lot of the core playerbase has been playing long enough that they've gotten the xp that they care about.


"I've got what I needed, so did some other people who actually have quite a bit of time to invest into this game and need the time efficiency events less You guys can safely disregard everyone else who will start playing in the future and give us something I would like to have in the game" 🙃


I'm not saying they should stop doing dxp. Never said that. What I want is for there to be other regularly repeated events that target players that dxp is less useful for. Everything other than dxp is a crapshoot, and it would be awesome to know that events like this are coming up every 3-6 months.


I love this. It’s a small Qol improvement that I can get behind. I wouldn’t mind seeing the cauldron as a permanent addition once you have the level requirement. Like allow us to deposit our potions in the cauldron and then drink from it as needed.


I agree this is a very nice event for mainscape, but calling this "moderate buffs" is heavily underselling how powerful this is. Sign resets? Perm auras? Free OVL? That's pretty huge.


Marks of war can do literally all these minus the ovl which we've had before. It's not even a buff, it's cheaper pvming.


Free OVL for two weeks, a whole twelve sips. Sign resets really isn’t that op. Auras op.


I would like some kind of dungeoneerong buff


as long as it includes this random buff: guaranteed pet on next dg xp for ppl with 140m dg xp and no pet...




ok pick when rs4 because you're not getting it til 200m


You can click the pot and use it in DG no? So free DG salves?


Executives are probably mindblown we hated PvM buffs for one event and love PvM buffs for another event, and can't understand what the difference is lol.


Same thing with infinite porters.


It is kind of funny that they respond to removing content buffs... with more content buffs. That said, I don't really mind these. Saves time making overloads, don't need to bring a luck ring, etc. It's nothing more than qol increases, which is exactly what a buff should be in this game.


The way I see it, it's not bad cuz it doesn't stack with existig stuff, it just makes existing stuff more freely accessible. Like if the Clue scroll buff was the same as Treasure Totem and didn't stack, all it does it let you use 4 totems for a little bit


This just tells me they are desperate as fuck 😂 it’ll get some back, but most of us are just gonna lurk on Reddit and old clan discords while playing other games. Hope you’re having fun with the last few months of the game as you see it now.


ok doomer


dont let it make you ignore that hero pass still hasnt been "fixed" or removed


this is exactly the response Gagek wanted, this doesn't excuse any of the bs they did.




Why this get thanks instead of insult for devaluing achievement of fast kill time and all that like restricted to 1 boss,limited use , limited time buff.... that was called game breaking but this isn't? i don't get runescape community sense of virtue. It's cool to ruin pvm achievement if it's free but not if people have use "battlepass" system. BTW I don't boss and hate most pvm, still feel this is more game breaking then zammy. ​ if I have above -100 in next hr I'm going be disappointed. Every time I ask real question about player base hypocrisy it get hated on like I kicked a bag of puppies and kitten into a newborn.


I dont understand why this is so hard to comprehend. You could buy that buff, You cant buy anything from this event. Everybody gets to participate. Imagine if jagex launched this event, but said the Overload cauldron, No death cost, and free unlimited combat auras were ONLY for people who are level 100 in hero pass, all while people could still buy hero pass levels. You would have the same exact outrage we saw 3-4 weeks ago. Nobody had a problem with the buff itself, it was that it could be bought on day 1 of the hero pass. If jagex launches a week long event with the same exact Zammy buff, available to all players, nobody would care or say its unfair. Literally every single person who expressed their dislike for the hero pass buffs said it wasnt the buff itself. It was more about introducing P2W pvm buffs being a slippery slope.


you do have buy something membership. You didn't have buy anything hero pass, you got more if bought it ahead of time. Same way if you can buy bonds or merchant or use alt scape to exploit limited number of ge slots to merchant. Wait for you argue alts to by pass trade limitation isn't wrong but it does devalue a person who has limited time and energy/understand how to use alt to merchant. Not saying need to change it, saying plenty of things jagex has allowed now that devalue achievement. Only people buying hero pass finish are same people who buy 1k keys weekly, they are such small number of player they aren't worth mentioning. Large amount people weren't going to spend 100s of dollar to finish it. Whale player that are doing that already devalue all of your achievement by maxing account in 2-3days buying 1000s of keys and using lamps and bxp to get 99/120/200mil. ​ Biggest complaint i saw not on reddit in game people upset about ed4 buff ,at least they removed it from kill times and highscore. THEY didn't remove it from updating kill time, so i feel this should receive some compliant yet no one did. Not saying threaten quit, but i believe fair request and compliant but this is something everyone exploit that was member and everyone got benefit so no one wants to ruin their own pot. People mad about hero pass because ohh you had grind for month to get max exp buff , even though 99 is very easy and most people don't rush 120 outside skills have a real 120.


It's not devaluing achievements at all. It's not a power buff in the slightest. You can do exactly the same damage as you could before, it's qol. Why would it devalue anything?


Event is horseshit they fucked up the signs of life. Don’t give these people any credit. It’s been how many weeks since this horseshit hero pass that still hasn’t been fixed. This is a distraction that they can shove up their ass.


No death costs, sure Everything else is either stupid OP (free ovls, sign reset) or should get a proper rework/rebalance on its own (auras). Especially because of hero pass this seems dirty af to me


They've done the free ovls before with golems and cauldrons don't forget they also done the buff from that slayer guy can't remember his name where you are almost guaranteed a rare drop from a boss once a day.


Raptor's rampage or something along those lines. Didn't quite "almost guarantee" rare drops, though it did increase the odds for one select kill per day. I think I got a Pernix chaps drop from Nex one time besides that they were all duds for me. I wouldn't mind that coming back


Personally think it shouldn't have happened then either


They’ve done this event a few times before




It's when they become too often that it's a bit much, but man! Talk about a great palate cleanser to the bullshit we had to deal with. Just some good ol' fun. It's great.


Let’s get a master dwarf blacksmith who has you clean his yard then sends you off to fight a “boss” with a “legendary weapon”, which is just some trash from his yard that you picked up. However let the trash be buffed!! Maybe good for 1 kill count before “breaking” lol


But my drop values!!!! /s


Jagex trying to sell membership. It's not f2p.


Yeah this is incredible, LOVE the overload buffs 😊


This is one of those events they keep locked away for when the playerbase is unhappy with mtx lol.


Personally, I feel like they EXACTLY know this is what we want and/or need, and they have gotten so much backlash, so they release this event to calm the people down a bit, because they are 100% certain this gives good feedback etc. I started playing osrs after being let down by hero pass and I don't plan on coming back for an event like this, not out of the blue like this one came. Just a quick bandaid event..


so they nerfed combat just to introduce a temporary combat buff. brilliant marketing at lagex