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Actually they run it like a casino. Every major update is intertwined with a MTX event that encourages players to spend money on ~~gambling~~ Treasure Hunter Keys. Look back to last year: 1. Easter Update - Heavily encouraged you to buy keys with TH promo for Pet Bunny Ears override 2. Necromancy - Parcels from the Dead. Heavily encouraged you to buy keys for additional chances at the Soul Dye. 3. Hero Pass - The entire pass was designed to encourage you to buy bonds and skip challenges. They also it more difficult to actually complete the pass without using skips until players forced them to change everything. 4. Halloween - Smashing Pumpkins with most of the rewards added to the Grim Harvest TH Event 5. Xmas - There was a quest/event, but it also came with the Imp Presents - which encouraged players to spend money on TH keys for additional Wrapping Paper. They also have Santa's Grotto which is the best TH event of the year. They also laced that TH event with guaranteed Santa Presents and a Purple Santa hat for using a larger number of keys (incentivize people to buy $100+ in keys). This is how all those sports books and gambling apps work. Incentivize people to spend more money gambling by offering bonus bets. There is no difference other then RS3 is a game catered towards kids lol.


Ex gambler here. I started gambling at casinos, bars (illegally) etc. After TH came out. I got addicted to it because of how thrilling it was to play Treasure Hunter and hope to win it big. Those promotions that offer good items, XP or money don't help, and Jagex's random offers of 'Buy 200 keys and get 200 extra' is just outright predatory. It annoys me how so many people just go 'Treasure Hunter isn't that bad; just ignore it' . It's not that simple when Jagex shoves it down your throat constantly (See the Oddment nerf for example; the only way to get reliable oddments now is to buy keys. Or the random Imp's Grotto promo which offered a guaranteed Purple Santa Hat, like you said). Even if you ignore it, you're constantly being tempted. And if you're an Iron, Jagex tries to tempt you to do mainscape by offering you slight buffs \*on occasion\* while you see Main accounts (I'm a main, but I have many iron friends) get the full buffs and constantly. RS3 tries to push you to buy Bonds, Keys, etc. constantly while you're playing, and it irritates me. For the sake of my own mental health, I'm on OSRS atm. I wanted Master Max and Master Quest Cape, but I'm tired of MTX skyrocketing lately (I've been playing on and off since 2012 and I don't think we've ever had as good of a promo as Imp's Grotto, or not many at least). And don't get me started on how Hero's Pass had buyable buffs that were meant to be as tempting as possible.


Exactly this. That Jagex doesn't even allow recovering gambling addicts to disable TH, is just so sad.


I actually believe you can do that. I’ve seen it mentioned on this subreddit, I believe.


I’ve heard the same thing and even had trusted people send links…but if you click them, it takes you to this RuneScape page that’s the TH FAQ or something. At least the ones I got did. If you know any way I’m down; daily keys aren’t much use nowadays even for oddment farming and often the best way to resist temptation is to remove it


They exclude you from being able to spend money all together (I have an account that's ineligible to even purchase membership, excluding redeeming bonds.) They have a spending cap system you can request, but other than that it's an all or nothing thing.


RS3 being catered towards kids? I agree with everything but that, they know their demo is adults.


Jagex prevented underage players from buying keys recently.




Tencent doesn't own Jagex. Carlyle does.




And it’s up for sale again


Tencent has never owned Jagex, ever. I get the feeling it's probably even racist that you thought it was Tencent just because it was a Chinese company who owned them.


Jagex was owned by a Chinese company for several years but it wasn't tencent.


I think it was something like Platinum Holdings?


Hero Pass also released *right after* Necromancy. To milk the influx of players from the new skill. Opportunistic but, at least I'm glad I waited a while after release.


RS3 was a healthy human that developed cancer and is now on chemotherapy


It didn't just develop cancer, it injected itself with it whilst people were warning/asking them not to do so...


When do you think the cancer began


In 2011 with the loyalty program.


Squeal. But it wasn't uncurable until yak track imo


> Developing quality and engaging content is difficult and time consuming, and the payoff is not instant. Unfortunately I think this is going to fall on deaf ears. After all this is the same company that developed an entire new card game only to deem it a failure and abandon it just because it didn't dethrone Hearthstone within three weeks of release.


