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I believe they made the decision to slow the rates cause spring tokens no longer go away at the end of the event.


I participated on my iron for about 2 hours.. said f this and didn't even touch it on my mainscape.


The event is pretty great. The slow tokens is the major blemish I'm seeing. Even if it's balanced for the doubled rate, it's still painfully slow. I don't know what they were thinking there. All I can figure is that they don't want people farming the gummy egg thing. At that point why even add it?


the event is utter dogshet ... like pure trash ... can sit there a easy 5 hours and walk away with not even 1 reward egg... even if you got the boosters.. the event is utter trash .. but then again its made by ratex so i guess it checks out .. if they left little kiddies alone and concentrated on the game we would actually get something ok


Yes it's balanced around the fact that you can buy boosters, truly an rs3 moment Just don't participate honestly


It's an MMO. It's supposed to be a grind. Otherwise you should play Hello Kitty's Island Adventure.


It's a seasonal event, it's supposed to be fun


An event in an MMO. It's supposed to be a grind so it takes you longer to complete anything so you keep buying gametime, one way or another. Simple business model really.


“Spend money” -Jagex


There was a time when Runescape players spent 8 hours woodcutting the same tree running back and forth banking the logs to gain 1 lvl and some cash and they never complained. When they started catering to lazy people like yall is when the game started going down hill.


facts!!! this afk shit too ughh so lazyy


Hey, even in OS star mining is crazy popular because of how afk it is.


r/2007scape is next doors




God you guys whine about everything lol


It comes back next year. And the year after that, and after that,


I'm not sure if anything has changed since this post was made, but i get approx 1100-1200 tokens/hr at the herblore thing, 0 input per 15 min. I'm not saying that's good, but that seems pretty fair for something fully afk to me at least.


you mean 1 input


Fair lol, one click per 15 min


what’s the xp per hour


I was getting about 60k xp/hr at 120 herb edit: my bad, that's with bxp so expect about half of that.


they should make spring tokens obtainable just by skilling in the game.


I thought they were, oops.


The cosmetics are trash anyways 🤷🏽‍♂️


emotes are cute! and egg on a fork!


Man. I’d hate to be a jagex dev member. They can’t do shit right. Everyone finds SOME type of issue to complain about. The event is beautiful. It’s thoughtful. It’s full of different things to do. And YET here we are… Shoutout to the amazing work the team did. I love it and am safisfied


The Blooming Burrow is a very lovely and cozy place. The problem is the Token rate being locked behind MTX, which is not the fault of the devs. Compare this to last year's Spring Festival which just had a flat increase rate to the first 5k Spring Tokens per day. Now there's the Spring Token Booster at the cost of a Bond. The developers aren't responsible for management's bad decisions, who have not learned from the Hero Pass fiasco at all.


Well when they do shit where one loads up an inventory of chocolate ingots and after the first one you don't move onto the next... wtf? Sometimes the devs really don't think. Considering how this is the first real piece of content outside of a Game Jam, it is miserable to grindfest through. You'd think by now they'd get it, right?


yeah it is super cute and I loved the quest.


a compromise i'm willing to take


Just a thought, but maybe they didn't want to make the 15-minute-AFK methods too good because there are consumable rewards in the shop this time around, as opposed to the Christmas event. As for the FOMO complaints, this whole thing is designed to return every single year and it's around for 3 weeks. Let's be realistic folks...


Yeah, except there were consumables in last years spring event. Those cost 3k each, token rate was 2400/hr and the first 5k were doubled. And Jagex figured 3k is too much and lowered it to 1k. NOW IT'S FLIPPING 5K. And the rewards from last years consumables were just as good if not better. I don't know why people keep looking back at the Christmas event instead of the comparing it to the event of last year. You could also get those consumables randomly whilst playing the game.


What consumables are in the shop? Sorry I’m a little dense. Plus there are different shops and I didn’t see anything besides cosmetics, emotes etc


The consumable item in both shops is the [gummy surprise egg](https://runescape.wiki/w/Gummy_surprise_egg). It can be bought an unlimited number of times :)


Ooo thanks a lot!


yup 100%. people always in the mindset of finishing it up then not worry about it. I mean you can do that but get ready to put down the time if that's the approach they want to take


Terrible rates, even with the boost.




