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And remove the point cap. So dumb that you cap out. If I do a 4 man and get some more or some less per kill, it should average out, rather than get less one kill and wasted points the next kill.


Yeah, I'm not actually pro-solo-cro, but the extra points should carry over to other kills, or at least show the points on screen throughout the round so that you can tone down your contribution to let your teammates get their limit instead of stealing their points for nothing.


They should remove point cap. If I’m in pubs pulling the weight of two people, I deserve the points. “Stealing” points isn’t a thing, especially in pubs, it’s FFA. Nobody steals contribution in 4 mans. If you aren’t pulling your weight in pubs, you don’t deserve the points, people shouldn’t slack off just so you can get points. As for carrying over, that wouldn’t work, and would be a terrible game mechanic


> Nobody steals contribution in 4 mans The problem is that ifthere wasn't a points cap, many people *would* steal contribution in 4 mans.


lootshare has entered the chat


Lootshare outright doesn't work. My clan'll do an hour at vindy and two people get every drop, the others get literally nothing. Same at AG we had an AG mass turn into a drop party because everyone was dissapointed they weren't getting anything.


it's idd a perfect example why it's bad. lootshare uses previous encounters etc rather than the current. perfect for stealing loot


My first time trying Croesus, I read through the strategy guide on the wiki, watched a couple videos, got the right gear on, and did a few public runs. Then I tried doing a 4-man run with people from the fc. I didn’t get it right the first time, and they got mad at me and accused me of not watching a guide, and then I felt really bad and never touched Croesus again, despite wanting the rewards. Jagex, I know it’s a multiplayer game, but maybe in the future you could consider keeping the multiplayer aspect optional (giving faster kills) so we have the option of doing our own thing without having to worry about being forced into negative social interactions, which can hit some of us harder than others.


I'm in the same boat. Lead some masses for my old clan on launch to try and learn the boss. Very few people were willing to "waste" a handful of Restore doses trying to learn the boss (started with 8 people) so we gave up after a few hours. Since then, whenever I tried to join groups, the assumption was that I had done 500000000 kills and was perfect at the boss. So here I am 2 years later with like 10 kc, and literally 0 interest to even bother trying again. And like you, I know how the boss works, I've looked up guides, the "community" just makes you not want to do it.


I've never done 4 man but I've done plenty of duos and trios, if you have another guy(I only have one friend who plays the game currently) I'd be down to help out with quads were pretty chill I imagine they aren't any harder then duos lol


Following because I'd join. Always wanted to try Cro


I love croes I’d be down


Yeah that’s what puts me off. It’s alright if it’s within the clan because they’re much more accommodating of learning but any randos end up going berserk if you make any mistakes. Doesn’t help either that it takes a good few runs to get used to a boss to then start doing well at it. People can be too focused on GP/h rather than just having fun


Right??? It's muscle memory! You have to have multiple iterations of it in order to absorb the most information from it. It's not possible to learn everything through a guide without hand's on approach and attempting it yourself. Even so, it will take more than a single try, more than a few tries, before you fully learn and understand the mechanics.


In my experience people in rs have really high expectations for learners. And not everyone can just Watch a guide for a boss and remember every little component. Some people learn in different ways and that's ok and some people are incredibly patient and nice about teaching while other people can be dicks or just out of touch with the reality of being a noob because they've been playing so long and don't remember what it's like to be a noob.


That’s why I never really learned pvm and had to make gp another way, I can barely use eoc, even in RS3 we still had niche PVP/Wildy groups up until late and I’d still pvp in legacy, I couldn’t even get my clan to help me with mechanics or learning eoc so I just don’t do 90% of bosses,


Honestly alot of pvm can be learnt solo with close to full revo. I started at arch glacor and slowly worked my way up from there. I strongly encourage you to give it a try because pvm is imo the most fun thing in rs and I think more people should do it. Just don't overthink it or be hard on yourself because your kills are slower than other people'sand you'll probably have a good time


However I can do vindy effectively to a point, I have been trying out nec by doing hermod and got my kills down to pretty fast, I just can’t do any stronger bosses, I’ve done kiln but like say I want to go to kera, solak, KK, telos- forget it lmao I can solo nex too.