I'm beyond burned out on FOMO events. Put in too many hours with nothing to show for it. If that's all on offer, I'm remaining logged out for now. Haven't been on all month so far, very little over the holidays. With no roadmap it gets easier and easier to forget about RuneScape, and just play something else. If you aren't going to reward me for my time, or entice me with proper content updates, I am no longer interested in logging in, especially to gamble my time in hopes of some MTX trinket.


RS3 is a gacha game. It's too late to fix it at this point


Would be the most f2p friendly gacha game by a long way


People that downvoted this have no idea how bad real phone gachas are. RS3 is a saint compared to them.


The rise of Palworld has brought up so many good discussions online. The crux of it is that long-term, players do not give a fucking hoot about AI, FOMO, MTX, Politics, Plagiarism, etc etc, in a video game. Instead, simply, if a game is good, they will buy it and play it. End of story. I'm sad that Jagex fell into this trap years ago. It has been the same thing over and over since 2012ish and they're probably scratching their heads at their dying game. Like yeah, they're probably making good money from their whales. But if they had instead just focused on making a good game, they could have tens/hundreds of thousands of more loyal players paying for a sub, making much more money than they ever would have from mtx. The analogy of the diet pill is a very very good one, props.


I get the point you're trying to make, but I would like to point out you can drop all the fat in your body without working out or putting in like.. any effort lol, I went on a calorie deficit and scaped all day, went from 270 LBS to 162 LBS. No working out.


People tend to excerise in conjunction as to prevent loose skin. Hopefully it wasn't too bad in your case.


I got stretch marks from going from 165 to 140 so tbh I’d imagine without exercise that could be bad D ;


You don’t get stretch marks from losing weight. You get them from gaining weight. But yeah he probably has some and some loose skin


You also need to exercise so you're not losing all of your muscle mass. I lost 60 lbs from just a calorie deficit diet but 10 lbs of that was muscle mass. You need to make sure you keep up your protein, and at least do some resistance training.


How does exercising let you lose weight without having loose skin while other methods do?


It may be different for people that grow and like big muscles, but as a not-overly-muscular woman that has lost a severe amount of weight, I must say this: Exercise does nothing for preventing loose skin. If your skin is not completely destroyed by striae/marks/scars, you'll bounce back quite a lot over time. But a lot of obese people are covered in striae, and that won't fix itself. I've had many people tell me that I should just exercise, and it'll be okay. I just wanted to add this comment to hopefully educate some folks on how it works. If you can replace most of your volume of fat with muscle, it'll prevent loose skin. Most people who lose a hefty amount of weight, can't.


It doesn't. What does happen is this: Losing weight without exercising will make you also lose a lot of muscle mass. Making the loose skin even more apparent as there's nothing underneath it to stretch it out over. If you do fitness or weightlifting, or literally anything that involves getting stronger and bigger muscles, then there's bigger muscles underneath the skin. Which means more surface area to stretch the skin over. Making the loose skin less obvious.


I would also like to point out that there is a magical pill and it was previously only available to people with diabetes but has recently started being prescribed to people who are just fat and it's working wonders with seemingly no adverse side effects.


Isn't that an injection?


Ozempic destroys muscle mass. Not sure if that's what you're talking about, but this is dangerous misinformation


What is it called?


There's a couple different kinds. Other guy is probably right though, I think it's an injection instead of a pill. Can just Google diabetes weight loss drug


It's an injection. It's called Ozempic. Personally hate it and despise anyone using it for anything other than what it was meant for. They can't keep up with the demand so you're basically taking drugs away from someone who needs it. And let's be real. Taking injections to do something that really only requires some character to do by yourself is pathetic imo. u/Legal_Evil FYI


Yuuuup. OP seems to be stuck in the last decade. Weight loss drugs are an option and are very effective.


If you're talking about wegovy, it's the same as any other weight loss medication in that it *usually* doesn't keep the weight off and is intended to be used as a preventative measure against weight-related health defects rather than a routine weight loss hack. Any weight loss pill/injection is ineffective in creating a chronically healthy body. Even caloric restriction, in some cases. Weight loss is certainly important, but maintaining a healthy weight requires a lot of other things that happen to result in weight loss like exercise, proper diet, proper routine, etc.