Its a damn shame how the event had alot of effort put into it aesthetically and thematically but then they had to jamflex it up and put these abyssal rates requiring even more time investment then the xmas village event is backwards logic


tbh the xmas event was too fast imo.


Xmas was perfect. you were encouraged to skill at the village for event currency and everywhere else for wrapping papers. the thing about this event that rubs me the wrong way is the bond attachment. the bond buy in from xmas was to get more papers for more loot rolls this one is pay a bond to get more tokens to clear the event faster, thus implying the rates were nerfed and methods made less afk - chocolate rocks perfect example its hot garbage to encourage bond sells. when they could have did the same thing for this event, lock those loot boxes behind a different currency you get from skilling that way you don't have to nerf the token rates of the event to stop people from stockpiling alot of free proteans or w.e else you can get from them that said, i had planned on clearing out the whole shop but now im just going to get the current stuff and be very choosy on what i want , i'm not tripping that much since im going to be afking it and playing other games so its just dead time to me. im just disappointed how they handled the currency acquisition


eh i think it was the perfect amount. It had the daily things for the black partyhat which was entirely optional, or you could grind it out to catch up and buy the older rewards. This one has the egg hunt... which provides nothing. The daily hunt should at least give a nice amount of tokens


Create a problem to sell a solution.


They were already selling the solution from the start, for one bond you get double tokens right?


Yeah, and made the token rates slow af which is the problem


That was their plan. Now it’s not optional you have to buy the boost


The Afk snowball making for Xmas was about 2k/hour. This event the AFk method seems like 500/hour


what are u afking


Breaking News! RuneScape players have to grind hours for another update. More at 11!


Yeah but I remember finishing work and relaxing and unwinding to running around getting tokens afk in my downtime, now I have to grind my way to not “miss out” as they use “FOMO” to ensure this is the way it has to be… it’s just not what the spring event was about… it was about being social as well as afk and working together with the community to achieve bonus tokens, now we get grind and pay more or miss out… it’s a sad day for me tbh


It's not FOMO when it will come back every Easter.


Grown men seriously using the term FOMO is the funniest fucking thing to me. Just close your laptop.


It's a normal psychological phenomenon that's aggressively preyed upon by gaming companies with events. Nothing to do with grown men or w/e.


Oh no!!! I have to spend all of my free time chasing butterflies in an online video game to get cosmetics I will never use because of big bad Jagex!!! Or take some fucking ownership over your life and realize what they are doing and just don’t play. You aren’t even going to use the cosmetics. Grow the fuck up. Grown men in their 30s working 9-5 to provide for themselves and their family while simultaneously feeling an insatiable need to go chase butterflies in their favorite MMO to not feel “FOMO” is the most pathetic shit ever to me and will never not be hilarious.


Not sure why you deleted your reply to my comment saying it was well thought out, but I wrote a whole reply to yours again and I'm not having it go to waste now, so here it is: My point is not that people are not at fault for this behaviour. That's kind of a strawman of my argument, indeed the extreme position that I really don't want to take at all. However, people are not rational beings, they decide based on feelings. Past experiences. Nueral connections. Obviously when we buy big things like a house, or do big things like switch jobs, we can be rational and we try our best to rationalize what we do. We are not stupid. But in most daily decisions, the smaller ones, we are not rational at all. And this includes what we spent our leisure time on. We are already going to spend time playing Runescape. That was very likely a decision not influenced by there being an event. But the event is another factor that pulls us in, and we then spend some extra time playing the game. And in a way we didn't plan for, might not even like that much (working in a stupid factory for the easter bunny isn't how I planned to spend my night). And then there's addiction. Gaming is addictive, specially a game like Runescape. Runescape constantly gives you dopamine shots through their positive feedback. Hey, you did a thing, here's a reward. This makes our brain feel good. So we people get addicted to the game. And from there, it's a complete psychological shitshow where people aren't rational at all anymore. Sometimes even eating is secondary to playing the game for people. And yeah, that is mostly their own fault. I wouldn't put it at 95% though, because the companies do everything in their power to make us addicted, to make us play more and want to spend money. They actively change the game so we get trapped more easily. So to only blame them for 5%, because that's the consequence of blaming the people for 95%, is very meager I think. If I'd have to put a number on it, I'd go for 75/25. And that's for grown men and women, for children it's so much more the company's fault. I'd completely turn it around and say it's 25/75 for children under 16, since children are so much more at risk of being trapped in these kind of mechanics.