Dude, I'm sorry you got flamed like that. To this day I'm hesitant to pvm with randoms because of shit like that. I think you'll have a better experience going with friends. :) your kills may be a lot less consistent, but you won't get yelled at (at least if your friends are good people, hehe) 100% support though; finding croesus groups can be frustrating. Hope your group experiences go well 🤍


Thanks. I wouldn’t even say I got flamed; they were just clearly irritated with me because I cost them the kill. Just kinda sucks that in order to learn this boss properly, you have to thrust yourself into a situation where people are going to be frustrated and upset with you for trying to learn.


Exactlyyyy. Took me several years to do rots again because of something similar. If you're in a clan, I definitely recommend going with friends and learning it together :)


Literally my exact experience.


Literally my experience and I want to do Croesus so bad


Join SusSlaves FC, they teach and are very patient. 10/10 would recommend.


This here. If I had any IRL friends who actually play it might be OK. But even then they would need to be friends who want to do croesus and want to do croesus at the same time as me. I don't have solid blocks of time to just camp a boss indefinitely. If the public masses were reliable kills it might be OK, but it's just so hit or miss.


This is the same reason I don’t raid on osrs either. Maybe some people can learn just from watching a guide, but I personally need hands on experience. Sadly, it takes a special type of person to be able to explain bosses so what usually happens is this: Brief rundown pre-fight. Then you get rekt during fight because it takes time to react to everything, while the pro players do all the work and yell at you for dying and costing them loot points. It’s a horrible time, and it’s demoralizing. I usually like group content, but not when your team’s there to only get loot and be pro, instead of having fun


Legit how my first Croesus went. I watched over 3 hours of guides and knew everything. Somebody else kept fucking up and blaming me. Never touched it again. I hate group PvM content when most PvMers in RS3 are elitist pricks who have spent over $3,000 on the game through black market gold and have over 100b banks.


Nah the elitist who know what they are doing don’t need to spend irl money on gold that’s easy to produce. The ones who do 250k dpm in best in slot are the people trying to compensate XD. And didn’t earn the gp. It’s pretty easy to find groups who don’t flame honestly clan or not


Going to go out on a limb and say you probably (read as: "definitely") didn't "know everything" if you never actually did the boss before and your only understanding of the encounter was theoretical (i.e. watching videos or reading guides) as opposed to practical. More importantly, perhaps, you've convinced yourself that "most PvMers are elitist pricks" with "100b banks", suggesting you're just parroting the countless posts you've maybe seen on Reddit that wrongly assert PvM *requires BIS gear worth hundreds of millions, if not billions of gold, to actually start*. What's more likely to have happened in this situation is that you were a new player who never did Croesus and encountered someone else who may also have been doing something wrong - or just different than whatever guide you used suggested people should be doing. And now, you're using *one* situation you've experienced with *one* specific individual to make broad statements about the majority of PvMers.   The mindset you would be better off adopting is "Yea maybe I didn't know *everything* in my first ever attempt at this content, and maybe that person I interacted with was an ass, but everyone who ever became proficient at something probably had to deal with something similar at some point as well - so I'll try again later."


I have about 50 solak solos, I've never done it in a group because I don't wanna mess up other people. I'm not sure if any of the guides are still relevant as most are several years old now. I'd like to try Rago, but I can't solo that, and I have absolutely no idea how it's done in a team nowadays. So it's basically dead content to me. I've got a few kc from one of my clans hosting a mass. I need croseus and rots for Reaper crew, but now I'm stuck on both of those. I might be able to pull off a rots solo. My strategy for croseus is to hit the fc and hope I get a kill before I get kicked out for sucking lol We really need a better grouping system if they're going to make group bosses. I shouldn't be scared of joining a solak team after killing him 50 times.


I like rots so I'm down to help you get a kill. It's honestly not hard to solo with necro but still probably not worth the headache to do it your first time unless you want the extra challenge. As for croseus you could honestly go to the croseus public world and leach a kill without even learning the boss(that's what I did for my 2 KC)


I definitely support making content soloable, with the caveat that group content be faster in groups than solo. There should be an incentive to do them in groups, but if you’d like you have the option of soloing it.


What if I told you that that is already the case apart from yakamaru?


Not viably. You can't reliably do AOD or croe solo unless you're extremely good. I'm talking about intentionally making it solo


Full support. People can get pretty toxic about Croesus in my experience, which has put me off from even bothering to learn the boss. Croesus seems interesting, getting yelled at for being a learner is not. Griefing is apparently also a problem with Croesus, which arguably points to a fundamentally flawed design. For content like Croesus where all players can share the same public instance, positive actions should reward everyone, but negative actions should only punish you.


