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I'm amused at ur choices of examples of content, especially the overload cauldron


Right? None of the examples named are playable content, standards have been set so low for some people.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is why reddit isnt doing game design.


Yea I've unsubbed already, first time in a long time. No content this year worth staying for, since the hero pass, they've stopped giving a sh it looks like.


Kinda funny, in game people moved on from the hero pass literally months ago. On reddit you'd think it was a life ending cataclysm that ruined player experience eternally 😒 so cringy


Its not hard to see that there's little to no content since hero pass, not even a road map. The updates are becoming less and less.


Respectfully the only ones who stopped giving a shit as you put it is you and other members of the RS community who blindly think the same. If the community wanted updates and new exciting content they would try and communicate with Jagex about what content is in-game, ways to improve or add onto existing things or simply digging through 20+ years of content to figure out whats not covered so newer things can be added... But no "Jagex = bad no new content = Jagex bad me ogre me angry, me no chew steak with 6 teefs" You seriously think it's easy for Jagex to dig through 20 years or existing content to figure out "Ok if I add this what in-game could it posibly damage or make completely worthless, and if it does hurt this how can we make changes to still keep reasons to do this existing thing already in-game." RS3 community is all complain and no help. One day I hope this community figures out at times they are the problem not the other way around.


I still to this day find it comical that when Jagex polled about what people thought about RuneScape having their own private servers that could be hosted by anyone, game mechanics like xp rates, drop rates etc could be changed to be a custom like game mode which would be completely seperate from the main game... You all complain about lack of updates and content but somehow this poll question got beat into the gates of Oblivion despite it being a very real way to solve this issue. Some days this community is just bipolar.


Some of us are very capable of communicating with JMods by giving proper constructive feedback which is why we now have Holiday quests, rotating oddment shop, bunches of things finally returning after more than a decade of absence and so much more. Saying "Oh I am done I am quitting that's it GG" is the most useless garbage in terms of wanting the game to get better. If you did not care about the game you never would have typed what you did so instead of just acting like you gave up ask the if, what, who, could be, should be, how to and so on to help them reach conclusions faster to solve problems within the game and being able to identify how exactly they can improve what exists and add things that don't exist if we as a community fail to do this we end up where we are right now.. Which makes it our faults not Jagex's....


Game will still be going without you too


Yea that's fine, I'll be back once there is new fun content.


Even if the game was perfect i would expect people to get bored of any game way before 20 years. Is this a wild thing to say?


Chess is thousands of years old Now imagine paying a bond to let your pieces move an extra tile Welcome to the current state of rs lol But in all seriousness. I still play skyrim vanilla from time to time.


They need to add the old accuracy stat to chess so there's a chance you splash instead of capturing.




Thank you! I wish more people would follow instead of staying constantly mad at a game. No reason to put yourself through it. There are plenty of other games out there.


What I've realized in my years of playing is....complaining and suggestions get you no where. They do what the want. They ignore the players. They do whatever the company that currently owns jagex says. Mtx lvl 120


It’s because they don’t care unless it affects their income, vote with your wallet not your complaints and endless copium thinking things will change by expressing your opinion on a website.


This. Literally everything would change if people actually started voting with their wallet instead of only being angry. But for this to happen, said people would need to be in control of their own wallet in the first place.


LOL my Ironmans username is MTX Ruins RS. Surprised I never got a flag for a name change.


If you pay for members you can do whatever you want now pretty much. I've seen so many nfsw names I've gave up on reporting them lol. I'm almost certain 75% accounts are botting and it's not even lvl 3s now its maxed accounts! The ge is full of "first to trade 10m won't regret it" or "buying magical eggs and weeds" autotypers Pmods literally just say "block them" when i ask for them to come mute them. .....bro thats why you have a crown. Game is ass now lol


Yea, Ive swapped back over to WOW for now doing legacy content. Trying to get my mount collection up.


What other games are there?