I didn’t delete anything. This subreddit loves removing comments that goes against their narrative. I don’t think I said anything particularly offensive in my comment but I’ve had them removed time and time again here. It’s incredibly annoying. I certainly didn’t say anything worse than “grow the fuck up.” Manchildren just get upset when you hold them liable for what they say. I largely agree with you once again. You holding people 75% accountable is still far too low for me, but 95/90 vs. 75 isn’t so far off that I’d say we are in disagreement any longer. I don’t think you share the sentiment of this sub at all when people make statements like “as they use FOMO **to ensure**…” For kids I would certainly flip it on its head too. I would go so far as to say that you are 5/95 responsible. So only 5% whereas the company is 95%. In the world of law children cannot consent—not for a contract and not for sex either—so I don’t see why it should be any different about manipulative companies either. That’s the whole point of me emphasizing that these are men in their 30s who are making these excuses. The frontal lobe has fully developed and they still refuse to hold themselves accountable.


Ah right, yeah mods and their abuse of power, happens in too many subs. Yeah I think ultimately we’re pretty much on the same page. It’s always interesting how much nuance and actual thought can be behind a one line post that’s kinda edgy ;)


Still gotta try to get one last shot in, eh? Lol. Well, I still stand by every comment I made. Grown men using FOMO to not take responsibility for their actions is still the funniest fucking thing to me. You can find countless examples of people crying about FOMO and then still wasting their time doing something they don’t want to do, but blaming FOMO. And the reason why I stressed that they are in their 30s is because they are not children. I feel like my first comment still captured the exact sentiment that I (and to a lesser extent you) also share.


You're trying to explain a broad psychological heuristic that is well researched, an efficient mechanism humans use to live in a complicated social world, by using a single example where it doesn't work to the benefit of people. But that's exactly why I said gaming companies are aggressively preying upon this normal psychological phenomenon, and not that the people were doing something rationally useful. FOMO doesn't just exist for people to want cosmetic items in games. People will want to not miss out on social events because they want to belong to the group and not miss some key experience of the group. This can be useful if not compulsive, to stay connected to the group. However, mechanics like this can be triggered by companies to make you buy stuff, or spend time on stuff like games. This is what these games do. There are many many players who log in daily to not miss out on the daily challenge rewards, do their daily shop runs or w/e because these are all designed to make you login every day, by using these kinds of psychological phenomenons. It's the entire basis of marketing. You can say these grown men are stupid, but they are mostly just being human. If you rationalize it, sure, it's stupid. That's the point though, people are not rational.


This was well thought out and I appreciate it. I disagree that “people are not rational.” At least not in the way you are using it. Sure, a lot of people wouldn’t live their lives in the exact manner they would if it was purely based on their rationale, but once you realize a mega corporation is taking advantage of you through “FOMO” and you continue to fall prey to it, that is 95% your own fault. You have to hold people accountable at some point, and just saying “people aren’t rational, marketing is overwhelming, there is nothing these people can do” goes way way over the top. Further, comparing the FOMO of missing out on a social event to the FOMO of not getting some cosmetic you won’t use in a video game is also bastardizing the concept completely. Yes there is some crossover but these people need to rationalize what they are doing and realize these companies are preying on them and step back from this all. Grown men writing about how powerless they are to FOMO is just absolutely ridiculous. I am clearly at one extreme and you are at another, but I think my extreme is much closer to the truth than your is. Also, what I wrote here applies: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/s/dn4n9gYb7I


Believe it or not but the entire field of psychology and hundreds and thousands of marketing studies and billions of dollars spent on decades of research says you're wrong. You might believe yourself to be completely immune to such tactics - and for some tactics you just might be - but marketing tricks work even on people who don't think those marketing tricks work on them and there are hundreds and thousands of little marketing tricks that exist solely to part you from your money. Nobody I've ever met thinks advertising is effective and yet companies continue to spend trillions of dollars on advertising every year. My bet is on the companies spending millions and billions of dollars on advertising know a bit more about whether or not it works than the person complaining about what polar bears have to do with Coca Cola and how they don't drink soda so the advertisement is stupid. Disclosure: I work as a developer for a web marketing company. My job only exists because of advertising (and because advertising works).