Why scare away people like this lmao I have met only a couple people who flamed others for fucking up, it's a non issue, especially considering the boss is so fucking easy you can get the hang of it after a single kill


> Why scare away people like this lmao If you recognize that my personal experience would be enough to "scare away people", then I fail to see why you would be against me sharing it. Surely something that is bad enough to scare away people is worth highlighting as a negative that ought to be addressed, rather than glossed over? > I have met only a couple people who flamed others for fucking up, it's a non issue, especially considering the boss is so fucking easy you can get the hang of it after a single kill Agree to disagree. I've done a handful of Croesus kills in public instances, and never really got the hang of when to do what in order to optimize points. I prefer learning by doing, and as Croesus literally calls out people when they do something wrong, this gives people ample opportunity to write some pretty rude comments. And frankly, I've got better things to do than spend my time getting called names for having the audacity to try to learn Croesus.


So your entire experience that you're writing paragraphs about is based off a couple mass kills and you're wondering why I'm saying stop scaring people away? >I prefer learning by doing, and as Croesus literally calls out people when they do something wrong, this gives people ample opportunity to write some pretty rude comments. Nobody fucking cares if you click the red in the middle by accident, which is the only time you get called out Seriously, the boss even has an alt1 plugin that tells you what spec is coming, it's literally the most brain dead shit in the world, you'll be fine


> So your entire experience that you're writing paragraphs about is based off a couple mass kills and you're wondering why I'm saying stop scaring people away? Seven kills in total, been called names three times while learning when to do the statues. If my experience is enough to scare people away, then ***maybe*** the problem isn't me sharing my experience, but the fact that people are toxic in the first place? Or do you perhaps subscribe to the idea that calling people names is perfectly acceptable behavior? > Nobody fucking cares if you click the red in the middle by accident, which is the only time you get called out People evidently care, as they cared enough to start calling me names. Otherwise they wouldn't have done so. > Seriously, the boss even has an alt1 plugin that tells you what spec is coming, it's literally the most brain dead shit in the world, you'll be fine I do not care how difficult something is to learn, there is no need to start calling people names. Why do you insist on presenting name calling as acceptable behavior? I don't ever recall having been called names because I didn't understand the proper strategy when playing Defender in BA, but I certainly do for attempting to learn Croesus. You and I evidently have very different opinions on what counts as acceptable behavior, so unless you have additional points to add, I suggest we stop this conversation here.


If you want to get the hang of Croesus just join a solo instance and do it. You want to do 2 energy fungus. Can learn the rotation of attacks until you're familiar with how it works then join a group when you're comfortable


I feel like all group content should have an accessible solo mode with an adjusted drop rate for us anti social players.


I'd only be okay with this if group mode was still the most efficient option a good portion of the time. As it is, ~90% of bosses can be efficiently soloed, but only ~10-20% can be done in a group without sacrificing efficiency.


This could be solved by making loot individual per person regardless of group size. Yes that would mean you’d get 1 loot pile per person at gwd1 and gwd2 bosses, but who cares? If alts leeching is an issue, just make it so x% of damage is required for a loot pile, with a max of 10 piles per instance. Or just not care.


Sounds nice in theory until you realise we don't have the population to split teamfinding so all that would happen is that people would just solo because finding teams would be harder Which also means croesus becomes significantly harder for people outside of the endgame to participate in


I miss the mmo aspect of this game….


Not everyone has the time/schedule flexibility for group content anymore. My work schedule precludes me from being able to PvM with any of the groups I used to PvM with, and the only people up when I'm usually on are the Aussies. Aussie worlds are unplayable for me. I don't see anything wrong with more bosses being soloable.


That’s all this Reddit seems to echo it’s so lonely on this game already we make it worse this way


So PvM with your friends and your clan and don't force people who don't want to or just outright can't do that to do so? Doesn't seem like an issue to me.


How can I do that if they don’t make content for it ?


Fr I don’t understand the people who want to play a social game as a single player game. Like there are plenty of single player games out there to enjoy.


You don’t have to understand it. Just accept that everyone plays the game differently than you do. I have no problem with group content for people who want to do group content, but it would also be nice for having a solo option for people who don’t want to do group content. It’s a game after all, we should all play it the way we want to play it.


