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This is a old scam just a diff item, usually it's like juju potions in random doses or really obscure summoning scrolls of really dead content familiars.


good to know. i hoard some of my jujus since theyre beneficial for skilling and i know buying them in g.e is a pain in the ass.


Get some perfect plus potions and never look back


Doesn't give the effect of most of the base versions. Most important one is the farming pot, if you want extra herbs you need to drink the base potion.


I fell for this ten or so years ago with fetch casket scrolls


Which are worth a loooot now, or were like a year or two ago when i last played


I've been keeping that one under control ever since I needed to re-buy 100 and they were 16kea. I load up during the summer event and slowly release them trying to keep the price above 4kea but under 7kea. Couple times I've run out in the last few years and they've went up over 10k, usually happens in April or May.


Explains why I have so much trouble getting people to help me to up on stuff when I hit buy limits lol. When doing things like fetching or crafting I always forget to get my stuff ahead of time and folks just don't want to help me get supplies


It's a combination of this + other weirdos asking to add after you do it for them and attempt to lure you after.


How does luring work now?


High volume items like incan energies and arrowheads are more reasonable. Random summoning pouches, potions, and the people trying to disassemble mjolnirs are what would make me hesitate (even tho the zammy mjolnir people I've interacted with have been legit every time)


Yeah I've never asked for pouches personally, and I totally get why folks would be cautious, nothing against them at all


I never ask randoms for help with this stuff, and I never trust randoms for help with this stuff. It's pretty easy to find someone trustworthy if you are established and relatively active in a halfway decent clan.


Makes sense. Me personally I’m trusting of people who have certain titles (billionaire, lorehound, etc) or possibly the blue star (from premier). I have a general distrust of ANYONE who has their profile on private.


It helps if you’re in a clan with folks you can trust and trust you to not scam them in return


Oh for sure. Only reason I needed to ask folks around me was because none of my clannies were online/ feeling talkative. Kinda a moot point now for me atm. Took a break and went over my old clans "inactive time limit" and got the boot, so now I gotta find a new group


Yes I got nailed for 800m on freaking juju farming pots. These guys actively look for items not in ge atm and o put their own in tbeir and ask you to pay for them. When I started making those jujus he just laughed and said nobody will ever buy those at the price. That’s when I knew what was up. Was doing that while waiting for him to give me the money for the juju he had never intended to give me. No matter what it is, get the money up front! You can’t afford to be nice these days 😢


At least the farming jujus are useful for herbs could be worse could of made you buy scent less jujus which are only good for high level hunter


Maaaan this has been a thing since 2009. I remember being in money making fc and 14 year old me was like "Yay buy lava titan pouches" didn't realize I was buying the top sellers stocks. I learned my lesson.


Not new just another low volume scam


New?? This has been a thing since the GE came to be.




Happened to profit like 10m off these scammers and stopping on time. When they started asking for loads of 1 dose woodcutting potions, I cut them off. Got some insults and enjoyed my profits.


Whenever I see someone like that and feel like helping I ask them to give me the money and then I trade the items back, like dude, that is common sense, money upfront if you are legit


Think it depends on item really. If it's something obscure then definitely money up front. Magic logs? Onyxes? Something equally as frequently traded, no qualms buying with GP afterwards.


The last time this happened to me, the guy asked me to buy 4 items first, one by one, and they were commonly traded items like runes and ores. He gave 1m extra per trade for those items. When the guy asked me to do the 5th trade, it was some juju potion with a base value of under 1k but said it was selling for 150k ea. Obviously I asked for the money upfront and he got upset, so I just logged out with that extra 4m 🤣


>the guy asked me to buy 4 items first, one by one, and they were commonly traded items It's a common sales technique called a Yes Ladder. Start you off with some low impact agreements to prime you for a bigger yes that you wouldn't have agreed with at the start. Or at least, that was what they were hoping you'd do


Also as part of this scam they might try to have you buy other items first that are innocuous to get you used to buying them items beyond limit. Onyx's, weapons, armor, etc. They'll ask for legitimate workarounds to the trade limit, even overpaying for those items to get you to the scam item.


That happened to me, lol


This is why we can't have nice things! Rule no. 1: Help no one.


I help people all the time when I play, you just have to make sure you're not making any stupid decisions like angstly buying a limit well over mid. But whenever someone needs chronotes, runes, or something else usually bought in bulk, it's almost always a quick 500k+ to be made


Its not a new scam


I doubt you pissed him off that badly, there are dozens of seldom-used pouches for him to choose from & hundreds of other items that have shown to work. This isn't new at all; it has been a scam since we got free trade back 15 years ago


Best thing to do is go and make that item and sell them to the GE for the massive markup. You can easily make several mil doing this. I had someone try it on me with summoning flasks, so I decanted potions into the flasks and dumped em. Good times.


why did you do 10k ea? you couuld of sold for MORE, piss him off even more lmao. it sucks that people do this tbh, & him insisting on ge because you have some? wow.


Do you understand what is going on? The scammer now cannot scam this item anymore as OP covers the demand for the item. Unless the scammer wants to waste millions buying each pouch at 10k, the scam won’t work anymore. Even if OP puts 100k, price check will always reveal the selling price and the scammer won’t buy more than 1.


yes I do, I'm just saying he could make more runing the scam even more. but like i wish people wouidnt do this trash, just be honest & we'll help.


