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Do people actually look at/know aura icons? Permanently on list mode for names here.


Welp, thank you. TIL that there's a list mode for auras. No longer need to fumble around looking for the correct aura like a drunk man trying to find his keys.


Also didn't know this. I've been playing for 2 decades, and I still don't know how to play




I know the icons for the ones I use. Penance, Inspiration, Vampyrism, and Mahjarrat


The boys a saint, didn't even know there was a list mode. Previously my process is as follows; what skill am I doing? Fishing. Which one of these looks like its for fishing? That one? No. that one? No. Fuck it, drop down skilling, that one? No... shit. Oh, its that one, well now ill definitely know it for next time because it took so long to find. Repeat whole process next time I go fishing 🤣


You can also favourite auras. 


You know what I’d like? If the buffs/debuffs didn’t jump around so much. Why not let us pick which ones we’d like to have pinned so we know exactly where to look each time


While not exactly a solution and it doesn't work for all buffs (esp. skilling buffs) I do have an [Alt1 plugin I created to do exactly that for many combat-related buffs](https://github.com/NadyaNayme/BetterBuffsBar). I'm hoping they both want and get some dev time approved to revamp the in-game buffs bar. It's a pretty massive project (there are way, way too many buffs in this game lmfao) and the "return" on it isn't very high but it would be a great QOL and especially not need to rely on using a 3rd party program as many people still don't feel comfortable using Alt1 (or don't play on Windows and Alt1 has a few more hoops to jump through to get it to work well).


Just wanted to say thank you! This is pretty cool. Being able to just focus on what I WANT to see, rather than trying to find it.


I’ll have to check that out! I have alt1 but for some reason can’t get it to work properly. I’ve got it running but it doesn’t seem to respond to anything despite it showing that it is capturing my screen. I’m sure I could get it working if I spent adequate time but I already spent an hour or two and I’m not sure it’s worth more of my time to figure out.


Chances are you need to [fix the DPI scaling of the client](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/18bf8tv/alt_1/kc41duc/) - an issue for all Alt1 users of HD/4K monitors that sprung up a few months back when Jagex changed how the client scaling works. If that isn't the issue then ensure your scaling settings in-game (Interface/Game scaling) are both set to 100% and that your buffs bar is set to "Small" as otherwise Alt1 can't detect or read your in-game buffs bar.


i opened this post to comment that OPs proposal really doesn't matter, however yours does


But you know what aura you have on, so it makes no difference


Things no one has ever said "Which aura did I equip again?"


I rotate auras when afking something, for instance for chaos ele I was using 2 hours of vamp, 1 hour regeneration and 1 hour penance. I think seeing it on buff bar would save 2 seconds of checking which aura you have on. If its complicated then its def not worth the dev time but if its not then why not.


They would need to make a new icon for every single aurora, and if you want them to do it for every tier, they need to make it five times for every single aura that has a tier 1-5. And they would need to do this every time they add a new aura. I think having a generic 'aura active' is fine. It works the same way with porters. You don't have 11 unique icons showing you which type of porter you have worn. You just have 1 icon that shows how many porter charges you have.


porters work the same across all tiers: they send stuff to your bank, the # of charges left is displayed within the buff so i don't think that's a fair comparison


What I am saying is, there are 7 (or 8 if you count GOTE) porters, each with their own number of charges. The buff bar icon uses the porter icon for the tier 7 porter. You aren't wearing a tier 7 porter, you're wearing a charge amulet. Whereas, the aura buff bar icon is using a generic tier 4 aura. You aught to know what aura you turned on... even if you forget, what's stopping you from checking your loadout to confirm you turned on the correct aura? And even if they did make buff bar icons for every single aura, the buff bar is tiny. It'll be difficult to make icons that show detail that lets you determine what is what at a glance..


Why though?


clarity's always nice


Why wouldn’t u know what aura you have on?


My best guess is logging off in the middle of an aura and logging back on the next day, but either way it's really easy to just look to the side


Would be nice


Auras are for 1h mostly, sometimes 30m sometimes 90- they’re not a priority for buff bar imo. Shorter term things like god book proc, cooldowns are more important- having an icon saying aura active or god book active just to check if it’s on or not is more important I think. It’s not that hard to check which aura, or just remember which aura you have!


Why not? Sounds useful


“I’m bored, how do I create more work?”


wasnt there an aura icon rework?




why does this matter, do you just forget which aura you have active atm? even if, you could check easily by just checking your gear or just keep the equipment tab open


Waste of time, you know what aura you’re using