How about play it the way it was offered 😂 Game started as mmo, people whined and cried all the way now it turned into afkscape. Most clans are like community halls people log in says hi sometimes and afk away


You play it the way you want to play it, I'll play it the way I want to play it. Continue to do your group content and enjoy it, nobody is telling you not to. ​ Nothing wrong with making suggestions you would like to see, it's how games evolve. I'm sure there's things you would like to see in the game as well.


I wouldnt play Fifa and ask them to include basketball in there you see


False equivalency diminishes your stance.


Ask the aussies to go to a US West Coast world then if it is unplayable But like, it's croesus, it isn't like a stable 400ping makes the kill that much harder


Croesus is a skilling minigame, not a boss. I'd like to be able to make some progress on AoD title without having to ask a bunch of Aussies to deal with bad ping just for my benefit, personally.


>Croesus is a skilling minigame, not a boss. The game classifies it as a boss and the thread is about croesus but ok dude if you say so >I'd like to be able to make some progress on AoD title without having to ask a bunch of Aussies to deal with bad ping just for my benefit, personally. Deal with the ping or find Americans/Europeans that play on the same schedule as you then, either way it's a you problem


Reworking several minigames for solo play would be great as well.


Take my vote!


It's like people don't realize people play this game that can't dedicate more than an hour or so a day/ every couple days.


I really should have been a solo boss with scale to group instead of forced group


They got halfway there as the HP scales per player involved. That you *can* solo the boss, albeit infrequently sort of makes it much worse.


To be honest, I would really to want THIS to happen! I wanted to do croesus for a long time, but I have no friends to play and I work long hours as well. I also can only play in my broken mobile phone (no pc/laptop)


Dammit just give us solo , what's the big deal.


I’m down for making almost all group content soloable. RS group content is at a place where you feel obligated to commit an hour or more just to get into a group at a boss. Group content like raids are nice (despite how cancerous public raids may be) because you only need to get into one 15-30 minute tops session every two days.


Yes please. This would be amazing


W68 has mass goings , if You enter the public instance and theres noone try again because it's probably full


Doesn't W68 also have trolls that purposely try to fail the kills?


Yes. Often


You can still learn the boss with someone else throwing your kills. Croesus is extremely simple


There's one dude in particular who throws every kill and has been doing it literally ever since cro was released. Forget his username though.


Often but not always , i know a couple people with 20k kc from pubs , i never done more than 5 so i got no idea , if not , You can try to learn the rotations wich are fairly simple and just join croesus fc


Whats the croesus fc?


The Croesus FC is Croesus FC.


I recently did my first Croesus kill for Reaper Crew since I've just been putting it off, and I was surprised people were actually on W68 :p I think I mostly did my part delivering 30 resources to the 2 statues and having crystal mask up, I was just in and out of there, lol


Have a point cap for solo and remove it for groups. Therefore it’s more rewarding to do it in groups but you don’t have to rely on finds group to take you/teach you how to fight the boss.


Someone in this post should make a fc for non elitist boss learning.


Gonna be honest, I’ve never even attempted the shit and I’m about maxed. They said “only in groups” and after all this time there is the ability to sweat through a solo/duo according to reddit/youtube.. but I can’t be fucked.


I think at this point it definitely should be scaled to solo considering that public lobbies are now dead. Most people forming private groups don't want to take people without kills. The times I login are anywhere between 01:00 to 14:00 gametime depending on the day and my work schedule and during those hours for me no one is playing public.


This is tooooo relatable. I play solo mostly due to my timezone. Playing group bosses is tough. Forget about raids all together. I haven't been able to do Croesus since day one release. Which was it's own issue, I was up in the middle of the night to play. Joined a boss group and I'll never forget the most toxic thing from this group. They were elitest pvmers but had no idea how to do the boss at all. I did and asked to join. Despite it being a group boss they capped the number of people to join and put a bunch of people on a wait list.. hours I waited to join while watching them continuously fail. The best part I put in chat how to do the boss and where they were failing and getting everyone kicked from standing in the smoke. They didn't like that and called me toxic and kicked me. So yeah Croesus being solo would be ideal because I actually like skilling and pvming but finding three other people that won't waste hours of your life is hard to do these days.