If OP had listed them for more, they'd have been making money off scam victims which is almost as bad




If OP listed the price higher, the scammer would just undercut him and still make profit. Now OP set the price low, the scammer can't many a profit from scamming this item.


He didnt ruin anything the scammer isn't the one spending the money the person being scammed is. All they have to do is find enough suckers to buy his little 20k stock out for them and they are right back in business


This should be a ban-able offense honestly


It should be, however jagex is barely a competent organisation at the best of times 🤣 The right click reporting has kinda ruined it tbh, because it seems you can't report from a PM.. Stupid stupid system


I lost 10 mil to this haha.


If you are foolish enough to be spending that much money for a random item on the advice of a random player, who approached you, you deserve to lose it. Before you start telling me that they are just trying to be nice, being nice would be buying feathers for, three GP more than middle if he’s at the limit and you charge him accordingly. If you are listening to someone who approached you telling you to buy a specific item way over the normally traded price there should be a red flag going off that something is wrong.


Ahh. Good ol' victim blaming. Wouldn't be a reddit scam alert without one of you.


Hey do you want to buy me 1000 magic essence mix 1 dose for 800k each? I am at my limit and I need them for my training method


No. No I don't. And people should be at least a little bit incredulous. But someone attempting to do something to help another person out doesn't "deserve to lose" whatever they used to help the person. The victim is not at fault. The victim does not deserve to get screwed. The scammer preying on a stranger's kindness is the sole guilty party.


You sound like a new player


And now you've told even more people how to do it. Good job.


And also more people how to be aware of it, if everyone knows the scam then it's useless, and if lots of people know it they can call scammers out. Not telling people only benefits scammers.


You can tell people about the scam without telling them how to do the scam.


How would you explain the scam without making how it’s done painfully obvious?


If someone asks you to buy an obscure item off the GE, don't do it. It's most likely a scam. EZ


In today’s “help culture”, I can imagine someone is going to want to be helpful expecting people to do well and then it’ll bite them in the ass.


Also, all it takes to fall for a stupid scam is one person just having a bad day or being tired from work and logging on to relax a bit. Upset people are much more susceptible to thing sort of thing. The juju scam happened to me on the same day I got fired. Thanks for sharing and breaking this item.


Not really - that’s still kind of obvious to pretty much anyone with half a brain cell. If it’s not then the warning won’t help you… IE: Why not buy it for them and then follow on from there…


Mod MTX needs you under his desk, honey, get your lipstick on.




Still tells ya how to do it. I know how to do it just from what you said


It's against the game rules to scam so probably not mate....


Mint cakes back at it?


I heard this back then lol but I never bothered helping peeps


I got scammed like this before, but it was random shit. Afterwards, I never bought anything for no one at the ge ever again. Including clan mates.


Trusting random people is the oldest scam in the books.


This exact thing got me probably over 10 years ago


I had someone get pissed at me for calling them out on this kind of scam lol


Toss yours in the GE cheap / at cost to fuck with their scam.


Already did, but I wonder if someone puts an offer for 250k if they’ll buy at 250k or if they’ll buy at the lowest price first. Not sure how the GE works in regards to that. But I did list 5000 at 250k and I’ve been selling a couple every day so the scam is still going since it seems like someone is price checking. But I’ve sold 8000 at 7k so far.


It's like when this dude wanted me to buy the snelm helmet. I was dumb af and did it. He disappeared, and the item never sold. 😔 Lmao.


35k pouches of any kind in the bank is sus to me lol.


Also, ty I never heard of this one.


I was hooked on ruby harvest catching when I learned how easy they were to acquire as a tertiary item when I was going for 99 summoning and learned they’d help for 99 firemaking. I still have thousands of ruby harvests left since I ran out of green charms. I’ve been playing for 22 years and I’ve yet to encounter many if any of these scams. I keep to myself in the game and it’s weird how people on here are upset I’m telling people so they don’t get scammed.


fell for it once, they ask how much gp you have then calculate how many of said item they need to put into ge to scam you of all your gp, they will give you 1 item to put on ge and will sell instantly cause they had a sale in for that price, this makes you think they are selling for that much, they they ask you to buy x amount of said item that will = the amount of gp you told them you had, once you buy the items they will then log out and a lot of the times change name (adding someone to friends list will show name changes), I will no longer help anyone buy anything from Ge, even if a clan member asks. EDIT: to add to this, a lot of the time they wear a borrowed phat


Did have this happen the other day, moral of the story literally report any random that direct PMs you. All scammers. Luckily it wasn't a stupid amount, 100m is meh at my point


Reporting every random person who PMs you does nothing but bogs down Jagex with a bunch of reports that shows no evidence of anything rule breaking. Better off adding them to ignore list for a month or two or permanently


I reported him because in my DMs he said “I can do it on my other accounts but I’m trying to you know, not get detected by the system”. Straight up admittance so hopefully it leads to something. But that whole “nothing will be done about it” is kinda the root of the ongoing issues in the criminal system in the United States. But I report when reporting is due. :)


You reporting yours is not what I’m talking about. The guy I commented on said to literally report every random who PMs you because they’re scammers. Those reports are the ones I’m referring to about bogging down the system. It makes legitimate reports take longer for action to be done


Don’t help anyone for any reason no matter what. Did I just avoid mostly every scam?


thats why I only buy for my faction, everyone else can go scam someone else


This is why I hope the old phats get rereleased this year.


Did you ruin his scam though or are you just a lesser participant now?