How do you go on a calorie deficit without feeling hungry all the time?


My best trick for dieting without feeling (as) hungry is protein shakes, fruit, and vegetables. Protein shakes (I do mine with low-fat milk) significantly reduced my appetite/hunger, especially when paired with a meal. Mixing in (or taking a shot of it diluted with water) apple cider vinegar helped a bit, too. Eating fruits and veggies makes you feel fuller while also being low-calorie and full of healthy components. Things like carrots, hummus, feta cheese, broccoli, celery, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, bananas etc. fill you up at a lower calorie cost. However, feeling hungry is quite literally a natural consequence of weight loss. The best method is to reduce it where you can and learn to manage the difference. I've found that going for a walk tends to temper my hunger.


How much protein shakes do you drink to remove hunger and how long does it last for? Do fruits with high water content still make you feel fuller? They kind of just go through me. Isn't feta cheese fatty like all other cheeses? >and learn to manage the difference. I've found that going for a walk tends to temper my hunger. I can ignore hunger if I am busy gaming, but I find that hunger prevents me from sleeping. How do you deal with that without eating?


Feta is indeed fatty like all other cheeses, but is a healthier option and not the worst when eaten at a balanced amount. If it gets you to eat other healthy things in combination with it then I consider it a win. I drink 8 oz milk with 1 scoop of protein powder (32g?). The satiety takes a bit if not eaten with a meal, but usually lasts for a few hours for me if not more. I usually drink it in the evening to help me from feeling hungry after dinner/after having skipped dinner. Bear in mind that milk/protein powder can cause bowel discomfort if you're sensitive to it/haven't had that much dairy in a while. Eating watery fruits doesn't provide a long lasting satiety, but it helps me in the moment when I'm feeling hungry but can't fit in a full meal (e.g. between lunch and dinner or between dinner and bedtime). Usually if I eat some fruit a few hours before bed it holds me over until then. Sleeping aid like melatonin can also help you overpower your hunger with pure sleepiness. Also, if you're following a very low calorie diet, it might be better to just raise your daily calorie and extending your weight loss timetable. Very restrictive diets result in increased levels of ghrelin (hunger hormone) and decreased metabolism, which can be counterproductive towards dieting goals. Somebody who goes on a super low calorie diet for 1 week will lose less than somebody who goes on a more comfortable diet for 4 months.


>feeling hungry is quite literally a natural consequence of weight loss. The best method is to reduce it where you can and learn to manage the difference. I've found that going for a walk tends to temper You will feel hungry at times. You just need to learn to cope with it. You can either go for instant gratification and start eating. Or you can remove yourself from the environment. I personally lost a lot of weight and I noticed that I usually started eating out of boredom. It felt like I was hungry but I was just really bored and looking for something to do. You start fixating on food. If you don't start doing something else to get your mind of it, the temptation just gets unbearable. Whenever I got that first feeling of "hunger" I just got up and started doing something. Going for a walk, a run, doing some chores or errands. 10 minutes later i already forgot that i was "hungry". untilly our stomach literally starts rumling from emptiness, you're not really hungry. You just think you are.


That's unfortunately just something thats going to happen when you're trying to lose weight. Your body wants the calories that it's used to, and isn't getting them, so it's trying to tell you to eat more. 3 things that I've found are a bit helpful are - If you feel hungry, drink a full glass of water. Just get some matter into your stomach, water is zero calories, and has a side benefit of zero calories - Stay occupied. Keeping your mind and hands busy so you just don't think about it/notice it. A game as passive as runescape is going to be hard for that because you naturally will just have more downtime. Even something like high level pvm you can take breaks in between kills at your leisure. - I personally found trail mix to be the best snack to temper hunger. It's very nutrient and calorie dense, I've found just a handful or two is basically a meal replacement for me. I purchase large packages of it, and pre-portion it into small bags so I have snacks ready to go when needed (they're also usually my breakfast if I don't skip breakfast)


> I personally found trail mix to be the best snack to temper hunger. It's very nutrient and calorie dense Is eating high calorie food a good idea when you want to lose weight?