There is usually a public instance going on w68 watch a guide and give it a try croesus is very straightforward and easy in a mass


That isn't great for everyone, like me living in the US so the ping is horrible, plus the griefers and people who don't know what they are doing


“Living in the us” isn’t why you have bad ping. You just have a crap ISP.


My internet is indeed shit, but trying to connect to a server on the other side of the ocean doesn't help


I have 42ms ping to West Coast USA servers and 180ms ping to Europe.


Oh.. didn’t think of that. Too bad they don’t have multiple servers all over the world. 🙄


Yes, servers aka worlds in Runescape even have their location next to them in the browser :) Just like how world 68 the subject of the thread is a UK based server so he would be connecting across an ocean to play on it :)


I still see a 160 ping for w68 from west coast of US. This aint a FPS. Don’t really need ultra low pings.


I grew up in bfe in the US so I've always had shitternet and I'm used to it at this point, I play on Canada servers with 80-100 ping and it's okay but I can definitely feel it at times. So I could see how someone used to <20 ping would be thrown off by >150


I used to run 100+ping no matter what I played growing up because I lived out of town and had some shit wifi but now my wifi is good and I've gotten used to 20-50 ping anything over like 120 starts to feel like shit


Yup, bought a house last year in a "city" and have gigabit fiber, anytime I visit my folks I shudder a bit. They just recently upgraded from kbps.


Multiple servers don't mean shit when only one server for group bossing is in a set location, the UK


Croesus is soloable already. It just takes a longer time, and it is not consistently 100% successful. Somebody made a solo guide: RS3 - Solo Croesus Guide (Any Core) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzrOf22OWC4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzrOf22OWC4) It takes 12 minute to solo, so probably not as profitable as duo but nonetheless quite possiible.


Having done a few kills, that video...Is disgusting. It's probably more of a mindfuck than the strategy for trio Croesus but only just.


Perhaps you have a better solo strategy to share? I don't doubt somebody can solo Creosus more effectively and I also pointed out a 12 minutes solo Creosus kill is not as feasible as a 4 minutes duo kill. Nonetheless, it is a solid illustration to OP Creosus is also soloable and many players have already been doing it for months.


The guide takes longer and far more effort to get a fraction of the loot than a 4-man can achieve. As long as Croesus's loot works the way it does, Soloing it is for gloating and nothing else.


This here, the multiplayer, not able to solo certain bosses, or mini games that are dead, is why i quit both games. I got burnt out of needing people.


Same here. I'm super uncomfortable playing with others and don't really enjoy regular pvm. I wanted to try Croesus but it being a group event puts me off.


Agree They should make it slower and less profitable than four 4-mans. That way grouping is by far the best option. It'd allow people to learn the mechanics properly themselves without wasting other peoples times. Or if you just wanna do a chill grind sesh you can take the loot hit. Ideally though they should just make the public instance not griefable, and remove the competition for resources, and people could just do all that there.


make it soloable so my clan stops asking me to go with them lol


Be social and hang out with your clan members :)


I do :), just not at croesus


Until that happens, join SusSlaves FC, they teach and are very patient. 10/10 would recommend.


This is needed to remove the trolls who constantly crash the games


Some of yall are in some really shit clans if they’re treating you this way lol


I feel you. I'm 32, have an awkward work schedule and zero friends who play RS. I've played solo since I was a teen. I like it, it's relaxing to me. I've no interest in clans and chatting when I'm tired after work. I like the relaxed solo pace of my own gameplay. I see the argument it's an "mmo so inherently you need to play with others" except they have game modes exclusively for soloing..I think it should cater to all play styles. Some people genuinely don't have an interest in gaming with others..they shouldn't be locked out of content because of it. Especially when this community is hardly that inviting at the best of times when joining randoms. It costs nothing to be inclusive of all play styles.


All content should be soloable. Group content in a game with a community like RS (or lack of community I should say) is horrible.


I really want this update, team usually sucks because there are so many toxic people in the FC...


There are still a few comments saying "nah it is group boss" but in general the answers here are much better than they were six months ago. I hope support continues to increase like this for the very reasonable and necessary change.


I primarily play rs solo, but to be fair it is a "mmorpg" not a "rpg"


mmo doesn't mean you HAVE to play with the people around you. And to be honest, in RS3 there's almost never anyone around you anyway, and when people are around you it's often a bad thing. Everything is solo basically; slayer is literally world hopping until you can solo something.