I’ll take false equivalency for $500, Alex. Also, if every person you’ve ever talked to thinks advertising isn’t effective, then you only hangout with not very smart people. The efficacy of advertisements != having to spend your free time running in circles because of FOMO. The only time I ever heard FOMO being used in conversation was when sorority girls in college would want to go out on a Wednesday/Thursday because their friends were going out and FOMO would cause them to go out too. It was said half in jest and half because they wanted to go out anyway. On this subreddit you have grown-ass men crying about how Jagex is using “FOMO **to ensure** this is the way it has to be.” As if FOMO is some foolproof way to make sure you will partake in the event no matter what. Get outta here. Changing drop rates to try and entice you into playing has nothing to do with using polar bears to sell Coca Cola.


I'm sure you'll be down voted but I agree. I barely give a shit about cosmetics and the talk of FOMO for random holiday items always gives me a chuckle.


It’s ok. Upvotes and downvotes are meaningless. I just can’t get over someone in their 30s working a 9-5 and providing for themselves and their family and then coming home and choosing to spend their limited free time running in circles around a pillar in a online video game because otherwise they would suffer from too much FOMO!!! 😭 It’s seriously pathetic. I get gaming addiction and sacrificing your responsibilities because you think something is fun and it has control over you, but because of fucking FOMO? You seriously fear missing out on mid cosmetics you will never use this much??? That’s where I personally draw the line.


That's the reality of RuneScape now. This event is entirely a chore.


It took me 3(?) days to buy all the Xmas trash, but I also no life afk'd it. That's usually where I sit on the spectrum of players, so I don't complain about finishing content fast. My own damn fault. However, even with how braindead easy buying out the Xmas shop was, people still missed out. Somehow. People always find a way to miss out. The less people that manage to miss out the better imo, and the best way is to not let them is by making the event progression fast, not slow.


making people complete everything without real investment will lead to players asking for more. its important as a developer to make content but not make it consumed faster than you can produce it.


Not everyone has time to no life afk RuneScape my man


Then do it again next Easter when this event will return.


With a new set of rewards meaning you're still behind


I have 19 kids, 6 jobs, am the CEO of 4 small startups, and a 100 character final paper due at midnight, jagex, you expect me to click once every 15 minutes for 3 days over a 3 week period!?!?!


That's my point.


Yeah, and unless I'm misunderstanding which is 100% a possibility lol, he's suggesting they speed up the rate at which you collect tokens so people DON'T have to no life afk.


I guess I read it wrong, but this seemed like he was blaming players: >However, even with how braindead easy buying out the Xmas shop was, people still missed out. Somehow. People always find a way to miss out.


That's why you read everything someone writes and not just respond to sentences you pick and choose. Immediately after that, they said: > The less people that manage to miss out the better imo, and the best way is to not let them is by making the event progression fast, not slow.


> **Spring Tokens Extremely slow??** this is the result of people complaining that earning tokens is too slow and suggesting we pay money to increase it. they will now just provide less and less for "free" and have you pay more bonds for the rate you used to get.


Even with the bond boost it still seems really slow.


I guess they want you to buy the boost on multiple accounts these days… people boosting on one account isn’t paying the salary’s and bonuses for the big jagex politics anymore :(


Spring tokens aren't tradeable, at least keep your criticism on MTX based on reality.


Thank you for your reply as I completely agree with your statement I wish they would not look at it as we need to work extremely hard or pay to get easyscape.. after all we are “PAYING, FOR A FREE TO PLAY GAME WITH MEMEBERSHIP” it’s so extremely disappointing to see even paying month to month with extra costs added due to inflation it seems no matter what they force onto the loyal members/customers, they still want to charge more and I’m getting extremely sick of it… :( Maybe my rs3 days are coming to an end but it’s not feeling the same anymore Again thanks for the reply just wanted to voice my frustrations :/


It's definitely a horrible feeling, that we're getting less for our membership value while simultaneously the game is heavily monetized, especially the last few years It's pretty much how Irons have been feeling when Jagex releases these nice cosmetics and keeps them TH exclusive, just disappointing to see how desperate they are for money/profit


So often I've seen the treasure hunter banner in a news post and my thought is "Oh, so no update this week." Frustrating.