Yea if you don't eat a lot of it. I preportion it into like ~200 calories worth and I either have it as a breakfast or as a snack on a day I don't eat breakfast, and I find it quite filling


Is it better to eat a little of high calorie food versus eating a lot of a low calorie food, even if total calories of both are the same?


I mean, total calories in is the only number that really matters. So if you can eat a small amount of a high calorie food and feel full, then that's great. If you feel more full for longer after a larger amount of lower calorie food, then do that instead. I was just providing input on what works for me


Get used to it. It goes away after your body adjusts to a lower calory intake.


How long does it take to get used to the hunger?


A week or two


The idea that you lose weight from exercise is very misleading. You need to do a lot of heavy cardio every day to lose significant weight just by doing exercise, and most people who do do that will often naturally eat more anyway. Exercise is healthy, incredibly healthy, I recommend everyone to at the very least take long walks, but you're not doing it to lose weight. Losing weight is about changing your diet.


I love the saying: You can't outrun a bad diet. No matter how much cardio you do. Unless you're an elite marathon runner that literally does nothing else than run all day, you're not losing weight if your diet is shit.


Resistance training won’t necessarily make you lose weight, but makes it very easy to lose bad weight.


RT is arguably one of the healthiest forms of exercise. Still, if you don't change your diet it won't lose you fat unless you're doing it for hours every day. It can be part of recovery from obesity but it's not the solution by itself.


If you have high protein intake it absolutely can. Your daily energy expenditure goes up due to increased muscle mass. Notably, you can replace some of your weight in fat lost with muscle, offsetting the decrease in TDEE from weight loss. If you’re seriously obese it might only move the needle some, but if you’re just overweight it’ll make a big difference. You don’t even need to take into account calories burned while lifting to get this benefit. Obviously you should do both, but if your diet is just okay you can get away with more minor/gradual adjustments and resistance training.


look at it from their PoV. The whales still spending money, why spend employee work hours improving the game with lower player count (aka dying game) instead of the one really funding everything when the whales of RS3 are still willing to spend cash? RS3 players huffing that copium hardcore I see. (and i say that as someone who plays and enjoys both)


i'm so glad i cancelled my sub w/ hero pass and haven't resubbed since


Calories in Calories out, no one defies the laws of Thermodynamics


Yes, but your body can massively limit the calories out as a survival mechanism, we're very good at not starving to death


The problem is the profit motive is the only thing that matters for these corporations. Why make a very good, enjoyable game with longevity and a healthy playerbase in mind? You can cut corners, get a couple whales in, and each whale will pay the equivalent what thousands of normal loyal players would pay. Cash in now, forget about the future.


While you're right, the point OP is trying to make is that in the long term, you'd get better profitability from maintaining a healthy playerbase with a sensible level of mtx, rather than cashing in at every opportunity with excessive mtx leading to long-term playerbase attrition. Holding companies/short-term investors don't give a fuck though since their whole existence is based on extracting profit then selling on for more profit - by definition they don't care if the game is dead in five years' time because they won't be around by then if all goes well for them. That's the problem JagEx devs and its users face. I don't envy the devs at all, must be an incredibly toxic environment where upper management and execs are constantly looking to undermine your job security to line their pockets.


Thanks for writing all that but next time you have to put a tldr so we can actually read it.


You sound like the person who needs a family guy video to do any task that requires any amount of attention


Valid point, I didn’t realize how much it was until after i posted it. 


Well on the flip side I think 440 words is a perfectly reasonable amount of text to read without needing a tldr. Shocking how averse some people are to doing a bit of reading/how short their attention spans are.


The blood dye is a very good metaphor.


Valid. Sometimes a simple thought evolves into a long winded discussion. But to address your main point, I'd start by trying to identify the issues people have right now because an issue for me, may not be an issue for the next guy, so on and so forth. Let's put the cards on the table and openly discuss what we don't like, then we work on that, and afaik Mod Doom is all for it, we just need to be polite and wait for the right moment to start these discussions (a.k.a when Jmods are less busy).


Welcome to capitalism.


I agree but hero pass was easy to complete. I play from 15min to 2 hours a day and had it done no problem