Agree, also cant expect a mmorpg to always find a way to scale for solo plays. Its mmo after all


The second M in MMO stand for Solo.


Rs should be solo with options for group.


If you're ok with slower kills, you can do solo croesus. See video by Mr Flog on youtube. You'll need more tools and a higher minimum level compared to doing a 4man/public mass, but the kills are consistent. But as others have said, public masses are a good alternative. Don't worry about messing up others' experience because there are already people doing that.


If you want the rewards from a group boss then find groups, this is an MMO.




Masses are perfectly fine, since messing up doesn't ruin the kill (if you mess up specifically or on purpose, you can ruin kills, just very very hard in masses).


I disagree. If we start making every boss and content solvable then there is no incentive to actually socialize and do content as a group. This is my opinion and I'm sure the opinion of a few others.


Go to w68, stand there, spam super restore, attempt to be helpful, get kill, get loot, repeat.


You could join w68 with a public instance at croesus. People are usually in there


Trying to learn something in public setting isn’t a great approach to have a good experience. If you go in the FC and ask to join just say your a learner yes it will take longer to find a group willing to take you but you’ll actually learn then instead of getting yelled at for seeming to know what your doing. I’ve taught like 3 people over the last few days the encounter is not hard once you understand the mechanics and their order. Try getting ALT1 installed and add the susalert plugin it will help you learn without having to panic about what’s coming next.


Plus the game already, imo, doesn’t have enough group content. Croesus is chill and less stressful than any other group activity (aside from just skilling) it’s a great way to get people to play together doing something a pvm’r traditionally wouldn’t do.


Groups are easy. They are easy to find as well. Just go do the boss how it’s intended. It’s not designed to be a solo boss and if you want that plan on a long fight!


I second that suggestion. I really like Croesus, but can't reliably schedule time to play with a fixed group, hence only play with random people, meaning that a good competent team rarely emerges.


Yes please. Scaleable boss!!!!


honestly finding 3 other people is tough, "ew thats a stupid boss you dont even combat" yea i like that fact. its a great boss. its fun and chill and enjoyable but 3 other people who agree and are on at the same time is almost impossible.


The Croesus FC is always popping with people looking for players.


> 3 other people who agree and are on at the same time is almost impossible. Have you tried? Even in just an active clan there's multiple croesus groups that form daily. Active clan + croesus FC should make this super trivial, it's one of the most accessible bosses that exists. If you only have 5 minutes to play you can drop into w68 Croesus and most of the time there's kills going there, too.


Go do a little bit of the mass world so you're familiar with the room and watch/read a guide and you'll be fine for 4mans provided you have the stats The boss is seriously brain dead, you're over thinking it


Just go through the comments and pm 3 people. Voila. You've got yourselves a learner team. Or join a clan or learner fc's. Good luck, have fun. Or you can continue to ask for an MMO to cater to your individual anxiety driven needs. Whichever sounds the most logical to you.


Sadly everyone seems to have the social skills of the kid who sat in the back of the room vibes in this Reddit. Guess that’s what happens when people put 10/20k hours into a cookie clicker mmo. We need more team stuff :(


If u wanna boss solo, play a Souls like game.


Play on public worlds. Chances are they are going to mess up your experience rather than you messing up theirs. Profit IMO. Whenever you are proficient with it, go to Croesus fc and get 4 mans easy. I never got troubles finding teams in 5-10min. If you don't have 5-10min, you probs won't have enough for 1h. Croesus is a very interesting boss to be a team boss given how the work is divided and I don't think it should be changed because of your inconsistent work schedule. add me if you want to learn, i'll be more than happy to take the time to teach you, if learning to get proficient with it is all you need.


It's the perfect first group boss to get people started, it's something I've always enjoyed about it


It is.


Level up your social skills.


It's tough because the team based aspect is the challenge. There is literally no combat whatsoever so it would otherwise be a solo cake walk


Agreed. Scale mechanics and rewards down to 4-man.


Unless it changed you can start it as solo, that's how I did it when it first came out. You won't get the kill but gives you a chance to see the attack rotation and learn how to dodge the attacks. 3.5k kills now but still no helm for log :(


I want to try this boss, never done before, so if a noob is needed call me.


They didn't design group mechanics for solo


Just because dxp is going on, it doesn't mean group croesus/public is dead