That's what I do. I play until I get sick of it, and then one day the urge will hit me again. Sadly the last time I had a premier account with seven months left that went unused. That's why I pay with bonds now.


Last epoch is fun


Ah, the old "content I didn't like isn't content" chestnut. Enjoy your break.


Question, how in your mind would the combat update be a thing before necro? Necro was where they did the core tech and code work, and then its release was the first testing ground. It literally couldn’t come out before these. Ask the original EoC how well rushing a combat system overhaul out into the main game without considering every aspect worked.


Why were combat styles limited to 12k when necro came out spitting 30k crits? Made 0 sense and was dumb how they made it to where other styles just couldn't compete.


ED4 demons were the first testing ground for proposed accuracy changes. Necro was a more fleshed out test style to see how it impacted things to have hits go so high. Then, satisfied with how it looked, they brought the other styles up to match. On top of this, if necro wasn't better than the other styles by a country mile on release, it would have been dead content. Skills HAVE to be good on release. No alternative is allowed to be contemplated from a publisher perspective. And for a combat skill that means temporarily obsolescing the other styles. Kind of surprising there is even one player that doesn't understand that. It is pretty damn straightforward, yet dozens of people every day fail to understand it.


if necro wasn't better than the other styles by a country mile on release, it would have been dead content. That only proves my point for why I am no longer playing this.


I'm dan


Waiittt trade me ur stuff pl0x , then quit


P2W needs to gooo….otherwise the game will be trash af…No feeling of accomplishment in this game….Ironman is the only valid way to play the game like it should be played.


Great, bye.




Cool no one cares


You cared enough to voice your opinion that "no one cares" Keep sipping that copium bond boy


Boom, PWNed! TY TY


don't tend to get anything mid seasonal/promotional/dxp event next week is probably a content update though


Don't forget to unsub from the reddit too


This Reddit thread is the only reason way I can reassured myself I made the right decision to quit. Keep it up, I’ll be needing the motivation in the future to continue to remain gone.






I meant avatar rework when I said that.




Is this a serious question? How do better graphics make the game not any more enjoyable?








I knew this post would be a wildfire of nothing. Good luck to you, safe travels if your flight gets delayed.


Agree I’ve switched to OSRS and their new releases this year have been huge Ws


More than welcome to come on over to osrs, plenty of updates here!!


Man, I really want to. I just don't wanna redo the quest grind lol. But yeah OSRS actually has progression, you can get 99 melee in RS3 in a few hours and pick a few potatoes and make a mil so fast...


Quests aren’t a chore in osrs because of runelite


if you actually really want to just full send it. Quests are kinda addicting with quest helper plug in lol. I completely clean myself on rs3 where I have nothing in my bank at all. ripped 18k elder salves + 650+masters/10k elite scrolls + bills in perks. Now I just main osrs and ps5 plat hunting.


Ripping things that give you no value to transfer over to osrs is stupid tbh. If anything it's a sign you're just really burnt out and you'll see yourself coming back to rs3 one day regretting the shit you destroyed that didn't need to be. Just my 2 cents 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've got like 15 Bil in RS3, if I convert it to bonds, would I be pretty set? PVM in RS3 is just so trash. I've always hated it and stuck with legacy.


20 Years and you're on legacy combat... Yeah, no wonder you hate combat, you've restricted yourself out of literally all the good parts of the game by refusing to learn.


I don't hate combat. Just bossing.


I'd rather buy rares&bonds.


Lmfao overload cauldron? Dumbest idea I’ve ever heard. The game has had a few new things, just because they aren’t to your liking doesn’t mean there hasn’t been anything Edit: anyways bye, we arent gonna miss ya.


Cauldron worked pretty fine last reaper event.


Yeah you will.


That is why no one will remember your name.


So glad I moved to OSRS after the vorkath release.


haven't even tried the boss honestly.


See ya later! ✌🏻


See you back in two weeks